By road On foot By bike By boat An entire region opens up to you FRANCE - BELGIUM Ardenne All Access, my discovery guide to the French and Belgian Ardennes. www.visitardenne.com/all-access ;OL(YKLUUL The gateways to the Ardennes (SS(JJLZZ^LIN\PKL open to you with the web guide Ardenne All Access provides all the keys to discovering unusual trails www.visitardenne.com/all-access across our region and astonishing points of interest. Let yourself be enchanted!… in three steps : 1 discover 2 prepare 3 travel This web guide’s objective is to suggest routes that are steeped in the Ardennes’ identity and to help you create your own itinerary across the region on foot, by bicycle, by boat, by canoe, etc. The Ardennes region straddles the border between France and Belgium. You can set off along the many circular routes there to discover its OHJHQGVIRUWLðFDWLRQVDEEH\VPDQ\ types of beer and smugglers’ paths. This 20-page brochure gives brief details of the cross-border routes in the Ardennes and things and places to discover along them. You can read or download it at: www.visitardenne.com/all-access The Beer CONTENTS ;OL3LNLUKZ 9V\[LHUK 7HNLZHUK ;YHPS 7HNLZHUK P[ZÅH]V\YZ ;OL-VY[PÄJH[PVUZ .YLLU9V\[LZ 7HNLZHUK ;YHPS 7HNLZHUK HUK9(=L3 ;OL(IIL`Z Other 7HNLZHUK ;YHPS 7HNLZHUK KPZJV]LYPLZ ;V\YPZ[VMÄJLZ ;OL9PTIH\K HUK4HPZVUZ 7HNLZHUK =LYSHPUL;YHPS 7HNLZHUK K\;V\YPZTL 1 The means of transport +PZJV]LY+P Your Trail [OL(YKLUULZ selection PUYV\[LZ Information HUKWPJ[\YLZ on the trail We’re off Pictures on an illustrated of the suggested online discovery stops of maps, texts, Preparation videos, panoramic of your circuit views and photos. in the selected trail 2 Selection of the number 7YLWHYL`V\Y7 of stops, My circuit JYVZZIVYKLY the distance on the trail JPYJ\P[Z and length time Create your own circuits by choosing the things you want to see, including tourist favourites and other less well-known attractions from among the favourites of real 01 Ardennes inhabitants. Then put them in order in a circuit, choosing where to stay overnight an where to stop for meals as required. The visits, walks and good deals of the stop Where to stay ? Where to eat ? 3 ;YH]LS^P[O;S `V\YN\PKL Print your circuit and addresses or download it to your smartphone or GPS. The Ardennes will enchant you! THE LEGENDS TRAIL The Legends Trail (Laforêt) 02 o travel through the Ardennes is to journey through a landscape that has given rise to many Tlegends. Its secret valleys, its deep forests and its IDVWƮRZLQJULYHUVKDYHFUHDWHGOHJHQGVZKLFKKDYHEHHQSDVVHG GRZQYHUEDOO\IURPJHQHUDWLRQWRJHQHUDWLRQDQGZKLFKFRPHWR OLIH DJDLQ ZKHQ \RX DFWXDOO\ ZDON DORQJ WKH SDWKZD\V ZKHUH WKH\ ZHUHFUHDWHG,QWKH6HPRLVYDOOH\ZLVSVRIPLVWGDQFHDURXQG\RX HYRNLQJWKHIDLULHVƮ\LQJDURXQGWKHYLOODJHRI/HV+D\RQVQHDU%RXLOORQ ,Q WKH /HVVH YDOOH\ SDWKV OHDG WR a natural paradise that is jealously JXDUGHG E\ WKH 1XWRQV ,Q WKH KXJH Ardennes Forest, you can hear the HFKRRIWKHKRRYHVRI%D\DUGWKHKRUVH DVKHFDUULHVDZD\WKHIRXUVRQVRI$\PRQ ƮHHLQJ&KDUOHPDJQHLQDWLPHOHVVHQGOHVV IDQWDV\ ULGH 7KH /HJHQGV 7UDLO IROORZV WKH JHQWOHFXUYHVRIWKHKLOOVLGHVDQGULYHUVRIWKLV HQFKDQWLQJ ODQGVFDSH ZKLFK FRPHV WR OLIH DQG WHOOVLWVWDOHVDV\RXPRYHWKURXJKLW Prepare my circuit and receive the practical information needed : THE LEGENDS TRAIL www.visitardenne.com/all-access INDISPENSABLE SPOTS ALONG THE TRAIL Dinant BELGBELGIUMBELGLGIUGIUM La Roche- en-Ardenne LESSE OURTHE Couvin Bastogne By car, by motorbike, Les Hauts-ts Redu by camper, by bicycle Buttés Saint-Hubert Revin Gedinne LiLibinbi Rocroi Choice of 12 stops: Laifour IURPWRNP{ Monthermé SEMOISSEMOIS Bertrix with a trip length Bogny-- Laforêtê sur-Meuseeuse LesL Hayons of 2 to 5 hours by car Bouillonllon and 4 to 10 hours by bike Charleville-Mézières Florenville Public: Sedan Arlon for all ages, Croix-Rouge activities for children MoMontauban along the trail Virton FRRANCEAANNCE Montmédy 6+$5(285(17+286,$60{ 03 THE ENCHANTED THE FOUR SONS OF AYMON THE ELFE KAOLIN PARK IN THE ARDENNES NETWORK Enchantment, dreams and discoveries await visitors The Ardennes are strewn with the real or imaginary 7KLV JURXS RI WUDLOV DQG KLNLQJ SDWKV UHYHDO WKH WRWKH.DROLQ3DUNDW/LELQ$FFRUGLQJWROHJHQGWKLV WUDFHV RI WKHVH IRXU GHƬDQW VRQV ,W GRHVQoW PRVWEHDXWLIXOSDUWVRIWKH/D&URL[6FDLOOH)RUHVW IRUPHUNDROLQTXDUU\ZKHUHOLPSLGZKLWHFKLQDFOD\ really matter if their famous escape happened in DQGWKHQHDUE\)UHQFKFRXQWU\VLGH7KHUHDUHWZR was dug out of the earth, is the home of mysterious Montauban, Dinant or Bogny, the same Ardennes ZD\PDUNHGSDWKVZLWKH[SODQDWRU\SDQHOVRQHLVD OLWWOHJREOLQVZLWKUHGKDWVFDOOHG1XWRQV )RUHVWZDVWKHLUUHIXJH$W%RJQ\VXU0HXVHNP GXFNERDUGHGSDWKLQ/D)DQJHGHOo$EÉPHDQDUHD QRUWK RI &KDUOHYLOOH0Ä]LÃUHV D URFN\ RXWFURS LV RI UHPDUNDEOH ELRGLYHUVLW\ DQG WKH RWKHU IROORZV Visitors can follow in the footsteps of these clever KRPHWRDVWRQHVWDWXHRIWKHIRXUEURWKHUVƮHHLQJ RQHRIWKHSDWKVXVHGE\5HVLVWDQFHƬJKWHUV OLWWOHZRUNHUVE\IROORZLQJDQDPXVLQJWUDLOWKURXJK WKHZUDWKRI&KDUOHPDJQH the forest, where they can really recharge their Also within the group are trails in the Espace de EDWWHULHV This unusual site can be reached by following a /RLVLUV )RUHVWLHUV (XURSÄHQV (/)( RU (XURSHDQ ZRRGODQGSDWKIURPWKH&K½WHDX5HJQDXOWGLVWULFW )RUHVW/HLVXUH$UHD ZKLFKUXQVIRUNPDORQJWKH Follow the Nutons trail and let yourself be which leads to a viewing point where you can see )UDQFR%HOJLDQERUGHUDQGLQFOXGHVVXEOLPHKLNHV transported to the marvellous, imaginary world of the proud statue of the four sons of Aymon who IURP/D&URL[6FDLOOHWRWKH0HXVHYDOOH\WR)XPD\ WKHOHJHQGDU\$UGHQQHV ZHUH VRXJKW DOO RYHU (XURSH E\ &KDUOHPDJQHoV via the Millenium Tower, whose viewing platform VROGLHUV P DERYH WKH JURXQG RƪHUV XQLTXH SDQRUDPLF YLHZVIRUPRUHWKDQNPRYHUWKHpJUHHQRFHDQq RIWKH$UGHQQHV)RUHVW7KHUHDUHDOVRWZRDPXVLQJ 7UHDVXUH +XQW 7UDLOV RQH DW /D &URL[ 6FDLOOH WKH RWKHUDW+DUJQLHV0DSVDQGWUHDVXUHKXQWFOXHVDUH SURYLGHGLQEURFKXUHVDYDLODEOHDWWKHVWDUWSRLQWV 4XDUWLHUGH&K½WHDX5HJQDXOW 5RXWHGH6PXLGr%/LELQ )%RJQ\VXU0HXVH Info. : Maison du Tourisme du Pays Info. :2ƯFHGH7RXULVPHGHV%RXFOHVGH0HXVH Info. : Val d’Ardenne Tourisme (see p.16) GHOD+DXWH/HVVH VHHS et Semoy (see p.16) 2ƯFHGH7RXULVPHGH*HGLQQHr THE FORTIFICATIONS TRAIL The Castle of Sedan 04 iven its position at the crossroads of the Germanic and Latin parts of Europe, the Ardennes region is G strewn with evidence of its tumultuous and violent past. 7KH SRZHUIXO IRUWUHVVHV ZKLFK WRZHU RYHU WKH ODQGVFDSH IURP KLJK URFN\ RXWFURSV KDYH JLYHQ ULVH WR P\WKV DQG OHJHQGV 7KHLUWKLFNZDOOVEHDUZLWQHVVWRDWKRXVDQG\HDUVRIVLHJHVZDUVDQG SLOODJH%RXLOORQ+HUEHXPRQW6HGDQDQG0RQWFRUQHWVWLOOHFKRWRWKH FODVKRIVZRUGVDQGWKHVRQJVRIPLQVWUHOV,QWKHOLJKWƬOOHGYDOOH\RIWKH 0HXVH ZHDOWK\ FLWLHV GHYHORSHG EXWWKHLUULFKHVKDGWREHGHIHQGHG 7KH )RUWLƬFDWLRQV 7UDLO WDNHV \RX DORQJ WKHVH PHGLDHYDO FRPPHUFLDO URDGV ZKHUH WKH IDWH RI (XURSH ZDV GHFLGHGRQFRXQWOHVVRFFDVLRQV 7KH0HGLHYDO&DVWOHRI%RXLOORQ Prepare my circuit and receive the practical information needed : THE FORTIFICATIONS TRAIL www.visitardenne.com/all-access INDISPENSABLE SPOTS ALONG THE TRAIL Charleroi Namur SAMBRESAMBRE MEUSMEUSEEUSEE Durbuy Yvoir Bouvignes-s/Meuse Dinant BELGBELGIUMBELGLGIUGIUM La Roche- Walcourt Falaënn en-Ardenne Celles Philippeville Givet LESSE RochefortRo OURTHE By car, by motorbike, by camper Couvin Vireux- Lavaux- Bastogne Molhain Ste-Anne Chimay Choice of 22 stops: Fumay Saint-Hubert IURPWRNP{ Rocroi with a trip length of 1 to 3 hours by car SEMOISS Montcornet Bouillon Herbeumont Public: Charleville-Mézières for all ages, ChinyCh Les Ayvelles activities for children Sedan Florenville Arlon along the trail MontaubanM Villy-la-Ferté VirtonV FRRANCEAANNCE Montmédy Montquintin 6+$5(285(17+286,$60{ 05 THE TWO CASTLES 9,//<Ǖ/$Ǖ)(57¤)257 THE DINANT TRAIL ON THE MAGINOT LINE CITADEL $OORZ WZR GD\V WR IROORZ WKLV FHQWXULHVROG WUDLO $WSPRQ0D\WKH*HUPDQDUP\EHJDQLWV The citadel proudly dominates the town of Dinant OHDGLQJ IURP 6HGDQ &DVWOH LQ )UDQFH WR %RXLOORQ assault on this fort, one of the main strongholds on DQGWKH0HXVHYDOOH\,QWKHSDVWLWKDVZLWQHVVHG &DVWOHLQ %HOJLXP,WoVD WUDLO GRPLQDWHGE\ZDWHU the Maginot line, and the only one where a battle PXFKƬJKWLQJIURPWKHVLHJHE\.LQJ/RXLV;,9RI IRUHVWDQGQDWXUH WRRNSODFH )UDQFHoV DUP\ LQ WR RFFXSDWLRQV E\ )UHQFK 'XWFKDQG*HUPDQWURRSV Although it travels through two neighbouring 7KH*HUPDQVEOHZXSWKHDUPRXUHGJXQWXUUHWVRQ GLVWULFWV WKH\ DUH TXLWH GLVWLQFW 2QH QHVWOHV LQ D WRSRIWKHIRUWRQ0D\DQGWKHQGURSSHG 7RGD\YLVLWRUVFDQFOLPEVWHSVRUWDNHDFDEOH fold in the Ardennes hills while the other spreads H[SORVLYHVKHOOVLQVLGHVXƪRFDWLQJWKH)UHQFK car to visit the fortress and its surviving defences, RXWDURXQGWKH5LYHU0HXVHQHDUWKHƬUVWULGJHRI VROGLHUVVWDWLRQHGWKHUH plus a museum, plus viewing platforms from which WKH3DULVEDVLQ WR HQMR\ IDQWDVWLF SDQRUDPLF YLHZV RI 'LQDQW DQG Today, visitors can travel down to 35m below WKH0HXVHYDOOH\ 7KH WZR WRZQV KDYH EHHQ OLQNHG IRU PRUH WKDQ D ground level on an impressive visit that will show WKRXVDQG\HDUVVLQFHWKH7UHDW\RI9HUGXQLQ$' WKHPKRZVROGLHUVLQWKH0DJLQRWOLQHIRUWVOLYHG 1HDUE\ LQ WKH IDPRXV p6SDQLVK KRXVHq DW E\ ZKLFK &KDUOHPDJQHoV HPSLUH ZDV GLYLGHG 7KLV 7KHIRUWLVVLWXDWHGNPVRXWKRI6HGDQ Bouvignes, the Meuse Valley Mediaeval Heritage FLUFXODUWUDLOJLYHV\RXDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRH[SHULHQFH 0XVHXP WDNHV \RX RQ D MRXUQH\ EDFN WKURXJK LWV WKH )LUVW &UXVDGH ZLWK *RGIUH\ RI %RXLOORQ DW WKH OHJHQGDU\KLVWRU\ $UFKÄRVFRSH 0XVHXP DQG WKHQ WKH ODUJHVW IHXGDO IRUWUHVV LQ (XURSH DW 6HGDQ DQG DOVR WR HQMR\ mediaeval festivities at both castles, separated by WKHGHOLJKWVRIDKXJHIRUHVW-XVWEUHDWKHLQ )/D)HUWÄVXU&KLHUV 3ODFH5HLQH$VWULGr%'LQDQW Info. : 2ƯFHGH7RXULVPHGX3D\V6HGDQDLV
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