CONTRIBUTOR BIOGRAPHY SOURCES These sources for the contributor biographies are included so that you know where the material came from. To confirm the accuracy of facts such as names, birth dates, and places of incarceration, sources such as the National Archives and Records Administration (War Relocation Authority Record Group 210), US Census Records, Ancestry.com, FamilySearch.com, Legacy.com, and Findagrave.com were also referenced. Hatsune “Helen” Aihara (Kitaji) Findagrave.com “Hatsune Helen Aihara Kitaji.” https://www.findagrave.com /cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=146375813. Historical Society of Stanford University. “Memorial Resolution, Harry John Rathbun (1894–1987).” https://web.archive.org/web/20140924040526 /http://historicalsociety.stanford.edu/pdfmem/RathbunH.pdf. Kitaji, Gail, and Jean Kitaji, email correspondence, July 27, 2020. 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Yoshihiko Fred Fujikawa California State University, Long Beach Virtual Oral/Aural History Archive, Fred Fujikawa, March 24, 2020. http://csulb-dspace.calstate.edu/handle /10211.3/215362. 5 Larson, Sarah. “How Gyo Fujikawa Drew Freedom in Children’s Books.” The New Yorker, June 21, 2019. https://www.newyorker.com/books/page -turner/how-gyo-fujikawa-drew-freedom-in-childrens-books. McDowell, Edwin. “Gyo Fujikawa, 90, Creator of Children’s Books.” New York Times, December 7, 1998. https://www.nytimes.com/1998/12/07 /arts/gyo-fujikawa-90-creator-of-children-s-books.html. Takahashi, Dean. “Ethnic Persecution Didn’t Stop Doctor: Y. Fred Fujikawa, Retired Surgeon.” https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-05-20 -me-208-story.html. Woo, Elaine. “Children’s Author Dared to Depict Multiracial World.” Los Angeles Times, December 13, 1998. https://www.latimes.com/archives /la-xpm-1998-dec-13-mn-53751-story.html. Edward Kanta Fujimoto Densho Digital Repository. “Grace F. 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