.- ,,., ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ,~ A TYY V'~Y~ Tr'Vl~ Ttr'11T% ?T'IITd'%lT A I-Tr' r% 1%'r 7 T f- 1 'TVh'Y'1 DOCVUMENT Ui1NTER1INAT1uiONALOF ' 'A BANIK FOORI RECONSTRIUAICTIION ANDLi DEVELIOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Public Disclosure Authorized Not For Public Use _ PS-13 .~VOL. 3 Report No. PS-13 Public Disclosure Authorized LAND AND WATER RESOURCES SECTOR STUDY BANGLADESH (in nine volumes) VOLUME II THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIALS AND CONSTRAINTS GONTATNTNG: Techniral Report No. 1 - Reginnnl DlPo1Apment FraeTnwork Public Disclosure Authorized Technical Report No. 1 - Land Capability Potentials and ConsQtraints 'iiec emL.er1,97 Public Disclosure Authorized Asia Projects Department This report was prepared for official use only by the Bank Group. It may not be published, quoted I or cited without Bank Group authorization. The Bank Group does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the report. IMLTALLS APJJ ACROUIriS USED M- M!illlion HYV - High Yielding Varieties ADC - Agricultural Development Corporation TIP - Thana Irrigation Program RWP - Rural works Program LLP - Low Lift Pumps BG - Broad gauge RR Line MG - Metre gauge RR Line IWTA - inland Waterway Transport Authority IWT - Inland Waterway Transport BSIC - Bangladesh Sma 1 Industries Corporation Note "The Land and water Resources Sector Study - Bangladesh" dated December 1, 1972 was prepared between May 1971 and the summer of 1972 under the general supervision of the Bank, by staff members of the Bank, and FAOf with substantial help from consultants. The UNDP and the Bank shared the cost of the consulting services. The study is made available on the understand- ing that it does not necessarily represent the official position of the Government of Bangladesh or of the Bank. The study is based mostly on data collected prior to March 1971. Although some of the infonmation contained in the study is out of date, the essence of it is valid and it should be useful to the Government of Bangladesh and to other countries, agencies, and institutions interested in the development of Bangladesh. BANGLADESH - SECTOR STUDY VOLUME II - THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIALS.AND CONSTRAINTS i. This Volume describes and analyzes the physical factors which influence land use and agricultural development possibilities in Bangladesh and the related. factors influencing the development process. In this Volume, important physical, economic, and.social considerations are p gsented on a regional basis, according to four major regions of Bangladesh* to highlight the differing potentialities and.constraints on d.evelopment in the country. Information contained in this Volume is largely based. on soil and.land.cap- ability data provided by the FAO/UNDP assisted Soil Survey Project of Pakistan, and on hydrological data provided.by EPWAPDA. More detailed, information remains in the detailed. reports produced.by the Soil Survey Project and can be obtained by reference to the specific report covering that area. ii. While reading this Volume, the Summary Maps at the end should be consulted. Reference is also made to the large-scale Analytical Maps (in the separate folder) and. to the Technical Report No. 4 where the present land. use and landcapability data have been quantified, various kinds, levels, and. rates of development inputs assumed. and. future production values derived,by computer analysis for each region, and.for "development units" within each region. Both this Volume and Technical Report No. 4 helped to formulate the development strategy outlined, in Volume I. 4 4ii Technical Repn.t Pi-. 1 tinnl-nA&d in this Vollm d-rjwiba each op t w four regions of &ngladesh. Specifically, it outlines for each region the hisitomr, _ami,n4ist.ra+ton, populatiAn, urbar.ob a+±o.4 labor force,-- ve-- -- physiography, soils, climate; present land use and potential; present and rlinArmmr ,ehairlnT-nmar%t activi+.4"*.at anv +r n .,tio. -- - --- , uAa^"4c p ."A Oa- 4-- 's. iv Technical Report No. 2 ecribes and an^vales, on. the basis of the UNDP Soil Survey Project, the land factors which influence land use and agricl+1tal Awvelop-^t%^c&4M14l+vies- ~*~j~*** ' - 4-AI.& n LJWU- -u- I &4LO h MA_eLU I .LJyi C.La pro-jJLL1 vides the basis for the formation of an agricultural strategy to increase ~n,,' .A AAnAAo1,^ _.u +t,e A .1 A.+4A1. A..J A.. n __J v.i 9., _- I__nq_ " .b ~ &4W'A"VW. ULWL& CLI J.~LUAJ.j, &aJJJ.Lu..LJ aULL ~JLUL .LJa possible. The classification considers the land as it is at present and the relat±4ve ease or A4ffi_l+ty of overcomi4g eXist4g limitations, especially by irrigation and drainage. It provides a uniform basis for evaluating agr±cultural and water control developmen,t possibilities throughout Bangladesh. / These four major physical regions should not be confused with the four -. 4-r D-1l44- 'A4 Di .LJsi of 4th uu.LIL.. INTERNATIONAL B ANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION R A EG.J-LI-^nES H T AAtM A%TTh1JAW PVPQAfTTPDrQ qPtPTAv QTTflV VOLUME II THE RBGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIALS AND CONSTRAINTS TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 1 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK December 1, 1972 Asia Projects Department BANGLADESH - SECTOR STUDY VOLUM4E II - REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIALS AND CONSTRAINTS TECHNICAL REPORT- NO. 1 REGIONIAL D-,VELOP1NT FWAIE'OflK1-/ TABLE OF CONTTENTS SUNOIARY AND CONCLUSIONS I. INTRODUCTION ± II. THE NORTHWEST REGION 2 A. The Setting 2 Location 2 History 2 Administration 2 B. Human Resources 4 The People 4 r)tmo2ra4hy h Labor Force 5 Urbanization 5 Literacy 6 C. Physical Resources 7 Physiography and Soils 7 Climate 8 D. Present Land Use and Development Potential 10 Present Land use 10 Development Potential 12 E. Development Implications 15 Water Projects and Programs 15 Completed Projects 16 On-going Projects 17 The Future 17 Transportation 18 Rail 19 Highways 20 Waterways 21 Local Transnortation 21 1/ Thli -reort.wasnrpnared by Messrs R- O'Sullivan. H Rashid and W. Drewes -2- Page No. Industry 22 III. THE CENTRAL REGION 24 A. The Setting 24 Location 24 History 24 Administration 2L B. Human Resources 26 The People 26 Demography 26 Labor Force 27 Urbanization 27 Literacy 27 C. Physical Resources 29 Physiography and Soils 29 Climate 30 D. Present Land Use and Development Potential 32 rru-ex, ±And 'use 32 Develdpment Potential 33 E. Development Implications 36 Water Projects and Program 36 Completed Projects 37 On-going Projects 37 The Future 38 Transportation 38 Rail 39 Y.ighways 40 Waterways 41 T ocal Trars-port I Ir.dustry 0l A.The Seti.glJ. LA*k I.L THEZ SOVUTnwrwS "AL.GION 44 la. U tLL..LLLr, 4L4 Page No. LocationL-l L44 History 44 A A. 4istra-lon,i 44 B. HumanaResources 445 The People 45 Demography 45 Laduor Force 4 Urbanization 46 Literacy 47 C. Physical Resources 43 Physiography and Soils 48 Climate 49 D. Present Land Use and Development Potential 51 Present Land Use 51 Development Potential 53 E. Development Implications 55 Water Projects and Progress 55 Completed Projects 56 On-going Projects 58 Transportation 53 Rail 59 Highways 60 Waterways 60 Local Transport 62 Industry 63 V. THE EASTERN REGION 64 A. The Setting 64 Location 64 History Administration 64 B. Human Resources 66 The People 66 Demography 6 Labor Force 7 -4- Page No. Urbanization 68 Literacy 68 C. Physical Resources 69 Physiography and Soils 69 Climate 70 D. Present Land Use and Development Potential 72 Present Land Use 72 Development Potential 74 E. Development Implications 76 Water Projects and Programs 76 Comnlpted Proiects 77 On-going Projects 78 'fhe Future 78 Transportation 79 RDil 80 Highways 81 Waterways 81 Local Transport Industry 82 List of Tables 1. Estimated Acreage Suitable for Specified Crops by Land Vevelopmk,ent Unito - IvorjLawes u RLegioni - urop k uuu acres). 2. Estimated Proportion of Land Suitable for Specified Crops IL T -3 _TN----- -t_ . _ - ___/-. _ __ - AC - -- _~ . X by Land D-evlopleull unitL - Northnwest Region - urop (% Of toTal area). 3. Estimated Acreage Suitable for Specified Crops biy Land Development Unit - Central Region - Crop ('000 acres). 4. Estimated Proportion of Land Suitable for Specified Crops by Land De-velopment Unit - Central Region - Crop (% of total area). 5. Estimated Acreage Suitabie ior Specified Crops - by Land Develop- ment Unit - Southwest Region - Crop ('000 acres). 6. Estinmated Proportion of Land Suitable for Specified Crops by Land Development Unit - Southwest Region - Crop (% of total area). -5- 7. Estimated Acreage Suitable for Specified Crops - by Land Development Unit - Eastern Region - Crop ('000 acres). 8. Estimated Proportion of Land Suitable for Specified Crops - by Land Development Unit - Eastern Region - Crop (% of total area). 9. Regional Comparison of Transportation Coverage: Arterial Routes. 10. Regional Comparison of Local Transportation Modes. 11. Regional Comparison of Local Telecommunications. 12. Regional Comparison of village accessibility to major transportation facilities. 13. Distribution of Public Call Offices (PCO's) in June 1970. BANGLADESH - SECTOR STUDY VOLUME II - RfEGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIALS AND CONSTRAINTS TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 1 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK SUMMAR! AND CONCLUSIONS The Land i. The Northwest (NW), Central (C), Southwest (SW), and Eastern (E) regiom cover respectively 24.5%, 16%, 28% and 31.5% of the total 55,000 sq. miles of Bangladesh. Much of the land in the Northwest Region is higher than in the rest of the country except for the hilly area along the eastern boumdary of the Eastern Region, and as a result flooding is less deep and extensive than elsewhere. The landscapes in the Central Region are lower and relatively flat. The Southwest Region has very flat terrain and is interlaced with rivers and tidal channels. The Eastern ReRion has a very varied physiography ranging from very flat lowland in the north, which is srnhbe.t to the deeneat floodinz in the counkcv to steeply sloping hills in the southern Hill Tracts.
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