IJF World Ranking List

IJF World Ranking List

IJF World Ranking List Latest Update: 14/06/2021 The World Ranking List will consist of points from: Continental Open, Grand Prix, Grand Slam, Masters, Continental Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games: The points for each individual tournament will expire as follows (in force again from 15th August 2021): ⚫ In the first 12 months after the tournament the points will count 100% ⚫ After 12 months the points will be reduced to 50% ⚫ After 24 months the points will be reduced to 0 and not accounted anymore POINTS CONT. OPEN GRAND PRIX Continental Ch. World Ch. Juniors GRAND SLAM MASTERS WORLD CH. SEN Olympic Games The dividing line is the following week (week number) in which the tournament was held. 1st place 100 700 700 700 1000 1800 2000 2200 Example: If tournament is held in week 17 of year Y, the points are reduced to half on the beginning of week 18 in the 2nd place 70 490 490 490 700 1260 1400 1540 next year (Y-1) and expired in the beginning of week 18 in the year after (Y-2). 3rd place 50 350 350 350 500 900 1000 1100 Beginning of the week is defined as Monday. 5th place 36 252 252 252 360 648 720 792 Exceptions: - For the equal treatment of all Continents, the Continental Championships will be treated as they were held on week 7th place 26 182 182 182 260 468 520 572 number 17 regardless of the week number that they are organized in. The points reduction/expiration will be done on 1/16th 16 112 112 112 160 288 320 352 Monday of week 18. 1/32nd 12 84 84 84 120 0 240 264 8 1 contest won 10 70 70 70 100 216 200 A minimum of one contest must be won in order to get points for a tournament participation 0 6 6 6 10 200 20 Exception: In Grand Prix, Grand Slam, World Championships and Continental Championships points will be given for Starting from 1st June 2020: participation as well (starting 2013, before only WC). Due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation, points for the senior WRL will be obtained in the following periods: • First period: 5+1 best results from 25th May 2018 to 23rd May 2019 will count 50%. Additional Rules: • Second period: 5+1 best results from 24th May 2019 to 28th June 2021 will count 100%. In case of equality of total points, the higher ranking will be decided by: ⚫ The highest sum of the current points from all World Championships. For the Olympic qualification the WRL of 28th June 2021 will be used with the adapted periods for event point ⚫ The highest sum of the current points from all Grand Prix, Grand Slams and Masters. expiration. ⚫ The highest current points from one single event, then, if needed, the second highest, and so on. This WRL will also be used for the seeding of the competition. From the 15th August 2021 the previous rules will ⚫ If the competitors are still equal the decision will be taken by the IJF EC in case of Olympic Qualification. be put back in place again. If a player changes nationality during Olympic Qualification period he/she loses all points in the WRL and has to - For the Olympic Qualification Ranking: start with 0. GP Hohhot 2018 will be included with 50% and GP Hohhot 2019 will be included with 100% Masters 2018 will be included with 50%, Master 2019 and Masters 2021 will be both included with 100% Only the best result between Continental Championships 2020 and 2021 will be taken into consideration. For any questions, corrections or feedback please contact: [email protected] -60 kg IJF Senior World Ranking List 14/06/2021 Ranking Nation Continent FAMILY NAME Given name Total score Sum World Chs. Sum GP+GS+Masters Total sum Continental '21 Masters '21 Continental '20 Masters '19 Continental '19 Masters '18 World Champs Senior '21 Cont Open ECU '21 Cont Open PER '21 Grand Slam RUS '21 Cont Open CRO '21 Cont Open DOM '21 Cont Open MEX '21 Grand Slam TUR '21 Grand Slam GEO '21 Cont Open KAZ '21 Grand Slam UZB '21 Cont Open CZE '21 Grand Slam ISR '21 Cont Open PER '20 Cont Open SEN '20 Cont Open CMR '20 Grand Slam HUN '20 Cont Open ARG '20 Conr Open POL '20 Grand Slam GER '20 Cont Open AUT/SVK '20 Grand Slam FRA'20 Cont Open POR/BUL '20 Grand Prix ISR '20 Cont Open HKG '19 Grand Slam JPN '19 Cont Open SEN '19 Cont Open CMR '19 Cont Open AUS '19 Grand Slam UAE '19 World Champs Junior '19 Cont Open EST '19 Grand Slam BRA '19 Cont Open LUX '19 Grand Prix UZB '19 Cont Open DOM '19 World Champs Senior '19 Cont Open TPE '19 Grand Prix CRO '19 Cont Open KAZ '19 Grand Prix HUN '19 Grand Prix CAN '19 Cont Open ECU '19 Cont Open ROU '19 Grand Prix CHN '19 Grand Slam AZE '19 Grand Prix TUR '19 Grand Prix GEO '19 Cont Open CHI '19 Cont Open ARG '19 Grand Slam RUS '19 Cont Open PER '19 Gran Prix MAR '19 Cont Open POL/CZE '19 Grand Slam GER '19 Cont Open ITA/AUT '19 Grand Slam FRA '19 Cont Open POR/BUL '19 Grand Prix ISR '19 Cont Open HKG '18 Cont Open CMR '18 Grand Slam JPN '18 Cont Open SEN '18 Cont Open AUS '18 Grand Prix NED '18 Grand Prix UZB '18 Cont Open KAZ '18 Grand Slam UAE '18 World Champs Junior '18 Grand Prix MEX '18 Cont Open GBR '18 World Champs Senior '18 Cont Open DOM '18 Cont Open BLR '18 Grand Prix HUN '18 Grand Prix CRO '18 Cont Open TPE '18 Cont Open ESP '18 Grand Prix CHN '18 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 1 JPN JUA NAGAYAMA Ryuju 7670 1820 5850 7670 1800 320 1000 1000 700 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 2 RUS EJU ABULADZE Yago 6239 2000 4451 7291 350 648 490 200 2000 1000 700 6 500 700 6 500 182 700 3 RUS EJU MSHVIDOBADZE Robert 6001 720 4961 6381 200 700 900 1800 700 160 700 260 20 490 700 1400 350 252 4 JPN JUA TAKATO Naohisa 5970 1720 3550 5970 700 1000 1000 720 700 1000 0 2000 700 5 KAZ JUA SMETOV Yeldos 5718 1000 4918 6100 182 200 648 900 700 500 360 1000 700 700 700 260 360 700 6 ESP EJU GARRIGOS Francisco 5689 1180 4050 7225 700 288 350 1260 490 200 1000 260 260 700 160 500 20 252 360 360 10 6 700 252 320 252 7 KAZ JUA KYRGYZBAYEV Gusman 5566 2280 3935 6396 6 288 648 350 200 1400 500 260 260 112 1000 720 182 10 160 10 500 320 490 8 UZB JUA LUTFILLAEV Sharafuddin 5243 1520 4370 6248 182 468 900 252 468 260 10 0 260 260 160 1400 700 252 350 700 182 500 240 100 9 KOR JUA KIM Won Jin 4810 200 5104 5304 1800 288 500 360 700 500 200 6 700 500 10 GEO EJU CHKHVIMIANI Lukhumi 4792 2120 2536 5012 200 6 200 700 200 1000 2000 700 360 500 260 240 252 11 TPE JUA YANG Yung Wei 4632 530 4882 6297 490 1260 200 490 500 700 500 160 350 520 50 350 490 112 160 100 10 350 20 100 112 12 FRA EJU KHYAR Walide 3925 1040 3060 4439 182 648 6 200 252 720 700 160 160 700 320 6 360 490 112 50 10 13 NED EJU TSJAKADOEA Tornike 3896 160 4210 4493 900 6 182 20 360 160 500 10 6 260 160 20 350 500 500 360 490 10 112 700 240 36 112 112 16 112 14 BRA PJC TAKABATAKE Eric 3702 820 2957 4748 200 700 200 490 648 320 160 260 10 160 160 26 112 10 700 240 252 6 260 10 360 520 182 15 BEL EJU VERSTRAETEN Jorre 3620 680 3559 4802 288 350 200 350 320 160 1000 260 10 10 360 10 182 120 6 240 6 182 10 10 252 10 700 182 360 6 240 50 26 16 RUS EJU OGUZOV Albert 3439 0 3561 3564 900 200 6 468 0 360 260 160 10 350 112 500 350 112 260 490 350 17 GEO EJU NOZADZE Temur 3420 56 3364 3426 6 288 1000 700 360 252 84 700 0 160 500 112 18 GBR EJU MCKENZIE Ashley 3170 380 3112 3985 288 468 6 200 240 360 160 10 6 490 160 20 490 252 350 252 160 160 252 112 240 350 19 AZE EJU HUSEYNOV Karamat 3080 1416 1720 3724 350 112 1000 160 500 360 10 10 10 120 6 160 182 120 112 6 84 6 112 720 112 20 FRA EJU MKHEIDZE Luka 3032 360 2204 3588 490 200 6 288 182 500 500 0 252 120 50 240 84 50 6 260 0 10 252 490 240 70 100 21 MGL JUA DASHDAVAA Amartuvshin 2821 320 2501 2821 200 200 900 500 320 500 500 700 252 0 350 22 ECU PJC PRECIADO Lenin 2762 500 1663 3745 700 200 350 200 700 320 10 160 120 160 182 160 260 20 10 260 160 350 320 6 23 KOR JUA LEE Harim 2634 600 2330 3406 350 200 288 252 240 10 10 10 252 360 120 252 182 350 360 120 720 112 24 MGL JUA LKHAGVAJAMTS Unubold 2608 520 2287 2898 288 468 182 520 10 160 360 160 160 120 10 1000 112 25 UKR EJU LESIUK Artem 2527 570 2388 3569 6 200 252 288 6 240 10 360 160 160 112 160 350 10 6 320 10 252 252 490 120 6 120 252 160 20 182 26 GEO EJU PAPINASHVILI Amiran 2475 820 1480 2475 350 1260 320 350 1000 1000 350 27 UZB JUA UROZBOEV Diyorbek 2416 320 2106 2426 468 288 10 500 350 320 112 260 490 6 28 BUL EJU GERCHEV Yanislav 2415 960 1829 3296 252 288 252 200 6 520 10 260 10 10 10 10 120 160 6 10 10 10 320 84 112 260 112 350 182 6 10 240 112 6 29 GER EJU PLAFKY Moritz 2360 720 1926 3030 288 6 288 252 320 260 120 10 10 120 84 10 252 160 10 240 6 6 6 6 120 160 160 350 182 320 6 112 30 CZE EJU PULKRABEK David 2282 580 1636 2634 6 200 6 200 112 240 360 10 10 350 10 160 240 84 112 10 260 10 350 200 112 350 31 UZB JUA NURILLAEV Kemran 2257 20 2499 2821 252 20 160 700 500 160 160 112 160 182 112 490 10 6 100 32 TUR EJU AKKUS Mihrac 2157 414 2319 3019 6 200 112 112 240 10 160 160 160 360 490 112 10 112 252 20 182 160 350 160 84 33 USA PJC DIAZ Adonis 2117 50 1607 2247 200 490 200 200 20 10 10 10 10 160 100 10 10 10 6 20 6 350 10 182 160 6 20 182 490 34 MAR AJU BASSOU Issam 1848 392 664 2404 700 490 252 320 120 160 26 6 120 6 20 6 6 6 10 182 10 84 182 20 84 6 6 35 AZE EJU MAMMADSOY Davud 1800 260 1880 2166 20 160 160 1000 160 0 26 160 160 240 0 160 36 BRA PJC PELIM Phelipe 1787 10 1780 1890 200 288 200 10 120 100 360 112 160

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