Index 709 incident 69–70, 426 Beijing Property Management Association 221–2 Acre, Moises 185 “Big V” 417, 425–7 Act for the Punishment of Counter-Revolution Bimber, Bruce 335 49 Blecher, Marc 115 Adidas 127 blogs 6, 57, 68, 142, 239, 243, 325, 334, 337, Administrative Reconsideration Law 267 400–401, 426 Afghanistan 437, 442 Bo Xilai 141, 361–75 Agricultural Bank of China 114 bombs 13–16, 427, 433–6, 439, 442 Ai Weiwei 57, 372 Bondes, Maria 5, 255–6, 267 Ai Weiwei Studios 425 boundary activation 185–7, 195–6, 198 AIDS see HIV/AIDS boundary-spanning contention 291–2 al-Qaeda 442 Buddhism 292, 294–5, 308 All-China Environmental Federation 82 Bulgaria 101 All-China Federation of Trade Unions 119, Bureau of Industrial and Commercial 128–32, 144, 147, 154–5, 159–61, 164 Administration 230 All China Lawyers Association 53 Buzan, Barry 419 Alliance for True Democracy 389 Alpermann, Björn 5, 267 cab drivers see taxi drivers Amity Foundation 294 Cai Yongshun 144, 205 Anderson, Benedict 237 Cairns, Christopher 7 Ansteel 126 Cambodia 441–2 APA 356 capitalism 15, 98, 119, 129, 301, 379 Arab Spring 347 Catholic Patriotic Association 306, 324 Areva 283 Catholicism 14, 292, 305–12, 323, 325, 385 arson 18 CEDA Foundation 299 artists 56–7 censorship 29, 35, 51, 68, 100, 184, 276–7, 288, Asia Briefing Ltd 114 294, 336–8, 346–7, 351–3, 356–7, 418, 425 Asia Foundation 154 see also self-censorship Asia House Foundation 260 during the Bo Xilai scandal 361–75 Asian Games 270–71 Great Firewall 55, 350–51, 353, 355–6 atheism 318, 327 Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution auto strikes (2010) 119–20, 130–32, 156 Victims 259 Central Committee 47–8, 51, 54, 132, 168, 364 Baidu 143, 208 Central Coordination Group for Hong Kong Baidu Baike 340–41 and Macau Affairs 387 Bao Longjun 69 centralism 85–6 Bao Zhuoxuan 69 Chai Jung 244 Baranovitch, Nimrod 407 Chan, Jenny 3, 138, 152 bargaining power 109, 120–22, 125, 131–2 Chan Kin-man 389 Basic Law (Hong Kong) 378–89, 391–2, 395, Chang, Gordon G. 13, 15–16 400 charity 290–301, 316 Bauer, Michael 267 Charter 08 movement 52–3, 55 BBC 355 Chen, Albert 64 Becker, Jeffrey 283 Chen Feng 112, 156 Beijing Art Academy 57 Chen Jiangang 68 Beijing Construction Committee 222 Chen Jianghua 274 Beijing Homeowners Forum 219 Chen Weiguang 161, 164 447 Teresa Wright - 9781786433787 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/01/2021 05:52:44PM via free access M4724 - WRIGHT 9781786433770 PRINT.indd 447 22/05/2019 11:43 448 Handbook of protest and resistance in China Chen Xi 320 Chou Tzu-yu 348 Chen Xitong 13 Christianity 1, 14, 154, 290–91, 295–301, Chen Zhen 412 305–12, 316–26 Cheng Guoping 422 Chu, Eddie 398 Cheng, Joseph 389 Chu Yiu-ming 385, 389 Cheng King-hon, Albert 395–6, 400 Chuang, Julia 200 Cheng Yu-shek, Joseph 385 citizen journalism 370–71, 397, 402 Chin Wan, Horace 389 citizenship rights 106, 138 China Central Television 258, 261, 341, 412, Civic Party 385, 396 418, 427 Civic Passion 399 China Christian Council 298–9, 317, 319–22, Civil Human Rights Front 385–6 324–5 Civil Procedural Law 79, 81, 83 China Consumers’ Association 81 civil society organizations 153–4 China Labor Bulletin 28, 119–25, 131, 137, claim-making 92, 97, 101, 290–93, 300, 333 140–41 claim-staking 290–301 China National Nuclear Corporation 283 class struggle 47–8, 50, 57–8 China Post Group Corporation 114 see also middle class; working class China Strikes 137, 140–41 Cliff, Tom 8, 406, 441 China University of Politics and Law 63, 259 Cold War 383 China Urban Labor Survey 110 collective bargaining 119–20, 122, 128, 130–32, Chinanet 283 137, 156 Chinese Academy of Labor and Social collective petitions 4, 100, 167, 189, 198, Security 113–14 212–13, 216, 219, 222 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 110 in rural China 167–81 Chinese Communist Party 1–2, 9 coming collapse thesis 12, 15–17, 21 Bo Xilai scandal 361–6, 371–2, 374–5 Committee of Beijing Homeowner Central Committee 47–8, 51, 54, 132, 168, Associations (CBHA) 219–31 364 communism 12, 16, 20–21, 92, 101, 151, 292–3, and environmental disputes 253, 276–7, 281, 306, 346–7, 363, 381, 383–4, 387, 399 285–7, 407, 409, 411–12 compensation 196–200, 237, 257, 410–11, and ethnic minorities 407, 409, 411–12, 421, 413–14, 425 423, 426, 432, 434–6, 438, 440–43 Confucianism 85 governing political expression 47–58 construction industry 108, 115, 122, 124, 138, and grassroots organizations 97 146 and Hong Kong 379, 383–4, 387, 391 Consumer Protection Association 81–2 and labor activism 105–16, 119–20, 126, Consumer Protection Law 81 129–32, 144, 151–5 Copenhagen School 419 and the legal system 62–71, 75–88 corruption 13, 16–17, 20–22, 33, 53, 57, 83, Ministries see individual Ministries 96–8, 106, 151, 171, 178, 181, 198, 257, petitioning 167–81, 188 321, 417, 421, 423 see also petitioning Bo Xilai scandal 361–2, 364–6, 374 and religion 290–92, 295, 299–301, 305–9, crime 13, 66, 69, 292, 361–2, 442 311, 316–26 Criminal Law 50–51, 53, 57 and technology 347, 350–51, 355 Criminal Procedure Law 53, 72 and unrest 12–13, 16–17, 21–2, 39 crowd sizes 36–8, 42 Chinese Communist Youth League 350–51 crowdsourcing 154 Chinese People’s Political Consultative Cultural Revolution 47–8, 62–3, 168, 309, 317, Conference 51, 223–4, 226–7, 239, 270, 432 310, 336 cyber nationalists 346–56 Chinese Research Academy of Environmental cyber-petitions see online petitions Sciences 258 Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences Daoism 294, 308 253 democracy 15, 52–4, 229, 282, 353–5, 378–9, Choi Tung-ho 400 381, 390–91 Chomsky, Noam 359 see also universal suffrage Teresa Wright - 9781786433787 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/01/2021 05:52:44PM via free access M4724 - WRIGHT 9781786433770 PRINT.indd 448 22/05/2019 11:43 Index 449 Democracy Development Network 385 Environmental Movement 235–6, 238–9, 245–6 Democracy Wall protests 47–50, 57 environmental nongovernmental organizations Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and 244–5, 247, 253–4, 257–62, 267–8, 273 Progress of Hong Kong 383–4, 388 Environmental Protection Bureau 411 Demosisto 401 Environmental Protection Law 82–3, 267 Deng Xiaoping 12, 48, 56, 63, 76, 152 Epp, Charles 85 Deng Yanhua 100 Equal Opportunity Commission 86 deprivation 17–18, 197 ethnic minorities 1–2, 13–14, 21, 151, 298–9 Dezan Shira & Associates 114 ethnic unrest 417–28 Diba Expedition 346, 348–56, 358 Inner Mongolia 13–14, 21, 406–53 Didi Chuxing 32, 125, 139, 141, 146 shifts in Uyghur-related violence 432–44 digital media 332–42 Uyghurs 1, 9, 13–14, 417–18, 420–24, 426–8, see also blogs; social media 432–4 Dimitrov, Martin K. 101 Xinjiang 13, 21, 35, 356, 372, 406, 417–23, disability 64, 76, 86, 94, 99 427–8, 432, 434–43 dispatch labor 3, 105, 108–9, 113–14, 116, Eu, Audrey 385 126–7, 138 Euromonitor International 122 dissenting media 394–402 European Union Human Rights Committee domestic violence 57 154 Dong Baohua 109 evictions 28, 32–3, 39–41, 64–5, 198 drug addiction 291, 295–301 Dynamics of Contention 187 Facebook 334, 346–8, 350–56, 358, 398–9, 401 faith-based charity 290–301, 316 e-government 93 faith-based nongovernmental organizations East Turkestan Independence Movement 422 294, 298–9 East Turkestan Islamic Movement 438, 440 Falun Gong 12–13, 65, 67, 75, 155, 290, 426 East Turkestan Liberation Organization 438 family planning 53, 107, 117 Eco-Canton 273–4 Fang Cai 138 economic growth 12–14, 21, 50, 76, 105, 107, fangsheng 294–5 120–22, 129–30, 151–3, 159, 253, 268, 276, farmers 12, 14, 21, 167, 184–6, 189–92, 316, 320, 374 195–200, 233, 257, 347 Economy, Elizabeth 268 see also land-related protests Educated Youth 412, 415 FAW-Volkswagen 127 education 1, 34, 41, 53–5, 78, 109, 115, 122–3, Federation of Trade Unions 383–4 125, 153, 231, 256, 267, 318–19, 321, 326, feminism 57 335, 342, 352–4, 379, 398 Feng Yongfeng 260 see also teachers fifty-cent army 347, 351–2, 365, 374 Elfstrom, Manfred 3–4, 28, 34, 152 Fight for 15 campaign 146 employment contracts 76–7 financial crisis (2008) 13, 15, 107, 110–11, 120, see also dispatch labor; Labor Contract Law 137 environmental disputes 2, 30, 33–4, 40–42, 53, financial crisis (Asian) 381 78, 81–3, 86, 100, 151, 291–2, 312, 332, Flanagin, Andrew J. 335 336, 341–2, 374 flooding 12 see also pollution Fong Chi-hang, Brian 389–91 anti-nuclear protests 280–87 Ford Foundation 154 in Inner Mongolia 406–53 Fordism 138 networked contention against waste foreign direct investment 114 incinerators 253–62 formalism 50–52 possibilities for environmental governance Four Big Freedoms 47 266–77 Four Cardinal Principles 47–51 public interest campaigns 235–48 Four Modernizations 48, 58 PX protests 235, 240–41, 244–5, 265, Four Noble Truths 295 332–42 Four Unlikes 245–7 environmental impact assessment (EIA) 243, Fraenkel, Ernst 65, 70 253, 255–6, 259, 261, 269–71, 285 free riding 18, 242 Teresa Wright - 9781786433787 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/01/2021 05:52:44PM via free access M4724 - WRIGHT 9781786433770 PRINT.indd 449 22/05/2019 11:43 450 Handbook of protest and resistance in China freedom of expression 48, 51, 53, 57–8, 64, 98, Hess, Steve 185–6 282, 353, 396, 399 Heurlin, Christopher 4, 167, 256 Friedman, Eli 109 Heywood, Neil 361–2, 364–5, 373 Friends of Nature 82, 260, 267, 273 Hirschhorn Museum 57 Friendship Associations 230 HIV/AIDS 78, 295–6, 298–9, 301 Fu Hualing 2–3 Home of Buddhist Light 295 Fukushima 280–81, 285–7 homeowner activism 2, 9, 28, 30, 32–3, 40, 256 Gallagher, Mary 109 rights protection actions 204–16 Gamson, William 205 in urban China 219–32 Gang of Four 62–3 Homeowners’ Forums 224–6, 228–9 Gao Zhisheng 62–3, 65, 67–8 homeowners’ organizations
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