See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40853229 Endocranial volume and brain growth in immature Neandertals Article in Periodicum Biologorum · January 2007 Source: OAI CITATIONS READS 23 211 2 authors: Hélène Coqueugniot Jean-Jacques Hublin French National Centre for Scientific Research Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology 198 PUBLICATIONS 1,237 CITATIONS 515 PUBLICATIONS 20,418 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Etude anthropologique de La Granède (Millau) View project Micro-CT Analysis of Interglobular Dentine View project All content following this page was uploaded by Hélène Coqueugniot on 04 July 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. PERIODICUM BIOLOGORUM UDC 57:61 VOL. 109, No 4, 379–385, 2007 CODEN PDBIAD ISSN 0031-5362 Original scientific paper Endocranial Volume and Brain Growth in Immature Neandertals Abstract HÉLÈNE COQUEUGNIOT1,2 JEAN-JACQUES HUBLIN1 Microstructural studies have suggested that an extended period of growth 1 was absent in representatives of Homo erectus, and that Neandertals Department of Human Evolution reached adulthood significantly more rapidly than modern humans. In Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology addition to general rate of growth, a prolonged postnatal period of brain Deutscher Platz 6 development allows humans to develop complex cognitive and social skills. 04103 Leipzig, Germany Conditions in brain growth similar to those observed in extant humans were E-mail: [email protected] not established in the first representatives of Homo erectus. To assess the 2UMR 5199 – PACEA, Laboratoire degree of secondary altriciality reached by Neandertals, we examined the d’Anthropologie most complete skulls available for immature Neandertal specimens. The des Populations du Passé, Université endocranial volumes were evaluated by using equations based on external Bordeaux 1 cranial measurements. The proportional endocranial volumes (PEV) of Avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence cedex, these fossils were compared to the PEV of known age modern children from France E-mail: Western Europe and to a developmental series of Pan troglodytes.We [email protected] present an estimation of the cranial capacity of Krapina 1. Although Neandertal children are close to the modern variation, the position of the youngest specimens in the upper range of variation led us to propose that Key words: Krapina 1, Neandertals, Neandertals may have displayed a slightly more primitive pattern with endocranial volume, secondary altriciality, respect to the speed of brain growth. brain, growth and development GENERAL RATE OF GROWTH umans differ from other primates in their development pattern Hand particularly in the marked lengthening of their growth pro- cesses. These differences have a number of implications, not only in biological terms, but also in terms of social organization, mating strate- gies, and an extension of the learning period. However, to date, the precise point when a modern growth pattern was established during the course of human evolution still remains obscure. Dental and so- matic growth are highly correlated across the primate order (1–4). Thus, advances on the issue of differences in life history between hominin species result primarily from an emphasis placed on dental development and, more specifically, microstructural studies. Recent reassessments of the life history in extinct hominins based on dental studies suggest significant differences in the timing of individual de- velopment (5, 6). Based on the analysis of the enamel apposition rate, Dean et al. (5) established that an enlarged period of growth was absent in representatives of Australopithecus and early Homo, and specifically Received June 1, 2007. Homo erectus. These species more closely align with extant apes than with recent humans. Hélène Coqueugniot and J.-J. Hublin Brain growth in Neandertals A long-standing controversy surrounds the question absolute size of the brain for a relatively long time after of whether Neandertals shared the prolonged growth birth. periods of modern humans. Dean et al. (5) suggested that This phenomenon is invoked to explain some unique Neandertals would be at the »fastest« end of modern aspects of brain growth in human children compared to human variation, and two opposing schemas involving other primates. In most primates, brain size reaches a rates of development have recently been proposed for this high proportion of the final adult size before birth (70% fossil group. Ramirez Rozzi and Bermúdez de Castro in macaques, for example) and brain growth slows ra- (6) established that Neandertals reached adulthood sig- pidly after birth (11). An intermediate situation is found nificantly more quickly than modern humans. Accord- in the common chimpanzee, where 45% of the adult size ing to these authors, a short crown formation time in is reached at birth, and 80% of the adult volume is Neandertals indicates that somatic development was not reached by the end of the first year. In humans at birth, as long as in Homo sapiens. The Neandertal anterior brain size is on average only 25% of the adult size and a teeth grew in about 15% less time than those of Upper high fetal growth rate is sustained a full year after birth. Paleolithic-Mesolithic Homo sapiens. Neandertals would At one year of age, the brain is still around only 50% of its therefore have taken approximately 15 years to reach adult size, and it is not before 8 years that it reaches 90% adulthood. Similar conclusions had been reached by ot- (14). A re-sampling method and a large data set (15) her authors some years before through observations on a provide further evidence for our conclusions that humans very limited number of specimens (7). In contrast, Gua- and chimpanzees do not achieve the same proportion of telli-Steinberg et al. (8) have challenged these results, brain growth in utero. Using brain weights, the results suggesting instead that Neandertals did not reach adult- obtained by Desilva and Lesnik (15) differ from what we hood any more quickly than do modern humans. Spe- obtained on endocranial capacity by only a few percent. cifically, they found that Neandertal imbricational ena- This has been confirmed again by the compilation of mel formation times were not faster than those of a living many measurements by Alemseged et al. (16). English population. Post-natal volume increase in humans is an outcome Ramirez Rozzi and Bermúdez de Castro (6) proposed primarily of the development of white matter resulting that Neandertals followed a reverse evolutionary trend from the development and maturation of cerebral con- towards faster dental growth because they differ from nections. Most of this development takes place in the other hominins such as Homo antecessor, Homo heidel- complex extra-maternal environment while the indivi- bergensis and even more so in Homo sapiens with respect dual is already interacting with its surroundings, and the to dental maturation. In their view, this is dependent on way that the human brain grows has important conse- brain/body size constraints. quences in the development of cognitive and social skills. This difference in somatic growth would be consis- During normal ontogeny, there is an extended period tent with previous work that has suggested that characte- of development, during which synapses are retained or ristic differences in cranial and mandibular shape be- eliminated in response to sensory stimulation or motor tween Neandertals and modern humans arose very early activity.Abnormally accelerated brain growth in humans in development (9). On the contrary, Guatelli-Steinberg results in a severe impairment of cognitive skills, and a et al. (8) concluded that, if anterior tooth crown formation dramatic growth spurt in the first year of life leads to periods reflect overall growth periods, then by extension, social and cognitive impairments, as suggested by Cour- Neandertal somatic growth appears to be encompassed chesne et al. (17) in their studies of children affected by within the modern human range of interpopulation va- severe autism. riation. Determining the time of emergence of a modern pat- tern of secondary altriciality in the course of human SECONDARY ALTRICIALITY evolution is therefore of great interest and this question has been extensively debated. One main problem in as- In addition to general rate of growth, another im- sessing this issue results from the fact that we can rely portant aspect of human growth is referred to as »secon- only on cross-sectional studies, and that adult brain size dary altriciality« (10, 11). Humans differ from other displays large degrees of variation, which may be even primates not only in their extended growth period, but more marked in species displaying high levels of sexual also in the relative speed of development of their brain dimorphism. In addition to the uncertainty resulting when compared to speed of development in the rest of from the evaluation of the calendar age at death of im- the body. Because the brain represents a very »expensive mature individuals, their proportional brain size can be tissue« in terms of physiological costs (12), its size at birth computed only relative to a mean of the known adults. is likely constrained by the basal metabolism of the mot- This results in an artificial increase in the observed varia- her (11). In addition, the pelvis size and morphology are bility and overlap between taxa. Computations based on also strongly constrained in bipedal hominins (13). As a the immature Australopithecus africanus from Taung,South result the size of the brain at birth has been under a strong Africa suggest that it conforms to an ape model. Recent selection pressure in recent human evolution and the evidence from the description of the Dikika juvenile increase of adult brain size in recent hominins was made Australopithecus afarensis (16), however, suggests large possible only by extending the rapid fetal increase of the possible variability, if not an intermediate situation be- 380 Period biol, Vol 109, No 4, 2007.
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