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For information on advertising space and rates in the Program Guide, call or write Radio Station KLEF, at 662-5533, area code 713. ONE MOMENT, PlEASE. Felicitations on a New Year and a New their advertising dollar in Beethoven and Program Guide! We much appreciate your his friends. Ultimately, their investment heartwarming support and loyally in the is in you; and any burden of gratitude passing year, and pledge our continuing which you may feel must be no less to energetic promotion of the world's great­ them than to us! They are your benefac­ est music in the year ahead l tors, and are entitled to your support. Any time is a good time to say "Thank Its a noble system, the Revolutionaries You" and again we say it to you who notwithstanding, and its benefits are form the strong and fervent core of those enormous. Virtue shall be rewarded: with in the communily who love fine things. your support and that of our sponsors, we We would remind you that the music you will continue to offer you a steady diet enjoy so much is made possible only by of the greatest manna the musical gods those merchants and other business in­ can devise! terests who are willing to invest part of a new creative, innovative, budget conscious, up to date, group of specialists in sales promotion & advertising. " we never close'' Korshak • Chinchar • Strickler • Inc. 668-2544 KLEF PROG G KLEF program listings are detailed in the following order: composer, soloist; orchestra; conductor; record label and number in parenthesis; "Genesis" Suite- CBC Sym, Craft length of time to the nearest minute. 1 (Col 694) 5. Capital letters indicate major keys and GRIEG: Piano Concerto - Arrau; lower case letters indicate minor keys FRIDAY Concertgebouw Orch Dohnanyi in the music titles. (Ex.; A is A-major, 1 a is A-minor.) 6:00A.M. (Phil WS 9122) 33. Key to abbreviations: SCHUBERT: German Dances - Stuttgart INSTRUMENTS Chamber Orch, Muenchinger bas. bassoon News. WERNER: Suite inC ("January") c. cello from "The Musical Instrumental Calen­ (Lon 15035) II. cl. clarinet dar" - Vienna Chamber Orch, dbl-bs. double-bass 11:00 A.M. eh. eng I ish horn Seipenbusch (MHS 886-88) 7. fh. french horn LISZT: "Rigoletto Paraphrase"- Cherkass~ fl. flute p. (Mer 90520) 7. PURCELL: Hornpipe (Trans. Wood) - g. guitar Ensemble, Birbaum (Mer 90404) 6. lute HAYDN: Symphony #Jo- Vienna Chamber I. ROZSA: Three Hungarian Sketches - o. oboe Orch, Maerzendorfer (Orph 202) 12. organ RCA Italiano Orch1 Rozsa (RCA 2802)17. or. VIVALDI: Violin Concerto, Op.41 #8- p. piano Ayo; I Musici (Phil 2-940) 8. IVES: Violin Sonata #4 ('"Children's Day tr. trumpet va. viola TCHAIKOVSKY: Waltzes- Orch, at the Camp Meeting")- Szigeti, v.; v. violin Kostelanetz (Col 6824). Bogas, p. (Mer 90442) 10. VOCALISTS RAMEAU: Concert en Sextuor #5 - sop. soprano con. contralto 7:00A.M. Toulouse Chamber Orch, Auriacombe m-sop. mezzo-soprano (MG 4) 9. ten. tenor News. BACH: Cello Suite #2- Maurice GRAINGER: "Country Gardens" & "The bar. baritone bs. bass Gendron (Phil WS 3-010) 20. Immovable Do" - Eastman Rochester RECORD LABELS SEVEN ARTS CALENDAR. Orch, Fennell (Mer 18060). Angel Ang MOLTER: Clarinet Concerto in A - AngSer Angel-Seraphim Art Artia Stalder; Cologne Chamber Orch, NOON AudFi Audio Fidelity Mueller-Bruehl (Schwenn 2012) 12. BG Bach Guild CHOPIN: Nocturne, Op.9,#2 (Arr. News. RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Symphony Bar Baroque Bos Boston Harris) - Philadelphia Orch, #2 ("An tar") - Detroit Sym, Paray Cam Cambridge Ormandy (Col 7506) 5. (Mer 18017) 27. Cap Capitol ADAM: Selections from Act II of "Le FALLA: "Nights in the Gardens of Spain" Car Carsan Col Columbia Diable a Quatre" Ballet- London Sym, - En tremont, p.; Phi lade I ph ia Orch 1 Com Command Bonynge (Lon 6454). Ormondy (Col 6629) 23. CRI Composers Recordings, Inc. ConD Concert Disc 8:00A.M. P.M. ConS Connoisseur Society I :00 CP Counterpoint/Esoteric Cross Crossroads News. BONONCINI:''Polifemo" Over­ BEETHOVEN: Military March in D­ Dec Decca ture- New Philharmonic Orch, DGG Deutsche Grammophon Berlin Philharmonic Wind Instrument Ep Epic Leppard (Phil 900-235) 3. Group, Priem-Bengrath (DGG Elec Electrola R.STRAUSS: Horn Concerto#!- Tuckwell; 139045) 7. Ev Everest London Sym, Kertesz (Lon 6519) 16. HERTEL: Trumpet Concerto in D - Zickler; EA Experiences Anonymes GC Golden Crest RESPIGHI-ROSSINI: "La Boutique Mainz Chamber Orch, Kehr HeI Heliodor Fantasque" Ballet - Lamoureux Orch, (Turn 34090) 15. Lon london Benzi (Mer 90386) 27. Lyr Lyrichord KUBELIK: Four Forms for Strings - Mer Mercury English Chamber Orch 1 Kubelik Mon Monitor 9:00A.M. (DGG 139443) 22. MHS Musical Heritage Society DELIBES: "Le Roi s'Amuse" Incidental MG Music Guild Nsch Nonesuch HANDEL: Flute Sonata, Op.1,#2- Music - Royal Philharmonic, Beecham Ol l'Oiseau lyre Rampal, fl.; Veyron-Lacroix, Hps. (Ang Ser 60084). Pari Parliament (Ep 153) 8. Phil Philips PhiiWS World Series FRANCK: Symphony in d - Suisse Romande 2:00P.M. P-3 Project 3 Orch, Ansermet (Lon 6222) 40. Pro Protone Anon.: English Country Dances & Morris News. PERGOLESI: "L 'Oiimpiade" RCA RCA Victor SFM Society for Forgotten Music Dances (Arr. Schulze) - Soloists; Overture - New Philharmonic Orch1 SFr Societe Francaise duSon Telemann Society, Schulze (Vox 50114Q. Leppard (Phil 90Q-235) 7. Som Somerset MOZART: Symphonie Concertonte, K. Tele Telefunken Turn Turnabout 10:00 A.M. 297b - Soloists; Soar Chamber Orch, Ura Urania Ristenpart (Nsch 71068) 32. Van Vanguard News. SCHOENBERG: Prelude to the SIBELIUS: "The Swan of Tuonela" from West Westminster "Legends of Lemminkoinen"- Berlin Ansermet (Lon 6603) II • Chamber Orch, Muenchinger Philharmonic, Korojon (DGG 138974)8, SAINT -SAENS: "The S v.an" from "The (Lon 15035}. Carnival of the Animals" - First Piano 3:00P.M. Quartet (Dec 710047) 3. KODALY: Selections from "Hory Janos"­ 7:00A.M. OFFENBACH: "La Vie Porisienne" Berlin Radio Sym, Fricsay (Hel 25069). Fontosie - RTF Orch, Coriven News. G.CASSADO: "Requiebros" - (Von 242) 6. 8:00P.M. Starker, c.; Pommers, p. (Ev 3222) 5. VERDI: "Di Tu Se Fedele" from "Un J.C.BACH: Sinfonia, Op.18,#3- Bolio Moschere"- J.Bjoerling, ten. News. ROSSINI: "The Barber of Seville" london Little Orch, Jones (Nsch (RCA 2570) 3. Overture- London Sym, Gamba 71165) 14. DVORAK: Symphony #7- London Sym, (Lon 6204) 7. MOUSSORGSKY: Hopok from "The Fair Kertesz (Lon 6402) 38. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: 11 Serenode to at Sorochinsky" (Orch.Jones)­ DOWLAND: Donees- Elizabethan Music" -Soloists, London Sym, Boult Milstein, v .; Orch, Irving (Ang 36002)3 Consort of Viols, Nesbitt (MG 872). (Ang 36698} 13. SEVEN ARTS CALENDAR. BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto #2 - TCHAIKOVSKY: Song Without Words, 4:00P.M. Fleisher; Cleveland Orch, Szell Op.2,#3 (Orch.Hurnick)- Czech (Ep 1137) 28. Chamber Orch, Vlach (Cross 2216- News. MENDELSSOHN: "The Hebrides" 0102) 4. Overture- London Sym, Moog 9:00P.M. BACH: Keyboard Concerto #4 in A - (Lon 6191) 10. Devetzi, P•i Moscow Chamber Orch, ELGAR: "Chanson de Motin", Op.l5,#1- VERDI: "La Donna e Mobile" from Borshai (Mer 90410) 14. PROKOFIEV: Selections from "The Love Royal Philharmonic, Weldon "Rigoletto" (Arr. Dragon) - Capitol Sym 1 (RCA 1377) 3. Dragon (Cap 8440) 3. for Three Oranges" - St. Lou is Sym, HANDEL: Concerto Grosso, Op.6,#8- BRAHMS: Symphony #j- Columbia Sym, Remoortel (Odsy 3216-0344), English Chamber Orch, Leppard Walter (Col 6389) 44. (Mer 9124) 14. MOZART: Selections from Serenade in 8:00A.M. RACHMANINOFF: Suite #1 ("Fantasy") B-Fiat, K. 361 - Musica Aeterna Wind (Trans. Harkness)- Hoiby, p.; Ensemble, Waldman (Dec 710150). News. GURIDI: Prelude to Act 2 of "EI Harkness Sym, Mester (Desto 6431) 19. Coserio" - Spanish Notional Orch, 10:00 P.M. Burgos (Lon 6424) 6. 5:00P.M. WALDTEUFEL: "Tres Jolie" -Vienna News. MONTEVERDI: 3 Madrigals­ State Opera Orch, Paulik (Von 150) 8. News. Anon.: "Pop Goes the Weasel" Camerata Lutetiensis (Nsch 73014} 6. WEBER: Menuetto & Trio- Walker, g.; (Arr.Coilliet)- Notional Sym, Mitchell SAINT-SAENS: Violin Concerto #3- Hecht!, fl.; Geise, va.(Turn 34171}5. (RCA 2704) 5. Campoli; London Sym, Gamba MOZART: Symphony #40- NY Philhar­ BORODIN: "Polovtsion Dances" from (Lon 6084} 26. monic, Bernstein (Col 7029) 28. "Prince Igor" - Chicago Sym, Ozawa WAGNER: Symphonic Synthesis of Act 3 (Ang 36034) 14. of "Parsifal" (Arr.Stokowski)- Houston SEVEN ARTS CALENDAR. Sym, Stokowski (Ev 3031) 17. 9:00A.M. CHABRIER: "Espana" (Trons.Chevillord)­ Aldo Ciccolini, p. (Ang 36627) 7. II :00 P.M. CAZZATI: Sonata for 5 Ports, Op.35 DVORAK: Slavonic Dance, Op.72,#8- ("La Bianchina")- Andre, tr.; Boston Sym, Leinsdorf (RCA 3017) 7. LARSSON: Little March - Stockholm Sym, Bologna Municipal Theatre Orch, Gotti BOZZA: Selections from the Sonatine for Westerberg (Lon 6430) 3. (MHS 893) 4. Bross - NY Bross Quintet (GC 4023). SCHUMANN: Romance, Op.28,#2- SHOSTAKOVICH: Polka & Galop from Artur Rubinstein, p.
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