Can British Divert African Revolution? See Page 3 th e MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. X X IV — No. 9 222 NEW YORK. N. Y., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1960 Price 10c Little Time Left Lincoln’s Birthday Observance Youth Pickets For Chessman Press California Legislature Resist Racist To Abolish the Death Penalty By M. L. Stafford Caryl Chessman still faces the gas chamber. He is Mob Attacks scheduled to die April 20. Gov. Edmund G. Brown has passed the buck to the California legislature. Unless this "No Trespassing" Arrests reactionary body outlaws capi-*- Attempt New lal punishment, Gov. Brown if the pressure mounts again? He Answered by Boycott Action has already said no. will grant no more postpone­ By George Lavan ments although he claims to be The new postponement, Brown Frame-up of against the death penalty. These announced, was due to a State Sit-down demonstrations by Southern Negro students Department telegram telling him are the most important facts against lily-white lunch counters are continuing despite now facing the millions of peo­ that the Uruguayan government M. L. King ple who succeeded in gaining “anticipated hostile demonstra­ iocreased racist violence and the “get tough” policy of another sixty days for the doom­ tions of student elements and Georgia police arrested Rev. state officials. ed man. Sixty days is not much others to Chessman execution” Martin Luther King, Jr., South­ The courageous young fighters against Jim Crow are ern Negro leader, on Feb. 17 at time to bring world pressure to when Eisenhower reaches Uru­ devising effective countermeasures to meet the officially bear on California’s Democratic guay. the request of Alabama officials. recommended tactic of arresting demonstrators for “tres­ and Republican legislators. “The argument is incred­ The charge against the leader of ible," said Revolución, news­ the famous Montgomery, Ala., passing” in the stores. Morc-<- Gov. Brown bowed Feb. 19 to Cops in Richmond, Va„ observed birthday of the Great Emancipator by arresting 35 Negro paper of the July 26 Move­ bus boycott is perjury in con­ over, the students are taking what the New York Times call­ college students. They were charged with "trespassing" by owners of Thalheimer's, city's larg­ ment in Cuba. "The life of nection with the filing of his the initial steps to coordinate ed “mountainous world - wide est department store, for protesting segregated lunch counters. Undaunted youth waves at Student Urges Chessman counts tor nothing, state income-tax returns in Ala­ the demonstrations which in a pressures.” These included two photographers as Jie enters patrol wagon. only the upset stomach which bama where he resided until month have spread into five million signatures from Latin the president of the United last month. southeastern states. America, petitions from India, National Action States might suffer because of King called his arrest “fur­ Typical of the white-supre- Japan and Sweden, a demon­ On Tour tomatoes 'a la Nixon' which ther harassment” because of his macist violence against the stration outside the walls of San Settlement Reached our brothers of the continent campaign against racial segre­ peaceful and disciplined protest At Woolworth’s Quentin. Will the governor might dedicate to him." gation. He dropped his initial movement were the happenings N E W Y O R K , Feb. 25 — A grant another stay in sixty days This is the eighth time in In Wilson Co. Strike Socialist Tasks plan to fight extradition even in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Sit- series of student actions cul­ twelve years that Chessman’s though “it was highly improb­ down demonstrations began there minating a giant one-day coast- execution has been postponed. ALBERT LEA, Minn., Feb. 19 aides that a non-striker h^s the able to get a fair hearing” in on Feb. 19, b u t on Feb. 23 some to-coast demonstration in sup­ Henry Winston While the American courts play­ —Hundreds of striking workers right to a given job then the Loom Large in A labam a. 300 white teen-agers with older port of Negro students fighting ed a cat-and-mouse game with at the Wilson packing plant here striker w ill be placed on a pre­ This latter is an extreme un­ leaders attacked Negroes in the lunch-counter discrimination in him, his ease became famous cheered when they received ferential hiring list. All strik­ Election Year derstatement. Alabama white Kress five-and-dime store. The the South was urged today by Denied Parole throughout the world — prin­ word that an agreement had ers not rehired after two years supremacist officials have re­ white youths threw dishes and Fred Mazelis, a sophomore at cipally because of the autobio­ been reached with the company, w ill no longer be considered em­ New York, N. Y. other items from the counters at Last week the Federal Parole peatedly arrested King since he City College. A founder of the graphy, “Cell 2455. Death Row,” thus ending their 108-day strike. ployees. the Negroes. Some jumped onto Board vindictively denied a Editor: emerged as leader of the bus Eugene V. Debs club at the col­ which he wrote in prison. But their jubilation was short­ (3) Strikers accused of illegal bo yco tt in 1956. the counter, shouting “K ill the lege and an editorial board new plea for a medical parole Before winding up this series Chessman said that his latest lived when the local and inter­ acts during the strike w ill have nigg ers.” member of, the Young Socialist, for Henry Winston, a Com­ of letters I would like to make These unsuccessful frame-up reprieve “transcends the fate of national officers of their union, their cases arbitrated separately Colored shoppers in other Mazelis sparked a petition move munist party leader railroaded a few general observations attempts were on charges such one embattled, condemned man. the United Packinghouse W ork­ on a , plant-by-plant basis. parts of the store were insulted at City College which resulted to prison under the Smith Act about political conditions in the as “loitering” in the court house It puts the question of capital ers AFL-CIO, told them what The union officials had to talk and threatened. One Negro in the Student Council calling for his political beliefs. country and their meaning for to leading an “illegal boycott.” punishment squarely before the the agreement was. hard to sell this settlement to the youth was severely beaten with for a sympathy demonstration socialists. Since income tax evasion is Winston is now in a New people for debate and resolu­ While the settlement includes strikers. They said that getting a bullwhip. at one of the city’s principal merely a misdemeanor in York hospital under police tio n .” pretty much the same economic Wilson to sign any kind of an There is widespread fear of Maintaining discipline, the W o o lw o rth ’’stores Saturday, Alabama, the charge against guard after undergoing emer­ Chessman’s attorneys, Rosalie benefits as won at the other agreement was a big victory. the consequences an atomic war greatly outnumbered Negro M a rch 5. the Negro leader was made gency surgery for a brain tu­ Asher and George T.. Davis, aid­ major packing plants, the pro­ The issue was presented to the would bring. People strongly youth left in a body, under a A ll colleges in the city are perjury— a felony with severe mor. He has lost the complete ed by A. L. W irin, noted Ameri­ cedure agreed to for rehiring workers as a choice between ac­ hope that the present softening heavy barrage of bottles, when being urged to support the de­ prison penalties. sight of one eye and partial can Civil Liberties Union at­ the strikers may mean that half cepting the offer and putting in international relations will the police ordered them out. monstration, Mazelis said, and sight of the other. His critical torney, are organizing a state­ of the 1,000 strikers here will their jobs on the block or con­ lead to world peace; they are Assuming that the charges Eleven whites and one Negro CCNY students w ill distribute condition is due in large meas­ wide campaign to “pressure the never get their jobs back. tinuing the strike and losing anxious for humanity to find a stem ñ'óm a recent grand-jury were arrested. leaflets to high-school students ure to the fact that prison au­ legislature into wiping the [cap­ Strikebreakers have taken their union. way to a live-andrlet-live policy “probe” of the finances of the The next day a larger body calling on them to join the in global relations. thorities denied him proper ital punishment] law off the over these jobs.and whether This threat of losing their Montgomery Improvement As­ of Negro youth arrived down­ picket line. medical care when he needed it. books.” Davis has announced a the scabs hold them p er­ union was based on the attempt Many people think the bipar­ sociation, the organization town only to find even larger Pointing to the student de­ tisan imperialist government in which conducted the bus boy­ Letters to the White House state convention on the issue in manently or make way for re­ of the National Brotherhood of crowds of hostile whites wait­ monstrations under way at urging a presidential pardon i early March, when the legisla- luming strikers is to be de­ Packinghouse Workers, an “in­ Washington has sincere peace cott, King announced he would ing for them. Upqn orders Woolworth and Kress stores in aims along this line; or, to put ask such p ro m in e n t people as havc been urged.
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