THE COVER. OUR COVER The history of the Bureau of Customs is enriched with the knowledge of its illustrious past, covering five centuries of development from the Spanish, American and Commonwealth period towards the birth of a nation that seeks to magnify itself to the world. From the humble beginnings of trading with its neighboring countries in Asia and being part of the Acapulco trade, it has continuously evolved towards an insti- tution that continuously seeks to uphold the best in customs service. The inset picture showing the pillars of the façade of the Port of Manila Building stood magnificently proud of its beginnings and its rich history as an integral part of nation building advocating the call to transform itself as it embarks on treading the straight path towards good governance. Yes- terday, today, tomorrow . the Philippine Customs Service has, is and will always stand tall and steadfastly face up to the challenges of the time. i VISION A modernized and efficient customs administration that every Filipino can trust and be proud of. VALUES As Customs Administration we are committed to: ͙ʲ˔ˑˈˇ˕˕ˋˑː˃ˎˋ˕ˏ˃ːˆʫː˖ˇˉ˔ˋ˖˛ ͙ʶ˔˃ː˕˒˃˔ˇː˅˛˃ːˆ Accountability ͙ʥˑː˕ˋ˕˖ˇː˅˛˃ːˆʵˋˏ˒ˎˋ˅ˋ˖˛ MISSION ͙ʸˋˉˋˎ˃ː˅ˇ˃ːˆʦ˛ː˃ˏˋ˕ˏ ͙ʤˇ˔ˇ˕˒ˑː˕ˋ˘ˇ˖ˑ˖ˊˇːˇˇˆ˕ of the community and industry To assess and collect lawful revenues efficiently As Customs Personnel we are committed to be: To effectively curb illicit trade and all forms of customs ͙ʥˑˏ˒ˇ˖ˇː˖˃ːˆʧˈˈˋ˅ˋˇː˖ fraud ͙ʣ˅˅ˑ˗ː˖˃˄ˎˇ˃ːˆʴˇ˕˒ˑː˕ˋ˄ˎˇ To facilitate trade in a ͙ʪˑːˇ˕˖˃ːˆʦˇˆˋ˅˃˖ˇˆ secured manner ͙ʨˋ˔ˏ˃ːˆʨ˃ˋ˔ To implement relevant ͙ʪˇˎ˒ˈ˗ˎ˃ːˆʥˑ˗˔˖ˇˑ˗˕ technology for an efficient and effective customs ͙ʵˋˏ˒ˎˇˋːˎˋˈˇ˕˖˛ˎˇ management aligned with international customs best practices To promote professionalism and integrity in the service ii Message From The Secretary Of Finance ʫ˃ˏ˒ˎˇ˃˕ˇˆ˖ˑːˑ˖ˇ˖ˊ˃˖ˋː˖ˊˇˈˋ˔˕˖ˈˇ˙ˏˑː˖ˊ˕ˑˈˋˏ˒ˎˇˏˇː˖˃˖ˋˑː of the President’s Customs Reform Program, the Reform Team led by Commissioner John P. Sevilla has delivered promising ˔ˇ˕˗ˎ˖˕ʎʦ˗˔ˋːˉ˖ˊˇ˔ˇˈˑ˔ˏ˒ˇ˔ˋˑˆˑˈʰˑ˘ˇˏ˄ˇ˔ʔʒʓʕ˖ˑʯ˃˔˅ˊ ʔʒʓʖʏ ˖ˊˇ ʤ˗˔ˇ˃˗ ˔ˇˉˋ˕˖ˇ˔ˇˆ ˃ ˅˃˕ˊ ˅ˑˎˎˇ˅˖ˋˑː ˉ˔ˑ˙˖ˊ ˔˃˖ˇ ˑˈ ʔʕʆ ˑ˘ˇ˔ ˖ˊˇ ˕˃ˏˇ ˒ˇ˔ˋˑˆ ˎ˃˕˖ ˛ˇ˃˔ʎ ʶˊˋ˕ ˋ˕ ˃ ˕ˋˉːˋˈˋ˅˃ː˖ ˋˏ˒˔ˑ˘ˇˏˇː˖˅ˑˏ˒˃˔ˇˆ˖ˑ˖ˊˇʗʆˉ˔ˑ˙˖ˊˑ˘ˇ˔˖ˊˇ˒˔ˇʐ˔ˇˈˑ˔ˏ ˒ˇ˔ˋˑˆˑˈʬ˃ː˗˃˔˛˖ˑʱ˅˖ˑ˄ˇ˔ʔʒʓʕʎ ʫː ˊˋ˕ ʔʒʓʕ ʵ˖˃˖ˇ ˑˈ ˖ˊˇ ʰ˃˖ˋˑː ʣˆˆ˔ˇ˕˕ʏ ʶˊˇ ʦˇ˒˃˔˖ˏˇː˖ ˈ˗ˎˎ˛ ˕˗˒˒ˑ˔˖˕ ʥˑˏˏˋ˕˕ˋˑːˇ˔ ʵˇ˘ˋˎˎ˃ ˋː ˊˋ˕ ʲ˔ˇ˕ˋˆˇː˖ ʤˇːˋˉːˑ ʵʎ ʣ˓˗ˋːˑ ʫʫʫ ˃ːːˑ˗ː˅ˇˆ relentless drive to improve the fundamentals of Customs by the public imperative to reform the Bureau taking a full and complete view of systems and developing a ˑˈʥ˗˕˖ˑˏ˕ʎʪˇːˑ˖ˇˆ˖ˊ˃˖˖ˊˇʦˇ˒˃˔˖ˏˇː˖ more modern information technology platform to support these of Finance estimates that the country loses ˒˔ˑ˅ˇ˕˕ˇ˕ʎʶˊˇʦˇ˒˃˔˖ˏˇː˖˃ˎ˕ˑ˕˗˒˒ˑ˔˖˕ˊˋ˕ˆ˔ˋ˘ˇ˖ˑ˃˅ˊˋˇ˘ˇ ˃˖ˎˇ˃˕˖ʲʔʒʒ˄ˋˎˎˋˑːˇ˘ˇ˔˛˛ˇ˃˔˖ˑ˕ˏ˗ˉˉˎˋːˉʏ public accountability by radically opening up its data to public ˑ˔ ˃˖ ˎˇ˃˕˖ ʔʆ ˑˈ ʩʦʲʏ ˙ˊˋ˅ˊ ˅ˑ˗ˎˆ ˊ˃˘ˇ ˕˅˔˗˖ˋː˛ʎʫ˖ˋ˕ˑːˎ˛ˋːˑ˒ˇːːˇ˕˕˖ˊ˃˖˙ˇ˅˃ːˋː˕˒ˋ˔ˇ˒˗˄ˎˋ˅˖˔˗˕˖ funded social services to improve the lives and public support in this comprehensive reform. of our people. The President launched his comprehensive Customs Reform Program ʫ ˃ˏ ˅ˑːˈˋˆˇː˖ ˖ˊ˃˖ ˙ˇ ˙ˋˎˎ ˅ˑː˖ˋː˗ˇ ˖ˑ ˗ːˎˑ˅ˍ ˖ˊˇ ˉ˔ˑ˙˖ˊ shortly after this. potential of the Bureau of Customs, and that the reforms we are undertaking will serve as a continuing narrative of how good Several major policy reform initiatives have governance translates to good economics. been initiated thus far, with the goal of improving checks and balances to the Bureau: Let us continue to work together to build a Bureau of Customs the formation of the Customs Policy Research we can all be proud of—a dynamic, world-class organization Office and the Office of the Revenue Agency manned by public servants committed to a culture of excellence Modernization, the transfer of the Post Entry and integrity. ʣ˗ˆˋ˖ˈ˗ː˅˖ˋˑː˕˖ˑ˖ˊˇʦˇ˒˃˔˖ˏˇː˖ˑˈʨˋː˃ː˅ˇʏ and the reform of the accreditation system. The Bureau has also implemented the tighter enforcement of customs laws at the border through alert orders, investigated customs employees involved in illegal shipments, and CESAR V. PURISIMA filed cases against smugglers. Secretary of Finance 1 Commissioner’s Message To achieve these objectives we must redouble our efforts to stop smuggling, review and revise our systems and processes, make use of modern technology to speed up transactions, and work for the amendment of laws... ʨˑ˔˃ˎˎˑˈ˗˕ˋː˖ˊˇʤ˗˔ˇ˃˗ˑˈʥ˗˕˖ˑˏ˕ʏʔʒʓʕ˙˃˕˗ːˆˑ˗˄˖ˇˆˎ˛ a most memorable one. For many, the year turned-out to be an annushorribilis—a year of trials and tribulations. But it is a year The challenge that will certainly go down in history. ʫː ˖ˊˇ ˏˑ˕˖ ˕˙ˇˇ˒ˋːˉ ˔ˇˑ˔ˉ˃ːˋ˜˃˖ˋˑː ˇ˘ˇ˔ ˗ːˆˇ˔˖˃ˍˇː ˋː before us is not government agency in living memory, the highest officials of this Bureau were replaced and given new assignments. A new batch only to of leaders and senior officials came in just as the entire plantilla change was ordered to go back to their mother units. Coming as it did after a scathing denunciation of corruption by President the ugly image ʤˇːˋˉːˑ ʵʎ ʣ˓˗ˋːˑ ʫʫʫʏ ˖ˊˇ ˏˇ˕˕˃ˉˇ ˑˈ ˖ˊˇ ˔ˇ˘˃ˏ˒ ˙˃˕ ˅ˎˇ˃˔ and unmistakable: shape up or ship out; reform or risk relief from your post. That should serve as fair warning to everyone, of the BOC as a whether old or new, in the Bureau. ʥˑ˔˔˗˒˖ʎʫːˇˈˈˋ˅ˋˇː˖ʎʫː˅ˑˏ˒ˇ˖ˇː˖ʎʶˊˇ˕ˇ˃˔ˇˌ˗˕˖˖ˊ˔ˇˇ˙ˑ˔ˆ˕˖ˊ˃˖ center of corruption ˖ˊˇ˃˘ˇ˔˃ˉˇʨˋˎˋ˒ˋːˑ˄ˇˎˋˇ˘ˇ˕˖ˊˇʤ˗˔ˇ˃˗ˑˈʥ˗˕˖ˑˏ˕˖ˑ˄ˇʎʰˑ˙ we have the opportunity to change that. We owe our people and our country that much. With a new management team in place and with the personnel shakeup largely done, we have been given a fresh start. 2 “Change of Command during the Turn-over Ceremony from outgoing Commissioner Rozzano Rufino B. Biazon to incoming Commissioner John Phillip P. Sevilla witnessed by Secretary Purisima and Deputy Commissioners on December 09, 2013.” Our marching orders are clear: uproot the culture of corruption, revitalize the bureaucracy, and jump-start a virtuous cycle of integrity and true public service. The challenge before us is not only to change the ugly image of the BOC but also to transform the agency as a dynamic, responsive and progressive partner in economic growth and development. As we are ˔ˇ˕˒ˑː˕ˋ˄ˎˇˈˑ˔ˑ˘ˇ˔ʔʒʆˑˈ˖ˑ˖˃ˎˉˑ˘ˇ˔ːˏˇː˖˔ˇ˘ˇː˗ˇ˕ʏ˙ˇːˇˇˆ˖ˑˆˇˎˋ˘ˇ˔ˑːˑ˗˔˅ˑˎˎˇ˅˖ˋˑː˖˃˔ˉˇ˖˕ʎʹˇ need to effectively facilitate the flow of goods in and out of the country while ensuring that local businesses are shielded against unfair competition and our people are protected against illegal drugs, contraband and anti-social goods. To achieve these objectives we must redouble our efforts to stop smuggling, review and revise our systems and processes, make use of modern technology to speed up transactions and work for the amendment of laws that make it difficult to perform our tasks or to prosecute smugglers and their cohorts inside the BOC. But above all, we must change our mindset so that we will look at employment in the BOC as an opportunity ˖ˑ˕ˇ˔˘ˇ˖ˊˇ˒ˇˑ˒ˎˇʏːˑ˖ˑ˗˔ˑ˙ː˕ˇˎˈˋ˕ˊˋː˖ˇ˔ˇ˕˖˕ʎʰˑ˖ˇ˘ˇː˖ˊˇ˄ˇ˕˖ʐˎ˃ˋˆ˔ˇˈˑ˔ˏ˒˔ˑˉ˔˃ˏ˅˃ː˕˗˅˅ˇˇˆ˗ːˎˇ˕˕ it begins within each and every official and employee of the BOC. We need to uproot the vile culture of corruption. We need to create a world-class Bureau of Customs that ˑ˗˔˅ˊˋˎˆ˔ˇː˃ːˆˑ˗˔˒ˇˑ˒ˎˇ˅˃ː˄ˇ˒˔ˑ˗ˆˑˈʎʫ˃ˏ˅ˑ˗ː˖ˋːˉˑːˑ˗˔ˇˏ˒ˎˑ˛ˇˇ˕ʏˑ˗˔˒˃˔˖ːˇ˔˕ʏˑ˗˔˕˖˃ˍˇˊˑˎˆˇ˔˕ and each and every Filipino to help us build a better Bureau of Customs. JOHN P. SEVILLA Commissioner 3 Performance Highlights ʴʧʸʧʰʷʧʥʱʮʮʧʥʶʫʱʰ Revenue collected by the Bureau of Customs reached amounted P304.538-Billion, comprising both cash and non-cash collections. Though total collections was P34.562-Billion or 10.43 percent (10.43%) lower than the P340-Billion collection target set by the Development Budget Coordinating Committee (DBCC), the figure is P14.671-Billion or 5.06 percent (5.06%) over the P289.867-Billion in revenues collected in 2012. Total collections in 2013 reached a milestone in the agency’s 112-year history, on the back of improvements in operational efficiencies and reforms that were undertaken in the last quarter of the year. 84 January – December 2013 Collection Performance (In Billion Pesos) JAN - DEC 2013 (in Billion Pesos) Variance TARGET ʣʥʶʷʣʮ Amount (in Billion Pesos) % TOTAL COLLECTION 340.000 ʕʒʖʎʗʕʚ -34.562 -10.43% CASH COLLECTION 319.490 ʕʒʔʎʓʕʕ -17.537 - 5.43% TAX EXPENDITURE FUND (TEF) 20.510 ʔʎʖʒʗ -18.105 -88.27% Full Year 2012 vs Full Year 2013 Comparative Performance Actual Collection ʊʫːʤˋˎˎˋˑːʲˇ˕ˑ˕ʋ Variance 2012 2013 Amount (in Billion Pesos) % TOTAL COLLECTION 289.867 304.538 14.671 5.06% CASH COLLECTION 282.383 302.133 19.750 6.99% TAX EXPENDITURE FUND (TEF) 7.484 2.405 -5.043 -67.86% Collection Performance, 1993 to 2013 ʕʗʒʏʒʒʒ ʕʒʒʏʒʒʒ ʔʗʒʏʒʒʒ ʔʒʒʏʒʒʒ ʓʗʒʏʒʒʒ ʓʒʒʏʒʒʒ ʗʒʏʒʒʒ ʒ ʓʛʛʕʓʛʛʖʓʛʛʗʓʛʛʘʓʛʛʙʓʛʛʚʓʛʛʛʔʒʒʒʔʒʒʓʔʒʒʔʔʒʒʕʔʒʒʖʔʒʒʗʔʒʒʘʔʒʒʙʔʒʒʚʔʒʒʛʔʒʓʒʔʒʓʓʔʒʓʔʔʒʓʕ ʣ˅˖˗˃ˎʥˑˎˎˇ˅˖ˋˑːˈ˔ˑˏʓʛʛʕ ʶ˃˔ˉˇ˖ʥˑˎˎˇ˅˖ˋˑːˈ˔ˑˏʓʛʛʕ ˖ˑʔʒʓʕʊˋːʯˋˎˎˋˑːʲˇ˕ˑ˕ʋ ˖ˑʔʒʓʕʊˋːʯˋˎˎˋˑːʲˇ˕ˑ˕ʋ YEAR ʣʥʶʷʣʮ ʶʣʴʩʧʶ YEAR ʣʥʶʷʣʮ ʶʣʴʩʧʶ (in Million Pesos) (in Million Pesos) (in Million Pesos) (in Million Pesos) ʓʛʛʕ ʚʓʏʛʙʓ ʙʙʏʗʗʒ ʔʒʒʖ ʓʔʙʏʔʘʛ ʓʓʔʏʗʚʒ ʓʛʛʖ ʚʓʏʘʓʒ ʚʖʏʗʓʗ ʔʒʒʗ ʓʗʖʏʗʘʘ ʓʗʓʏʓʚʗ ʓʛʛʗ ʛʙʏʘʒʓ ʛʕʏʕʖʗ ʔʒʒʘ ʓʛʚʏʓʘʓ ʓʛʗʏʛʙʘ ʓʛʛʘ ʓʒʖʏʗʘʘ ʓʒʓʏʚʒʓ ʔʒʒʙ ʔʒʛʏʖʕʛ ʔʔʚʏʔʒʚ ʓʛʛʙ ʛʖʏʚʒʒ ʓʓʒʏʚʒʓ ʔʒʒʚ ʔʘʒʏʔʖʚ ʔʗʖʏʖʙʘ ʓʛʛʚ ʙʘʏʒʒʗ ʙʚʏʔʙʛ ʔʒʒʛ ʔʔʒʏʕʒʙ ʔʙʕʏʔʛʔ ʓʛʛʛ ʚʘʏʖʛʙ ʚʕʏʘʕʙ ʔʒʓʒ ʔʗʛʏʔʖʒ ʔʚʒʏʘʚʘ ʔʒʒʒ ʛʗʏʒʒʘ ʛʓʏʚʙʛ ʔʒʓʓ ʔʖʗʏʙʗʖ ʕʔʒʏʒʒʒ ʔʒʒʓ ʛʛʏʛʚʓ ʓʒʗʏʓʓʙ ʔʒʒʔ ʛʛʏʕʔʔ ʓʓʗʏʓʔʘ ʔʒʓʔ ʔʚʛʏʚʘʙ ʕʖʙʏʒʙʕ ʔʒʒʕ ʓʓʙʏʔʒʓ ʓʒʒʏʒʗʘ ʔʒʓʕ ʕʒʖʏʗʕʚ ʕʖʒʏʒʒʒ 95 ʶˊˇʥˑˎˎˇ˅˖ˋˑːʦˋ˕˖˔ˋ˅˖˕ˑˈʮˇˉ˃˕˒ˋʏʵ˗˄ˋ˅ʏʥˎ˃˔ˍʏʣ˒˃˔˔ˋʏʫˎˑˋˎˑʏʥˇ˄˗ʏʥ˃ˉ˃˛˃ːʦˇʱ˔ˑ˃ːˆʦ˃˘˃ˑ˒ˋ˅ˍˇˆ˗˒ ˒˃˔˖ˑˈ˖ˊˇ˕ˎ˃˅ˍˈ˔ˑˏ˖ˊˇʲˑ˔˖˕ˑˈʯ˃ːˋˎ˃˃ːˆʤ˃˖˃ːˉ˃˕ʏ˖ˊˇʯ˃ːˋˎ˃ʫː˖ˇ˔ː˃˖ˋˑː˃ˎʥˑː˖˃ˋːˇ˔ʲˑ˔˖˃ːˆ˖ˊˇʰˋːˑ˛
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