: . Marshall Western Region Department of Fisheries and Oceans Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N6 April 1981 . Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences No. 1004 LIS SH 223 13 • Al-4 atCanada GouvemementruCanada no. 1 004 . Oceans PlkhesetOcMns Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1004 April 1981 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ARCTIC CHARR, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) COMPLEX TO 1980 by K. E. Marshall Western Region Department of Fisheries and Oceans Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N6 This is the l34th Technical Report from the Western Region, Winnipeg ii c Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1981 Cat. no. Fs 97-6/1004 ISSN 0706-6457 Correct citation for this publication is: MARSHALL, K.E. 1981 A bibliography of the arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) complex to 1980. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. A quat. Sci. 1004: iv + 68 p. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT/RESUME iv INTRODUCTION. 1 'FORMAT • 1 Author Index 1 Taxonomic Index 1 Geographic Index 2 Subject Index • 2 SOME NOTES ON THE USE OF THE INDEXES 2 CONCLUSIONS • 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2 AUTHOR INDEX. 3 Appendix 59 TAXONOMIC INDEX 61 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX 64 SUBJECT INDEX 66 iv ABSTRACT MARSHALL, K.E. 1981 A bibliography of the arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) complex to 1980. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. A quat. Sci. 1004: iv + 68 p. Lists 1623 references published between the 17th Century and 1980. In addition to arctic charr, Salvelinus alpin us (Linnaeus), of North America and Europe, the bibliography covers the other closely related taxa inhabiting the waters of Russia and Japan, including the dolly varden, S. malma (Walbaum) and white-spotted char, S. leuco­ maenis (Pallas):- The bibliography proper is in alphabetical order by author. Taxonomic, geographic and subject indices are provided. Key words: bibliographies; dolly varden. RESUME MARSHALL, K.E. 1981 A bibliography of the arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) complex to 1980. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. A quat. Sci. 1004: iv + 68 p. Comprend 1623 ouvrages publies depuis le xvrre siecle jusqu'a 1980. L'auteur repertorie non seulement les ouvrages relatifs a l'omble chevalier, Salvelinus alpin us (Linnaeus), mais aussi ceux portant sur les especes apparentees qui vivent dans les eaux de la Russie et du Japon, y compris la dolly varden, S. malma (Walbaum) et l'omble Salve­ linus leucomaenis (Pallas). La bibliographie elle-meme est en ordre alphabetique selon les auteurs. Elle contient egalement des index tax­ inomiques et geographiques et un index des sujets. Mots-cles: bibliographies; dolly varden. 1 INTRODUCTION in alphabetical order by second author. There are no cross references from junior authors. Anonymous works are entered either under the This bibliography has been prepared for name of the issuing organization or the title. the delegates attending the International Sympos­ ium on Arctic Charr to be held in Winnipeg in This index is the bibliography proper. A May 1981. It is hoped that this bibliography small number of annotations have been made to forms a list of the major publications on the some of the titles to indicate more clearly the fishes belonging to the arctic charr complex to relevance of this item. In the case of large I980. works I have added in parentheses ( ) , at the end of the citation, the pages on which refer­ In 1977 the bibliography to 1976 was ence is made to relevant species. published as Technical Report No. 621 (Marshall 1977). This bibliography forms the basis for the As far as possible the title of the paper in new one. In view of the fact that stocks of this the language in which it is written is given fol­ report were recently exhausted, it was decided lowing the year of publication. If this title is to produce a completely new bibliography rather enclosed in brackets [ ] , this title is not given than reprint the old report with a new supple­ in the original work. A title enclosed in paren­ ment to update it. theses is taken from the publication (or its translation) but is in a language, usually Eng­ Since preparing the original bibliography I lish, other than that in which the original paper have been maintaining a list of new references is written. There will usually be a note at the by running a profile on the CAN/SDI Service for end of the citation indicating the language in all references on the genus Salvelinus. In ad­ which the article is written when the original dition note has been made of any reports and title is not indicated. Russian titles have been other publications dealing with: the arctic charr transliterated. Those references which I have complex which have been received in the Fresh­ transliterated are done using the system followed water Institute Library. Following the publica­ by Chemical Abstracts. Citations taken from tion of the Charr book (Balon 1980), the biblio­ other sources may show some slight variation graphies in that work' were checked against the from this system if I have not been able to ob­ references already on file and some additional tain the title in the original language. Japanese relevant items added. In January 1981 online titles have been translated, using the title in searches were made on a variety of data bases to English from the original journal when this is which the Institute library has access and some available. Accents and other diacritical marks additional references added. A search was also have been omitted. made by the Fish and Wildlife Reference Service and the items retrieved are included in this Abbreviations for journals have been made bibliography. It was realized that this last according to the Serial Sources for the BIOSIS search was by no means complete especially on Data Base Volume 1980. Thosejournals not the publications from the State of Alaska. The listed in this work have been abbreviated follow­ set of publications from this State in the Insti­ ing the same format except in those cases where tute library was scanned for additional referen­ it has not been possible to identify for certain ces. The volumes of the Zoological Record is­ the full title of the journal in question. In this sued since the publication of Report No. 621 case, the abbreviation has been given in the were also searched for relevant items. form found. The opportunity has been taken to correct Each reference is numbered and these are some errors which were found in Report No. 621 the numbers used in the other indexes. and also to complete some of the references which lacked page numbers or other details. At the end of the Author Index there is a short Addendum (references No. 1567-1627) It must again be stressed that in many which lists some references which were found cases the original papers have not been available after the final preparation of the bibliography to check that the details given are correct and was started. These are fully indexed in the as we all know errors do happen even in the same way as the other references. Cross refer­ best reference sources. ences to these papers are to be found in the main part of the Author Index. The format adopted is the same as that in Report No. 621, which was similar to that used in 2. Taxonomic Index the Zoological Record. This lists, in alphabetical ordei-, the var­ ious subgeneric taxa which have been used by authors for fish from the complex. No distinc­ tion has been made as to the status ascribed to FORMAT that taxon by an author (whether species, sub­ species, form or variety). It has proved diffi­ The bibliography is divided in to four sections: cult to index some papers as thoroughly as I would wish due to a lack of scientific terminol­ 1. Author Index ogy. Where it was clear as to the species being References are listed in alphabetical order discussed, I have entered the item under the by author. Works by same author are arranged usual current name for that species. However, by year of publication, the oldest being listed some papers which discuss in general terms first. Papers written in cooperation with others speciation or variation in anatomy and give no are listed after those by the senior author alone scientific names for the specimens under discuss­ ion are not indexed to species. 2 3. Geographic Index errors that have arisen in the preparation of This index identifies the geographic areas, this report can be corrected in an update so when this is of significance, covered by the please let me know about them. reference. The two main divisions are into the Palaearctic and Neoarctlc Regions. Each region Please send your comments to: is broken down into countries. The larger coun­ tries may be subdivided into States, Provinces K. E. Marshall or other subdivisions. It should be noted that Head, Scientific Information Services and Library references are only listed under the most specif­ Freshwater Institute Library ic heading. For instance references indexed 501 University Crescent under Alberta are not listed under Canada. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N6 4. SubJect Index The subject headings chosen are not taken from any standard thesaurus. The headings in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS this report are an expanded list of those used in Report No. 621. Notes follow those subject It was at the request of Dr. L. Johnson headings which are not self-explanatory indicat­ that the preparation of this bibliography was ing the type of material indexed under that head­ started. Thanks are due for his continuous sup­ ing. port and for his help in correcting some of the citations found, which proved to be incorrect in In view of the fact that many of the refer­ various details.
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