S10296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 4, 2004 CONCLUSION OF MORNING Byrd Amendment No. 3845, to enhance the Stevens Amendment No. 3826, to modify BUSINESS role of Congress in the oversight of the intel- the duties of the Director of the National ligence and intelligence-related activities of Counterterrorism Center as the principal ad- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, shortly the United States Government. visor to the President on counterterrorism we will resume consideration of S. 2845. Warner Modified Amendment No. 3877, to matters. I am very hopeful that we will be able modify the role of the National Intelligence Stevens Amendment No. 3827, to strike sec- to clear an amendment that has been Director in the appointment of intelligence tion 206, relating to information sharing. pending for some time. I know that the officials of the United States Government. Stevens Amendment No. 3829, to amend the Senator from Ohio wishes to speak in Leahy/Grassley Amendment No. 3945, to re- effective date provision. quire Congressional oversight of translators Stevens Amendment No. 3840, to strike the opposition to Senator BYRD’s amend- employed and contracted for by the Federal ment, which is the first amendment fiscal and acquisition authorities of the Na- Bureau of Investigation. tional Intelligence Authority. that we will vote on later this after- Reed Amendment No. 3908, to authorize the Stevens Amendment No. 3882, to propose noon at 4:15. Until the Senator from Secretary of Homeland Security to award an alternative section 141, relating to the In- Ohio arrives, which will be very short- grants to public transportation agencies to spector General of the National Intelligence ly, I suggest the absence of a quorum. improve security. Authority. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Will the Reid (for Corzine/Lautenberg) Amendment Collins (for Inhofe) Amendment No. 3946 Senator forbear while the Chair an- No. 3849, to protect human health and the en- (to Amendment No. 3849), in the nature of a vironment from the release of hazardous sub- substitute. nounces the period of morning business stances by acts of terrorism. is closed. Sessions Amendment No. 3928, to require Reid (for Lautenberg) Amendment No. 3782, aliens to make an oath prior to receiving a f to require that any Federal funds appro- nonimmigrant visa. priated to the Department of Homeland Se- Sessions Amendment No. 3873, to protect NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE REFORM curity for grants or other assistance be allo- ACT OF 2004 railroad carriers and mass transportation cated based strictly on an assessment of from terrorism. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under risks and vulnerabilities. Sessions Amendment No. 3871, to provide Reid (for Lautenberg) Amendment No. 3905, the previous order, the Senate will now for enhanced Federal, State, and local en- to provide for maritime transportation secu- forcement of the immigration laws. resume consideration of S. 2845, which rity. Sessions Amendment No. 3870, to make in- the clerk will report. Reid (for Harkin) Amendment No. 3821, to formation sharing permanent under the USA The bill clerk read as follows: modify the functions of the Privacy and Civil PATRIOT ACT. A bill (S. 2845) to reform the intelligence Liberties Oversight Board. Warner Amendment No. 3876, to preserve community and the intelligence and intel- Roberts Amendment No. 3748, to clarify certain authorities and accountability in the ligence-related activities of the United the duties and responsibilities of the Om- implementation of intelligence reform. States Government, and for other purposes. budsman of the National Intelligence Au- Collins (for Cornyn) Amendment No. 3803, Pending: thority and of the Analytic Review Unit within the Office of the Ombudsman. to provide for enhanced criminal penalties Collins Amendment No. 3705, to provide for Roberts Amendment No. 3739, to ensure the for crimes related to alien smuggling. homeland security grant coordination and sharing of intelligence information in a man- Collins (for Baucus/Roberts) Modified simplification. ner that promotes all-sources analysis and to Amendment No. 3768, to require an annual Lautenberg Amendment No. 3767, to speci- assign responsibility for competitive anal- report on the allocation of funding within fy that the National Intelligence Director ysis. the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the shall serve for one or more terms of up to 5 Roberts Amendment No. 3750, to clarify Department of the Treasury. years each. the responsibilities of the Directorate of In- Collins (for Stevens) Amendment No. 3903, Kyl Amendment No. 3801, to modify the telligence of the National Counterterrorism to strike section 201, relating to public dis- privacy and civil liberties oversight. Center for information-sharing and intel- closure of intelligence funding. Feinstein Amendment No. 3718, to improve ligence analysis. Frist (for McConnell) Amendment No. 3930, the intelligence functions of the Federal Bu- Roberts Amendment No. 3747, to provide to clarify that a volunteer for a federally- reau of Investigation the National Intelligence Director with flexi- created citizen volunteer program and for Stevens Amendment No. 3839, to strike sec- ble administrative authority with respect to the program’s State and local affiliates is tion 201, relating to public disclosure of in- the National Intelligence Authority. protected by the Volunteer Protection Act. telligence funding. Roberts Amendment No. 3742, to clarify Frist (for McConnell) Amendment No. 3931, Ensign Amendment No. 3819, to require the the continuing applicability of section 504 of to remove civil liability barriers that dis- Secretary of State to increase the number of the National Security Act of 1947 to the obli- courage the donation of equipment to volun- consular officers, clarify the responsibilities gation and expenditure of funds appropriated teer fire companies. and functions of consular officers, and re- for the intelligence and intelligence-related The PRESIDING OFFICER. The quire the Secretary of Homeland Security to activities of the United States. Chair recognizes the distinguished Sen- increase the number of border patrol agents Roberts Amendment No. 3740, to include ator from Maine. and customs enforcement investigators. among the primary missions of the National Reid (for Schumer) Amendment No. 3887, Intelligence Director the elimination of bar- Ms. COLLINS. Thank you, Mr. Presi- to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveil- riers to the coordination of intelligence ac- dent. The bill is now officially before lance Act of 1978 to cover individuals, other tivities. the Senate. It is open for amendment. than United States persons, who engage in Roberts Amendment No. 3741, to permit We have great deal of work to do on international terrorism without affiliation the National Intelligence Director to modify this legislation, as the Presiding Offi- with an international terrorist group. National Intelligence Program budgets be- cer is well aware. I do anticipate many Reid (for Schumer) Amendment No. 3888, fore their approval and submittal to the votes later today, starting at 4:15. I do to establish the United States Homeland Se- President. curity Signal Corps to ensure proper commu- Roberts Amendment No. 3744, to clarify anticipate a late session tonight in nications between law enforcement agencies. the limitation on the transfer of funds and order to make considerable progress on Reid (for Schumer) Amendment No. 3889, personnel and to preserve and enhance con- the bill. to establish a National Commission on the gressional oversight of intelligence activi- In addition, I want to alert my col- United States-Saudi Arabia Relationship. ties. leagues to the fact that the majority Reid (for Schumer) Amendment No. 3890, Roberts Amendment No. 3751, to clarify leader, with the consent of the Demo- to improve the security of hazardous mate- the responsibilities of the Secretary of De- cratic leader, did file a cloture motion rials transported by truck. fense pertaining to the National Intelligence last week that will ripen tomorrow Reid (for Schumer) Amendment No. 3891, Program. to improve rail security. Kyl Amendment No. 3926, to amend the Im- morning. So we are determined to Reid (for Schumer) Amendment No. 3892, migration and Nationality Act to ensure make good progress on this bill. We to strengthen border security. that nonimmigrant visas are not issued to made a great deal of progress last Reid (for Schumer) Amendment No. 3893, individuals with connections to terrorism or week. Negotiations continued over the to require inspection of cargo at ports in the who intend to carry out terrorist activities weekend. But we have to finish this United States. in the United States. highly significant bill. That is the Reid (for Schumer) Amendment No. 3894, Kyl Amendment No. 3881, to protect crime leader’s intention. It is the floor man- to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 victims’ rights. to enhance cybersecurity. Kyl Amendment No. 3724, to strengthen agers’ intention. And we will be work- Allard Amendment No. 3778, to improve anti-terrorism investigative tools, promote ing long and hard to do so both tonight the management of the personnel of the Na- information sharing, punish terrorist of- and tomorrow night. tional Intelligence Authority. fenses. I thank the Chair. VerDate jul 14 2003 00:49 Oct 05, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04OC6.020 S04PT1 October 4, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10297 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The opposed to the amendment offered by We had repeated testimony before Chair, in a helpful way, wishes to in- the Senator from West Virginia. our committee from Secretary Powell, form the Senate that under the pre- I believe the Senator from Ohio is ex- from former Directors of Central Intel- vious order, at the hour of 4:15 today, actly right, that were the amendment ligence that without budget authority, the Senate will proceed to a series of to pass, it would severely undermine they are ineffective, they have no votes on the pending amendments with the reforms called for by the 9/11 Com- clout.
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