INDEX TO VOLUME I to position of authority, 558 Aseitas Dei. See Essence of God. A Athanasian Creed, 201 Abortion, 275 Atheism, 61 Active obedience, 592, 593 errors Adiaphora God's cooperation, 240 and Christian freedom, 616 problem of evil, 103 definition, 31 Atonement, 605 family planning/birth control, 272 Attributes of God, 63–144 Adoptionism, 198, 514 different classifications, 67 Aeternitas. See Attributes of God: eternity. immanent, 69–81 Alloeosis, 517 eternity, 74–76 Angel of the Lord, 169, 324 immutability, 69–74 Angels, 319–41 love, 76–78 abilities, 335 perfection/goodness, 78–81 Angel of the Lord, 169, 324 bliss, 79 confirmed in holiness, 330 majesty, 79, 491 creation of, 326 immanent/transitive classification, 69 evil. See Demons. manifestations of love, 63 fall of, 342 not distinct from essence, 64 Gabriel, 323 transitive, 81–144 Greek/Hebrew words for, 324 holiness, 119–27 guardian, 339 Michael, 323 demanded of men, 119 number, 329 distinguished from justice, 124 personal, spiritual beings, 322 related to truthfulness, 124 ranks, 331 serve God in various ways, 337 justice/righteousness, 127–44 serve God's people, 338 Christ’s imputed righteousness, 137 testify to Son's deity, 175 not annulled by apparent injustice, 131 visible forms, 333 worship of, 341 proclaimed as gospel, 137 Animism, 61 proclaimed as law, 127 Annulment, 279 punishment, 133 Anthropomorphism love, 108–19 applied analogically, 62 causae of God's will, 146 classifications, 109 definition, 61 Greek/Hebrew terms, 112 of God's foreknowledge, 98 omnipotence, 139–44 of God's omniscience, 94 ordinata/absoluta, 143 Anthropopathism omnipresence, 81–86 applied analogically, 62 definition, 61 active presence, 81 of God's repentance, 71 errors, 84 Apollinarius, 504 related attributes, 81 Archangels. See Angels: ranks. Arianism, 186, 198 spiritual, 82 Arminianism omniscience, 86–98 errors distinguished according to object, 87 Christ’s work, 608 scientia of various types, 87 sin, 428 Articles of faith vs. man’s responsibility, 94 definition, 15 wisdom, 98–108 groupings, 32 depth of, 102 sources to be avoided experience, 24 in salvation, 107 individuals or groups, 17 problem of evil, 103 reason, 22 synonyms/antonyms, 98 tradition, 18 Ascension of Christ three spheres of activity, 99 not a local confinement, 526, 559 Augsburg Confession church and state, 296 Christianity, 5 cooperation of God, 240 classification of attributes, 67 demons, 352 conversion, 488 essence of God, 162 creation, 209, 211 free will, 154, 246, 445, 484 demons, 348 government (civil), 289 essence of God, 56 marriage, 271 eternity of God, 75 original sin, 437, 445 goodness of God, 78, 79 sin, 435 hardening of heart, 473 theology, 4 image of God, 382, 385, 391 two natures in Christ, 510 majesty of God, 80 worship of saints, 622 miracles, 305 natural knowledge of God, 40 omniscience, 86, 87 B providence, 221 Baier religion, 5 angels, 327 right hand of God, 563 classification of attributes, 67 righteousness of God, 130 confuses church and state, 300 Scripture, 17 demons, 348, 349 simplicity of God, 60 end of life, 317 sin, 406 essence of God, 160 theology, 3, 4 eternity of God, 75 will of God, 146, 159 guilt, 451 works of, 15 holiness of God, 124 Calvinism image of God, 394 error immutability of God, 70 fall into sin, 399 independence of God, 124 errors natural law, 425 church and state, 299 original sin, 453 communication of idioms, 528 proofs, 46 genus apotelesmaticum, 532 providence, 221 God and sin, 433 punishment, 492 limited atonement, 613 sin, 426 predestination, 90 two natures in Christ, 513 resurrection of Christ, 557 works of, 15 two natures in Christ (extra Calvinisticum), 513 Baptism will of God, 159 means of grace, 255 Capital punishment, 290 miracle of grace, 304 Cessationists, 312 of Christ, 571 Chance, 318–19 Beelzebub, 347 definition, 318 Birth control, 272 denies God's government, 319 Bliss of God. See Attributes of God: immanent. Chastity, 271 Body, 65, 359 Chemnitz mutual dependence with soul, 373 actual sin, 456, 457 bonitas. See Attributes of God: immanent: angels, 327, 328, 329 perfection/goodness. cooperation of God, 433 Brochmand, Jasper creation, 210 omnipotence, 141 essence of God, 160 original sin, 447 free will, 481, 483, 484, 487, 489 providence, 220 Messiah, 570 sin, 429 miracles, 308 works of, 14 natural knowledge of God, 40 Burial of Christ, 543 original sin, 444 sin, 434 soul, 379 C Trinity, 162, 203 Caesaro-papism, 299 works of, 14 Calov Cherubim. See Angels: ranks. angels, 330, 339 Christ attributes of God, 67 office of, 565–635 bliss of God, 80 begins with conception, 570 definition, 565 Christ (Prophet) King, 623–35, See King (Christ). attested by Mediator (reconciliation), 566 eye witnesses, 573 Messiah (the Anointed), 569 himself, 573 Priest, 584–623, See Christ (Priest). his activity, 574 Prophet, 572–84, See Christ (Prophet). miracles, 574 Savior (salvation), 568 OT prophecy, 572 one person, 505 for the whole world, 576 two natures, 502–9, See Two natures (Christ). from birth, 575 two states, 533–65, See Humiliation and message Exaltation. chiefly gospel, 582 only affect human nature, 533 dependent on priestly work, 584 Christ (King) law, 581 kingdom of glory purpose – faith/salvation, 583 Christ the glorious king, 634 spoke with authority, 576 revealed on Last Day, 635 today through church, 579 kingdom of grace Christian by gospel, 628 and government, 293 gives gifts, 630 and theology, 3 invisible, 631 God's love for, 111 kingdom of power law as guide, 581 for good of church, 628 liberty/freedom, 614, 616 over all things, 627 love, 134 the kingdom royal priesthood of, 623 exercise of authority, 625 stands in grace, 615 given to Christ, 626 Christian freedom Christ (Priest) adiaphora, 616 according to human/divine natures, 623 carefully guard it, 616 everlasting priesthood, 590 established by Christ, 614 fulfillment of OT types, 584 matter of faith/hope, 618 makes intercession, 590, 619 not a license, 617 obedience Christian liberty. See Christian freedom. active (to the law), 592 Christian Science passive (to suffering), 593 errors to Father’s will, 591 matter, 373 vicarious, 593, 595 revelation, 20 other names sin, 105 Lamb of God, 586 Christianity Mediator, 585 justification heart of, 601 Redeemer, 586 only saving religion, 5, 578 pronounces benediction, 590 Church redeems, 598 as kingdom of God, 625 result of work militant, 630 atonement, 605 triumphant, 635 Christian liberty, 614 Church and State, 292 complete salvation Chytraeus, David, 14 errors, 613 Circumcision of Christ, 541, 571 intensive/extensive, 609 Civil disobedience, 294 retroactive, 611 clauso utero, 539 errors, 606 Communication of attributes. See Communication of objective justification, 614 idioms. propitiation/expiation, 603 Communication of idioms, 514–33 reconciliation, 605 doesn't change either nature, 515 satisfaction, 602 Genus Apotelesmaticum subjective justification, 615 both natures always participate, 531 sacrifice definition, 530 atones for sins, 587 errors (Hodge), 531 fulfills OT sacrifices, 587 of utmost importance, 532 vicarious/substitionary, 597 official acts summed up in titles, 530 willing, 599 Genus Idiomaticum vicarious - objections, 599 definition, 515 illustration – How was God crucified?, 518 continua, 232 Zwingli’s error, 517 prima, 214 Genus Maiestaticum secunda, 214 definition, 518 Creation, 205–20 denial annuls union of natures, 519 ascribed especially to Father, 194, 206 divine honor, 527 cooperation of Holy Spirit, 184, 206 errors, 528 cooperation of Son, 179, 206 omnipotence, 521 doesn’t change God, 59, 71 omnipresence God's love of, 109 of angels, 326 four modes, 524 of man, 358 right hand of God, 526 only one, 213 sacramental presence, 527 out of nothing, 208 omniscience, 522 perfect, 218 Communion reveals God's majesty and goodness, 38 of Christ's two natures, 515, 530 six days, 211 with God, 4, 108, 585 objections, 215 Conception stages life begins at, 275 prima, 214 of Christ, 506, 509 secunda, 214 Concupiscence, 446 wisdom of God, 99 in Roman Catholicism, 447 word of God, 209 208 , ָ בּרַ א .Concurrence. See Providence Confession(s) Creationism, 376 natural for a Christian, 24 norma normata, 25 subscription D quatenus, 26 Dannhauer, Konrad quia, 26 sin against the Holy Spirit, 477 Conscience, 39, 497–501 works of, 14 before/after sin, 499 Death. See also End of life. correct, accurate, 499 in marriage, 277 definition, 497 of Christ, 542 doubting, 500 result of sin, 386 erring, weak, 499 Decrees of God evaluates acts/conditions, 497 eternal, 76 evil/guilty immutable, 70 testifies to deserved punishment, 498 in providence, 222 testifies to guilt, 498 Deism testifies to inability to atone, 498 errors good/clean God's cooperation, 240 testifies to peace with God, 498 omnipresence, 85 through faith, 498 providence, 232 probable, 500 Trinity, 199 Conversion Demiurge, 47 ascribed to Holy Spirit, 487 Demons, 341–58 man cannot cooperate in, 486 activity, 352 miracle of grace, 304 confirmed in sin, 348 not a work of man, 149 defeated by Christ, 356 Pelagianism, 489 fall of angels, 342 produced by gospel, 493 forms of the occult, 357 purpose of gospel, 583 Greek/Hebrew terms, 344 Semipelagianism, 489 hell, 348 Synergism, 489 not included in Christ's saving work, 611 Cooperation. See Will: of God; also Providence. number, 343 Corpus doctrinae possession, 353 definition of, 11 powerful, 349 opponents of, 11 Satan. See Satan. Scripture source of, 12 testify to Son's deity, 175 Cosmological argument, 44 Descent into hell Council of Chalcedon, 511 errors, 548 Creatio purpose, 548 time, 547 simplicity, 59 Desire. See Concupiscence. unity (oneness), 59, 65 Determinatio, 253 Eternal life, 40 Determinism. See Fatalism. Eternity. See also Attributes of God: immanent. Deus absconditus, 35 Eutychianism, 511 Devil. See Satan. Evangelicals Dichotomy, 360, 372 errors Directio, 251 Christ’s resurrection, 557 Divorce, 277 concupiscence, 447 regulated by government, 289 creation, 212 Doctrine image of God, 389 Christian, 11 marriage, 256 church conventions, 18 Evolution corpus/body of.
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