I Mina’Trentai Kuåttro Na Liheslaturan Guåhan APPOINTMENTS CMTE PUBLIC HEARING DATE DOCUMENT NO. APPOINTEE POSITION AGENCY APPT. DATE TERM LENGTH DATE REFFERED CMTE REPORT FILED NOTES REFERRED DATE CONFIRMED Committee on Public Accountability, Human 4/15/19 4/19/19 35GL-19-0314 Priscilla T. Tuncap Member Civil Service Commission 4/1/19 Six (6) Years 4/5/19 Resources, and the Guam Buildup 1:00 p.m. 1:21 p.m. Clerks Office Page 1 of 1 1:26 PM 4/19/2019 Office of the Speaker TINA ROSE MUNA BARNES I Mina 'trentai Singko Na Liheslaturan Guahan April 16, 2019 ~} The Honorable Regine Biscoe Lee~ r-->. _, Chairperson -: --l I Mina 'trentai Singko na Liheslaturan Guahan :-;; 3 5th Guam Legislature Guam Congress Building 163 Chalan Santo Papa Hagatfia, Guam 96910 N RE: Committee Report on the Appointment of Priscilla T. Tuncap; Member of the Civil ~ Service Commission Dear Chairperson Biscoe Lee: Transmitted herewith is the Committee Report on the Appointment of Priscilla T. Tuncap to serve as a Member of the Civil Service Commission, and which was referred to the Committee on Public Accountability, Human Resources, and the Guam Buildup. Committee votes are as follows ---l TOCONFRIM 0 TO NOT CONFIRM -~- _+~_TO REPORT OUT ONLY TOABSTAIN ~~-0 ____._D~_TO PLACE IN INACTIVE FILE Si Yu'os Ma 'ase ', I RECEIVED ~~(\)w. ~ TINA ROSE\:NA BARNES I Office of the Speaker TINA ROSE MUNA BARNES I Mina'trentai Singko Na Liheslaturan Guahan COMMITTEE REPORT Nomination of Priscilla T. Tuncap As a Member of the Civil Service Commission for a term of six (6) years. .. It ti - l ·":_ Office of the Speaker ,.., TINA ROSE MUNA BARNES I Mina'trentai Singko Na Liheslaturan Guahan April 18, 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: All Members Committee on Public Accountability, Human Resources, and the Guam Buildup FROM: Speaker Tina Rose Mufia Barnes Committee Chairperson SUBJECT: Committee Report on the Appointment of Priscilla T. Tuncap Transmitted herewith for your consideration is the Committee Report on the appointment of Priscilla T. Tuncap to serve as a Member of the Civil Service Commission. This report includes the following: • Copy of COR Referral of the Appointment • Copy of the Appointment Letter to the Speaker • Copy of the Appointment Packet • Notices of Public Hearing • Copy of Public Hearing Agenda • Public Hearing Sign-in Sheet • Submitted Written Testimony and Supporting Documents • Committee Report Digest • Committee Vote Sheet Please take the appropriate action on the attached voting sheet. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~'.ely, TIN~iU Chairperson I t1' ....... e.org I - Senator Amanda l. She/Ion. Senator Joe S. Son Agustin. Vice Chairperson , Member Speaker Tina Rose Muno Barnes. I Senator Jose T. Terloje. Member . Member . Vice Speaker Teleno Cruz Nelson. 8 Senator Therese M. Terloje. Member COMMITTEE ON RULES Member Senator Kelly Marsh {Toitono). Ph.D .. SENATOR REGINE BISCOE LEE, CHAIR Senator Jomes C. Moylan. Member I MINA 'TRENTAI S/NGKO NA L/HESLATURAN GUAHAN Member Senator Sabino Flores Perez 35rH GUAM LEGISLATURE Senator Mory Comacho Torres. Member Member and Choir. Subcommittee on Protoco Senator Clynton E. Ridgell April 5, 2019 Member MEMO To: RennaeMeno Clerk of the Legislature Attorney Julian Aguon Legislative Legal Counsel From: Senator Regine Biscoe Lee Chairperson, Committee on Rules Re: Referral of Appointment Buenos yon Hafa adai. As Chairperson of the Committee on Rules, I am forwarding the referral of the following appointment: Appointee: Priscilla T. Tuncap Position: Member, Civil Service Commission Term length: Six (6} Years The appointee's nomination packet may be referenced in the Guam Legislature's website at http://quamlegislature.com/35th mess comms.htm. Please refer to the following document: "35GL-19-0314 - Office of the Governor of Guam - Appointment and Supporting Documents for Priscilla T. Tuncap, Member, Clvll Service Commission." Please ensure that the aforementioned appointment is referred to Speaker Tina Rose Muna Barnes, Chairperson of the Committee on Public AccountabllHy, Human Resources, and the Guam Buildup. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mary Maravilla, Committee on Rules Director at 472-2461. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Respectfully, e Biscoe Lee , Committee on Rules ~ · ~----- GUAM CONGRESS BUILDING • 163 CllALAN SANTO PAPA • HAGATNA, GUAM 96910 TelephonC': (671) ~72·246] • Em,. il "ddrcu: corguamlr.gtsl .. rur.,@gmail .com . \ l ' l 'U I N ' l :"l lt. N I' ~ Note mat me Leg1s1ature nas taKen steps to ensure mat any prorecieo persona1 1aenmy1ng 1marma11on nas oeen reaaClea or exc1uaea in whole or in part in order to protect the privacy of any individual(s) whose information has been included as part of this transmittal. lltf SL ';\N 1 1\L\C1\ HJ\c.~r\ OFFICE OF THE G')VERtJOR /OS ii L .\ l . !' 1-. "'-' IZ!i._1 Si< ..n..'Nf) J t.I \uA l •Hll ·LI' J fE>j,\•,T GO of'' 0 &<:;ri ... /f{-()5/~ April 1, 2019 Speaker Tina Rose Muna sames Honorable Tina Muna Barnes Speaker c.)/}, 1 3 ZOt! I Mina'trentai Singko Na Liheslaturan Guahan Tim ~ ()~ Guam Congress Building Received By: ~ 163 Chalan Santo Papa Hagatna, Guam 96932 RE: Board Appointment Dear Madame Speaker: By virtue of the authority vested in me pursuant to the Organic Act of Guam and the local laws applicable to the following position, I am pleased to transmit the following appointment and supporting documents for: APPOINTEE: Priscilla T. Tuncap POSITION: Member, Civil Service Commission TERM LENGTH: Six (6) Years The appointment is subject to the consent of I Liheslaturan Guahan. Please schedule a hearing at your earliest convenience. Senseramente, LOURDES A. LEON GUERRERO I Maga'hagan Guahan Governor of Guam cc: Lt. Governor of Guam •. \ J·) JI J 0314 I Jh J • .. - ~ l'IOte mat me Legisiature nas taKen steps to ensure mat any protectea persona1 1aenmymg mrorma~1on nas oeen reaactea or exc1~aea in whole or in part in order to protect the privacy of any individual(s) whose information has been included as part of this transmittal. UFISINAN I 11AGA'F-L:\GA OFFiCE OF THE GOVERNOR LC>l'JUit:s A. LEOI'-: GL'ElZRER'-.' JOSHUA f. TEI\OIZIO 1 1 1\\AG.~ H1ic_,; ~ COVEtH·JOR SIGUNOO /\·\AGA L.-i.HJ. UEiJTEM,..\h\T co~,;fRNbR April l, 2019 Priscilla T. Tuncap Dear Ms. Tuncap: Pursuant to my authority under 4 GCA § 4401(a), I am appointing you to serve as a MEMBER, CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Appointing you to this position comes with great responsibility because you will have a vital role to perform which will place many demands on your time and energy. Integrity and honesty are virtues that I prioritize for my Administration to exemplify, and I know that you will do the same while in service to the people of Guam. Your responsibilities shall be significant and consequential. I trust that you will fulfill your duties and set a standard for others to follow. I appreciate your willingness to serve in this position, and I am confident that your time will be spent in a manner to improve the island of Guam. This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of I Liheslaturan Guahan. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of the Governor. Senseramente, LOURDES A. LEON GUERRERO I Maga 'hci.gan Guti.han Governor of Guam cc: Lt. Governor of Guam : ' . \ ! . i ·. ~ ··. ; i-'. ' :. : . ' ' 1~ote mat me Leg1s1ature nas taKen steps to ensure mat any protectea persona1 1aenmy1ng 1morma11on nas oeen reaaccea or exc1uaea in whole or in part in order to protect the privacy of any individual(s) whose information has been included as part of this transmittal. LOURDES A. LEON GUERRERO JOSHUA F. TENORIO Governor Lieutenant Governor OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR OF GUAM Nomination and Appointment Information Sheet The following information is required for submission to the Speaker of I liheslaturan Gu<ihan in accordance with Title 4, Guam Code Annotated Section 2103 NOMINEE INFORMATION Last Name First Name Middle Initial I TUN CAP PRISCILLA T. Mailing Address Apartment/Unit# City State Zip Code -Phone -E-mail Address - -Position to which Appointment is Made Member, Civil Service Commission Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes0 NoO If no, are you authorized to work in the United States? YesO NoD EDUCATION DATES OF YEAR SCHOOL (Name, City and State) TYPE OF DEGREE ATTENDANCE EARNED 1 High School George Washington High School 1952 -1956 High School Diploma 1956 Mangilao, Guam College Graduate School Other Degree PAGE 1OF7 Note mat me Leg1s1arure nas taKen steps to ensure mat any protectea persona1 1aenurying 1mormauon nas oeen reaactea or exc1uaea in whale or in part in order to protect the privacy of any individual(s) whose information has been included as part of this transmittal. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Name of Present/Last Employer and Mailing Address Position Title 17th Guam Legislature Hagatna, Guam Chief Fiscal Officer Dates Held 1983-1984 Previous EmrJloyer and Mailing Address Position Title Guam Memoria Hospital Authority Government of Guam Budget/Certifying Officer r Dates Held 1971 - 1982 Previous Employer and Mailing Address Position Title University of Guam Mangilao, Guam Payroll Supervisor Dates Held 1969 - 1971 Previous Em/i:./oyer and Mailing Address Position Title Department of inahce Government of Guam Payroll Clerk II r Dates Held 1958-1968 Previous Employer and Mailing Address Position Title Bank of America Hagatna, Guam Bank Teller Dates Held 1956-1958 PRIOR GOVERNMENT OF GUAM SERVICE Agency or Department Name Position Title Address Phone No. Dates Held· Agency or Department Name Position Title Address Phone No. Dates Held PAGE 2 OF7 Note mat me Leg1s1ature nas taKen steps to ensure mat any protectea persona1 1aemnying 1mormat1on nas oeen reaactea or exc1uaea in whole or in part in order to protect the privacy of any individual(s) whose information has been included as part of this transmittal.
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