The Inventory of the Robert Lantz Collection #1694 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Lantz, Robe1i #1694 6/3/05 Preliminary Listing I. Professional Material. Box 1 A. The Lantz Office, administration and client files; may include contracts, correspondence, printed material, financial material, manuscripts, personal materials re: RL. 1. "July, 1984," 2 files. [F. 1-2] 2. "2002 Financials." [F. 3] 3. "2003 Financials." [F. 4] 4. "May 1982 - Al Hirschfeld, 5th of July," includes: [F. 5] a. Multiple drafts of a contract between Al Hirschfeld and the Fifth of July Company. b. Copy of final draft of contract signed by Al Hirschfeld. 5. "Accent on Youth/ S. Raphaelson, 6/88," includes: [F. 6] a. Copy of Samson Raphaelson's 1935 contract with Paramount pictures for "Accent on Youth." b. TLS re: expiration of copyright on production. 6. "Billy Goldenberg," includes contract between Billy Goldenberg and Gang, Tyre and Brown, Inc. with subsequent amendments to the contract, Nov. 1980 - Jan. 1981. [F. 7] 7. "California Office, Attorney Fees." [F. 8] 8. "(DBA) - California Employment Agency LTC, 5/84." [F. 9] 9. "California - Close of California Office, 11/89." [F. 10] 10. "California Office - California License - Inactive." [F. 11] 11. "Jeff Thal - California - 10/87." [F. 12] 12. "Marion Rosenberg - Inactive, 1/26/81," includes: [F. 13] a. Correspondence re: Marian Rosenberg leaving the Lantz Office and sta1iing her own agency (many of her previous clientele followed her). b. Notifications from 12 clients, with responses re: termination of their contract with The Lantz Office. (i) Beacham, Stephanie. 2 TLS: 12/22/88, 1/5/89. (ii) Corri, Nick. TLS, 12/30/88. (iii) Dotrice, Roy. ALS, 12/28/88. (iv) Kerwin, Brian. TLS, 1/3/89. (v) Krabbe, Jeroen. ALS, 1/2/89. (vi) Lacey, Ronald. Fax, 1/25/89. (vii) Langlois, Lisa. TLS, 2 ALS 2/3/89. (viii) Laurenson, James. Fax, 1/23/89. (ix) De Lint, Derek. TLS, 126/89. (x) Spound, Michael. TLS, 12/16/88. Page 1 of 3 Lantz, Robeti (6/03/05) (xi) Van de Ven, Monica. ALS, 1/30/89. (xii) Youngs, Jim. TLS, photocopy, 12/28/88. 13. "California - Marion Rosenberg - Cont. Termination - 1/89," notables include: Verhoeven, Paul. TLS, photocopy, 4/21/89. [F. 14] 14. "California Office - Misc." [F. 15] 15. "California Office - Qualification - Liquidation." [F. 16] 16. "Claims Against Morgan, 8/92." [F. 17] 17. "C01Tespondence," includes TL (photocopies) from RL; notables include: a. Dietrich, Marlene. TLS re: her misrepresentation in the play "Piaf," Dec. 15, 1980. b. Rabe, Hans. TLS re: translation of PALAZZO, Jan. 7, 1977. C. Rosenberg, Samuel. TLS re: Philip Hanson's breaking plagiarism laws by dramatizing Mr. Rosenberg's article in Life magazine celebrating the anniversary of "Mr. Frankenstein," May 19, 1976. [F. 18] 18. "Co1Tespondence." [F. 19] 19. "Copyright, 2/92 - Six Characters in Search of an Author." [F. 20] 20. "Corporate Matters." [F. 21] 21. "Robin Productions, Inc. 2 Corporate Paper." [F. 22] 22. "Crazy for You, April, 1992." [F. 23] 23. "D.G.A 11/84." [F. 24] 24. "Darene Healey," sub-files include: a. "Bank Signatures 7/92." [F. 25] b. "Bank Responsibilities 8/92." [F. 26] 25. "Dourif, B. 12/89," includes fax copy of signed contract between Brad Dourif and United Artists Pictures, Inc. [F. 27] 26. "Employment Agency License." [F. 28] Box2 27. "Equity, 2/84." [F. 1] 28. "Financials, 4/93." [F. 2] 29. "Franchise -AFM." [F. 3] 30. "Franchise (Unions)." [F. 4] 31. "Frederick Morton, 5/03." [F. 5] 32. "Frederick Morton," includes TLS (photocopy) re: the dissolution of the "Robert Lantz-Candida Donadio Literary Agency, Inc." and Frederick Morton's choice to remain with RL; notables include: [F. 6] a. Gelb, Barbara. TLS, 10/11/73. b. Morton, Frederick. TLS, 10/1/73. 33. "Gavin Lambert, 3/90," includes contract signed by Gavin Lambert. [F. 7] 34. "Robert Lantz - Green Card, 1/03." [F. 8] Page 2 of 3 Lantz, Robert (6/03/05) 35. "Guidelines, 11/85." [F. 9] 36. "Guys and Dolls - 11/92." [F. 10] 37. "Group Life Insurance." [F. 11] 37. "Immigration Forms, 7/87." [F. 12] 39. "3D Bond, 8/92." [F. 13] 40. "Jean Harris, Escrow Account, 9/87," re: controversial payment of incarcerated Jean Harris under the "Son of Sam" Law, 1987.[F. 14] 41. "August 1982 - Joan Tewkesbmy," includes TS contract signed by Joan Tewkesbmy, 9/1/82. [F. 15] 42. "Joy Ha1Tis - Accounting, 1/95 (Previous Folder Missing)." [F. 16] 43. "Joy HalTis, 11/85," notables include: [F. 17] a. Murphy, Walter. TLS (photocopy) re: his move to Albuquerque and looking for an agent for a singer he knows, Nov. 13, 1995. 44. "(Not Signed) 12/90 - Joy Harris - 1990 Agreement." [F. 18] 45. "Luigi Pirandello, 11/91." [F. 19] 46. "Needlepoint Infringement." [F. 20] 47. "California - Nancy Robe1is, 11/90." [F. 21] 48. "Lantz vs. Rosenberg #12, 1/95." [F. 22] 49. "November, 1981, 888 Seventh Ave., Office Insurance." [F. 23] 50. "Lantz Robert - Personal Misc." [F. 24] 51. "R. Hamli, September, 1990." [F. 25] 52. "Robert Halmi." [F. 26] 53. "Richardson/Conversations with My Father, 1/29." [F. 27] 54. "Robert Draper, 10/82," 2 photocopied copies of contract between Robert Draper and Continental Film Group, Ltd.; includes Amin Q. Chaudhri's signature as President and CEO of Continental Film Group, Ltd. [F. 28] 55. "Robin Productions Ltd." [F. 29] 56. "Tax Returns, 11/92." [F. 30] 57. "This is Me Inc. vs. Elizabeth Taylor et al., 12/89." [F. 31] 58. "Thomas Babe, 5/85," includes contract signed by Thomas Babe, 4/23/84. [F. 32] 59. "6/83 - Tommy Thompson/Doubleday." [F. 33] 60. "Tony Lantz/ Lantz and Weaver, 6/93." [F. 34] 61. "W.G.A., 7/84." [F. 35] 62. "Unions." [F. 36] 63. Untitled, re: renewal of California Talent Agency License. [F. 37] II. Manuscripts. A. "Six Characters in Search of an Author," by Luigi Pirandello and Adolf Lantz, TS copy, 34 p.; includes TL from RL, 5/21/90. [F. 38] Page 3 of 3 Lantz, Robert (6/03/05) Lantz, Robert #1694 6/9/06 Preliminary Listing I. Professional Materials. Box 3 A. The Lantz Office, administration and client files; may include correspondence, contracts, printed material, financial material, manuscripts, personal materials re: RL. 1. "Amadeus - Ballet." [F. 1] 2. "Apstein, Ted." 3. "Atkins/ Dallaway," re: reviews. 4. "Atkins, Eileen/ A Delicate Balance/ Press." 5. "Atkins, Eileen/ Mrs. Dalloway." [F. 2] 6. "Atkins, Eileen/ Vita And Virginia - Press File." 7. "Atkins, Eileen/ Vita And Virginia - Reviews." 8. "Babe, Thomas - 1982." 9. "Babe, Thomas - 1986," notables include: Babe, Thomas. 2 TLS: 4/8/86, 12/22/86. 10. "Breglio, Nan Knighton 'Vienna'- Legal." [F. 3] 11. "Brook, Simon 'Ledru'." [F. 4] 12. "Caron, Leslie," notables include: Caron, Leslie. 7 TLS, April­ May, 1996. 13. "Damore, Leo." 14. "Davies, Howard/ Cat On A Hot Tin Roof." [F. 5] 15. "Davies, Howard/ Liaisons Dangereuses." [F. 6] 16. "Davies, Howard/ My Fair Lady." 17. "Davies, Howard/ Translations." 18. "Davis, Bette." [F. 7] 19. "Davis, Bette/ A Piano For Mrs. Cimino." 20. "Davis, Bette/ Hotel." 21. "Davis, Bette/ Nile." 22. "Davis, Bette/ Sings." 23. "Davis, Bette/ The Award Winners." 24. "Davis, Bette/ Tomorrow Entertainment." 25. "Epstein, Paul." 26. "Forman - Flynt: 1/1/95- 9/18/95." [F. 8] 27. "Forman - Flynt: Press." [F. 9] 28. "Forman - Flynt: Publishing." [F. 10] 29. "Forman - Flynt: Reviews And Press For RL/ SL Campaign." [F. 11] 30. "Forman - Flynt: Sherlee Lantz." 31. "Forman - Flynt: Sherlee, Ralph Nader, Jack Newfield." [F. 12] 32. "Forman - Flynt: Steiner." [F. 12-13] 33. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: 1994." [F. 14] Lantz, Robert (6/9/06) Page 1 of 13 34. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Beautiful Guy." 35. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Change Of Plan." 36. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Lonely Guys Book Of Life." 37. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Mermaid Story." 38. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Scuba Duba." Box4 39. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Scuba Duba, Mother's Kisses, Black Humor, Playboy." [F. 1] 40. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Shy Photographer, Scuba Duba, Mother's Kisses." 41. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Splash." [F. 2] 42. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Stem." 43. "Friedman, Bruce Jay: Stir Crazy." 44. "Gocykowsky, Vladimir." 45. "Harris, Marilyn," notables include: Harris, Marilyn. 3 ALS: 12/10/89, 3/12/87, 6/17/88. 46. "Hotchner, A. E.," notables include: a. Hotchner, A. E. (i) 8 TLS, 2/3/86-4/9/88. (ii) 3 TNS:1/20/86 (photocopy), 10/26/86, 3/1/87. (iii) ALS, 5/11/86. (iv) 4 ANS: 1/9/88, 10/15/no year, 2 n.d. [F. 3] 4 7. Untitled re: Ballantine Books. 48. Untitled re: Thomas Babe. 49. "Gooch, Brad." [F. 4] 50. "Hobson, Laura Z.," notables include: Hobson, Laura. 3 TLS, 1979-1981. 51 "Hobson, Laura Z. - PR." [F. 5] 52. "Jenkins, Graham - Richard Burton." 53. "Kundera, Milan - Unbearable." [F. 6] 54. "Lambert, Gavin - Second Serve." [F. 7] 55. "Lantz, Sherlee - 1995." 56. "Robert Lantz - Confidential." [F. 8] 57. "Kristin Loewenstein." 58. "Myrna Loy, 1988." [F. 9] 59. "Loy, Myrna Autobiography." 60. "Myrna Loy- Roddy McDowall." 61. "Myrna Loy - Vera Lonnigan." 62. "Makarova, Natalia - 1991 Kultur (Kon Davis)." [F. 10] 63. "Makarova - Agency Contract." 64. "Natalia MaKarova Contract - On Your Toes." 65. "Makarova, Natalia: 'Tovarich,' 1991." 66. "Marshall Mason." 67. "Marshall Mason, 1988 And 1987," notables include: Mason, Marshall. 2 TLS, 1987-1988. [F. 11] 68. "Mason, Marshall W / Ahmanson Theatre - 'Summer And Smoke'." Lantz, Robert (6/9/06) Page 2 of 13 [F. 12] 69. "Mason, 'Angel Fall'." 70. "Marshall Mason, 'Burn This,' Contract Info." 71. "Mason, 'Bus Stop'." 72. "Mason, 'Kennedy's Children'." 73. "Marshall Mason - 'Picnic'." 74.
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