Number 14 Sept. -Nov. 1980 ESSAYS Marshall C. Eakin R ace and Ideology in Gra\a Aranha's Canaii Jua n Epple Eugenio Cambaceres y el Naturalismo en Argentina ]. M. Sobre Literature, Dig lossia, Dictatorship: T he Case of Cata lo nia THEORY J a ime Concha Michel Foucault y las ciencias humanas DEBATE Edward Baker . Pa inting the News: Picasso's Guernica. R ene J ara R eading the News in Pa inting: Picasso's Guernica CLUES AND SOURCES Lily Litvak La Buena N ueva: Periodicos Libertarios Espafioles Cultura proletaria y Difusi6n del Anarquismo 1883- 1913 · Carmen R amos Escandon The Novel o f P orfirian Mexico: A Histo ri an's Source. P roblems a nd Methods Hugo Achugar Modernizaci6n y Mitificaci6n: El li rismo criollis1a en el uruguay rn tre 1890 y 1910 EDITORIAL BOARD Rcni· Jara. Managing FditOJ Pall i< ia Burg. ExcctHiH· St'CJTtan Fd" ard lbkt·1 Ronald \\'. Sou'>a Russell C. I Limilton :'\ ichol;i-, Spada<< in i :\rt urn '.\fadrid Cons1a11n· Su Iii\ a11 .\n1onio Ramos-C;!',gii11 Hern;'m \'idal I k;1na Rodi igtH'/ :\111hom :'\. L1ha1t'a'> rlH· journal'-, !01rnat \\ill undngo a -,lighl changt' bt'ginning wi1h \'olume I\'. II will havt'a nt'w hcading-··Th<'ol\"-and will-,11t'ng1ht·n !he "Review :\1 ti< !es" '>t'< I ion. The tornH'l will inco1 prn alt' pi<Tt·s dt'al ing with I ht•on·1 i < a I and lllt't hodolog i< a 1 pro blt·ms !Tl a Icd Io I he t olll Jwl t'lH t' and pn!OJmall<t' ot li1t'1an nili<i'>lll and JHH'lic-,; lht' con!igu1ation ot \arious con1t·rnporal\ <lili<al 1n·1Hb; and tht' t'Xamination ot kn \\Olds. cont qi ts and 1opi< s a Ir e;uh t·s1abl islwd in the< 1 i Ii< al kx icon. The St'< ond sn 1io11 will lw 1clalt'd 10 <rili<al ;111ahsi-, and rt'a'>'>t'"lll<'lll of sp<'< ilic hi'>loriographi< l!Wth<id'''''gi< ;ti <ll 1he01t'li<al is'>tH''> t'llH'Iging horn th(' book or t'll'>t'lllblc of publica1io11s 1111dt·1 It'\ it·\,.. \\'t· belinc that 1hi-, for!llal will broaden con-,ide1ablv lht' range of actdt'mi< JHt'oc cupa1io11s of lht' jou1 nal. and promolt' a '>pi1 ilt'd dialogut' 011 a 11u111b,·1 of llt'IHh in n111t·111 litt'lal\ c1i1i<is111 and pot'lics. Tht' objc< tin· i-, 10 pro\ ick mullilatt'l<'d i11-,igh1s lo tht' 1.. Lt1io11 lw1wet·11 li1t'1a1u1t' and so< icl\. 111 01dt'1 lo crn ouragt' dialogut' and dcbatt'. tht' journal ma\ t'\Tlltualh open IIH•st· S<Ttions to 1<·sponscs. nw .. F ss;l\ s" S('C( ion w i II publish Oil h ma llll'i(l i ph in which Jll oblcms and issues a1ising110111 a so< io-hi-,1rn ical sluch o! litt'lallllt' in tht"spt'c iii< domains of Hispanic and Luso-B1:11ilia11 litt'1a1u1t·s arc llt'alt'd in a 1ht·o1nical and or a pp I it'd ba;,i,. I°lw ··c:11ws and Sotn< <'!> .. S('( tio11 will 1crn;1i11 the salll<' bv trnllinuing lo ollt·1 llt'\\. pt'ISJH'< li\l'' <>11 ahcalh t''>lablislwd c1iti<al i'>'tws. \\' <' wou Id Ii kl' 10 poi 111 oul I hal n t'll I hough I his < hang<' of frn 1na1 w i II lllt';111 a 1cdw lion in th<' 1111111fw1 of is;,ut·., pt·1 Hilume. !ht' qua111it\ of 1n1hli,lwd 11u1t·1 ial will< <>111in1w lo lw approximalt'h lht' ';urn· . \final 1101<'. ldt'nlnu,11•.1 1111d l.1/oa/1111· \n·l<onH's ;111iclc-, \\°lillt'll 111 Fnglish. Spanish. Po1tug1wst'. and o«;i;,ion;ilh Fr('llc 11. '.\Linuscriph '11b111i11ed frn lht' ··1-";l\s" st·cli<m sh<>uld 1101 t'X<<'('(I :,o pagt's; manusnipl'> submittt'd tor lh<' "Th('on" st'< 1io11 should 1101 t''-<<T<I '.lO pag<'': manuscripts ,11IH11ill('(f fo1 ·Rt'\it'w .\11i< ks" and ··c:1ut's and So111<t's" should not n.c('cd '._10 p;rg<''· '.\Lt1111,<1iJ>ls submillt'd should ;ulh1·11· i11 frn1n;11 lo tht' L111·s1 ('(li1io11 of tht".\ll..l /11111d//()ok . \111hrnsof unsoli< ilt'd ;111i1 lcs n111'1 inc luck ;1,cll-add1csst'd. sLlnlJH'd 1·1nl'lopt'. and l\10 'd'IOXt'd «>pies of 1hc maIHIS< 11p1. Cop11igh1' l'JHO. Ins1i1111c fol llw '->tll(h of ldcol<>g11·s and l.i1c1all!lt' l.'iS:\: 0Iti1-'l'.!'._'-, .\11i1 ks ,110uld lw sr·n1 I<» lckologin ;111d I .1lt·1;1ltl11· J-<,f1, .. ll IL1ll I 'I Pk;rs;1111 'illt'<'I '->.!·. l '11 i\ "''ii\ of '.\I illll('SOla '.\! in1w;1polis. '.\I i111wsola 'i'i Fi'i IDEOLOGIES & LITERATURE I Volume III Number 14 Sepe-Nov. 1980 I CONTENTS ESSAYS Marshall C. Eakin: Race and Ideologv in Gra<_a Aranha's Canaii 3 Juan Epple: Eugenio Cambaceres y el Naturalismo en Argentina 16 J.M. Sobri·: Liter;tture, Diglossia, Dictatorship: The Case of Catalonia .................................................. 51 THEORY Jaime Concha: ·· :\1 ichel Foucault y las ciencias humanas ......... 68 DEBATE Edward Baker: Painiing the News: Picasso's Gunnica ........... 85 Reni· Jara: Reading 1he News in Painting: Picasso's Gurerzica .... 90 CLUES AND SOURCES Lih Lil\ak: La Buena Nm·va: Pcri6dicos Libertarios Espafioles Cultura prnletaria y Difusi6n de! A.narquisrno 1883 .........•• 94 Carmen Ramos Escand!m: The Novel of Porlirian Mexico: A Historian's Source. Problems and Methods ....•............ 118 Hugo Adn1gar: Moderni1;Hi{m y Mitilicaci<'>n: Fl liricismo cirollista m d l' ruguay t'tltre 1890 y 1910 .............•..•....•.. 134 I drologies and/_ ltrraturc is supported in part with grants lrnm the following sources at the l 'nin·rsitY of Minnesota: College ol Liberal Arts Alumni Association of the Uni\'crsity ol Minnesota College of Liberal Arts and l 'niwrsitY College Graduate School Research Development Patrons: Tom Con le\ Jamt·' Pan l'nin·rsit\ of :\linncsota l 'ni\. of SoutlH'J ll C;ilifrn nia Alan and Che!\ 1 Fi ancis Rosanne Po1te1 Boston. :\L1-.sac husett' Iowa Sutc l 'ni\t·r-,il\· John Be\erlc\ Eduardo Frn ast in i University of Piw,burgh l'niHTsit\ of Puerto Rico Lydia D. IL11na :\111 cdo :\. Roggia110 George Mason l1niwristv l'ni\t•isit\ of Pithbu1gh Stephen Burnwistn Jcan Franco M acalester Col Icge Stanford l 'ni\tTsit\ I nm an Fox :\I id1ad P. P 1 edmm c Knox College l 'ni\nsit~ of \\';hhington Hector E. Tones-A val a Elia' Rin·rs Smith College Sl'\:Y. Stom Brook Claudia Schaefer Robc1 t Bi oth Paul Rodrig11t·1-Ht·1 nande1 l' ni\('1'it\ of !'ex as. :\ust in Rodwster, New York Su-.an Kirk pall ick Bert ha and S;•mucl Baker Uni\nsitv of California. San Diego Roth ilk Centre. \:c\\ Yrnk Paul C. Smith Beth :\lilk1 Uni\. of California. I .os Angdcs l' ni\. of Southern Cali10111ia Typeset by Peregrine Cold Type Pr111tod IJV Haymarket Prc•;.;s Race and Ideology in Gra\a Aranha's Canaa Marshall C. Eakin l University of California, Los Angeles I In his novel Canaii ( 1902), Gra<;a Aranha brought to life the ~ passionate debate on the role of race in the formation of Brazilian society which preoccupied the intellectuals of the Old Republic. In the process lw exposed certain social forces characteristic of the Old Republic but rarely discussed in such candid terms in the historical works of his contemporaries. Aranha's novel thus provides its readers with an unconventional yet invaluable source for the study of race and society in modern Brazil. Although constantlv mentioned in the words of literary and social historians of Brazil, few detailed commentaries on Canaii are available in Portuguese or English. 1 From a literary point of view this neglect may be well deserved. As a literary piece, the novel is complicated, muddled, and ultimately an artistic failure. The characters are rarclv more than mouthpieces for philosophical statements. the structure is unbalanced and awkward. and the pace slow and tedious. When compared with Euclidcs de Cunha's epic Os Srr1oes. \\·hich appeared in the same year and dealt with the same subject, its I iterary deficiencies appear even more striking. Thn stem as much from the inadequacies ol the author's writing abilitv as from his own ideological contusion-a <<>Illusion which resulted from his inability to resolve certain contradictory tones in his own societv and his own psyche. The value ol the now! lies not in its literary merih or laults but in its social documt'ntation. This artick seeks to ('Xamirn· Canwl not from a< Oll\Tlltional literary perspecti\'t· but 110111 a sociological ont', as an important ideological statement bv a distinguish('d nwmbt'r of the Bra1ilia11 elites. The nm cl tt'cords OIH' intd lectual '., pnc('ptio11 of tht' rnlc of race in the formation of Bra1ilia11 soci('t\. The sYmhob and social forces at work in the no\'t·I rdkct tht' ('conornic and -,ocial lo!Ct'S at .\1 ms/111 II C. Falu 11 work in late ninetet'nth-n·ntLHY Bralil. The first part of this article briefly tran·s the social and intelle( tual context of the noYel. while the st'Cond part analyles the Yarious symbols in the novel and relates them to that context. BY rt'('\aluating this novel. this essay hopes to expand our understanding of Bralilian thought and society during the Old Republic.
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