GIPE-002628-Contents.Pdf (764.6Kb)

GIPE-002628-Contents.Pdf (764.6Kb)

ilhanlnjayarao Gadgil Library lomIIlDm~m~mUUlmmB GIPE-PllNE-002628 lHESTORYOf THE. Nt\TION . , (lCbe ~tOt!? of tbe '.taations. POLAND. THE STORY OF THE NATIONS ,. ROME. By ARTHUR GILMAN, 29. THE NORMANS. By SARAH M.A. ORNE JEWETT. •• THE JEWS. By Prof. J. K. 30. THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE• HOSMER. By C. W. C. OMAN. 3. GERMANY. ByRetS. BARING. 3" SIOILY: Phoonlclan, Greek and GOULD, M.A. .• Roman. By the late Prof• .K. 4. CARTHAGE. By Prof. ALFRED • A. FREEMAN. J. CHURCH. 3" THE TUSCAN REPUBLICS. 5. ALEXANDER'S EMPIRE. By By BELLA DUFFY. Prof. J. P. MAHAFFY. 33. POLAND. By W. R. MORFILL, 6. THE MOORS IN SPAIN. By M.A. STANLEY LANE. POOLE. 34. PARTHIA. By Prof. GEORGE 1. ANCIENT EGYPT. By Prof. RAWLINSON. GEORGE RAWLINSON. 35. AUSTRALIAN COMMON- 8. HUNGARY. By Prof. ARMINIUS WEALTH. By GREVILLE VAMBERY. TREGARTHEN. 9. THE SARACENS. By ARTHUR 36. SPAIN. By H. E. WATTS. GILMAN, M.A. 37. JAPAN. By DAVID MURRAY, '0. IRELAND. By the Hon. EMILY Ph.D. LAWLESS. 38. SOUTH AFRICA. By GEORGE II. CHALDEA. By ZENAIDE A. M. THEAL. RAGOZIN. 39. VENICE. By ALETHEA WIEL. 12. THE GOTHS. By HENRY BRAD. 40. THE CRUSADES. By T. A. LEY. ARCHER and C. L. KINGSFORD. '3. ASSYRIA. By ZEN AIDE A. 4" VEDIC INDlA. Dy Z. A. RA­ , " RAGOZIN. GOlIN. '40 TURKEY. Dy STANLEY LANE. 42. WESTINDIESand the SPANISH POOLE. MAIN. lly jAMKS RODWAY. 'S, llOLLAND. By Prof. J. E. 43. BOHEMIA. By C. EDMUXD THOR01.D ROGERS. MAURICE • • 6. MEDIEVAL FRANCE. By 44. THEBALXANS. ByW. MILLER, GUSTAVE MASSON. M.A. '1, PERSIA. By S. G. W. BEN­ 45. CANADA. By Sir J. G. BOURI. JAMIN. NOT, LL.D. ,8. PHCENICIA. By Prof. GEO. 46. BR.ITISH INDIA. By R. W. RAWLINSON. FRAZER, LL. B. '9. MEDIA. By ZENAYDE A. RA­ 47. MODERN FRANCE. By ANDRE· GOZIN. LE BON. '0. THE HANSA TOWNS. Dy 48. THE FRANKS. By LEWIS SER. HI!LEN ZIMMERN. GEANT• ... EARLY BRITAIN_ By Pruf. 49. AUSTRIA. By SIDNEY WHIT­ ALFRED J. CHURCH. MAli '2, THE BARBARY CORSAIRS. 50. MODER~ ENGLAND. Befor. By STANLEY LANE.POOLE. the Reform BilL By] USTIN '23. RUSSIA. ByW_ MORFILL, M.A. MCCAKTHY. '4. THE JEWS UNDER THE ST. CHINA. ByProf.R. K.DOUGLAs. ROMANS. By W. D. MORRI­ 52. MODERN ENGLAND. From the SON. Reform Hill to the Present '5. SCOTLANDP By JOHN MACK.N­ Time. By J USTIH MCCANTHV. TOSH, LL.D. 53. MODERN SPAIN. By IIIAICTIN • 6. SWITZERLAND. By lIIrs. LI"A A. S. HUM ... HUG and R. STEAD. 54. MODERN ITALY. By P,ETRO 27. MEXICO_ By SUSAN HALE. ORsr. • 8. PORTUGAL. By H. MORSE 5$. NORWAY. By H. H. BOYESEN . STEPHENS. -----56. WALES. By 0. M. EDWAR!'S. LONDON: T. FISHER UNWIN, PATERNOSTER SQUARE, E.C. JOHN SOlHESKJ. POLAN D BY W. R. MORFILL, M.A. (Reader i" RltSs;tlH atld the other Slavollic Lmll!t4tlges ill Ilze U"ivel"sity 0/ OxfOl"d, Correspond;,,! ii/ember 0/ IRe Royal Scielllijic SocidJ' 0/ BoRem;a). Author <if II RUSSIA," ., SLAVONIC Lll'ERATURE." BTC~ THIRD hllPRESSION LONDON T. F ISH E RUN WIN PATERNOSTER SQUARE, E.C. YRIGHT BY T. FISHER UNWIN, 1893 v~~,mi t3 2-(U PREFACE. I HAVE written this little book on Poland on the same lines as my pre\-;ous work on Russia in this series. The plan of the work is to give a readable history of the country by bringing into prominence the more stirring episodes and salient characteristics, and putting in the background the details whien must prove less interesting. At the same time, the thread of the history is ne\"er intentionally lost sight of. It is but fair to add that the work is based entirely upon original and nati\"e authorities, and no mere com­ pilations have been employed. An attempt has been made to give in detail the chief ethnological elements of the population; and for those who wish to study Polish history more minutely a list has been added of t.'le most important works on the subject. :\Iy book has no political bias: it- is not 1.11- dt:n~iijs, as the Germans say. I ha\"c told thc tale of Poland~ very mournful one-and ha\"c nc\"er intentionally pen-erted or concealed the truth" I have given what I think were the causes of thc fall of this - once powerful kingdom; but, while Yii viii PREFACE. endcavouring to dischargc thc duty of an honcst writcr of history, I havc bcen unwilling to pcr­ form mcrcly a c7ld-bloodcd disscction of the un­ fortunate countr!; its limbs, although distorted, are still instinct with lirc. But the writer of history is not required to be a political advocate; the less he attempts anything of the kind the better his history will probably be. I hope my chaptcr on the litera­ ture may be serviceable in awakening an interest in the Polish language, still spoken by upwards of tcn millions. Noone can rcad the Iitcrature of Poland without feeling a warm sympathy with this interesting people. It only remains that I should thank my friend, Dr. George. Birkbeck Hill, the editor of Boswell, for kindly looking t1l1'ough the proof sheets and aiding me with many valuable suggestions. W. R. MORFILL. CONTENTS. rREBCE "II 1. THE COliXTR,Y .\XD rE... )I'LE OF PuL.\XD . l.'t-aro ... --!.en,lx-rg-Rn.,..,\il()\-,;k-The Yi>'lub. -The 1\,\i"" Lan!;\l~The Lilhll:m~",,~The l'~"1-'inni"" R~,~The Je ..'S- 11. THE S,\G,\S OF LULl' P ...)USH HISTORV ~"-1M Ld.hs. lit. THE RISE OF POUSH NATlo.-':.\Un.. FRO~ THE RElG~ OF MIECZYSUW I. (96::) TO THE DUTH OF BoUSL.\S THE BUYE (10::6) • :S-30 .. [Y. FRO~ THE Dun-r OF BoUSL.\S 1HE BRA"" TO THE Rl:l~ISNIN" OF THE RElGlol or rIUE~\'SI_'\\·1. 31-37 The Imer,\i...'l-Cmra,t of Ma;;..wia-l.csttk. th~ Hbck. ix x CONTENTS. V. PAGE FRON THE BEGINNING OF THE REIGN OF PRZEIIIY- SLAW I. (I295~TO THE MARRIAGE OF JADWIGA AND JAGIELLO '\1386). • • • • 38-50 Ladislaus Lokietek-Galicia acquired-Germans• in Poland- Festivities at Cracow-Jadwiga--Lndislaus Jagiello. VI. THE EARLY JAGIELLOS. FROM LADISLAUS JAGIELLO TO SIGISMUND I. 1386-15°7 51-69 Vitovt-The Treaty of Thorn-Casimir IV.-John Albert elected - Buonacorsi - Alexander - The diet at Radom­ Clement the smith-A cruel aristocracy. VII. THE JAGIELLOS. SIGISMUND I. (15°7-1548), SIGIS­ MUND II., AUGUSTUS (1548-1572). THE ELECTED SOVEREIGNS, HENRY OF VALOIS (1574-1575), AND STEPHEN BATORY (1576-1586) • 70 - II 7 Copernicus-Luxury of the Nobles-The University of Cracow-Nicholas Radziwill-Duke Albert-The Polish Embassy-Henry and Zborowski-The banquet at Paris­ Flight of Henry-Batory elected-Batory's Plans-Death of Batory-Anna Jagiellonka-The Condition of Poland-The Dissidents-Albert Laski. VIII. FCRTHER DECLINE OF THE COUNTRY- REIGNS OF SIGISMUND III., LADISLAUS IV., JOHN CASIMIR, AND MICHAEL KORYBUT • 118-154 John of Sweden-Sigismund III. - The Unintes-Jan Zamojski-Th: False Demetrius-Smotrycki-Jnn Laski­ Marie Louise-The Polish Embassy-Polish Cookery-The CONTENTS. xi • PA{iE Cossacks-CollotJuittm Charitativttm-Liberlllll vdo-Inva- sion of the Swedes-;\1arie Louise-Abdication of John Casimir-Death of John Casimir-l\licha~1 Korybut. IX. THE REIGN OF JOHN SOBIESKI Siege of Vienna-Kolszicki-Retreat of the Turks-The King's Letter-Sobieski's Triumph-Death·bed of Sobieski -South's Description-Clementina Sobieska-The French Abbe-Marie Casimire-Madame Royale-The Polish Nobles ·-The Polish Diet. X. DECLINE OF POLAND-THE SAXON KINGS. 1698- 1763 193-211 , Charles XII.-Treaty of Altranstadt-Charles XII. at BJ!nder -Courland-The Dissidents-Journey of Stanislaus-Escape -of Stanislaus-Charles XII.-Augustus III. XI. STANiSLAUS PONIATOWSKI-THE THREE PAIU'ITIONS. 1764-1795 212-252 The Confederation of Bar-Plot against the King-Perils of Stanislaus - COllnt Beniowski - First Dismemberment­ Poninski-The New Govemment-Zabiello-New Constitu­ tion-The Peasantry-The Diets-Conduct of the Prussians Kosciuszko-Maciejowice-Kosciuszko in France-Stanislaus' abdicates-Stanislaus in Russia. XII. THE POLES AS SUBJECTS OF RUSSIA, AUSTRIA, AND PRUSSIA 253-268 Treaty of Vienna-Constantine-Warsaw taken-Ancillon­ The Galician Massacres-The Secret Committee-Muraviev. xii CONTENTS. XIII. POLISH LITERATURE Queen Margaret' s Ilalter-Dll1gosz-Copernicl1s-Szymono­ wicz-Kromer-Orzechowski-SlIarga-G6rnicki-Potocki­ Morsztyn - Kilinski - Rzewuski - Niemcewicz - Mickiewicz Malczewski - Fredro - Lelewel-Szajnocha .-Kraszewski­ Ujejski. XIV. THE SOCIAL CONDITION OF POLAND The Nobility-The Burghers-The Peasants--The Kille/oIlS -The Villages-Courland-The Jews-The Szlachta-Polish Legislation-The KIlle/OIlS-Polish dress-The Nobility-The Polish Kings. XV. POLITICAL AND LITERARY LANDMARKS-AuTHORI- TIES . Historical Dates-Summary-Literary Dates-Bobrzynski­ V. Krasinski-Coxe-Mickiewicz-White Russian. LIST OF POLISH KINGS • GENEALOGICAL TABLE OF THE JAGIELLOS GENEALOGICAL TABLE OF THE SOBIESKIS 379 INDEX LIST OF ILLt:STRATIOXS. 10H~ 5OBlESI.. Fn.RhV.:.... , 1l.\P TO lLLt'SYR..\TE THE F1~.\L P,\RTlTIO~ OF POL\~D, 1795 T ..f.n I"~~ I P.\.GE THE 1.\GIELLO LlBlLUY AT CR.\COW 6 SEAL OF 1I1ESZJ;.0 THE ELDER A Ct"P PRESER'-W IN THE C.\THEDR..\L 0.- PLoc'K. GI\,"E~ BY COSR..U> I.. Dt"J;.E OF )'I.\SO\'l.\ 35 SEAL OF PRZElIYSL\W I.t Dt'J;.E C,F GRE..\T POL\SD 39 SE..\L OF c.\SnIlR THE GREAT 4' SE..\L OF THE C1T\" OF CRACOW (13.1>"-13;0) • 43 TOllB OF C.\SIllIR THE GRE..\T I~ THE C.\TH£DR..\L AT CR.\COW SE..\L OF C.\SlllIR THE GRE..\T. THE C.-\THWRAL AT CR..-\COW I~ ITS ORIGIS.\L FORll, FOt:ltT£E.."ITH AXD FlFT£Do"TH CL,.t-RIES 57 SE..\L OF l.'--'n-sz _-\SD ST,-\XISLU'S OF 1l,-\5O\'l,"- 15~ S9 lIOXl:YE.."IT OF CARDIXAL TRWERICJ;.

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