Check out Weekend for a review of the Inside in NewS...WARC's back This week's Perspectives... naughty animated film "El Dorado," Gail on the air; plus, further information Jason Cashing, a senior and an EMT, Giewont's triumphant return and the story on on the debate about the first-year on why those sirens on North Main Livingston Taylor's visit to campus. seminars and advising. and Park never stop. since 1876 "Liberty not Vol. 123, No. 20 exercised is Thursday liberty lost." April 13, 2000 —Gene Policinski IBatter Up FS Program Debated By KARA HARCHUCK all the faculty are trained to teach completed prior to a student's News Editor writing and speaking, in particular, formal declaration of major. so we have to go to workshops to This component of the First As the first full year of the new learn to do it." Seddig said that and Second Seminar requirement First and Second Seminar program this lack of training would not is in addition to three others—FS comes to a close, students, faculty apply to all faculty, but it would to 101, FS 102 and FS 201. The pur- and administrators are sharply some. pose of these three classes is to divided on whether or not the pro- Most faculty that responded to enhance analytical and critical gram is either credible or an im- questioning regarding these meet- skills, along with written and oral provement on previous programs. ings and workshops found them to communication skills. According to Professor of Re- be useful and of some assistance; The topics vary from year to ligious Studies Carl Olson, "When however, one faculty member, year as well as the instructors. one is forced to teach what one is who wished to remain anonymous, However, the instructor of the 101 not trained to do everyone suffers, used the phrase, "huge waste of course becomes the student's advi- including departmental offerings. time," in reference to them. sor for the remainder of the year. As for the advising part of the pro- Students are then automatically gram, I am embarrassed to be as- " I am embarrassed to be required to register for the Aca- sociated with a college that offers associated with a college demic Planning Requirement (APL) under this advisor. They [academic] credit for advising." that offers [academic] credit Olson touched on the two main are then to meet With the advisor concerns of some students and for advising." several times during the semester faculty regarding the pro- to discuss future plans in terms of gram—the resulting commitment Credit for Advising classes and majors. The student required from the faculty, and the A second item of concern for writes a final short paper regarding implementation of extending three many is the issue of the segment of plans for their academic future. separate credits for the advising the program known as the "Aca- For these meetings and papers, section of the new program. demic Planning Requirements," they receive an academic credit on Faculty Training where students are required to take their grade reports. Professor Robert Seddig, Po- a sequence of three one credit ad- "Doing advising well, both as litical Science Department Chair, vising units—Academic Planning an advisor and an advisee, is work, explained that a main component 101, 201 and 202. These classes so we're recognizing that work of the First Year Seminars is the are on the student's schedule of [with credit]," said Rick Holm- increased speaking and writing courses, and begin in the second gren, Associate Dean of the Col- component. "We feel students semester of the first year, extend- lege. don't get enough public speaking ing through each semester of the "These are three credits in ad- dition to the 128 needed to gradu- /awar, experience." The seminars are sophomore year. They receive a ways to give students an early start credit/no credit mark for the com- ate," Holmgren continued, "so In a home game earlier thhis season sophomore Jessica Young to oral communication and pres- pletion of each. The culmination of they are on top of what we were shows her skills in the batters' box. This weekend, the Allegheny entation. the three creates an Academic —see FS, page 4— Women's Softball will host the Allegheny Invitational at Robertson However, Seddig added, "Not Planning Portfolio, which must be field. —photo by Many Hrach Campus Moving Toward Energy Efficieny dent of the College Richard Cook The company, which has yet to be lion in needed work to make the By ERICA ERWIN recently signed a letter of intent in determined, would examine eve- college more energy efficient. News Editor partnership with Meadville Medi- rything from light bulbs and boil- The college plans to select a firm cal Center (MMC) to negotiate an ers to water controls on faucets and in the upcoming weeks. The cho- "Greening." It's a catchphrase energy performance contract. air handling units. sen firm will then perform a full Please Note... used in today's environmentally This contract would allow for an At present, three energy man- energy audit on every building on This week's issue is eight conscious society referring to the energy management firm to come agement firms have been inter- campus. After the inspection is pages in length so that we process of implementing environ- to the campus and evaluate all as- viewed. Representatives from each completed, the firm will submit can continue bringing you mentally responsible designs in pects of Allegheny's energy use. firm were given a tour of the cam- recommendations identifying areas buildings. Soon, the campus may According to Vice President of pus in February in which each did in which energy savings could be news next week. Next join corporations and action groups Finance and Administration Joseph a preliminary walk-through of the found and the measures needed to week's issue will be the nationwide in the effort to become Grasso, the chosen company campus to assess energy usage. achieve those savings, including last of this academic year. more environmentally accountable. would determine whether energy is The preliminary walk-through in —see ENERGY, page 4— —The Campus staff On behalf of Allegheny, Presi- being used efficiently on campus. February revealed up to $1.5 mil- Page 2 News April 13, 2110 The Campus Asks CRIME BLOTTER compiled by Indigo Weber, Staff Photographer ■ Criminal mischief was re- ■ There was a theft reported at ■ One college employee and one ported at Caflisch Hall on the admissions office on Apr. housekeeper fell on ice on What are your plans for the rest Apr. 6 at 1 a.m. Security sus- 8. Money and a CD disk were Apr. 10. Both were taken to pects that a pickle jar went taken. Security found no signs the hospital and were released. of the academic year? through a window, which will of forced entry. cost $130 to replace. There are no suspects. CAMPUS BRIEFS "There's still class? No, really, I MIGHT work on my ■ Allegheny Repertory Dance ■ The Allegheny College foot- 2755 o r e-mail will present its 16th annual ball team will hold its annual [email protected] to reserve two 15-pagers...or go to the spring concerts on Thursday, bars." —Jessica Acevedo '00 instructional youth football your seat today. April 13, Friday, April 14 and camp on Saturday, April 15 Saturday, April 15 at 8 p.m. in from 9 a.m. to noon in the ■ The women's studies program the Montgomery Performance David V. Wise Center. This will present "Ladies of the Space. Allegheny Repertory camp is free of charge and is Lake: A Matriarchal Society" Dance is a company of student open to all children in grades on Wednesday, April 19 at dancers who maintain in rep- two through six. Each child 12:30 p.m. in the Grounds for ertory and perform in concert will receive lunch and a camp Change coffeehouse (3rd floor the work of professional cho- t-shirt. For more information, of the Campus Center). This reographers. For more infor- contact Joyce Gionti at 333- film will examine the Mosuo mation on this performance, 3350. culture of rural China and is "Job hunting for after finals please contact the Dance Pro- and working my ass off. After part of the Women's Studies gram at 332-2813. • Celebrate Asia! will present a Third Wednesday Film Series. Springfest, of course." Luau Festival on Saturday, —Cliff Francis '01 For more information, contact ■ Kim Phan, Allegheny alumna April 15 at 9 p.m. in Brooks the women's studies program and publication editor for the Dining Hall. For more infor- at 332-3378. U.S. AEP, will give a lunch- mation, contact the Office of time lecture on Thursday, Diversity Affairs at 332-3332. ■ Several summer employment April 13 at noon in the Cul- positions are available for stu- tural Center (3rd floor of the ■ Allegheny will present a dents. Housing is also avail- Campus Center). AEP is an Holocaust Survivors' Panel on able for all students who work American environmental or- Monday, April 17 at 7 p.m. in on campus during the summer. "I am resisting the urge to ganization dedicated to help- Ford Chapel. The panel will For more information, contact fling my comp out the ing developing countries feature one Holocaust survi- Sherry Proper at 332-2701. A window and follow it...o achieve the "Clean Revolu- vor, one German-born U.S. complete list of the positions f tion." This is a Celebrate Asia! course I live on the first floor, soldier and a current German available is posted in the Fi- event.
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