xpECEMBER19743 VOLUME S, Number 12 $2.00 in USA $2.40 in CANADA Someday all terminals will be smart....... 128 Functions -software controlled 82 x 16 or 92 x 22 format -plus graphics 7 x 12 matrix, upper /lower case letters Printer output port 50 to 38,400 baud - selectable "CHERRY" keyboard CT -82 Intelligent Terminal, assembled and tested S795.00 ppd in Cont. U.S. SOUTHWEST TECHNICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION 219 W. RHAPSODY SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78216 Circle 350 on inquiry card. RS-232 or Parallel Parallel Parallel Current Loop I/O Port #1 I/O Port #2 I/O Port #3 I/O Port #4 Latched Outputs Programmable Baud Rate UART with Interval Timers 4 MHz 4 MHz Z80A Crystal Clock Completely Buffered Bus Interface On Card Voltage Regulation tt Irl Standard Bus 8K ROM 1K RAM for System Capacity Expandability The single card computer with the features that help you in real life COMPLETE COMPUTER ENORMOUS EXPANDABILITY EASY TO USE In this advanced card you get a pro- Besides all these features the Cro- Another convenience that makes the fessional quality computer that meets memco single card computer gives you Model SCC computer easy to use is our today's engineering needs. And it's one enormous expandability if you ever need Z -80 monitor and 3K Control BASIC (in that's complete. It lets you be up and it. And it's easy to expand. First, you two ROMs). With this optional software running fast. All you need is a power can expand with the new Cromemco you're ready to go. The monitor gives supply and your ROM software. 32K BYTESAVER PROM card mentioned you 12 commands. The BASIC, with 36 The computer itself is super. Fast above. Then there's Cromemco's broad commands /functions, will directly ac- 4 MHz operation. Capacity for 8K bytes line of S100- bus -compatible memory cess I/O ports and memory locations - of ROM (uses 2716 PROMs which can and I/O interface cards. Cards with fea- and call machine language subroutines. be programmed by our new 32K BYTE - tures such as relay interface, analog Finally, to simplify things to the ulti- SAVERS PROM card). There's also 1K of interface, graphics interface, opto- mate, we even have convenient card on -board static RAM. Further, you get isolator input, and A/D and D/A con- cages. Rugged card cages. They hold straightforward interfacing through an version. RAM and ROM cards, too. cards firmly. No jiggling out of sockets. RS -232 serial interface with ultra -fast speed of up to 76,800 baud - software AVAILABLE NOW /LOW PRICE programmable. The Cromemco Model SCC is avail- Other features include 24 bits of bi- able now at a low price of only $450 directional parallel I/O and five on- factory assembled ($395 kit). board programmable timers. So act today. Get this high -capability Add to that vectored interrupts. computer working for you right away. 32K BYTESAVER PROM card Cromemco Gin c or p or a t e d Specialists in computers and peripherals 280 BERNARDO AVE., MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 (415) 964 -7400 Circle 80 on inquiry card. BYTE December 1978 1 Z-ZD (.umf,urrO)srnrt_. - RI Crwrnee Model Z -2D System Two Model Z-2 One or two disks Dual disk Up to 512K of RAM /ROM Up to 5121( of RAM /ROM Up to 512K of RAM /ROM Up to 184K of disk Up to 184K of disk Fill your computer needs with the industry's most professional microcomputers #1 IN RELIABILITY Up to 512 kilobytes of RAM and Cromemco card support of more a for 1 megabyte of disk storage than dozen circuit cards When you choose Cromemco you process control, business sys- get not only the industry's finest tems, and data acquisition in- microcomputers but also the indus- / cluding cards for A -D and D -A try's widest microcomputer selec- conversion, for interfacing daisy- tion. wheel or dot -matrix printers, even What's more, you get a computer a card for programming PROMs. from the manufacturer that compu- The industry's most professional ter dealers rate #1 in product re- software support, including liability.' COBOL, FORTRAN IV, 16K Disk - Your range of choice includes Extended BASIC, Z -80 Macro our advanced System Three with r; Assembler, Cromemco Multi - up to four 8" disk drives. Or choose User Operating System, Data from the System Two and Z -2D with System Three Base Management System, Word 5" drives. Then for ROM -based work Two to four disks Up to 512K of RAM /ROM Processing System - and more there's the Z2. Each of these com- Up to 1 megabyte of disk coming. puters further offers up to 1/2 mega- Rugged, professional all -metal byte of RAM (or ROM). 30 -amp power supply - more construction for rack (or bench We say these are the industry's than adequate for your most or floor cabinet) mounting. Cab- most professional microcomputers demanding application. inets available. because they have outstanding fea- 21 card slots to allow for un- tures like these: paralleled system expansion us- FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW ing industry- standard S -100 Z -80A microprocessor oper- Cromemco computers will meet - cards. ates at 250 nano second cycle your needs now and in the future time - nearly twice the speed of S -100 bus - don't overlook how because of their unquestioned tech- most others. important this is. It has the in- nical leadership, professionalism dustry's widest support and Cro- and enormous expandability. 'Rated in The 1977 Computer Store memco has professionally imple- See them today at your dealer. Survey by Image Resources, Westlake mented it in a fully -shielded There's no substitute for getting Village, CA. design. the best. Cromemco in c o r p or a t e d Specialists in computers and peripherals 280 BERNARDO AVE., MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 (415) 964 -7400 2 BYTE December 1978 0 Circle 80 on inquiry card. r In the Queue EIVTE December 1978 Volume 3 Number 12 PUBLISHERS Foreground Virginia Londoner Gordon R Williamson 14 DIRECTOR, EDITORIAL PLANNING FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMS ON YOUR HOME COMPUTER Carl T Hdmers Ir Software -Stanley- Peterson EDITOR IN CHIEF Christopher P Morgan 26 DESIGNING A UNIVERSAL TURING MACHINE: A Software Approach VICE-PRESIDENT, PRODUCTION Software -Munnecke Iudith Havey PRODUCTION MANAGER 32 BUILD AN OCTAL /HEXADECIMAL OUTPUT DISPLAY Karen Gregory Hardware - Ciarcia ADVE RTIS ING DIRECTOR john Hayes 94 INTERFACE YOUR COMPUTER TO A PRINTING CALCULATOR CIRCULATION MANAGER Hardware Gregory Spitafaden -Astmann COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR 100 ZAPPER: A Computer Driven EROM Programmer James C Morrissett, K6MH EDITORS Hardware -Gable Raymond G A Cote 128 CLOCKLESS MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION CIRCUITS Blaire W Liffick Richard Shuford Hardware -Weed PRODUCTION EDITORS 140 CREATING A CHESS PLAYER, Part 3: Chess 0.5 (continued) Nancy Salmon David William Hayward Computer Chess Software -Frey -Atkin Peter Perin 168 PARTITIONED DATA SETS PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Cheryl A Hurd Tutorial- Halsema PRODUCTION ART Stephen Kruse Wai Chia Li Dorothy Shamonsky Background Ellen Shamonsky NEW PRODUCTS EDITOR CLUBS, NEWSLETTERS 45 LIFE WITH YOUR COMPUTER Laura A Hanson Applications: Life Games -Milliun-Reardon -Smart ASSISTANT ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Patricia Clark 54 SOME FACTS OF LIFE ADVERTISING PRODUCTION COORDINATOR L ife- Buckingham Thomas Harvey ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS 68 ONE -DIMENSIONAL LIFE Noreen Bardslry Life Games -Millen lilt Callihan COMPTROLLER 84 CHESS 4.7 VERSUS DAVID LEVY Kevin Maguire Computer Chess -Douglas ASSISTANT TO COMPTROLLER Mary Steiner 108 AN EASY PROGRAMMING SYSTEM ASSISTANT TO PUBLISHERS Software Weisbecker Ruth M Walsh - EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 124 TEACHING WITH A MICROCOMPUTER Gale Britton Applications -Ger hol d CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS Christine Dixon 186 THE MOTHER CHIP Ann Graves Fiction - Willard Pamela R Heaslip Agnes E Perry 194 FORTRAN AND ITS GENERALIZATIONS DEALER SALES Language Ginnie F Boudrieau Tutorial- Maurer Anne M Baldwin TRAFFIC MANAGER Rick Fuette RECEPTIONIST Nucleus Jacqueline Earnshaw DRAFTING 4 In This BYTE Tertian Associates TYPOGRAPHY 6 New Wonders of the Computer Age Goodway Graphics 10 Letters PHOTOGRAPHY Ed Crabtree 43 Book Reviews PRINTING Programming Quickies: The George Banta Company 76 Life ASSOCIATE EDITOR 92 Nybbles: Z -80 Assembler Daniel Fylstra ASSOCIATES 161, 163 BYTE's Bits, BYTE's Bugs Walter Banks 164 Event Queue Steve Garcia David Fylstra 166 Clubs, Newsletters Portia Isaacson 174 Programming Quickies: Tic -Tac -Toe in BASIC BOOK DIVISION: PRODUCTION MANAGER 176 Languages Forum Edmond C Kelly Ir 184, 202, 208 Technical Forum PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Patricia Curran 192 Desk Top Wonders: A Game for the TI -58 NATIONAL ADVERTISING 209 What's New? SALES REPRESENTATIVES: Hajar Associates Inc 246 Unclassified Ads EAST 248 BOMB, Reader Service 280 Hillside Av Needham Heights MA 02194 (617)444.3946 MIDWEST BYTE is published monthly by BYTE Publications Inc, 70 Main St, Peterborough NH 03458. Address all mailexcept sub- 664 N Michigan Av scriptions to above address: phone (6031 924-7217. Address all editorial correspondence to the editor at the above address. Chicago IL 60611 Unacceptable manuscripts will be returned if accompanied by sufficient first class postage. Not responsible for lost manu- (312) 337 -8008 scripts or photos. Opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of BYTE. Address all subscriptions, change of WEST, SOUTHWEST address, Form 3579, and fulfillment complaints to BYTE Subscriptions, PO Box 590, Martinsville NJ 08836. Second class 1000 El Wdle Ct Suite 227 postage paid at Peterborough NH 03458 and at additional mailing offices -USPS Publication No. 102410. 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