32466 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 19, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS APPROACHING THE SUMMIT sians is another. And the U.S. is prepared to eign Affairs some cautionary words: "This is SOBERLY go on pretending SALT II is a real agree­ a long struggle with no end in sight. What­ ment, however much abuse it gets from the ever their faults, the Soviets will be finn, Russian side. patient and consistent in pursuing their for­ HON. JIM COURTER In short, the Washington community, by eign policy goals. We must match them in OF NEW JERSEY merely following its own instincts, is once that respect." IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES again setting the president up to have his A good way to match them will be for Mr. pockets picked. Mr. Reagan's Strategic De­ Tuesday, November 19, 1985 Reagan to go to the summit, complain as he fense Initiative is being negotiated and re­ intends about Soviet aggressions and abuses Mr. COURTER. Mr. Speaker, as the two negotiated on Mr. Gorbachev's behalf. The of human rights and make no promises. And following articles indicate, America must president is being urged to rush back, as tonight will not be too soon to start damp­ sober up and approach the first Reagan­ Richard Nixon once did, to dramatically ing down the mindless euphoria that has present some "breakthrough" to a joint ses­ overtaken pre-summit Washington. Gorbachev meeting with the kind of clear­ sion of Congress. Word is going around, as it eyed skepticism that such an occasion war­ always does, that the Soviet leader is in CLEAR UP ABM TREATY CONFUSION rants. Specifically, the President must "go deep trouble and will be eager to make to the summit, complain as he intends deals. Excerpts from a letter to the president by about Soviet aggressions and abuses of Mr. Reagan has tried to discourage such Sen. Malcolm Wallop <R .. Wyo.> and Rep. nonsense. He has wisely rejected the idea of Jack Kemp <R .. N.Y.>: human rights and make no promises." On Dear Mr. President: Soon you will be trav­ the matter of the ADM Treaty, the Presi­ a post-summit communique, for example, saying that you don't promise a communi· eling to Geneva to meet with Mr. Gorba· dent should follow the lead set by my col­ que when all you are doing is having a little chev. We join with all Americans in sending leagues JACK KEMP and MALCOLM get-acquainted session. He has discouraged our best wishes to you as you prepare for WALLOP; that is, to stop viewing the ADM the notion that there will be any "agree­ that meeting. At the same time. the confu­ Treaty as sacred icon, the Old Testament, ments." But even for a president with Mr. sion surrounding the U.S. government's atti· or the Magna Carts-characterizations Reagan's keen understanding of what the tude toward the ABM Treaty particularly made by prominent U.S. statesmen and U.S.-Soviet relationship is and must be, demands public clarification. On Oct. 14, Secretary Shultz explained an senior allied officials, and to press on with there are dangers of being trapped. Arms control is, as always, the biggest area of approach to the ABM Treaty that raises the achievement of the noble objective of danger. more questions than it answers. Whereas rendering nuclear weapons useless and, ul­ The policy of abiding by SALT II, which your administration had said previously timately, nonexistent. The President has Mr. Shultz seems prepared to continue. that the treaty prevents us from doing a va­ the opportunity to make this the only hasn't made much sense. Consider the just­ riety of things to protect ourselves against United States-Soviet summit ever to published "Military Balance" report of Lon­ ballistic missiles, Secretary Shultz now achieve enduring, positive results, but only don's well-respected International Institute made clear that we refrain from doing those if he follows his instincts and does not suc­ for Strategic Studies. It says the Soviets things not because the treaty forbids us, but because we choose not to do them. cumb to Soviet propaganda, and Congres­ have increased their supply of long-range nuclear warheads by 37 percent in just ONE NEED ONLY LOOK sional hand-wringing. It's a tall order, but three years. They now enjoy a 2.4-to-one ad· the President has faced tougher challenges vantage over the U.S. in land submarine This peculiar self-denial, as Secretary in his time and emerged unbowed and un­ based megatonnage. That's mutual re­ Shultz pointed out, is not required by the straint? ABM Treaty. Nor does technology impose scathed. such excessive restraint. To see this, one TIME TO SOBER UP U.S. soft-liners want the president to promise that the U.S. will not over the next need only look at the things the Soviets are Let's hope President Reagan's presummit five years exercise its option to withdraw. doing. Five out of the six Pechora-class TV address tonight will sober up the Wash· on one year's notice, from the 1972 anti-bal· large phased array battle management ington community, which is suffering from listie missile treaty. That treaty also has not radars are perfectly legal. as is the seventh, a terminal case of silliness over its hopes placed much restraint on the Soviets. The even more capable radar at Push kino <yet about what Mr. Reagan's sitdown with Mik· IISS says the Soviets are actively pursuing only the illegal radar at Krasnoyarsk which hail Gorbachev is likely to accomplish. their own space-based nuclear defense re­ completes the circle draws our attention>. Contributing to the air of unreality are search even while they attack the U.S. The mass-production of the other compo­ tales of White House gnomes delivering tons effort. A Pentagon report sent to the White nents of the ground-based ABM system, the of briefing papers to the Oval Office and House Tuesday cites a series of serious Flat-Twin engagement radar, the SH-4 and setting up projectors to show the president Soviet ABM treaty violations. So while Mr. SH-8 interceptors, all easily transportable, the Gorbachev-Mitterand game films. News­ Reagan temporizes and generously offers to does not violate any part of the ABM paper Style sections this Sunday will de­ make future U.S. defense technology avail· Treaty. The mass-production of the mobile scribe in infinite detail what Nancy will able to all comers, the Russians are actually SA-12 system <which is very effective wear when she has tea in Geneva with the putting a defense in place. The danger in against the mainstay of our retaliatory lovely Raisa. Tip O'Neill is taking time out this is clearly outlined in the open letter to force, the SLBMs> transcends the ABM from the budgetary chaos he presides over the president from Rep. Kemp and Sen. Treaty because it performs both anti-air· on Capitol Hill to make the outrageous Wallop excerpted nearby. craft and antimlssile functions in the same claim that Congress has given the president People often ask why the Russians have "mode." the support he needs for a summit "suc­ invested so much in weapons of mass de· No one has suggested that when the Sovi­ cess." struction while living standards in the ets test their space laser weapon soon we On a more serious level, George Shultz Soviet Union are, on the whole, only slight· will consider that to be a violation of the has been treating with the Soviets since his ly above Third World levels. The summit ABM Treaty, even though all knowledgea­ meeting with Andrei Gromyko last January, ballyhoo in the U.S. provides the obvious ble persons would agree that any of our mis­ laying the summit groundwork. Without answer. They want to be feared. They sur­ siles which flew within 1,000 kilometers of knowing the game plan. it's impossible to round themselves in mystery so that Ameri· such a weapon would be vulnerable to de· assess how well Mr. Shultz is doing. But we can congressmen, permitted an audience struction. mostly have been hearing about gifts the with the Great Gorbachev, will come away The Defense Department's publication State Department might like to lay before awed by having been spoken to in English or "Soviet Military Power" describes how the Mr. Gorbachev. Surrender of the U.S. claim fixed with his steely gaze. Showmanship of Soviet Union is building prototypes of a va­ to Wrangell Island <discussed in this space this skill level wins concessions. riety of antimissile devices. The intelligence yesterday> is one possibility. An offer to Richard Nixon, who has had some experi· community tells us about the Soviets' mas­ pool fusion energy research with the Rus- ence with summits, wrote in the latest For- sive building program associated with stra- e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member of the Senate on the floor. Boldface type indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. November 19, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 32467 tegic defense. Since no one in the adminis­ Yes, it is possible to do some things to [From the Los Angeles Times, Nov. 14. tration is calling these things treaty viola­ defend against ballistic missiles. But, no, it 19851 tions, we presume they are not. We are not is not possible to do others. The Pentagon's AlaRICA MUST BE PREPARED To Do MORE IN even mentioning the deployment of rapidly all-too-familiar tradition is to substitute re­ PHILIPPINES reloadable launchers-equipped with who search for action.
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