University o f Hong Kong Libraries Publications, No. 2 0 New Music in China and The C. C. Liu Collection at the University of Hong Kong Edited and compiled b y Helen Wo o in association with Chan Hing-yan and Georg Predot a # m * , * ti l K * t HONG KON G UNIVERSIT Y PRES S Hong Kong University Pres s 14/F Hing Wai Centr e 7 Tin Wan Pray a Road Aberdeen Hong Kon g Hong Kong University Pres s 2005 ISBN 96 2 209 772 3 All rights reserved. No portion o f this publication ma y be reproduce d or transmitted i n any form o r by any means, electronic o r mechanical, includin g photocopy, recording, or any information storag e or retrieval system, without prior permission i n writing from th e publisher . Printed an d bound b y Kings Time Printing Pres s Ltd., in Hong Kong, China Contents Foreword vi i Anthony Ferguson Preface IX Liu Ching-chih BU m x v smz Acknowledgements xi x Helen Woo The Arrangement o f the Catalogue xx i Part A * Invite d Paper s 1. C.C . Liu on New Music in China 3 Barbara Mittkr 2. Th e C. C. Liu Collection on New Music in China at the 1 7 University o f Hong Kon g Helen Woo 3. ^mmmm^&mitmmm 2 3 The Repertoire o f the Modern Chinese Orchestra: Experimen t or Falsificatio n 4- Th e Fis h Bites Its Tail in Sun Wenming's Liu Bo Qu 3 1 Yu Siu-wah 5. Sof t an d Sweet, Loud and Sour: Looking Back on Polytonality 4 7 Harrison Ryker v Contents Part B. "Th e C. C. Liu Collection on New Musi c i n China" Catalogu e Section I Score s (No. 1 -No. 621 ) 7 3 Section I I Book s and Ephemera (No . 622 - No.1008 ) 17 3 Section II I Manuscript s (No . 100 9 - No . 1056 ) 23 7 Section I V Audio-Visua l Materials (No. 105 7 - No . 1127 ) 24 5 Section V Journal s (No. 112 8 - No . 1163 ) 26 3 Appendices A. Lis t o f Liu Ching-chih's Publications on New Music in China 27 1 B. Lis t of Conferences an d Seminars on New Music in China Organized 28 5 by Liu Ching-chi h C Othe r donations from Li u Ching-chih (No . CI - No . C220) 28 9 Indexes Author Inde x 31 7 Title Index 33 7 VI The Arrangement o f the Catalogu e Part B of this book contains the catalogue o f "The C. C. Liu Collection on New Music in China". The 1,16 3 entrie s are organized into five sections according t o material formats : Section I — Scores ; Section I I — Book s and Ephemera ; Section II I — Manuscripts ; Section I V — Audio-visua l Materials an d Section V — Journals . Each entry i s arranged by author or title in alphabetical order and assigned a sequential number. Arrangers, lyricists and librettists are listed under "Alternat e author" below the main entry. Because the University o f Hong Kong Libraries i s in the process of converting the classification syste m of the Chinese, Japanese and Korean Collection fro m th e modifie d La i Yunghsiang Classification Syste m t o the Library of Congress Classification System , call numbers have been deliberatel y omitted fro m the catalogue . Catalogue entrie s The following example s disclose the main elements o f catalogue entries: SCORE [47] Sequential number Chen, Gang, 193 5 Author He, Zhanhao, 193 3 Alternate author Butterfly lovers, violin, orchestra; arr. Uniform title Title Th e butterfly lovers violin concerto: violin and piano / [by] Chen Gang and He Zhan-Hao = Parallel title Lian g Shanbo yu Zhu Yingtai: xiao ti qin xie zou qu / Chen Gang, he Zhanhao. Imprint Xianggang : Hk Music Media, 1983. 1 score (37 p.) + 1 part; 29 cm. Same f gtiB , 1935- information \ {tf^iM, 1933 - inChinese m\hift&$lMG - 'Ml^&^ffl / F*«, fafilt xxi The Arrangement o f the Catalogue JOURNAL [1364] Sequential number Xinghai yin yue xue yuan xue bao = Journal of Parallel title Title in Pinyin - - Xinhai Conservatory of Music. Imprint- - [Guangzhou: Xianghai yin yue xue yuan xue bao bian ji bu], 1991 Beginning date of the journal Unique issue/s donated by Liu Ching-chih — - Issue s added: No. 44/45 (Nov. 1991 ) which were added to the collection BOOK [902] — - Sequential number Liu, Jingzhi, 1935- Author Sheng, Mei-ti. — - Alternate author Title in Guan Hanqing Sanguo gu shi za ju yan jiu = A - - Parallel title pinyin study of Guan Han-qing's dramatization of the San-guo stories / Liu Ching chih chu; Sheng Mei-ti bian ji. Place of Xianggang: Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian Publisher publication shu dian, 1980 . Date of publication Description 5, 193 p., [9] leaves of plages: ill.; 20 cm. Same Sm^, 1935 - information in Chinese laiwHi : £S • IllllI l «f»HW*jg > 1980. For Chinese entries, the Hanyu pinyin i s given ahead o f the Chinese equivalent . For the latter, only authors, alternate authors, titles and imprint ar e shown . Square brackets identif y informatio n supplie d b y the cataloguers , suc h a s dates derive d fro m th e work . [S.I. ] i n squar e brackets mean s that th e plac e o f publication i s unknown an d [s.n. ] i n squar e bracket s mean s tha t th e dat e o f publication i s not extant . For journals, the date s o f initial publication ar e shown fo r identificatio n purposes. This catalogue only provides information on those issues donated by Liu Ching-chih tha t complemen t th e holding s o f the Universit y o f Hong Kon g Libraries. Please consult the University o f Hong Kong Libraries online catalogu e at http://lib.hku.hk/ fo r complete library holdings. New journal titles added to the collection are designated by asterisks. xxn The Arrangement o f the Catalogu e Indexes Two indexes have been compiled to aid in the use of the catalogue : J. Author Index This inde x i s arranged alphabeticall y b y author/composer' s surname . T o facilitate retrieval, joint authors/composers, translators, arrangers, performers , lyricists and librettist s have als o been included . Surnames L u and L u hav e been interfiled . Multipl e works by the same author/composer ar e arranged i n alphabetical order by title. Hanyu pinyin i s used for Chinese authors . 2. Title Index Titles are arranged in alphabetical order. Uniform an d parallel titles assigne d to scores have also been included. For translated works, the titles published i n their original languages are also shown. Titles published in Chinese are given in Hanyu pinyin . Only title s that belon g t o "The C . C. Li u Collection o n New Musi c o f China" ar e indexed . Pleas e consult Appendix C fo r "Other Donation s b y Li u Ching-chih". Please go to the home page of the University of Hong Kong Libraries at http://lib.hku.hk/ fo r detailed informatio n o n these entries . xxiu The C, C * Liu Collection on New Music in China at the University o f Hong Kon g Helen Wo o Music Library, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China July 15 , 1999 was a memorable day for the University o f Hong Kong Libraries. Liu Ching-chih (Liu Jingzhi) $ {\in3L sen t a letter accompanied by an article by Barbara Mittler1 fro m th e Institute o f Chinese Studies , University o f Heidelberg, to Kan Lai-bing(Jian Libing) MMfe K , University Librarian at the time. In this letter Liu offered t o donate his research materials, collected ove r the past two decades o n music, translation, and Chinese literature, from his research project on "The History of New Music in China, 1885-1985". 2 Since the collection comprised mostly music, I was asked by Kan to examine this treasure on July 30. On August 4, Chan Hing- yan (Chen Qingen) PjfcJtLil , the present Head o f the Department o f Music and I , made a trip to Room 20 6 at the Centre o f Asian Studies, where these material s were housed, which i s not fa r fro m th e Hung Hing Yin g Building, home o f th e Music Library and the Department o f Music. Scores, books, newspaper clippings , and journals filled the entire room . While perusing these impressive research materials, we learned that part o f the collection was housed at Liu's residence. I accepted his invitation to view the collection the following da y and wa s excited to find i t even more noteworthy. I submitted m y assessment o f the collectio n t o Kan shortl y afterwards , an d wa s charged with the responsibility o f acquiring the entire collection, a voluminous 50 cartons. Liu's generous donation was duly acknowledged b y Kan, as well as Manolete Mora and Y . C. Cheng (Zhen g Yaozong)SP)S^, former Head o f the Departmen t of Music and former Vice-Chancellor o f the University of Hong Kong respectively at the time. With the able assistance of my former Library Assistant Mandy Ng, we began 1. Mittler , Barbara, "20th-century Chinese compositions in the C.
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