RECHERCHE LITTÉRAIRE running head 1 LITERARY RESEARCH R ECHE R CHE LITTÉ R AI R E / L ITE R A R Y R ESEA R CH • Vol. 32 (Été 2016 / Summer 2016) 2016 / Summer 32 (Été Vol. • CONTRIBUTEURS / CONTRIBUTORS Karine Alaverdian Audrey Louckx Corina Beleaua Joyce Martin Franca Bellarsi Marc Maufort Hans Bertens Kitty Millett Jean Bessière Jean-Marc Moura Véronique Bragard Mireille Naturel Marcelo G. Burello David O’Donnell Assumpta Camps Sowon S. Park Marcel Cornis-Pope Randolph D. Pope Sayantan Dasgupta Fabrice Preyat Birgit Däwes Monika Schmitz-Emans Clément Dessy Tasneem Shahnaaz César Dominguez Monica Spiridon Theo D’haen Asha Sundaram Tom De Keyser Anne Tomiche John Burt Foster Jenny Webb D’apres Sargent Massimo Fusillo Chantal Zabus D'après Sargent Katiliina Gielen ZHANG Longxi Gerald Gillespie 32 (Été 2016 / Summer 2016) Cover 2016.indd 1 7/8/16 1:16 PM Recherche littéraire Literary Research Volume 32 (Été 2016 / Summer 2016) Table des matières / Table of Contents ÉDITORIAL / EDITORIAL From World Literature to Postcolonial Literary Studies: Comparative Journeys / Entre littérature mondiale et études littéraires postcoloniales: voyages comparatistes MARC MAUFORT 1 ESSAIS / REVIEW ARTICLES Worlding World Literature THEO D’HAEN 7 Ce que nous disent les commémorations à propos de la recherche proustienne…. Compte rendu de Philippe Chardin et Nathalie Mauriac Dyer, dir. Proust écrivain de la Première Guerre mondiale. Erika Fülöp et Philippe Chardin, dir. Cent ans de jalousie proustienne. MIREILLE NATUREL 24 Comparison and Interconnectedness Review of Gerald Gillespie and Haun Saussy, eds. Intersections, Interfer- ences, Interdisciplines: Literature with Other Arts. ZHANG LONGXI 30 ii recherche littéraire / literary research COMPTES RENDUS / BOOK REVIEWS Jean Bessière and Gerald Gillespie, eds. Contextualizing World Literature. CÉSAR DOMINGUEZ 45 ZHANG Longxi. From Comparison to World Literature. GERALD GILLESPIE 48 Alexander Beecroft. An Ecology of World Literature: From Antiquity to the Present Day. HANS BERTENS 52 Héctor Hoyos. Beyond Bolaño: The Global Latin American Novel. RANDOLPH D. POPE 56 César Dominguez, Haun Saussy, Darío Villanueva. Introducing Compara- tive Literature: New Trends and Applications. MASSIMO FUSILLO 58 Marc Escola et Sophie Rabau. Littérature seconde ou la Bibliothèque de Circé. JEAN BESSIÈRE 59 Calvin Thomas. Ten Lessons in Theory: An Introduction to Theoretical Writing. SOWON S. PARK 60 Philippe Chardin et Marjorie Rousseau, dir. L’écrivain et son critique : Une fratrie problématique. FABRICE PREYAT 63 Marc-Mathieu Münch. La Beauté artistique : L’impossible définition indis- pensable : Prolégomènes pour une « artologie » future. ANNE TOMICHE 71 Marit Grøtta. Baudelaire’s Media Aesthetics: The Gaze of the Flâneur and 19th-Century Media. AUDREY LOUCKX 75 Michal Peled Ginsburg. Portrait Stories. MONIKA SCHMITZ-EMANS 80 Irina Paperno. “Who, What Am I?”: Tolstoy Struggles to Narrate the Self. JOHN BURT FOSTER 85 table des matières / table of contents iii Albena Lutzkanova-Vassileva. The Testimonies of Russian and American Postmodern Poetry: Reference, Trauma, and History. KARINE ALAVERDIAN 88 Britta Benert, dir. Paradoxes du plurilinguisme littéraire 1900. Réflexions théoriques et études de cas. CORINA BELEAUA 90 Diana Mantcheva. La Dramaturgie Symboliste de l’Ouest à L’Est européen. MONICA SPIRIDON 95 Emma Mason, ed. Reading the Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature. KITTY MILLETT 98 Chris Danta and Helen Groth, eds. Mindful Aesthetics: Literature and the Science of Mind. ALISON LUYTEN AND TOM DE KEYSER 103 Marcel Cornis-Pope, ed. New Literary Hybrids in the Age of Multimedia Expression: Crossing Borders, Crossing Genres. ASSUMPTA CAMPS 108 Simona Bertacco, ed. Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures: Multilingual Context, Transnational Texts. JEAN-MARC MOURA 112 Barbara Buchenau, Virginia Richter, and Marijke Denger, eds. Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empires. VÉRONIQUE BRAGARD 114 Jasbir Jain. Forgiveness between Memory and History. ASHA SUNDARAM 117 Malashri Lal, Chandra Mohan, Enakshi K Sharma, Devika Khanna Na- rula, and Amrit Kaur Basra, eds. Gender and Diversity: India, Canada and Beyond. TASNEEM SHAHNAAZ 120 Manorama Trikha. Post-colonial Indian Drama in English. SAYANTAN DASGUPTA 125 iv recherche littéraire / literary research Diana Looser. Remaking Pacific Pasts: History, Memory, and Identity in Contemporary Theatre from Oceania. BIRGIT DÄWES 127 Birgit Däwes, Karsten Fitz, and Sabine N. Meyer, eds. Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Indigenous Studies: Native North America in (Trans)Motion. DAVID O’DONNELL 133 Maria Alonso Alonso. Diasporic Marvellous Realism: History, Identity, and Memory in Caribbean Fiction. JOYCELYN MARTIN 138 Joel Kuortti, ed. Transculturation and Aesthetics: Ambivalence, Power, and Literature. CHANTAL ZABUS 143 COMPTE RENDU DE REVUES / REVIEW OF JOURNAL ISSUES Updating a Tradition: Comparative Literature Studies in Argentina. MARCELO G. BURELLO 149 IN MEMORIAM In Memoriam John Neubauer: Eminent Scholar, Friend, and Co-Editor of the History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe MARCEL CORNIS-POPE 153 RAPPORTS DE COLLOQUES / CONFERENCE REPORTS Comparativism, a True Jesuit and the Spread of Literary Thought: Belletris- tic Translation as a Means of Cultural-spiritual Dialogue. Eleventh Interna- tional Conference of the Estonian Association of Comparative Literature. KATILIINA GIELEN 163 Report from the Beat Frontlines. Fourth Annual Meeting of the European Beat Studies Network. Université Libre de Bruxelles, October 28–31, 2015. FRANCA BELLARSI 168 “Cosmopolis and Beyond: Literary Cosmopolitanism after the Republic of Letters.” Trinity College, Oxford University, March 18–19, 2016. STEFANO EVANGELISTA AND CLÉMENT DESSY 172 table des matières / table of contents v A Cosmopolitan Conference. Annual Meeting of the American Compar- ative Literature Association, March 17–20, 2016. JENNY WEBB 174 NOUVELLES DES COMITÉS DE RECHERCHE / NEWS FROM THE RESEARCH COMMITTEES 179 NOTES BIOGRAPHIQUES / NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS 207 From World Literature to Postcolonial Literary Studies: Comparative Journeys THE COVER ART for this year’s issue of Recherche littéraire/Literary Research, a pastiche of John Singer Sargent’s “Autumn on the River, Miss Violette Sargent,” tantalizingly invites us on comparative journeys across diverse literary landscapes. More specifically, this issue’s meanders enable us to discover recently published books about world literature, comparative po- etics in a more traditional sense, and postcolonial literary studies. These itineraries will undoubtedly prompt us to rethink the boundaries of our complex discipline, while also leading us to a renewed appreciation of the wealth of comparatist approaches. This process would not be possible without the help of the unjustly neglected art of reviewing, a form of writ- ing of which this issue abundantly illustrates the flexibility. The review essays, book reviews, and conference reports assembled here will hope- fully give readers an opportunity to explore the new territories charted by current comparative literature scholarship. The three review essays opening this issue demonstrate the deeply dialogical nature of our discipline. In “Worlding World Literature,” Theo D’haen surveys contemporary scholarly debates in the often contentious field of world literature. By contrast, Mireille Naturel reflects on the cur- rent state of the art in Proust studies. ZHANG Longxi sheds light on another important facet of the discipline in his review essay of an ICLA research book about literature and other arts. The first cluster of the numerous book reviews collected here echoes Theo D’haen’s considerations on world literature. Reviews by César Dominguez, Gerald Gillespie, Hans Bertens, and Randolph Pope discuss books dealing with specific issues related to globalization and world lit- erature in different cultural contexts. A long central section, devoted to time-honored issues in the field of comparative literature, is ushered in 2 recherche littéraire / literary research by Massimo Fusillo’s discussion of Introducing Comparative Literature: New Trends and Applications, co-authored by César Dominguez, Haun Saussy, and Dario Villanueva, a book that offers fresh perspectives on the discipline. Further titles reviewed in this part of the journal deal with topics as diverse as literary theory, media aesthetics, literary inscription of portraits, narration of the self, trauma and testimonies, literary pluri- lingualism, symbolist dramaturgies, religion and literature, as well as lit- erature and neuroscience. This section concludes with Assumpta Camps’s review of an important volume published in the ICLA’s ongoing series on the Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages, Marcel Cornis-Pope’s edited New Literary Hybrids in the Age of Multimedia Ex- pression. A final cluster of book reviews focuses on postcolonial literary studies. Arguably, the latter are related to comparative literature through their engagement with oppressed and marginalized individuals, as well as through their emphasis on a multiplicity of cultural contexts, diasporic predicaments, and multi-ethnic and transnational issues. The link be- tween postcolonial texts and translation is tackled in Simona Bertaccio’s book, Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures, reviewed by Jean-Marc Moura. This section of the journal is the most radically non- Eurocentric, as it includes
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