í=0 Im i=o :r^ the pResence of this Book in thej.m. kelly liBRaRV has Been maóe possiBle thROuqh the qeneROSitv of Stephen B. Roman From the Library of Daniel Binchy AURAICEPT NA N-ECES THE SCHOLARS' PRIMER ^ AURAICEPT NA N-ECES THE SCHOLARS' PRIMER BEING THE TEXTS OF THE OGHAM TRACT FROM THE BOOK OF BALLVMOTE AND THE VELLOW BOOK OF LECAN, AND THE TEXT OF THE TREFHOCUL FROM THE BOOK OF LEINSTER EDITEU FROM EIGÍIT MANUSCRIPTS, WITII INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION OF THE BALLVMOTE TEXT, NOTES, AND INDICES GEORGE CALDER, B.D. Lectiirer in Celtic, University of Glasgow EDINBURGH: JOHN GRANT 31 GEORGE IV. BRIDGE 1917 A CHUM GLOIRE DHE AGUS MAR CHUIMHNEACHAN AIR MO BHRÁTHAIR lAIN NACH MAIREANN NOTUS IN FRATRES ANIMI l'ATERNI PREFACE The appearance of the Auraicept at the present tÍFie, however ínopportune, is necessary, because long overdue. Recent events have exercised, it is to be fearf.d, an adverse influence at least temporarily on Celtic studles, and to my deep regret I find myself constrained matírially to curtail this preface. But I beg of all friends who have assisted me in this undertaking, whether by encouragement or advice, to accept my heartfelt thanks. I am specially indebted to Mr E. C. Quiggin for his kindness in giving me his transcript of the Egerton MS., to Mr W. J. Purton for help in deciphering some difficult words in the MSS., ^co Prof, Lindsay for friendly criticism, chiefly on the extracts from his edition of the Origines, and to Mr Malcolm MacFarlane for the labour of verifying the references of the Indices to the Text, and for pointing out some errors. Every facility has been given by the LÁbrarians of the Universities of Glasgow and Edinbuígh, the Advocates' Library, the Royal Irish Acadcmy, and Trinity College, Dublin. The Carnegie Trust has generously borne part of the expense of publication. G. C. i , Glasgow, November 1916. CONTENTS MSS. Transcribed or Collated .... xiii AUTHORITIES REFERRED TO OR QUOTED . XV INTRODUCTION . * xix I. Text with Translation ..... 2 II. Text Untranslated . .171 Trefhocul with Examples ..... 258 De Duilib Feda ....... 270 Ogam. Prologue and Examples, with Translation . 272 Photographs of Ogham Alphabets, with Transcript OF the Interlinear Explanations and Translation thereof ....... 300 Glossarial Index . .315 INDEX OF PlACES, TRIBES, AND NaTIONS . 362 INDEX OF PeRSONS ....... 368 MSS. TRANSCRIBED OR COLLATED FiRST Familv (Short Text). BB., B. Book of Ballymote (308 /3 44-333) I4th century, R. I.A. E. MS. I., Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. L. Boolí of Lecan, R.I.A. M., HM. Book of Hy Maine (Trefhocul, with examples), R.I.A. B, E, L contain the mnemonic poem but not the Trefhocul, Second Familv (Long Text). YBL. Vellow Book of Lecan (219 a 23-241 (3 13). T.C.D. Eg. Egerton, 88 (63 i b 26-76 i a 41), British Museum. YBL, Eg. do not contain the mnemonic poem or the Trefhocul. T. H.4.22 (pp. 159-207) T.C.D. This MS. is intermediate between the first and the second family. It does not contain either the Trefhocul or the mnemonic poem, but it has a poem of about 200 verses on early Bible history. LL. xii. century, T.C.D. The Tref hocul with examples. Ed. MS. vii. II b 1-39, Advocates' Library, the beginning of a glossary of the Auraicept which closely resembles the Lecan glossary. xiii AUTHORITIES REFERRED TO OR QUOTED. A.U. The Annals of Ulster, vol. i., ed. Hennessy, Dublin, 1887 ; vol. ii., ed. MacCarthy. Acall. Acallamh na Senórach, ed. Stolces, Irische Texte iv., Leipzig, 1900. ALIL Ir. Dicht. Uber die Álteste Irische Dichtung, ed. K. Meyer, SPA., 1913. Mn. The Irish ^neid, Irish Texts Society, London, 1907. Aisl. Aislinge Meic Conglinne, ed. K. Meyer, London, 1892. Anec. Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts, Dublin, 1907-12. Arch. C. P. Archiv fiir Celtische Lexikographie. Ascoli. Glossarium Palaeohibernicum, Archivio Glottologico italiano, vol. vi. Arms. Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, ed. Armstrong, 1825. Beatha Col. Beatha Colmáin maic Lúacháin, ed. K. Meyer, Dublin, 1911. 15B. (With Roman numeral) Beitráge zur Kunde der idg. Sprachen, herausgegben von Bezzenberger u. Prellwitz. C. K. Meyer's Contributions to Irish Lexicography. Cath Riiis R. Cath Ruis na Rígh, ed. Hogan, Dublin, 1892. CC. In Cath Catharda, ed. Stolces, Irische Texte iv. Cóir An. Cóir Anmann, ed. Stokes, Irische Texte iii. Cor.' Anecdotafrom Irish Manuscripts, vol. iv., Dublin, 1912. Cor. Tr. Cormac's Glossary, translated by O'Donovan, ed. Stokes, Calcutta, 1868. CZ. Zeitschrift fiir Celtische Philologie, Death Tales of the Ulster Heroes, ed. K. Meyer, Dublin, 1906. Din. An Irish-English Dictionary, ed. P. S. Dineen, Dublin, 1904. Donl. A GIossary to DonIevy's Catechism, Arch. C. P. ii., i. Ducange. Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis. xví AUTHORITIES REFERRED TO OR OUOTED Ed. Dinds. The Edinburgh Dindsenchas, ed. Stokes, 1893. Ériu. The Journal of the School of Irish Learning, Dublin. Fel} Félire Oengusso, ed. Stolces, Dublin, 1880. FeU- id. Henry Bradshaw Society, 1905. Fian. Fianaigecht, ed. K. Meyer, Dublin, 1910. FM. The Annals of the Four Masters, ed. O'Donovan, Dubhn, 1848, 185 1. Goid? Goidelica, Old and Early Middle-Irish Glosses, Prose and Verse, ed. Stokes, London, 1872. Gor. Martyrology of Gorman, ed. Stokes, London, 1895. Gr. Lat. Grammatici Latini, i.-viii., ed. Keil. HB. Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, ed. Macdonald, Herne Bay, 1902. H. 3. 18. A MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. H. 4. 18. A MS. in the Library of Trinity CoUege, Dublin. Hib. Min. Hibernica Minora, ed. K. Meyer, Oxford, 1894. Hog. Gaelic Names of Herbs, Plants, and Trees, ed. Hogan. Hy. The Irish Hymns in TP. ii. or Ir. T. i. HSD. The Highland Society's Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. Hail Brigit. Ed. K. Meyer, Dublin, 191 2. Ir. Ep. Studies in Irish Epigraphy, ed. R. A. S. Macalister, London, 1 897-1907. Ir. Metr. Irish Metrics, ed. K. Meyer, Dublin, 1909. Ir. T. Irische Texte, edd. Windisch and Stokes, Leipzig. I.T.S. Irish Texts Society, London. Keat. Hist.., K. Irish Texts Society, vols. iv., viii., ix., xv., London. Lavvs. Ancient Laws of Ireland, vol. vi., Glossary to vol. i.-v., ed. Atkinson, Dublin, 1901. Lec. The Lecan glosses, Archiv fiir Celtische Lexiko- graphie, i. Lism. Lives of Saints from the Book of Lismore, ed. Stokes, Oxford, 1890. Lor. Gild. The Lorica of Gildas, Stokes' Irish Glosses, p. 136, Dublin, 1860. LL. Facsimile of the Book of Leinster, Dublin, 1880. LU. Facsimile of the Leabhar na hUidhre, Dublin, 1870. MacNeill. Notes on Irish Ogham Inscriptions, ed. John MacNeill, Dublin, 1909. Maro. Virgilius Maro Grammaticus, ed. Huemer, Leipsig, 1886. AUTHORITIES REFERRED TO OR OUOTED xvii M'B. Etymological Dictionarv of the Gaelic Language, ed. MacBain. Med. Gl. Three Irish Medical Glossaries, Archiv fiir Celtische Lexilíographie, i. MR. Cath Muige Rath, ed. O'Donovan, Dublin, 1842. MS. Matt. 0'Curry's Lectures on the MS. Materials, Dublin, 1872. Metr. Metrical glosses, Bezzenberger, Beitráge, xix. Metr. Dinds. The Metrical Dindsenchas, ed. Gwynn, Dublin. Ml. The Milan glosses on the Psalms, TP. i. O'Br. O'Brien's Irish-English Dictionary, Dublin, 1832. O'C. Lect. 0'Curry's Lectures on the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish, 1873. O'Cl. 0'Clery's Irish Glossary, Revue Celtique, iv., v. O'D. O'Donovan's supplement to 0'Reilly's Dictionary. O'D. Gr. O'Donovan's A Grammar of the Irish Language, 1845. O'Dav. O'Davoren's glossary, Archiv fiir Celtische Lexiko- graphie, ii. 3, 4. 0'Molloy Gr. Grammatica Latino-Hibernica, Romae, 1677. O'Mulc. 0'Mulconry's glossary, Archiv fiir Celt. Lexilcographie, On.., Onn., Onom. Onomasticon Goedelicum, ed. Hogan, Dublin, 1910. O'R. 0'Reilly's Irish-English Dictionary. Origg. Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarum sive Originum Libri, xx., ed. Lindsay, Oxford, 191 1. Ped. Gr. Pedersen's Vergleichende Grammatilc der Reltischen Sprachen, Góttingen, 1913. Petrie R. T. Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, ed. Petrie, 1845. PH. Passions and Homilies from the Leabíar Breac, ed. Atliinson, Dublin, 1887. Pl. Vit. Sanct. Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae, ed. Plummer, Oxon., 1910. P. O'C. Peter O'Connel's MS. Dictionary. RC. Revue Celtique, Paris. Sg. Glosses on Priscian (St Gall), Thesaurus Palaeo- hibernicus, vol. ii. Sil. Gad. Silva Gadelica, ed. Standish 0'Grady, London, 1892. Songs of Summer ^cn.^ Winter, ed. K. Meyer, London, 1903. SPA. Sitsungsberichte der kon. preuss. Academie der Wissenschaften. SR, Salt^ir na Rann, ed. Stokes, Oxford, 1883. Sí. Crit. Stokes' Criticism on Dr Atkinson's glossary to vol. i.-v. of the ancient Laws of Ireland, London, 1903. d xvíii AUTHORITIES REFERRED TO OR QUOTED ST. Stories from the Táin, ed. John Strachan, Dublin, 1908. Stowe Gl. Stowe glosses, Archiv fiir Celtische Lexikographie, iii. Str. Dep. The Deponent Verb in Irish, John Strachan in the Transactions of the London Philological Society. Str. Gl. Old Irish Paradigms and Glosses, ed. John Strachan, London, 1909. Tbc. Táin Bó Cuailnge, ed. Windisch, Irische Texte, v. Three Med. Gl. Archiv fiir Celtische Lexilcographie, i. 3. TP. Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, edd. Stokes and Strachan, Cambridge, 1901. TP. Suppl. Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, Supplement, ed. Stokes, Halle, 1910. Thur. Handbuch des Alt-Irischen, ed. Rudolf Thurneysen, Heidelberg, 1909. Triads. The Triads of Ireland, ed. K. Meyer^ Dublin, 1906. Trip, The Tripartite Life of Patrick, ed. Stokes, London, 1887. Trip. Gl. The glosses from the Tripartite Life, Arch. C. P. iii. TSh. Three Shafts of Death, by Keating, ed. Atkinson, Dublin, 1890. T.T.^ Togail Troi, ed. Stokes, Calcutta, 1882. Togail Troi, ed. Stokes, Irische Texte ii. Wb. The Wiirtzburg glosses, Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, vol. i. Wi. Windisch's Worterbuch, Irische Texte, vol. i. Zeuss's Grammatica Celtica, editio altera.
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