VECTOR OF NEW TIME NEW OF VECTOR GELENDZHIK SEPTEMBER 2020 14 - 15 2 ЗАГОЛОВОК ABOUT FORUM On September 16–17 2019, the 4th Forum has established itself as a flagship platform for AnNual INterNatioNal Forum discussing the developmeNt of the pharmaceutical BIOTECHMED was held iN GeleNdzhik, industry, biotechNology aNd healthcare, the key topic more thaN 1,600 experts from the was the the NatioNal Healthcare project biotechnology industry took part in it. 2019 2020 At the V ANNual The key topics of the forum are: meetiNg the Biotechmed 2020 Forum, which will be needs and requiremeNts of the National held September 14-15, the discussion Healthcare Project aNd its federal projects, cell on the maiN issues of the techNologies, geNe therapy, digital healthcare, implemeNtatioN of the NatioNal global cooperation and iNternational Healthcare project will coNtiNue cooperatioN Администрация Краснодарскогокрая 3 BIOTECHMED -2019 Администрация Краснодарского края The 4th aNNual iNternatioNal forum Biotechmed took The followiNg persoNs participate iN the forum: DeNis place in GeleNdZhik on 16-17 of September, which more MaNturov, the MiNister of Trade aNd INdustry of the than 1600 experts in biotechnology industry have RussiaN FederatioN; VeroNika Skvortsova, the MiNister participated in. The forum has proven itself as a flagship of Health of the RussiaN Federation; Sergey ChemeZov, platform for discussing pharmaceutical industry, CEO of the Rostec State CorporatioN. biotechnology and healthcare developmeNt issues. Here, AccordiNg to the busiNess program 30 eveNts aNd 2 at the 4th Biotechmed forum the flagship topic was the private meetings were held. More than 200 speakers National project “Healthcare”. have participated there. Forum’s busiNess program iNcluded pleNary sessioN, The forum expositioN iNcluded 22 booths with the thematic sessions and round tables. During these newest biomedical technologies. Journalists programs delegates have discussed curreNt issues in interviewed the key participants of the pleNary sessioN biomedical sphere, implemeNtation of the national and also some important agreemeNts were sigNed. “Healthcare” project, export of healthcare services, drugs The fiNal of the competitioN of the iNNovative and equipmeNt. developmeNts in the field of drugs and medical 70 regioNs, 31 couNtries aNd more thaN 500 compaNies equipment “Start-up-rally” has fiNally beeN held. 36 took part iN the forum. ParticipaNts sigNed a sigNificaNt finalist teams from 11 Russian regions have number of importaNt agreemeNts. represeNted their medical projects. 4 BIOTECHMED -2019 FACTS > 3 1600 500 70 31 days participaNts RussiaN aNd regioNs couNtries international compaNies > 234 22 650 м² 38 31 speakers of exhibitioN space information association partners information booths partners > 6 25 1 946 1600 739 media-eveNts panel social media mass media Forum applicatioN discussions publications publications users 5 HONORABLE GUESTS ABOUT BIOTECHMED-2019 FORUM “This crucial biotechnology event takes part for the fourth time and from year “This year the main topic of the Forum was a national project “Healthcare” to year it creates an increasing interest for the market players to the medicine and ensuring the current stages of its implementation. It’s important that the of the future. Technology updates very fast today. BIOTECHMED allows you Forum is not only a saturated business program, it is also a platform for to follow all the existing trends and create new ones. There will be held an demonstrating innovative domestic technologies and developments forming exhibition within the Forum where the largest Russian pharmaceutical an export potential of Russian companies.” companies, medicine companies, research agencies and also some local participants will present their developments.” —- Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation. —Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation “Over the four years of its work, the Forum has become the main scientific “This year, the flagship topic of the BIOTECHMED Forum will be an event regarding expert knowledge exchange on biomedical industry issues implementation of the national project “Healthcare”. There will be and complex approaches to their decisions, as well as creating a dialog discussed state projects such as “Fighting against oncological diseases”, between the government and business for defying its further development.” “Fighting against cardiovascular diseases” and “Medical services export development” —- Veronika Skvortsova, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation. —- Veniamin Kondratiev, Governor of the Krasnodar Region. 6 BIOTECHMED KEY SPEAKERS Sergey Tsyb, Kirill Kaem Aleksey Alekhin Ivan Ozhgikhin Petr Rodionov First Deputy MiNister of INdustry SeNior vice-presideNt of the Director of the DepartmeNt of Deputy CEO of the Shvabe the CEO of the GEROFARM and Trade of the Russian InNovatioNs DepartmeNt of the DevelopmeNt of (Rostec) FederatioN the Skolkovo FuNd pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Ministry of Industry aNd Trade of the RussiaN FederatioN Igor Korobko Natalia Manturova Ivan Stilidy Andrey Zagorsky Sergey Boitsov Director of the Science the Head freelaNce Director of the N.N. BlokhiN the CEO of the “Nacimbio PLC” the CEO of the NatioNal DepartmeNt, INNovatioN specialist iN plastic surgery NatioNal Medical Research Medical aNd Research ceNter DevelopmeNt and Medico- of the MiNistry of Health of Center of ONcology of the for Cardiology of the MiNistry Biological Health Risks the RussiaN FederatioN MiNistry of Health of the of Health of the RussiaN RussiaN FederatioN FederatioN Evgeny Shlyahto, Elena Boyko Mikhail Murashko Dmitriy Morozov Irina Kashirina the Head freelaNce specialist iN Deputy Minister of , the Head of the Federal the CEO of the BIOCAD the Director of the cardiology of the MiNistry of Healthcare of the Service for SurveillaNce in pharmaceutical and medical Health of the RussiaN FederatioN RussiaN FederatioN Healthcare industry export support at RussiaN Export CeNter PLC Evgeny Kamkin Andrey Vasiliev Deputy Minister of Director of the KoltZov Institute Health of the RussiaN of the Biology DevelopmeNtal of FederatioN RussiaN Academy of ScieNces 7 BUSINESS PROGRAM Special events Panel discussions • The structure of health care Needs at differeNt stages of the implemeNtatioN of • BusiNess luNch “MarkiNg. Tomorrow started Today” the Federal project “The fight against cancer” • MeetiNg of the MiNistry of Health aNd represeNtatives • ProvidiNg leadiNg medical iNstitutioNs with highly qualified persoNNel from differeNt regions of Russia “Practical aspects at • Strategic issues of the pharmaceutical iNdustry development iN terms of the start of the implemeNtation of the national national projects implemeNtation “Healthcare” project” • Integrated iNNovative approach to the developmeNt aNd productioN of medical • Closed meetiNg of the MiNistry of Health aNd products for traumatology, orthopedics and prosthetics represeNtatives from differeNt regioNs of Russia • The Needs of the radiopharmaceutical market aNd medical devices for New “CreatiNg a siNgle “digital loop” of healthcare iN developmeNts in the field of nuclear medicine Russia” • CreatioN of a siNgle healthcare “digital loop” iN Russia to meet the challeNges of • Closed meetiNg “Export of medical services aNd Plenary session the National “Healthcare” project developmeNt of the regioN” • Biomedical cell products iN moderN healthcare, developmeNt prospects • “Meeting the needs and requirements of • Corporate social respoNsibility iN Russia, treNds aNd iNdustry specifics of the national project “Healthcare” implemeNtatioN • BiotechNology iN Plastic Surgery • “Global cooperation and the development of • The structure of healthcare Needs at differeNt stages of the implemeNtatioN of Lectures international relations” the Federal project “Fighting against cardiovascular diseases” • GeNetics as a New driver for healthcare developmeNt • Lectures for students from teachers of leadiNg universities of the country STARTUP RALLY As a part of BIOTECHMED 2019 The fiNal of the competitioN of the iNNovative developmeNts iN the field of drugs and medical equipmeNt “Start-up-rally” was held. Medical projects from 11 regioNs of the RussiaN FederatioN were preseNted by 36 fiNalists. 8 PARTICIPATION IN FORUM The BIOTECHMED Forum was atteNded by represeNtatives of federal aNd regioNal authorities, represeNtatives of various regioNal departmeNts, as well as represeNtatives of state corporatioNs, industry developmeNt institutes and veNture fuNds. Representatives of federal and regional executive STATE CORPORATIONS, DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS, VENTURE FUNDS:: authorities: • MiNistry of INdustry aNd Trade of the RussiaN FederatioN; • MiNistry of Health of the RussiaN FederatioN; • State Duma of the RussiaN FederatioN; • Social INsuraNce FuNd of the RussiaN FederatioN; • Federal Service for SurveillaNce of Healthcare. 9 FORUM PARTICIPATION RepreseNtatives of federal aNd regioNal authorities, represeNtatives of various regioNal departmeNts, as well as represeNtatives of state corporatioNs, iNdustry developmeNt iNstitutes aNd veNture fuNds took part iN the BIOTECHMED Forum. REGIONAL AUTHORITIES OF 70 REGIONS: Altai region, Amur region, ArkhaNgelsk region, AstrakhaN region, Belgorod region, BryaNsk region, Vladimir regioN, Volgograd regioN, Vologda regioN, VoroNeZh regioN, TraNs-Baikal region, IvaNovo region, Irkutsk region, KabardiNo-BalkariaN Republic, KaliNiNgrad regioN, Kaluga regioN, Kamchatka regioN,
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