Comp. by: PS0005 Stage : ChapterID: bindex Date:29/8/11 Time:13:14:22 Filepath://spiina1004z/Production_III/WILEY_BLACKWELL/3B2/Reprint/McTurk/appln/3B2/ bindex.3d McTurk / Companion to Old Norse Icelandic Literature bindex Final Proof Page 536 29.8.2011 1:14pm Index The following alphabetical order is used here as throughout the volume: a, b, c, d, ð, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, þ, u, u¨, v, w, x, y, z, a¨,æ,o¨,ø,œ,ƒ,a˚, with no distinction made in alphabetization between vowels with an acute accent and those without. The following procedure has been adopted in this index for Icelandic personal names: names of modern scholars are given (as in the lists of references for each chapter) in the order patronymic (or surname) followed by given name. Other Icelanders are listed in the order given name followed by patronymic and/or any nickname or appellation; for example, Arno´rr Þo´rðarson jarlaska´ld, Eyvindr ska´ldaspillir. Page numbers in italics refer to figures. Aall, Jacob 331 Alexanders saga 113, 167–8, 345 Abbo of Fleury 158 alphabet, adoption of Roman 184, 245–6 abbreviations Althing see assemblies manuscripts 261–2 Altuna stone 306, 418, 419 runes 424 Alvı´ss 87 Adam of Bremen Anders Sunesøn 230 on Icelandic government 225 Andersson, Theodore M. 104, 438, 451, on paganism 305–6, 313 466–7, 475 on the Scritefingi 130 annals 36–7, 152 on travel 132 Lƒgmannsanna´ll 252 work as modelCOPYRIGHTED 158, 159 Anne, MATERIAL St 39 Aðalbjarnarson, Bjarni 495 Anselm, St 342 Aebischer, Paul 378 anthropology, and mythology 10 Aethelstan, king of England 166, 504 Appalachian Mountains 299 affluence 13–18 archaeology 7–26 Akureyri 332 and saga historicity 75–6 Alcuin of York 339, 347–8 ships 127 Alexander de Villa-Dei 355, 358 as source for myth 306 Alexander the Great architecture see building styles Comp. by: PS0005 Stage : ChapterID: bindex Date:29/8/11 Time:13:14:22 Filepath://spiina1004z/Production_III/WILEY_BLACKWELL/3B2/Reprint/McTurk/appln/3B2/ bindex.3d McTurk / Companion to Old Norse Icelandic Literature bindex Final Proof Page 537 29.8.2011 1:14pm Index 537 Ari inn fro´ði (‘the Knowledgeable’) Bay of Fundy 299 Þorgilsson 147, 157–8, 302, 389 Bech, Benedikt Magnu´sson see Benedikt see also I´slendingabo´k Magnu´sson Bech Ari Jo´nsson 253 Becket, St Thomas 34 Ari Þorgeirsson 38 Bede, the Venerable 156, 158, 168, 317, A´ rnes 9 343 Arngrı´mr Brandsson 34, 38–9 Benedict, St 341 Arngrı´mur Jo´nsson 70, 72, 78, 392 Benedikt Magnu´sson Bech 217 A´ rni La´rentı´usson 32 Benediktsson, Gunnar 436 A´ rni Magnu´sson 64, 75, 213, 285, 324, 428 Benediktsson, Jakob 72 A´ rni Þorla´ksson, bishop of Ska´lholt 35, Bergen 232–3 and dance ballads 377 A´ rna saga biskups Þorla´kssonar 27, 37, 152, language 187 427, 433 laws 232, 238 Arno´rr Þo´rðarson jarlaska´ld (‘earls’ in poetry 128 poet’) 48–9, 273, 479, 481 runic inscriptions 415–16, 418 art, 12th-century 20 and spread of foreign literary influence artes poeticae 356–8 206, 212 Arthur, King 166, 170, 200 Bergr Sokkason 32, 34, 38 A´ sbirningar family 149 Bergsteinn Þorvaldsson blindi (‘the A´ sgarðr 309, 313 Blind’) 67, 217 A´ sgautr 125 Bergþo´rshva´ll, Bergþo´rshvoll 67, 104 Aspo¨ stone 413 berserks 520, 521 assemblies 8–9, 138, 139–43, 227, 503–5, Bible, the 508–12 first Icelandic edition 70 Law Council 226–7, 504, 510 influence on saga 113 origin 512–13 translations 343–7 Atli (Attila, king of the Huns) 88, 90, 91, Billings mey 526 454 Birka 181 Auden, W. H. 333 Birkibeinar, the 149 Auðr dju´pauðga (‘the Deeply Wealthy’) Bio¨rner, Erik Julius 325 Ketilsdo´ttir 123, 533–4 Bjarni Gissurarson 71, 72 Augustine, St 58, 355, 358 Bjarni Herjo´lfsson 299 Bjarni Jo´nsson Borgfirðingaska´ld 218 Babylon 199 Bjarni Thorarensen 73 Baetke, Walter 287 Bjo¨rketorp 180 Baffin Island see Helluland Bjo¨rn Einarsson Jo´rsalafari Bagge, Sverre 398, 440 (‘Jerusalem-farer’) 212 Baie de Vin (Wine Bay) 297 Bjo¨rn Jo´nsson of Skarðsa´ 428–9 bailiffs 151 Bjo¨rn Þorleifsson 39, 253 Baldr 91–2, 524, 526 Bjƒrn Brynjo´lfsson 253 Baldwin, king of Jerusalem 133 Bjƒrn buna Veðrar-Grı´msson 141–2 Balestrand 331 Black Death 153, 246 ballads 376–7 Blackwell, J. A. 327 Barnes, Geraldine 381, 384 Bla´land hit mikla (‘Blue-land the Bartholin, Thomas 323, 324 Great’) 198–9 Comp. by: PS0005 Stage : ChapterID: bindex Date:29/8/11 Time:13:14:22 Filepath://spiina1004z/Production_III/WILEY_BLACKWELL/3B2/Reprint/McTurk/appln/3B2/ bindex.3d McTurk / Companion to Old Norse Icelandic Literature bindex Final Proof Page 538 29.8.2011 1:14pm 538 Index Blekinge inscriptions 180 Ba¨llsta 417 Bloch, R. Howard 442 Bo¨ðvarsson, Jo´n35 Bloxwich, John, bishop of Ho´lar 215 Blo¨ndal, La´rus H. 392–3 Cape Breton 299 Boer, Richard Constant 456 Cape Cod 299 Boniface VIII, Pope 243 Cape Farewell see Hvarf Borg 11 Carlson, Catherine 298 Bornholm 229 Cartier, Jacques 297 Borre 11 carts, ritual 304, 313 Boston 334 Cederschio¨ld, Gustav 378 Boyer, Re´gis 380, 441 cemeteries 18 Bragason, U´ lfar 466 see also burials Bragi 309 Chase, Martin 48 Bragi inn gamli (‘the Old’) Boddason Chicago 334 276–7, 479, 480 chieftain-priests 147 Brandr Jo´nsson, bishop of Ho´lar 167 chieftains 9, 139–41, 149, 226, 227, 512, Brandr Sæmundarson, Bishop 429–30 513–15 Brattahlı´ð 16, 498 Chre´tien de Troyes 192, 200, 373, 454 Breiðabo´lstaður 246, 253 Christian literature Breiðfjo¨rð, Sigurður see Sigurður Breiðfjo¨rð annals 36–7 bridal quest themes 457–8 Bible translations 343–7 Briem, Halldo´r see Halldo´r Briem Christian history 342–3 British Isles exempla 341–2 runic inscriptions 182 lists of saints’ feasts 29 see also individual countries by name manuscripts 248 Broby 132 moral treatises 347–50 Brown, George Mackay 334 prose of instruction 338–53 Bruun, Daniel 9 sermons 339–41, 359, 361, 362–3 Bru¨nger, Tanja 469 style 358–9, 361, 362–3, 368–70 Brynhildr Buðlado´ttir 88, 89–90, 454–5, translation into vernacular 29 523, 526–8 þy´ðingar helgar 29 Brynjo´lfr Steinraðarson 253 visions 40, 350–1 Brynjo´lfsdo´ttir, Valgerður 459 Christian literature: works Brynjo´lfur Sveinsson, bishop of Ska´lholt 83 ‘Dedication Homily’ 340 building styles Dialogues (Gregory) 341–2, 351 10th-century change 22–3, 24 Duggals leiðsla (‘Dougal’s Vision’) 351 halls 11, 12, 22–3 Elucidarius (Honorius) 342 long-houses 11, 22 Etymologiae (Isidore) 343 burials 10–11, 22 Heimsaldrar 343 cemeteries 18 Imago mundi (Honorius) 342–3, 345 ritual carts in 304 Niðrstigningar saga 351 ships in 127 Oculus sacerdotis 352 Byatt, A. S. 334 Rannveigar leiðsla 40, 351 Byock, Jesse L. 79–80, 105, 439 Un samedi par nuit, translation of 350 Byzantium 126 Senna æðru og hugrekkis (‘Debate between see also Constantinople; Mikligarðr Anxiety and Courage’) 349–50 Comp. by: PS0005 Stage : ChapterID: bindex Date:29/8/11 Time:13:14:22 Filepath://spiina1004z/Production_III/WILEY_BLACKWELL/3B2/Reprint/McTurk/appln/3B2/ bindex.3d McTurk / Companion to Old Norse Icelandic Literature bindex Final Proof Page 539 29.8.2011 1:14pm Index 539 Speculum penitentis 352 on grammar and rhetoric 355 Speculum regale or Konungs skuggsja´ 348–9 Josephus 345 Stjo´rn 344–6 Lucan 113, 156, 164, 345 Viðrœða lı´kams ok sa´lar (‘A Debate between on metre and metrics 282 Body and Soul’) 350 Physiologus 339 De virtutibus et vitiis (Alcuin) 347–8 Ro´mverja saga 164–5, 168–9, 345 Visio sancti Pauli apostoli 350–1 Sallust 113, 156, 164, 345 Vitae patrum 341 as sources for sagas 113 see also poetry: Christian poetry; saga: as Tro´jumanna saga 113, 165, 170 Christian literature; saints’ lives Clement IV, Pope 236 Christiania see Oslo cloth industry 137 Christianity Clover, Carol J. 292, 440, 518, 519, Avignon papacy 243 522 Christian voyages 132–3 Clunies Ross, Margaret church administration 35 on literary representation of women 522, church power in 12th century 50 523 church power in Iceland 145–7, 152–3 on myth 316–17, 438 church power in Norway 145–6, 235–7, on Sturlunga saga 437, 438, 440 239 Collingwood, W. G. 333 church schools 50, 246 Comhaer, Bishop Godsvin 39 church’s attitude to rı´mur 210–11 Constantinople 125, 126 church’s attitude to vikivakar 215 see also Byzantium; Mikligarðr conversion as literary theme 457, 463, cooking 22–3 464–5, 469–71 cosmology 342–3 Icelandic adoption of 20–2, 28–9, 144–5, courtly style 360, 368, 380 184, 302–3 see also saga: riddaraso¨gur Icelandic church law 232–3, 236 courts, law Icelandic–French church links 348 effectiveness 227 influence on literature 94, 147–8, 157, Iceland 142, 507–8, 510–11 277, 279, 469 Norway 233–4, 239, 504–5 Norwegian adoption of 28, 396, 420–2 origin 513 Norwegian church law 232, 234, 235–7 Sweden 241 and post-medieval reception of sagas 70 Craigie, William A. 270 reform attempts 31, 160 Craxton, John, bishop of Ho´lar 215 Reformation in Iceland 153 crime and punishment 238, 242, 504–5, Scandinavian adoption of 184, 302, 420–2 507–8, 510–11 status of Icelandic priests 146 see also dispute resolution; feuds and women 39–40 Cumbria 306 Christoffer, king of Sweden 241 cursus 362–3 Christopher, St 470 Cyprus 132 chronologies, of Gerlandus 32 churches 16, 22, 340 Dahl, Johan Christian 331 Ciklamini, Marlene 437–8 Da´lkr bo´ndi (‘the Farmer’) 252 classical literature and works drawing from Dares Phrygius 156, 165 Alexanders saga 113, 167–8, 345 Debes, Lucas Jacobsen 326 Germania (Tacitus) 303–4, 305 democracy 515 Comp.
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