RECOG lZETHl MA 1 E'S "NO STRANGER TO Ro~ Ayers 1 tt• ll~ r . .J a~ a 014b1L~r on 1 ofll,, •• by <'\<:ry<m•• ""'-' h.,<tr.. hi~ ~lful ~:ml!' ln ht' <'XIr.1ordm;'try <"Dn"Cr Rt"'Y ha~ made a gilt· cJ~.:d namt· for hnn.'ll.lt ''' ,, pcrfonncr, 'omposer, arrangt1r. mu~imm and producx.·r. and ht~ mu~ical d.:xt,•riry h:h -;prcnd ht~o (;,mew ja~. R&B. pop and dtsccl Roy·, ,1lk\'. ~xy \l liCI." JnJ his umqu~· Jpproach have \\nn h1m awarJ•, and a loyal followu~ for '""h new Jt,r Aye~"> album Arid \\1th hi!. ne'' hit 't ~!Cip The n't'lll ~ :·POOl hi'- !leW album b liD it:­ \\11}' h · II'"·+· ·r ~Uct< , (or R...y A\'en ROY AYER ·, "NO 'TRANGER TO LOVE!'THE MAN \\"HO K~OWS. ON POLYDOR ECORD A . D TAPES. ROUTES MAGAZINE, A Guide to Black Entertainment. Cover by Ron Slenzak CONTENTS ROUTES fEATURES Ronald Bunn Publisher/Editor In Chief 7 Sylvester: Beyond The Gimmick Ronald Tyson Elle Mystal 10 Millie Jackaon: "X" Rated Amadeo Richardson Editor 17 Nlchelle Nichola " Star Treklng" Nelson George Agnes 0 . Bunn 21 Glorified Threada Delores G. Wright Senior Editor 24 Zagobl: The Total Look Deborah A. Gillam 27 Irving Allen Lee: Treading the Boards Ken Simmons Jill Silberman 32 Samba Time In Brazil Estelle Epps Page 7 Copy Edllor 3-4 The Boob Tube Growe Up l eona Hlpp 38 Second Edition Elna Seabrooks Amadeo Richardson 42 Baaketball: Not for Men Only Michael George Managing Edllor Ernest Crichlow Att Director Chris Albertson Editorial Consultant Contributing Editorial Staff Amada Anderson DEPARTMENTS Townsend Brewster Curt Davis Page 10 Estelle Epps Michael George Nelson George 4 Free For All Deborah A. Gillam 5 Hlghllghta Bernard Johnson 13 Mualc Review Valerie G. Norman 18 Media Review Isabelle L Ortiz 22 Art Review Amadeo Richardson 25 Faahlon Review Sandra Rogers Elna Seabrooks 29 Theatre Review Ken Simmons 41 People Robert Toomer, Jr. 45 Routes' Roots Ronald Tyson Delores G. Wright LISTINGS Page 27 Photographers Morris Mercer Reggie Weeks AdvertJslng Sales Staff Qulnnon Manln 9 Disco Director Connie Dlvack 18 Music Leonard White 20 Media Charles Avery 23 Art 30 Theatre Circulation 38 Kids Jackson Gill 39 Dining 44 Sports Promotions Page 45 Leo Collins Director Galnelle Bunn Administrative Asst. Volume 3. Number 4, by Colll.coteman Publishing, Inc. 1980. ROUTES Is published monthly at 230 W. 41st Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10036. Subscription Office-Box 767, Flushing, N.Y. 11352. Editorial and Circulation Head· quarters, 230 W. 41st St., N.Y ,N.Y.10036. Telephone (212)840-7290. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. In the United States and possessions $12 per year. Elsewhere $15. Printed In U.S.A. Foreign SubsClrlptlons payable In ad· vance. All Rights Reserved. Cover and contents may not be reproduced In whole or part wllhout prior wri tten perm1sslon. Second class postage pald at New Vorl<, N.Y. ROUTES, A Guidt• w Black Emertaimmmt 3 FREE FOR ALL funds for required texts and su~ ­ GUIDES AND BOOKLETS plles. BLESP also provides summer THEATRE employment for 10 or more weeks at an appropriate Bell Labs loca· •A Guide to Small Appliance tlon, where the students are given Jan 17-21, 7:30pm: The Third Cookery with Potatoes. Write to: the opportunity to work with a Bell World Teen Drama Class Idaho Potato Commission, P.O. Labs engineer. Applications must "Abraxas" presents two Box 1068, Boise, Idaho 83701 . be received by March 1. Write to: plays-" Home Cookin" and " Our •An Introduction to Stereo- A 16 BLESP Administrator, Bell Sides." Henry Street Settlement, P.age booklet that explains the Laboratories, Room 3A-431 , 600 Louis Abrons Arts tor Living ABC's of high fidelity. Send a Mountain Ave, Murray Hill, New Center, 466 Grand St., Man. stamped, self-addressed envelope Jersey 07974. (201) 582-4587 766-9334. to: Yamaha AudiO, P.O. Box 6600, Buena Park, Calif 90620. FREE HELP EVERY DAY • Burpee's New 1980 Seed Catalog-The new 184 page com­ JAZZ CONCERTS prehensive planting and growing The Visitors Bureau Information guide with over 1800 vegetables, •Jan 9, 16, 23 & 30 at 12:30 pm Center, 90 E. 42nd St, is open every flowers, shrubs and trees. Burpee with the Jazzmen. Donnell Library day of the year, 9 am-6 pm. Maps, Seed Co., 4760 Burpee Building, Center, 20 W. 53rd St, Man. brochures, folders, pamphlets and Warminster, PA 18974 • Jan 22, Colloquum Ill: An open warm welcoming words are ab­ •Chocolate Lovers Handbook. forum featuring 3 drum­ solutely free. Write to: Chocolate Manufacturers mers-Horace Arnold, Billy Hart Association of the U.S.A., Inc., and Freddie Waits. 3·6 pm: Clinic, 8 Suite 1900, 40 W. 57th St, New pm: Concert. Lucy Stone Hall, WORKSHOPS York, N.Y. 10019 Rutgers University/Livingston Col­ •New York State Travel Guide of lege, New Brunswick, N.J. (201) Hotels, Motels and Resorts. Write 932-4150. •Jan 8-What Every Woman to: N.Y.S. Hotel and Motel Associa­ •Jan 29, 8 pm: The Legendary Should Know About Computers. tion, 141 W. 51st St., New York, " Classic" Innovators: Doc Herman A. Washington, Associate N.Y. 10019. Cheatham, Panama Francis, Sam­ Prof., Data Processing, LaGuardia •Spring Lamb Ret lpes, Tips and my Price and Slam Stewart. Lucy Community College. Ideas. Write to: New Zealand Lamb Stone Hall, Rutgers University/Liv­ •Jan 15-Martln Luther King Birth­ Co., Inc., 925 Westchester Ave., Ingston College, New Brunswick, day Program: The Movement and White Plains, N.Y. 10604. N.J. (201) 932-4150. Where It's At. Staff and guests. • Nursery Catalog-Provides Infor­ •Jan 22-Women and Housing mation on various plants and Discrimination. Wilhelmina Banks, flowers. Write to : Kelly Brother's Deputy Director, Open Housing Nurseries, 225 Maple St., Dansville, Center, Fair Housing Project. N.Y. 14437. COOKING CLASSES •Financing Higher Education for •Where They Lit Up New York- An IN CHINESE CUISINE Working Women. Emile Roberts, especially helpful guide on in- Coordinator of Community Ser­ teresting areas of New York. Write vices for City University, and Cidy to: Centennial Observances, Room Jan 13, 2 pm: The Hunan Garden Bailey, Director of Financial Aid, 1631-S, Con Edison, 4 Irving Place, Restaurant will conduct a class on Polytechnic Institute of New York. N.Y. 10003. the preparation and cooking of Two sessions will be held on each Hunan dishes. 1 Mott St, Man. of the above dates: 12:10-12:50 pm 732-7270. and 1:10-1:50 pm. Friday APPLICATIONS FOR Workshops, 10:30 am-1:30 SCHOLARSHIPS pm-Focus on resume writing, ef­ fective interviewing and job search techniques. Sandra Beck, instruc­ Bell Labs sponsors engineering tor. Career Planning Workshops: scholarship programs each year. EXHIBITIONS •Jan 9-Settlng a Job Objective Bright, energetic and enthusiastic •Jan 16-Evaiuating Experience minorities and women are en­ •Jan 23-Resume Writing. couraged to enter the engineering • Con Edison Energy •Jan 30-The Interview Sessions profession. The financial side of Museum-The age of elec­ between 5:30-7:30 pm. Women's the support coming from Bell Labs tricity-past, present and Center for Education & Career Ad· Includes tuition at selected future-comes alive. Tue-Sat 10 vancement, a Program of the Na­ undergraduate schools, room and am-4 pm. 145 East 14th St. tional Council of Negro Women, board (or a living allowance) and 460-6244 Suite 201, 198 Broadway. 964-8934. 4 ROUTES, A Guide t<l Black Emerwinment mghllghts lltf~tt Humn Ron Btmn, Publisher of "Routes, " will Cecil Taylor will perform on keyboard make a guest appearance Jan 3, 10:30 am Jan 15 thru Jon 22 at Fat Tuesday's. & 10:30 pm on WPIX's "Block Conversa­ tions"- Orde Coombs, Host. Counl Bosie and His Orcheslra will perform Jan /8 at the Village Gale. Betty Carter will perform Jan 11 thn1 13 at The Bottom Line. Ge"J' Mulligan will perform Jan 22 thm Jan 26 at Fa1 Tuesday's. Pearl Bailey and Louie Bellson wtll per­ form Jon 15 at Radio City Music Hall. The Dance Theatre of Harlem will perform Jan 9 1hn1 Jan 27 at Ci1y Center. Chris Connor will sing Jan 7 1hro Jan 13 at the Grand Finale. Helen Humes will sing Jan 28 thm Feb 9 at Marty's. Bill Evans will perfomt on keyboard Jan /5 thro Jan 20 at 1he Village Sarall Vaughan will perform Jan 3/ at Vanguard. A very Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center. ROUTES, II Guitft• 10 Bfm·J.. l:.!llt'rtmmncllt 5 Hear ye! Hear ye! All you freaks rise and get down with the rulers of the floor, Fatback and "King Tim Ill!' <Personality Jock) With their hit, "King Tim I I I (Personality Jock):' Fatback gets you into the funkiest, rap­ pingest groove you've ever been in. And with cuts like "You're My Candy Sweer" and beautiful ballads like "Love In Perfect Harmony:· Fatback's hot new album fits right in with every mood. t1Cing Tim fli'' (Personality Jodd Fat~ack~ "XII" On Spring Records and Tapes. SYLVESTER: DISCO BEYOND THE GIMMICK No wonder then that the San Fran­ cisco Examiner refers to him as "the em­ bodiment of disco, also its voice; and its style and stance, too." Sylvester funher explains: "I want to do things that are fun. I enjoy what I do and other people enjoy it. It makes me feel something. That's what's imponant to me." When Sylvester speaks of disco as possibly a distinct music form, one gets the feeling that when you strip away all of its shallow glamour, disco is just plain dancing music, music that, in one shape or another, has been around tor a tong time.
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