Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1958 An Analysis of Style Variations in the Book of Mormon Glade L. Burgon Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Mormon Studies Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Burgon, Glade L., "An Analysis of Style Variations in the Book of Mormon" (1958). Theses and Dissertations. 4569. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4569 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. AM aiwj5l OF tylitylatyl1iti171 w1014lVAHITTOM0111 IN TF11I BOOK OF mitmon A thesis11h esiesla presented to the faculty of the department of rellreilreligionHelifiongionglon bricaamBRIblucirlfamCaAMgaam taingYAING WTVERSTT in Partpartiallatlaltat halffoalfffulfillmentimentament of the requirements for the degree mswiPTASTJ OF altiaritsardts1tsats t by 1 BURGON radeTADEGIADT Iif 0 1958 AC r NOwl UB 1 GA 3mkeK1 nlT3 rhetherho witergiterwiltergiten wlslicmimmies s ioto express bishisbin cincereaincerealnaincereoore iratitudegratitudegratitixle tobo irdr lewislemis M i fforor hisillsliiswitlywillyhours spent in helpingtieiloito pin to moldAOM thisthia thesis inlointo iitsibslbsts frinifinafinjifia1 foraformfoxfoyroy alsoaisoto drdx roberte thoutskhoutsthoaian and dr ijidxwy13jdney 3 jperxysperry forrorvorrov helpful buggebiiggesuonasuggestiorisstiokis and coristmetiveeoyialroofctt ma01smacxltioiaibaar it and to a devoted wife who typedfcypod the numcnvus copiacopiwvwpies CONTENTS chapter 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bibliography431bliog&mpitf 0 0 0 62 11 A 10 PTKH I1 INTRODUC TION thl b jb ththebhee Yyearyeavear 1901 atlat a meeting of the n assoototioaAssooja tion in salt laktakis city a Reverenoreverend richard dakenakedakowake deliveredila paper to hisMs colleaguecolleagues indicating that the botok13 ok of tkormonmormon waTOBs of one uniform style throughoutttiyouhotitt lielleilefle maintained that in the bible though the language aidaldandmid subject datterwittermatter wereworewerg the same cacheachwitermiterwriter had somesomo distinctive cha- racteristicsacteristics which wouldmouldmouidbe identified by persons familiar withmith bible literature hefleafloa reasoned that thithluhls 3 should have been the case in the book of mormon but that it definitely was not risriahiailialilb grdawords vereneretwere 0 0 there isia mdimolduchmuch monotony and samenesssameoesssameoess of the style and expression of the writers that there can be no other conclusionconolusionconoluaionconcconolusion than that the book of mormon rianviasvian written by one witer and that he waswaawea of rather mediomediocrecro abilityzMlity such expressions asaV 11 nephi andand nd it caneoanecame to paes1paesspaese occurredocourredoemiryed hundreds ofoftimesofttimestinestimestimea tom the book of mormon altaitalthoughhoughbough the and thothetche writers were separatedseparsaparatod by many first last ritersriter8 j centuries of time consid orinn these and otheotherr points it is impossible to mormonMOTOOHI accept the book of as anythinganythinithinkKI other than the product of one nanman of mediocre ability1ability 1 reverend memo Ttt lamb has produced a book containing many pages of reasons why thebhe book of 4otocmnormon should be classed as a modernitmodem fabricationfabricationo mrsp1pairsiro lamb stated that the scriptures bear the stylestylo of deity but the book of plormonpoormon bearsbearebeansbeane thebhe style of joseph snithesmiths the book isi altogtheraltogetberaltogetherand in ev0ry part of itiittits except so much asaa iis borroborrowedborrowodborromodwodMod from the bible a amemme fabrication without artardany help wha god ang whateverwhatovermhatovwtover from or from an anflanalanglangiei of codigodsgode 0 llvruvljlkws1kwlhv si wb faskffsk rw W i 1.1 &aaii S fwiwfWfoiwiW V shwvihsltfs mi mswiinlvvyw jiwfsk kwsfi i fexmiwwiafft j may ideseretliaeyetils eyet news 1901 y liaimwbsvsferet MWW i T33stf Miteditmstmitorialmotorialorial 1 2 it has no trace of oodsgods hand upon it nomo divine stastampmj evoryfvoryeveryavory thing about it isie hunanahumanahuam evyovyoryveryvevy eryvery hurgenanilahilamtiam the ground taken is thisthisighisi godgrod stamps himself his own infinite perfectionperfections u1uauponon everything he wdwtakesundertakes tousyouslouiouyou bentiegentle reader stamp your own individuality upon eveovemythingmythjngyou do and everything you say touryogyowyour peouliarpenuliarway exP naj1j yogyow thoupbtsthoughts yooyowyour styleetyle Peouliar of ressirossirosslI1 YOUr thouhts voo of writingfwritingswritingp thethobhebho degree olof01 your skill or culture in theth art of coTcompositioncomposition whether an experienced hand or a davuravu recruit isie revealed in the toryvory sentences you composecomposocopoopoe 2 criticisms by other urwritersitersaiterswitters wera roundfoundto be sindsimdsimilarlarslareiarepahipahlpavaipaval M brodie for example claimed that the bookdookof momon completely 111acklackeded subtlety witabawibmbaaapatp and style 3 c4cahe seredobservedobserod on the other handthand that there was an unfortunatenfortxxnatestyleetyle of joseph smitoffsmitbffsmmh41 present emchwhichwmchimproved as the book progressed beeamew the 3mrmons grent fewer and the adventures grew amrnmrmoree numerousnumerousarous alexanderalgxander Campbecampbelicampbe1111 also claimed that the book of tiomionmaraonmoraon was writteniwlfcten in the style of josephjoaeph smith but his evidence criscrisistedcoreibtedisted of only one example heitelne quoted the clause thellthealthe ppictespiatesates of which hathbathbeen spokenspokenit it ihicl4vmichs heho cialciauclaUclaimedned appeared in the werworprpefbrovicepefaeeproviceeviceoViceaceaeet lie was probably referring to the preface of the 1830 edition and oomparinf thisthia clauseolauso to theotheuthe platesplatos of which hath been epo enilenitemchnmchwhich appeared in the body of thebheuhe record othotherew crlorloriorltloaltical charges were fowiddowidfoundroundin the wo of homeroweromeblowes turner conybeare and others5othersothora 5 nowhere in the worksmorks of the many critics does platawtww wwwwiftfaait atjiww gliiiiwatiiiwAt www ittfw ym ittwviifwyfwinw w asbietsbie wmipsbae tiigi6iiyhw 42 lisitar4 toT lablambs the&muj1 e cwoen yot ward wdmd Drbrxwondadraymonddrwymondwymond 1887x1887 appp ill31331 3 3 3favmfaaifavlpailfaii llaM brodiesbrodiebrodleno mann ogg newW torkiyorki alfred A knodtknopt 195 po 62 oll normonmormon alexander campbellsy an analanalysisaym vels nof the book of 14ormoqkormon dosdoaBoabostonstont i wwfuswxw WVV selsS kf WVWWf fvfvsf wwbwwfcy benjamin 14H groreeneenoenej 1932935 peP 13 0 5 franklinfrankiln33& harrlharriharrisharrio the T ookok ofor mormon heshoshossagemessagemossagemos sage and videmcesikvidenoea salt lakelako clfocity deseret lewsfews 1919535353. chap KI 3 there beemseem to be conclusive evidence of the uniformity of stylestylo of the variousvarivarlotisotieotte writers of the bookdookof mormon no twtvotwo kriterwriterwriters havehairehavre the same style of wilingwriting aohachtachpach hasilasliashis owounown peculiarities renyromy de gowfiiontgourmwtg the great french critic whomho influenced such witerswriters as T S4 fuookliotbuoo and others n hashab saidt writing is a trade but style ia actnot a aeimee style is the man1mana and
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