November 24, 1969:Our 39th Year:50G W. 1Y Q: THEimadcasting BUSINESSWEEI(LY TELEVISION AND OF RADIO A CAv Cc M1SSC n.'-., I T Another broadcast record set in '69 by top -50 agencies. p27 n III SPECIAL REPORT: Agnew's war on broadcast newsmen. p44 Hastily -produced USIA film tells Nixon's side of Vietnam war. p68 At NBC: Give a little, take a little on AT &T rate hike. p70 STUMP Tit E STA R5 WE'RE IN 316 -ALL NEW ANp IN WE'RE M1I *1 NAMES PHILADELPHIA! AN 8 5 woo A WEEK. CALL IN _BUFFALO'. RATING cook- AND A 93 5HARE. ARB TRIANGLE TELEVi5ION, (115) 8 RAtING-Lf2 5ftARE T0.9 PETAIL5 ON REQUEST AR13 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE COINCI pENT'AL -9700 col NCIDEMAL NaVE MßER II -13, pETA1L5 NOV. II-13, 9ErAIL5 ON olv REQUE5T: KEQUE 5T ... ACT NOW AND THE HIGH RATED MITCH MILLER CHRISTMA SPECIAL IS YOURS ... THIS HOLIDAY HOUR RICH IN COLOR, SOUND AND SPIRIT IS OFFERED LOCALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME ... N' SYNDICATION SHOW CAN MATCH THE SUPERIOR PRODUCTION QUALITY OR CONTENT OF THIS NETWORK SPECIAL ... NOW AVAILABLE FIRST RUN OFF NBC ... TELEPHONE BOB MANBY . FRED SCHNEIER ... (212) 421 -8830 ... SHOWCORPORATIC Look for Mitch Miller Seasonal Specials in 1970. Presented by andRK° distributed GENERAL by 10 E. 49 RPORAT/ New York. N.Y. iOC This page has two sides. .So do most News Stories. We make sure our news viewers get both sides. Or, in some instances, all three sides. Or more. Sometimes it's not easy. But it is right. And we do it right. KTRK -TV HOUSTON CAPITAL CITIES BROADCASTING CORPORATION Represented by Blair BROADCASTING, Nov. 24. 1969 3 THE GAL -TV WNl1AMf.01T ONTO N[LIION 6Y NYU ,sTOI .] ^ fNAYOt1N=r... .OTTOYNf/ ..o. MARKET IwIfTOwN f C n u L C 1 .1 . A.I,Tw.Y` READING HARRISBURG .I.,. D , ...... YT ' LANCASTER I YORK NM.,.I .Y.. .T.I `fi -. co.TUruu GETTYSNnRG WHERE c TITO N . ,C.CEIy TOILET kr.w mmncA .SO- N , ; 100000 WGAL-TV , .oNl<oN,T. IT'S Fes BOUGHT! The latest retail sales facts and figures just naturally Sales figures in the WGAL -TV coverage prove the stand -out buying power in the WGAL -TV area give proof of multicity area. 40% color penetration* completes the the market's buying power. t booming sales picture. Channel 8 assures your adver- tising most viewing prospects in its market. Remember total retail sales $5,061,995,000 food store sales $1,092,728,000 WGAL -TV, the super seller! general merchandise store sales $ 739,985,000 automotive store sales $ 977,703,000 W GAL'TV LÁÑCASTER, PA. drug store sales $ 137,111,000 Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York . Chicago . Los Angeles . San Francisco t SALES MANAGEMENT 1969 Survey of Buying Power, 6/10/69. °Based on Feb. -Mar. 1969 ARB estimates; subject to inherent limitations of sam- pling techniques and other qualifications issued by ARB. available upon request. STEINMAN TELEVISION STATIONS Clair McCollough, Pres. WGAL -TV Lancaster- Harrisburg -York- Lebanon, Pa. WTEV Providence, R. I. /New Bedford -Fall River, Mass. 4 BROADCASTING, Nov. 24, 1969 Closet/Circuit® Local boy Apart from eagerness to acquire sta- other is Westinghouse Broadcasting tion, for which it is ready to pay $4.4 Co. alternative, which would prohibit KRLD-AM -FM Dallas are about to be million, WKY is said to be eager to press major-market stations from taking spun of $91- million deal will out that case because of language in commission more than three hours of network pro- merge parent Dallas Times Herald and hearing order which WKY feels ques- graming between 7 and 11 p.m. Third KRLD-TV into Times Mirror Co. of Los tions its integrity. Order asked whether is combination of two. In addition, in- Angeles (BROADCASTING, Sept. 22). WKY would spend money needed to dividual commissioners are said to be Buyer of radio stations will be John make good its promise to retain KTVH drafting alternatives of their own. Corn- Erik Jonsson, wealthy industrialist, program format. mission reportedly plans to discuss mat- mayor of Dallas since 1964, former ter at meeting Dec. 3. chairman, now honorary chairman, of board of Texas Instruments. Price is Getting ready said to be near $7 million -less than Take -off at last some outside bidders offered for 50 kw, Network operations chiefs sit down to- Profit worries at Hershey Foods Corp. 1080 kc AM and 100 kw, 92.5 me morrow (Nov. 25) in New York with were behind delay in launching of first FM. Sellers opted for sale to home- Comsat technical officials to work out town business -civic leader. Times Mir- ad campaign ever. Candy manufacturer configuration specifics of domestic satel- ror publishes Los Angeles Times, has declared intentions last February but lite system for broadcasters num- diversified holdings. - broke ground in television test market ber and location of earth stations, time - only last week (see page 32). Ogilvy & transmissions, sites for transmit- zone Mather, Hershey ad agency since ting and receiving earth stations, and, Up and down March 1, had shown signs of impa- above all, costs. It's all part of growing tience. High prices for cocoa and other Ownership authorities, in and out of that lid domestic will feeling on system ingredients contribute to problems with government are pondering effect, im- be lifted soon, and that Comsat will profit. Rumors were reinforced last mediate or long- range, of Vice Presi- play big part in establishment and op- week when Hershey announced it would dent Spiro Agnew's broadsides against eration. media with particular regard to "one- no longer market five -cent chocolate to-market" rulemaking pending before bar. FCC. In last week's attack upon Wash- Indications now are that Hershey ington (D.C.) Post -Newsweek proper- Reaching out will make campaign national in early ties, which include WTOP- AM- FM -TV, With at least dozen Japanese manufac- 1970. Recent marketing agreement with Vice President disclaimed threat of turers, mainly in electronics and auto- British candy maker, Rowntree -Mac- "dismemberment," but mere mention of mobiles as advertising prospects for its kintosh Co. Ltd., effective Jan. 1, 1970, it aroused deep concern among news- U. S. stations, WGN Continental Broad- suggests to industry insiders that Her- paper owners. casting has gone international by estab- shey will expand use of broadcast. Kit - Although no public statement has lishing office in Tokyo. On recent trip, Kat bar is expected to be first Rowntree come from White House, newspaper Ward Quaal, WGN president, appointed product to get push from Hershey. owners had been disposed to breathe Tom Oshidari, veteran advertising-pub - Rowntree - Mackintosh had previous easier since change in administration lic- relations expert, as Japanese man- U.S. marketing agreement with Philip last January. Their hopes were boosted ager with offices in new 40 story World Morris, which had tested British candy even more when stalwart Republicans Trade Central Building, being corn - in spot over last two years. Dean Burch and Robert Wells were pleted in time for Japan's Expo '70. named to FCC last month. With Ag- Mr. Oshidari, educated in California, new monopoly generalizations, however, in addition to sales service for WGN A story in itself newspaper are worried owners again stations groups in Chicago, Duluth, Most complicated program- develop- and reserving judgment. Minn., and Denver, also will promote ment deal for next network -TV season WGN syndicated features. involves hour dramatic show out of The Aubrey Co., independent televi- Closing in sion and motion -picture production firm WKY Inc. is considering one last shot 50 -50 or more? run by James T. Aubrey Jr. Before to acquire KTVH(TV) Hutchinson, Kan., being named president and chief execu- before sale contract expires on Dec. 31. FCC is moving toward decision in four - tive officer at Metro -Goldwyn- Mayer, Seller, Minneapolis Star and Tribune and-a- half -year-old rulemaking aimed Mr. Aubrey had joined with 20th Cen- Co., says it won't extend contract, and at limiting network ownership of pro- tury -Fox TV to co- produce projected application is in hearing. WKY'S likely graming. But question remaining is how series about attorney. ABC -TV was in- ploy: waive its rights and ask commis- fast it is moving. All options remain terested in project for 1970 -71 season. sion to grant or deny transfer applica- open and no commitments have been But with Mr. Aubrey moving to rival tion without hearing. WKY attorneys be- made, with commission said to have studio, development of program at 20th gan considering that tactic after Ernest three choices under consideration. Century -Fox was halted. Now it looks Nash, FCC examiner in hearing which One choice is original proposal, as if pilot for series, tentatively titled was to have started last week, recessed which would bar networks from own- Tully, to star former TV newsman, it until Jan. 2 -in effect, closing it out. ing or controlling more than 50% of Alex Dreier, will be produced for ABC- Mr. Nash said that since contract is not their prime -time entertainment program- TV at MGM TV. In unique arrange- to be extended, continuing hearing ing, from domestic syndication and ment, 20th Century -Fox TV will own would be futile; be would not even have from acquiring subsidiary rights in in- piece of what's now essentially MGM initial decision prepared by Dec. 31. dependent productions they air. An- TV project. BROADCASTING. November 24. 1969: Vol. 77, No. 21 Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to BROADCASTING. 1735 DeSales Street. N.W.. Washington. D.C.
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