Issue 2 February 2011 Southeast Iowa Parrot Head Club Pineapple Press www.seiphc.com The Parrot Head within….. ish. We are not afraid of love. Even before I called myself as one, smacked me in the a Parrot Head, I was a Parrot head, and said, "Hey! You're a We are Parrot Heads because: We Head. Even before I knew Parrot Head!" like scantily clad members of our what a Parrot Head was, I was favorite sex. We like playing in the That's the short version, sun with those same members. a Parrot Head. And even be- and if I ever get around to fore the term was coined, I We like singing songs that say all writing the "big book", you can was one. You'll understand of these things. better in a moment after read- read the full story. But for now, We are Parrot Heads because: We ing what I have to share. But I I'd like to share something that believe the best things in life can- still always enjoy hearing peo- perhaps some of you have not be bought. We believe sharing ple's personal stories of how read before. Surely some have the best things make them better. they "became" Parrot Heads. not (Yeah, I know...don't call We believe in the innate goodness As for myself, I prefer to think you Shirley). I don't know who in all of us. of it as how I realized I was a the author is, so I can't credit We are Parrot Heads because: We Parrot head. know shared joy is increased. We them by name, but, to the best As far back as I can possi- know shared pain is lessened. We of my knowledge, it was writ- bly remember, I've had an know a good friend has value be- affinity towards the sea. Plus ten by someone from a south- yond measure. ern California PHC. Enjoy, and I've always been a restless It just so happens that Jimmy Buf- soul. I'm also, among other fins up! fett sings about all these things. qualities in line with the Mar- So, we are not Parrot Heads be- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: garitaville state of mind, a bit We are not Parrot Heads be- of a non-conformist. Eventu- cause we are Jimmy Buffett cause we are Jimmy Buffett fans, Party with a Purpose 2 ally, my (then still young) no- fans. We are Parrot Heads we are Jimmy Buffett fans be- mad feet and free-spirit atti- because: We love the ocean. cause we are Parrot Heads! Havana Daydreamin’ 2 tude got the better of me and We love our planet. We love to I joined the Navy, leaving Bur- have fun. Paul Waring –SEIPHC Welcome New Members 2 lington to be with my first love, We are Parrot Heads because: Mother Ocean. All of that, plus We are not afraid to be silly. Jimmy who? 3 an inevitable love for Jimmy We are not afraid to act fool- Buffett's music, finally rose up Photos -latest phlocking 3 Jimmy takes a tumble 4 A message from El Presidente’ Lyrics –Pencil thin Mustache 4 Ahoy Parrot Heads! I am happy to We have a lot of momentum to start member to the next phlocking as report that the club held a success- 2011. We have a strong slate of we really need to focus on swell- ful phlocking at Diamond Dave's in events to look forward to in 2011. It ing our ranks at this tender point January. Thanks to PH John Diaz all starts at our next phlocking in in our clubs existence. for being a gracious host and West Point on March 19th and runs thanks to everyone on the Execu- up to and beyond our 2011 signa- As Jimmy says...."wrinkles only go tive Committee who worked hard to ture fundraising event "The Summer where the smiles have been" so make this event possible! I am Sand Blast" to be held on August let's all agree to "smile" a lot this happy to report that we added 20th at The Paddlewheel Lounge's year! approx. 10 new members at this new outdoor bar and gathering event!!! area. Fins Up! In the mean time, I would challenge each of you to bring a potential President Mike PAGE 2 PINEAPPLE PRESS Party with a Purpose– Let’s help the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and have some fun doing it. In other words let’s Party with a Purpose! At our last Phlocking we decided to multiple insulin injections or use a enjoy the ―island tunes‖ and likes have a raffle for the Juvenile Diabe- pump — every day of their lives. cheeseburgers or margaritas. This is tes Research Foundation and we And even with that intensive care, not an official club function, but Hy- raised $ 108 which we will donate insulin is not a cure for diabetes, Vee is very excited to have us help to that worthy cause. nor does it prevent its eventual and with the event. Lyle Rosson will be devastating complications, which spinning tunes and a our club will Yes– we have started to make a may include kidney failure, blind- have a table where we can sign up difference! ness, heart disease, stroke, and new members. amputation. For $20 a person you can eat all the Juvenile Diabetes Re- Since its founding in 1970 by cheeseburgers and drink all the parents of children with type 1 margarita’s your belly can handle. search Foundation diabetes, JDRF has awarded more Jimmy Buffett Trivia and prizes (from than $1.5 billion to diabetes re- HyVee) will be occur during the night. search, including more than $107 The Juvenile Diabetes Research million in FY2010 Capacity is limited at the Burlington Foundation International (JDRF) is Gym so get your tickets now. E-mail the leading charitable funder and Missy Graham at [email protected] advocate of type 1 (juvenile) diabe- HY-Vee’s Cheeseburger for tickets. tes research worldwide. The mis- sion of JDRF is to find a cure for in Paradise fundraiser diabetes and its complications Hy-Vee’s Cheeseburger in Paradise Party with a Purpose! through the support of research. fundraiser at the Burlington Gym is Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune on Saturday February 19th (doors disease that strikes children and open at 5P.M.) and we would urge . adults suddenly, and can be fatal. all readers to attend this event. Until a cure is found, people with This event benefits the Juvenile type 1 diabetes have to test their Diabetes Research Foundation and blood sugar and give themselves should be a good time for all who Havana Daydreamin’ Wow! The Quad City Parrot Head around a big table and many are a few photos that were Club did an outstanding job of spent a song or two on the taken at the event. throwing a ―hell of a‖ party. The dance floor. We had a chance bands were great with the ―Boat to see how the second largest Drunks‖ being exceptional and Parrot Head Club in the world playing many of Jimmy’s songs handles events and we with spot on vocals. All total I learned a lot seeing this pro- counted 12 members of our duction. I understand that club (it may have been 24 by there were about 3000 people the end of the night-I’m swear- a the event (6000 at the end ing off tequila) enjoying the of the night-ha-ha) but it felt evening. We all sat and mingled very open and relaxed. Here Welcome to the Club............you are officially a Southeast Iowa Parrot Head! The following members have offi- John & Loretta Wagner Family Rick & Cynthia Pratt Family 61 Phlockers and cially joined our club as of this Judy Stoderl Rick Dahl Counting … writing: Jon Diaz Ryan & Tamara Coffin Family Amy Klein Kevin Kniffin Sara Gahn Angela Mertens Spread the word that Kyle Kniffin Scott & Denise Gilpin Family Brian & Tina Conner this is the club to join! Luke Sneller Sherry Todd Carol & Joe Huffman Family Lyle & Jean Rosson Family Steve Prader $25 for single and Chad & Dawn McCune Family Mary & Chuck Kelly Family Sue & Eric Sorensen $40 for a family Craig Foulkes Matt Allen Tiffany Todd Visit www.seiphc.com Eric & Alli Blodgett Family Melissa Graham Tim Manderscheid For details Eric & Trina Tucker Family Mike & Karen Johnstone Family Troy & Cora Liestch Family Gary & Tammy Davis Family Mike & Melissa Schwenker Family Troy & Jennifer Cagle Family Jim & Cindy Gabella Family Misty & Ryan Harris Family Wendy Klein Jim & Julie Belger Family Patricia Paladino Joel & Jill Larkins Family Paul Waring ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 More on the man…………... Jimmy Buffett From Wikipedia: Buffett married Margie Washichek in have reached No. 1 on both the fiction 1969 and divorced in 1972. Buffett and non-fiction lists. The seven other Personal Life- and his second wife Jane (Jane Slags- authors who have accomplished this are Buffett spent part of his childhood vol) have two daughters, Savannah Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, in Mobile, Alabama.[2] As a boy in Jane and Sarah Delaney, and an William Styron, Irving Wallace, Dr. Seuss, grade school, he attended St. adopted son, Cameron Marley, and Mitch Albom and Glenn Beck. Ignatius School. He later lived in reside in Palm Beach, Florida. They Fairhope, Alabama, mentioned by were separated in the early 1980s; Buffett as his "Home Town" during however, they reconciled in 1991. Buffett also co-wrote two children's a 2001 concert. He graduated Buffett also owns a home in St Barts, a books, The Jolly Mon and Trouble Dolls, from high school from McGill Insti- Caribbean island where he lived on and with his eldest daughter, Savannah Jane tute for Boys (now McGill-Toolen off in the early 1980s while he was Buffett.
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