Road Work Is Seen as Slowing Down SEE STORY BELOW Partly Sunny . Partly sunny and cool to- HOME day. Chance of snow flurries tonight. Fair and milder to- morrow. "sa" FINAL (Bet Details Fag« 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 104 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1968 38 PAGES TEN CENTS Tonti Sees Art Center Attack Political By BOB BRAMLEY tioned from time to time as a fool of myself," he explained. know what the authority is recreational areas as contem- little and curtail such accom- WOODBRIDGE - Is some- possible Democratic guberna- Of Monday's legislation, doing," Mr. Tonti declared. plated in original parkway plishments as the Garden one trying to clip the political torial candidate. Mr. Tonti said the new bill On the arts center and planning. State Arts Center. wings 0! D. Louis Tonti, ex- Expressing dismay that "makes no difference to the jgther recreational facilities "All I've done is change the A chief supporter of the ecutive director of the N. J. some legislators apparently authority from a technical "-planned for Telegraph Hill in type of recreation," he said, newly passed bill was Sen. Highway Authority? want to make the arts center point of view." Deprecating Holmdel and other parkway adding that people would not Matthew Renaldi, R-Union. Mr. Tonti asked the ques- and other contemplated rec- the "myth about the authority sites, Mr. Tonti quoted a sec- come to Telegraph Hill to Assemblyman Kenneth T. tion yesterday as he dis- reational facilities on the not letting the Legislature tion of the statute under use, for instance, tennis Wilson, R-Essex, chairman of cussed his reaction to the parkway political issues, Mr. know what it's doing," the di- which the authority operates: courts originally planned for the legislative committee be- state Legislature's override of Tonti wondered aloud if rector said he has been to .."The state of New Jersey the site. fore which Mr. Tonti testified Gov. Richard J. Hughes' veto "those fellows up there are the Legislature innumerable does pledge and agree that Mr. Tonti scored legislative before the bill was passed, is of a Republican-sponsored bill trying to clip my wings." times "on powers that the au- the state will not limit or re- critics of the Highway Au- the legislator who alleged the requiring the authority to On rumors that he might thority doesn't hav.e." strict rights vested in the au- thority Tuesday in an address arts center construction vio- seek legislative approval for be a Democratic candidate Report Submitted thority to maintain, construct in Atlantic City to municipal lates a 1945 statute. projects — such as the Gar- for governor, Mr. Tonti add- In addition, he said, the au- or operate any project set recreation officials attending Recalling the center's over- den State Arts Center — not ed, "Well, that's very flat- thority submits a detailed re- forth, or defined in this the convention pf the League whelming success, Mr. Tonti directly related to the Garden tering, but I'm looking port of its activities to the act . ." of Municipalities. remarked, "The recreational State Parkway. around for the right time. legislature every year. Projects set forth, Mr. Ton- He classed as "mental needs of. 1945 are not the D. Louis Tonti Mr. Tonti has been men- I wouldn't want to make a "They can't say they don't ti stated, specifically include midgets" those who try to be- needs of today." Hope for 78 Miners Dims; Sitioke Keeps OutRescuers MANNINGXON, W. Va. (AP) the Mountaineer Coal Co. No. eer's parent firm. to the surface. A giant crane Company officials scheduled be made before this afternoon, —' Dense smoke and intense 9 mine which sits in the rich If the initial explosion and pulled eight others from a a news conference today when possibly later, because of the heat kept rescue teams today fields of north-central West fire didn't, get to the men, ventilation shaft. they were expected to elabo- ' intense heat. from entering a coal mine Virginia amid clusters of gas Turner said, "it's possible "We must wait until the rate on rescue plans, and Hard-hatted miners waited where 78 men were trapped wells. that cqllapses within the mine flames die down," said Wil- United Mine Workers Presi- in the nearby union hall dur- by a series of explosions and "There's almost no hope of caused by the heat and con- liam Poundstone, executive dent W. A. "Tony" Boyle of ing the night in case the situ- a.fire. getting (the trapped men) out cussion would do them in." vice president of Consolida- Washington was due in Mann- ation changed. But thick Twenty-one men were'res- alive," said Harry Turner, Thirteen of the other 21 men tion. "Rescue operations are ington. • smoke continued to curl from cued after the explosions early safety inspector for Consoli- in the mine when' the first still impossible because of the Company officials indicated the mine's entrance. yesterday thundered through dation Coal Co., Mountain- blast hit at 5:40 a.m. rushed density of the fire." no move toward rescue would Four of the men who made it out, were under observation at nearby Fairmont General Hospital. None was consid- ' ered in serious condition. "The Lord was with us," Financial Leaders in Deadlock; said Lewis Lake, 55, a mine veteran from Owings, W. Va. AMERICANISM AWARD-i^VV. Paul Stillman #f Fair "He brought us through be- Haven, right, chairman of fha board of tha Finf Na- cause we couldn't see a tional Stats Bank of New Jersey, receives the 1968 :;thiHg."i :•;••!,., • Americanism Award from Danjel M. Bernheim of Sermany Refuses to Hike "Mark Alva Vayts, p,ro( nearby Farmington, who1 also was in the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith at a cere- BONN, Germany (AP) - ministers and their national hardened. Neither shall we go German sources said the sleep before returning to the the group pulled'from a venti- mony in Newark last night. •' (AP Wirephoto) The West German government bank governors met again beyond the measures we have conference yesterday failed to conference table. lation shaft, thought of the squared off today for a show- later in the morning and re- proposed." get further than discussing Strong Pressures crew's ninth man, Paul Frank down over its refusal to in- sumed their emergency dis- Strauss' government an- these German measures. They Conference sources said the Anderson, 24, who didn't make crease the value of the mark cussion of how to bolster the nounced Tuesday that it would said no other country put Germans came under strong it. as a means of solving the franc and stabilize the crisis- reduce both its taxes on im- forward any proposals. pressure — chiefly from the "Paul must have run world's latest monetary cri- racked international monetary ports and the tax rebate it U.S. Treasury Secretary French and the British — to toward the Uewellyn," Davis sis. ' system. has been paying on exports. Henry H. Fowler, British raise the official value of the said from his hospital bed, re- ; -West,German,;Finance Min- Thisv'sh^ukl reduce the. West mark. But other ministers ferring to. a mine entrance. After nine hours, of. a^gu. Chancellor of the Exchequer ment about the plight of the ister "Franz-Josef Strauss German foreign trade surplus called for devaluation of the "He left his dinner bucket be- French franc and what to do emerged from the conference that has aroused belief the Roy Jenkins and French Fi- franc, saying France's inter- hind and a dust mask on the about it, financial leaders of room after the marathon ses- mark will be revalued, a be- nance Minister Francis Xavi- nal economic situation de- ground. the West's '10 chief trading sion that started yesterday lief that is one of the chief er Ortoli were tightlipped as manded this. 'Left Him Note' causes for speculators ex- Most of the opening ses- "I left him a note in case nations adjourned in deadlock and told newsmen: "We have they left' to get a few hours early today. made clear we shall not re- changing francs for marks in sion was reported taken up in he comes back, telling him The economics and finance valuate. The fronts have huge quantities. separate consultations among where we went," Davis said. ministers and national bank "I wrote it on the coal car Allenhurst governors of the six Common with my finger in coal dust." Market countries — West Poundstone told a news con- NEWARK (AP) — A New to the city in return," he said. Germany, France, Italy, Bel- ference yesterday he had no Jersey financial leader called His remarks were prepared Goldberg Says V. S. Funds Man Killed giurn, the, Netherlands and_. way_of knowing if ihe_7JLmen last night ior_a passenger for a .meeUhg-blthe New Jer^ Luxembourg. This appeared were alive. head tax at Newark Airport. sey Region of the Anti-Defa- In Accident to Bint at some effort for "They may have barricad- W. Paul Stillman of Fair mation League of B'nai Brith concerted action within the OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Jo- ed themselves," he said. Haven, chairman of the board here, at which he received For Roads in Deep Freeze seph Russell McDede, 52, of 2 European Economic commu- Poundstone would not attempt of First National State Bank the group's Americanism Island Ave., Allenhurst, was nity. to estimate how long rescue of New Jersey, also urged Award. TRENTON (AP) — State "In other words, we can any other state because they dead on arrival at Jersey While the ministers argued operations would last.
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