PPOO BBOXOX 220202 BBERRYERRY NNSWSW 22535535 WWWW.BERRYALLIANCE.ORG.AUWW.BERRYALLIANCE.ORG.AU FFINDIND UUSS OONN FFACEBOOKACEBOOK JJULYULY 22018018 PPRICE:RICE: $$3.003.00 NEW STREET MEET ANOTHER 4 Page LIBRARY IN ONE OF BERRY’S Page 3 Page BROUGHTON REMARKABLE COURT VOLUNTEERS BERRY COMMUNITY Page 5 Page GARDEN HAS SOME EMPTY GARDEN BEDS LOOKING FOR GREEN THUMBS BERRY PRESCHOOL’S Page 15 Page FUNDRAISER – CHRISTMAS IN JULY BOOMERANG 11 Page BAGS – 2 YEARS IN AND STILL GOING STRONG BBERRYERRY AALLIANCELLIANCE MENDING IINFORMATIONNFORMATION BROKEN LIVES BY KARINA SEYFFER HavingHaving movedmoved fromfroom SydneySydnney toto thetht e SouthSoSoutth CoastCCooasast almostalmost threethree yearsyears ago,agog , I waswas strucksts ruuckk byby thethhe myriadmyyririadad ofof socialsocial problemsproblemss inin thethhe Shoalhaven.SShhoaalhlhavveenn. I becamebebeccaamee interestedinterested inin supportingsuppportingg locallococalal charities,chhaarirititieses, particularlyppaarrticularrlyy thosethose dealingdealing withwith alleviatingalll evviai titingg thesethehesese issues.issssuues. “A“A TasteTaste ofof ParadiseParadisse Farm”Fararm”m waswasas onlyonlnly mentionedmeentntioneed to me in passing.passing. FortunatelyFortrtununatatelely forfofor me,mmee, I decideddeecic deded tot The Town Crier is produced investigateinvestigate furtherfurther andand I contactedcocontntacactteed TimTTim FrancisFrraannccis too by the Berry Alliance, Inc. discoverdiscover forfor myself.myself.f WhatWhaat strikessttriikes mem nownoww isis howhohow so The purpose of this publication is fewfew peoplepeeople inin thethe areaarea havehavve heardhehearard aboutaabouut theththe farmfafarmr the kids that come to the farm don’t know how to communicate to the people of and thethe amazingamazing andand selflseselflfl essessss workworork ofo TimTim andandd hishisis to trust anyone. We work on building their trust, Berry about community activities wifewife Andrea.Andrea. self- esteem, confi dence and social skills through and to generate a small income NestledNestled in a peacefulpeaceful valleyvav lllleye nearneaear Berry,BBerrry, thethe farmfara m our mentoring programme and also by introducing for the Berry Alliance to cover hashas beenbeeen a havenhaven forfor vulnerablevulnerablb e andand at-at- riskrisk them to animals and nature. A horse can connect administrative costs and donations. youth for 20 years.years. TheThe NotNot forfor ProfiProfi t charity with a young person in ways that a human can’t.” operateses a day programme which incorporates in Tim explained. Assisted Animal Therapy, One-onOne-on OneOne mentoring Tim’s passion for growing organic and ethical food MEMBERSHIP andand HorticultureHorticulture training.training. TheThe youngyoung peoplepeople also makes a positive impact. For some kids it’s Membership of the Berry Alliance who benefi t from these programmesprogrammes come from the fi rst time they have ever tasted fresh food. costs $10 pa. It aims to share a rangerange ofof care situations with issues such as Understanding the process of food production information amongst community mentalmental health,health, intellectualintellectual andand physicalphysical disabilitiesdisabilities is a grounding and healing experience and also groups and individuals, and to andd behavioural b h i l problems bl often ft relating l ti to t adult d lt develops skills for future employment. ensure that Berry continues to be a neglect and abuse. The farm is a Not For Profi t organisation which community we are proud of. My fi rst introduction to the farm was at an Open exists without any direct government funding. Tim Membership is open to Berry Day. Lano and Woodley the two Maremma poultry and Andrea face constant fi nancial challenges in community groups and individuals. guardian dogs made sure my arrival was noted. I trying to manage and operate a farm and a charity. To join the Berry Alliance, was met by Wicky from Kenya, (one of the farm’s Donations are the lifeblood of their operation. write to Mentors) with his gleaming smile. The welcome Further information can be obtained through PO Box 202, Berry NSW 2535 I received from Tim was so warm and friendly I www.atasteofparadise.org.au All donations are tax immediately felt “at home”. deductible. ALL BERRY Tim’s detailed description of the types of kids that “A TASTE OF PARADISE FARM” ALLIANCE ENQUIRIES visit the farm struck a chord and tugged on my Open Days are held the fi rst Tuesday of every Secretary: 0449 569 059 heartstrings. The story of a young woman who had month between 10-12 (Excluding school Email: [email protected] twenty different foster carers between December holidays). Please ring Gillian on Post Offi ce Box 202 and May was just one example. “So many of 0403 334 490 to book. Berry NSW 2535 Photo courtesy of Katie Rivers Photography and South Coast Style Magazine. PROUDLY SPONSORED BY THE BERRY ALLIANCE JULY Editor's Note 18 The closing date for our August HEAD INJURIES & HELMETS issue will be Wednesday 18 JULY at 5pm. Please submit prior to this Join us for an afternoon conversation about head injuries and date if it is your fi rst submission. helmet safety. Material can be submitted via e-mail Cooper Martin will talk about his skateboard accident in 2016 to: [email protected]. and helmet safety. Phone 0428 037 572. Town Criers Sarah Adams, Clinical Nurse Consultant for Trauma at Sydney can be downloaded for free from Children’s Hospital, will share her extensive medical knowledge www.berryalliance.org.au or our and insights into head injuries. Facebook Page: Berry Town Crier. Ashley-Jade Lee, Emergency Department Nurse at Sydney Nancy Davies - Berry Town Crier Children’s Hospital, will speak about her skateboard accident as TOWN CRIER EDITORIAL BOARD well as head injury cases she has experienced working in the ED. Nancy Davies Rick Gainford Rachel Martin will share a parent’s perspective into Cooper’s Holly Landgren Adrian Bishop accident. Contributors are those from the Berry community who have news or views relating to residents of the area. The opinions expressed in the Town Crier are not DATE: SATURDAY 11 AUGUST 2018 necessarily those of the Berry Alliance or the Editor. TIME: 2PM to 4PM The Town Crier is published every month, with a circulation of 2400. VENUE: BERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL HALL PRINTED BY Berry Printers RSVP: WEDNESDAY 8 AUGUST 2018 CONCORDE WAY BOMADERRY PH: 4422 3774 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER to Rachel 0413 037 979 *Optional gold coin donation. All proceeds will be donated to Ronald McDonald House Randwick. This event is for adults and teenagers. Parental discretion is advised if children will be attending who are younger than 13 years of age. PROUDLY SPONSORED BY THE BERRY ALLIANCE Page 2 - The Town Crier JULY 2018 BERRY STREET LIBRARY BY HOLLY LANDGREN If you have been in Broughton Court the past that of Alan Blackshaw, the Community few weeks you will likely have noticed the Development Coordinator we made further installation of two library boxes for residents progress through the bureaucratic processes and visitors to take or leave a book for others of dealing with Council’s requirements. to read. The idea for this project started some time ago. With changes in personnel at Council little In July 2016 the Berry Alliance Committee further progress was made until mid 2017, resolved to commit funds to establishing when Helen Waterhouse, a Community a street library for the town. Most people Development Project Offi cer at Council, by now would have seen these both within became involved. Helen was involved in two the Shoalhaven district, and further afi eld. other street library projects in development in Street libraries can be a simple bookshelf the Shoalhaven, and was proactive and keen or cupboard in a sheltered location, or a to see all up and running. Helen suggested small weatherproof box. The Street Library we invest in a second library box, to be organization is Sydney based not for profi t mounted below the fi rst, to allow access for group that sells library box kits, prefabricated people with mobility scooters, in wheelchairs, boxes, and runs box building workshops to or children to reach. encourage and facilitate the establishment of Our last hurdle was waiting until Council street libraries. We resolved to support this could send someone from the Engineering group, and bought a premade box that only Department to dig the hole to install the post, required painting. and given the low priority of the job there Because we determined that the best location was no timeframe given. As an alternative, it for a street library would be in the centre was agreed that if we had a Licensed Builder of the shopping district, we approached dig the hole we could do it ourselves. After Shoalhaven Council to ensure we had going through the “Before You Dig” protocol, their approval for an installation on council we were ready to go. So, on a cold June property. I met with Liliana Hutchinson, then morning, Paul Philpott of Revive Building did the Community Safety Offi cer for Shoalhaven the honours, dug the hole and cemented in Council in October 2016 to assess possible our post for us. A return visit two days later, locations. Liliana was supportive of the once the concrete foundation had set, and project, and with her assistance and the boxes were installed. WE HOPE YOU WILL MAKE USE OF THIS NEW ADDITION TO OUR STREETSCAPE; borrow a book to read, return or replace it, or recycle books that might otherwise sit unread on your bookshelf. My thanks to everyone involved who helped
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