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MIDDLE EAST (L.L.C ﺍﻟـﺸﻜﻞ ﺍﻟﻘـﺎﻧﻮﻧـﻲ ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺫﺍﺕ ﻣﺴﺆﻭﻟﻴﺔ ﻣﺤﺪﻭﺩﺓ Legal Status Limited Liability Company ﻧـﻮﻉ ﺍﻟـﻨـﺸـﺎﻁ ﺗﺮﻛﻴﺐ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﺍﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﺯﻟﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻷﺑﻨﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﻨﺸﺂﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻧﻴﺔ * ﺗﺠﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﺍﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﺯﻟﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﻮﺍﻗﻴﺔ Activity Insulation contracting * Insulation & protection materials trading . ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﺍﻻﻧﺘﺴﺎﺏ Member Since 01/02/1976 01/02/1976 . ﺗـﺎﺭﻳـﺦ ﺍﻹﺻـﺪﺍﺭ Date of Issue 08/04/2018 08/04/2018 . ﺗﺎﺭﻳـﺦ ﺍﻻﻧﺘﻬﺎﺀ Expiry Date 06/04/2019 06/04/2019 WATERPROOFING PROJECTS, U.A.E. DUBAI PROJECT CLIENT CONSULTANT MAIN CONTRACTOR AREA/SPECIFICATION 1 Al Nasr Leisureland Sheikh Mana Scott-Browing-Turner DEVCON, Dubai 4000 sqm - bituminous roofing 2 Almulla Plaza Shopping Centre M/s. Almulla Pacific Consultants T.I. Gulf (Pvt) Ltd/Almulla 7000 sqm - Insulated aluminium sheeting on domes, Constn inverted roof system on roof with 2 layers of bitumi- nous felt, 3 cm polystyrene and gravel/tile ballast and gravel/tile ballast 3 Galadari Corniche Complex Galadari International 11,000 sqm - Inverted roof - 2 layers Ruberoid bitumi- nous felt, 75mm PUR, ballasted by tiles 4 Al Itehad School Al Shirawi Contg Co 4,000 sqm - Hypalon uniroof white sheeting 5 Dubai Police Headquarters Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf 8000 sqm - 2 layers bituminous felt 6 Several Apartment Block, DXB Adnan Saffarini Dheeb Construction 3000 sqm - One layer Ruberoid Polyrock 4mm thick 7 Dubai Aluminium Smelter, Jebel Ali DUBAL Al Futtaim Wimpey 4000 sqm - 2 layers of bituminous felt, Roofmate concrete tiles 8 Central Military Command, Jebel Ali Central Military Al Habtoor Engg / Al 1000 sqm - 2-3 layers built-up waterproofing system Command Ahmadiah Contg 9 Dubai Exhibition Hall II Dubai Trade Centre R.J. Crockers & Ptrs B. Moeller 7000 sqm - Robertson metal deck, 40mm fibreglass insulation, built-up waterproofing system 10 Al Futtaim Commercial & Residential Al Futtaim, Dubai Civic Design Studio ASCON 2500 sqm - Single layer APP-modified 4mm thick , Bldg, Regga felt in an inverted system 11 Margham Field - Control Bldg FLUOR Mina Jebel Ali Constn 500 sqm - 50mm PUR insulation, 3-layer Ruberoid waterproofing system, ballasted with tiles 12 Rashid School for Boys, Dubai Al Wasl Laing Emirates 3000 sqm - 50mm expand 13 Commercial & Residential Building, Al Futtaim, Dubai Civic Design Studio DUTCON 2500 sqm - Single layer APP-modified 4mm thick Regga East felt in an inverted system 14 Sheikha Salwa Bldg, Deira Sheikha Salwa R.J. Crockers & Ptrs Lilley International 1000 sqm - 50mm PUR, 2 layers Ruberoid waterproof system + filter layer & tiles 15 5 Villas at Nad Al Sheba Al Kharbash Group of Co 4200 sqm - Single layer APP-modified felt, 50mm PUR, ballast of sand/cement and tiles 16 Dubai Police H.Q Extension Dubai Police Force Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf Al Naboodah Contg 6000 sqm - Lightweight screed Ruberoid, Per-Vitrix, APP-modified Ruberflex Mineralized 17 Commercial & Res Bldg Mr. Obaid Humaid Cagdas Pan Gulf Constn 2500 sqm - Single layer APP-modified Ruberflex, Zabeel Road, Dubai Al Tayer insulation, tiles 18 Project Q 336 Contract 3 Minhad Government of Dubai R.M.J.M Al Naboodah Contg 16000 sqm - 2 layers Ruberoid polyester standard, Airbase 50mm insulation tiles 19 Dubai Ladies Prison Dubai Police Force Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf Khansaheb Civil Engg 5000 sqm - Lightweight screed, 2 layers Ruberoid waterproof felt 20 Commercial & Residential Building 2 Al Futtaim, Dubai Civic Design Studio ARABTEC 2000 sqm - Single layer APP-modified 4mm thick felt in an inverted system 21 Minhad Airbase Contract 4 Dubai Defence Force R.M.J.M Al Habtoor Engg 3000 sqm - 2 layers Polyester standard 1/34 22 Dubai Traffic Police H.Q Dubai Police Force Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf Al Musabeh-Polar Engg 10000 sqm - Lightweight screed, 2 layers exposed system with 4mm APP-modified Ruberflex Min. 23 St. Mary's School, Dubai St. Mary's School Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf Khansaheb Civil Engg 3500 sqm - Lightweight Screed, 2 layers exposed system with 4mm APP-modified Ruberflex Min. 24 Dubai Int'l Trade Centre - Dubai Trade Centre R.J. Crocker & Ptrs Cleveland Bridge Engg Approx. 10000 sqm - Steel roof deck, 400 mm PUR, Exhibition Hall 3 Perforated underlayer, glaze coat of Bitumen top layer of APP-modified Ruberflex Mineralized 25 Dubai Police Housing Phase III Dubai Police Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf Al Musabeh Polar Approx. 48,000 sqm - Lightweight screed, Perforated 400 Villas Al Kharbash Contg underlayer, Ruberit APP-modified felt Al Shafar Contg Al Rashid Constn Sun Engg & Contg Co Yousuf & Aman Contg 26 EPPCO Filling Stations EPPCO Al Nekhreh Contg Canopy - Hoesch E50 profile roof deck, hot bitumen, Khansaheb Civil Engg Perforated Aerglass, Ruberit APP-modified felt with Laing Emirates mineral chippings. Sales Bldg/Concrete roof - Ruberit APP-modified felt, 50mm Roofmate, Typar filter layer, ballast of gravel / tiles 27 Holy Trinity Church Holy Trinity Church Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf Khansaheb Civil Engg Approx. 500 sqm steel structure covered with plywood to which Sike Hypalon 12A glued, seams solvent 28 Etisalat Head Office, Bldg ETISALAT IBI/Cansult Belhasa Six Construct Tanking approx. 16000 sqm 5mm SBS-modified Flexobit roofs, approx. 3000 sqm, Ruberit APP- modified felt 50mm Extruded polystyrene, filter layer and gravel ballast Water Tanks: Linked with non-toxic PVC membrane Trocal TW 1.5 thick 29 Rashid School for Boys Rashid School for Boys John R. Harris & Ptrs Almulla Constn Co Approx. 1200 sqm - 25 mm Roofmate 100 mm, Lightweight screed, Ruberit APP-modified mineralized felt 30 Re-roofing H.H. Shk. Maktoum Palace Ruler's Court Ewbank Preece Approx. 7500 sqm - Over old system laid hot Abu Dhabi bitumen, Ruberpol oxidied felt, Rufix and mineral chippings 31 Royal Abjar Hotel M/s. Almulla Fraser Nag Partnership Almulla Constn Co Tanking: Approx. 10,500 sqm, 4mm SBS-modified Flexobit, protection boards to vertical areas covered with reinforced concrete 32 Golden Sands III & IV A.A. Al Moosa ARENCO Pioneer Contg/Al Amar Lightweight Screed, Ruberit 4P, Extruded Polystyrene Contg Tile ballast 33 C&RD for Mr. M.S. Bakheet M.S. Bakheet Al Hashemi & Assoc Belhasa Engg & Contg Approx. 2500 sqm, lightweight screed, Sika PVC 12D loosely laid, fabric protection layer, 50mm Extruded polystyrene, filter layer, tile ballast 34 Wafi Retail Development Shk. Mana Bin Khalifa John R. Harris & Ptrs Khansaheb Civil Engg Approx. 2500 sqm - Spaceframe Hoesch E50 steel Al Maktoum deck, 50mm PUR boards fixed with hot bitumen, Sika Hypalon 12A glued Approx. 7,000 sqm - Concrete roof Lightweight Screed, Ruberit 4P Plain, 50mm Extruded Polystyrene, filter layer and tiles 2/34 35 Project D.E.E.P, Jebel Ali Dubai Aluminium Ltd Wimpey Al Futtaim Wimpey Ruberit 4P torched onto concrete overlaid with Extruded polystyrene, filter layer and tiles 36 Jebel Ali Power Station "E" Dubai Electricity Co Kennedy & Donkin Korea Heavy Ind. & Approx. 14,500 sqm - 45mm combiboard Perlite/PUR Constn Co insulation mechanically fixed with a top layer of Ruberpol 170. Approx. 7,000 sqm - screeding 37 Services and supply Bldg, Dubai Police W.S. Atkins ASCON Approx. 3000 sqm - Lightweight screed, Ruberit 4P, Dubai Police 50mm Extruded polystyrene, filter layer, tiles 38 Bur Juman Shopping Centre M/s. Al Ghurair Schuster Pechtold & Consolidated Contractors Tanking: Ruberit 4P with asbestos protection boards, Partners Int'l Co laid over with reinforced concrete 39 Dubai Air Cargo Terminal Dubai Civil Aviation Bechtel Int'l Belhasa Six Construct Approx. 40,000 sqm - Polyisocyanurate insulation Hysunite Hypalon also mechanically fixed 40 Dubai Aviation College Dubai Civil Aviation Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf Al Naboodah Laing Approx. 5,000 sqm - Ruberit 4P to concrete roofs, 50mm Extruded Polystyrene, filter layer, ballast 41 Dubai Dry Docks - Staff Dubai Dry Docks Brewer Smith Brewer Gulf Al Nekhreh Contg 3069 sqm - Lightweight screed, Ruberit 4P water- Accommodation Phase V proofing, 50mm insulation 42 4 Villas on Plot 66 + 66/2 Mr. Redha Ghuloom Arkiteknik International Ascon 636 sqm - Lightweight screed, Ruberit 4P water- Abbas Al Ansari proofing 43 Khansaheb new Office Bldg Khansaheb Hussain W.S. Atkins & Partners Khansaheb Civil Engg 1700 sqm - Lightweight screed, Ruberit 4P waterproofing, 50mm Esscofoam insulation 44 Hyatt Regency - Fitness Centre Hyatt Regency Hotel Richardson & Partners Al Naboodah Laing 1851 sqm - Ruberpol 250 waterproofing 45 Re-Roofing of Maintenance Dubai National Gas Co Dugas 1939 sqm - Perforated Aerglass, Ruberit 4P Workshop roof Mineralized 46 Bank of Oman, Naif Branch Bank of Oman Ltd R.M.J.M Laing Emirates 439 sqm - Ruberit 4P waterproofing & 80 mm insulation 47 Office & Workshop Development Al Futtaim Real Est Sir Alexander Gibbs Al Futtaim Wimpey 600 sqm - Ruberit 4P waterproofing, 50 mm Sharjah insulation
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