Østerdalslaget Stevner Year Location Dates Status 1910 Fergus Falls, MN 18 Jun 1910 1911 Minneapolis, MN 21‐22 June, 1911 1912 Fergus Falls, MN 17‐18 June 1912 1913 Fargo, ND 19‐20 June, 1913 1914 Minneapolis & Saint Paul, MN 16‐17 May 1914 1915 Fargo, ND 26‐27 June 1915 1916 Cumberland, WI 24‐25 June 1916 1917 Eau Claire, WI 14‐15 June 1917 1918 No Meeting / WWI 1919 Minneapolis / Saint Paul, MN 27‐29 June 1919 1920 Superior, WI 28‐29 June 1920 1921 Spring Valley, WI & Detroit, MN & Minot, ND SV: 16 & 17 May, 1921; Detroit: 18‐19 June 1921; Minot: 24‐26 June 1921 1922 Alexandria, MN 1‐2 July 1922 1923 Fergus Falls, MN 15‐17 June 1923 1924 Cameron, WI 30 May ‐1 June 1924 1925 Minneapolis and Saint Paul, MN 6‐9 June 1925 1926 Fargo, ND 11‐13 June 1926 1927 Fergus Falls, MN 26‐27 June 1927 1928 Spring Valley, WI & Winnipeg SV: 15‐17 June, 1928, Winnipeg: 7 July 1928 1929 Stanley, WI 14‐16 June 1929 1930 Minneapolis, MN 10‐12 June 1930 1931 Fargo, ND 19‐21 June 1931 1932 Alexandria, MN 17‐19 June 1932 1933 Chicago, IL 22 June 1933 1934 Fargo, ND 16‐17 June 1934 1935 Fergus Falls, MN 14‐16 June 1935 1936 Bemidji, MN 19‐21 June 1936 1937 Thief River Falls, MN 25‐27 June 1937 1938 Minneapolis, MN 17‐19 June, 1938 1939 Wi Winger, MN 10 ‐12 JJune 19391939 1940 Duluth, MN 28‐30 June, 1940 1941 Eau Claire, WI 27‐29 June 1941 1942 Winger, MN 26‐28 June 1942 1943 No Meeting / WWII 1944 No Meeting / WWII 1945 No Meeting / WWII 1946 Fergus Falls, MN 21‐23 June 1946 1947 Fargo, ND 13‐15 June, 1947 1948 Minneapolis, MN 25‐27 June, 1948 1949 Grand Forks, ND 24‐26 June, 1949 1950 Fergus Falls, MN 22‐24 June 1950 1951 Winger, MN 15‐17 June 1951 1952 Fargo, ND 27 (or 28)‐29 June 1952 1953 Minneapolis, MN 12‐14 June 1953 Need Info 1954 Spring Valley, WI Need Info 1955 Bemidji, MN midten of Juli Need Info 1956 Fergus Falls, MN 15‐17 June, 1956 1957 Fargo, ND 28‐30 June, 1957 1958 Duluth, MN Dates not known Need Info 1959 Winger, MN 19‐20 June 1959 1960 Fergus Falls, MN ‐ 50 year jubilee 1‐2 July, 1960 1961 Was Stevne Held? Need Info? 1962 Was Stevne Held? Need Info? I have searched the Bemidji and Fosston papers for the 1955 Stevne, the Duluth papers for the 1958 Stevne, and the 1953 Minneapolis papers for the 1953 Stevne ‐ no luck. I do not believe that the papers have been checked yet for the 1954 Stevne in Spring Valley, WI ( My mistake in originally thinking it was Spring Valley, MN) It may be worth looking in the Decorah Posten for some of the 1950s Stevner that I have not been able to locate information on. Those issues are not available at the MN Historical Society. Stevne in Fergus Falls, Minnesota 18 June 1910 OSTfRDALSLA6 Runion of forlll~r Resld~nts of Osterdal kin. "~Id . Hue - National (jath~rjna. The o..terdal.lag. a reunion of the former residenta of Osterdal. which IiIl8 along the Olommen river. the larg"8I<t stream in Norway. is in pro­ gre.'!9 here today. This is the first meetin'g and is called for the purpose of organizing a national wciety. Fully .eventy five are prescnt froIU Michigan. lows. WiEconsin. North and South Dakota and other states. besides a large number frOID this I (){!ali ty. The visitora held a brief meeting I Saturday morning to map out a pro- : gram for the day. It WQ!l decided to I vi.it the insane. hmpital imlJlediately after noon, and at ~ o'clock, a busl· ness mE.eting is to be held for the purpose of perfecth,g an organization. A banquet is to be held this evening, • followed by adJresse8 by N . T. 1I100n, senator Sageng. fiev. T. H. Eggen, edi tor 0 1' Lutbero.nnen. or lIIinn.eapoJi8, Attorney Osberg ot Valley City. N. n. aDd otber8. The Fergus Falls Daily Journal 18 June 1910 Stevne in Fergus Falls, Minnesota 18 June 1910 fla .anlig' !Bdlal,n§,b og Iboofat 011, - &"g OR a.b" taU, boob, g,m,tligl 01 \!,rbag .a. ~pttb'ler ••1 ll)1., .. al.orligt om ~fierb'lern. i &QQb, gam, b. IDOl I Pm" till •• b 109.. ~.rtit ." oy nQ ~ifioli'. .!tl. 11 bragl.1 ...1.. Oer.ar .. ,bl "I"m, I_hn D< Ibet f"fI' ~flerb'II.'61,on,1 tihnb, un, f.m &0. i II,.. Of .... til, ~tltr"lcr ber \j,ldfe. a1. al §u, §a.t d m'9r1 fu lIllid)iga., e,~ og Wor_ ll)"'.t., l,g9digl og "a,u" !DI,b,. i)d .crjl' oB ma.g. ftrlll.UIs' ll)<!c.t !IIlIa.; IStIDn, ~olbtl i \minn,apohl. fola. !!I.b lo,tib,. tlmlu.. ca. d ~lInb"b. paa !!tinf.. .. or~ ll) .. £)flnbplGlagttG Oplang. gonl !!lulram. 3Dbtil lli. 2 ~Im. (II:. G, ~fb,d, ) &.lfieftig.b ...a. fig ..ell at .._be ....1< 91. ui ~fi"~'h' romlll er til ~ag ' !B.fl,.bI., llifle .,. il.fi!.bltfatitr .. ~ ''lJIob ui aUib ~aol - og lIllagt, •• b.f. ilQ'.' , 3Dltt.ti.I .a. bel" oil,.. !!Ia .. i gaml. iDa'r bit bIID ,I .!tnlbela! \Jolf t~.. i!te. ",.be j.d }i.a.b•• pIa \jif .i ~lbe (!IrllnIIDagl,a., 20 - SO lat' in,b... (!S0A. d ~~.mp" !tom ,n \jienb. for ner til 9Iurg'6 toanb, fIn n... n.I, a'.n fremug.ftb. iIIIu. ~,~, ~ral' paa Slore&i.gd. 18arb,n, filanl, lIllr. 001.010 fra 3ron.o.b, ilranb. lraf og gi.nfi.nble lIll.l. tlranb Mii~" ~ar ht faa til 61ag I" \l)aUon i }oil il"Uup 'a. fpiU.~. (!IiI oi paa m,b !Brag _ for 35 lllr fib,n. 30 - .i funb, §olb, ~all' • • RI. 3 ~flm. ~olbl" Orglnitalionl. Unb" et,",. §ui!er Dorr \JllbllIl !Ben, lS.nalor 6ag.ng, !!t... ~§. OI,b.. \men oi ,ier !lOll lIllinb ... ~gg.n og !!laul I. SIorirotll ub ...... ;lIra 9hro.fanlln n,b til Ijrrbnffl,n 1.1 IiI .!tontlilulio ••lomil.. boer rt" !!lor! \j .. blr' oj,m .1 finber. §.nbr'b. I.gn.b. fiR fo .. !!!Ubi .....,. ill" b, b~g~.t, foal! og brjb op Ur og If .~agd·. lOt! \j.rj!aR ro .. b, anbrr {!i, .~aa· §a, anlagd. om 'n fea,1 17b. -Slunbom §ilfl. b, paa \Bam!,n i nl Oi. \mai.\J.jl i 1814 &1,. tiljl,ml. !\Irol. 3ag,1 'ftlt !llg ~oaa. ~ragl' ,n oill,n fra tr,nb,rla' ou" 61up OR ~ocrlg g'l. 160m '!B.ft,,,lt' .aigl": ' \jor. ISlob paa 6fi fra ffjelbll. Itinblr. manb, j}/. It. lIllo,., \jerg"' \jaUlj' • !!li".~orma.b, !/t,o. t§. ~gg.n, lIllI •• I5prrbl, §ar oi ...,,1 §er i jj,U. ~anb, n,apoll., 611"Ier, 01, ~,i~erg, !Dl,n nu "if'! lSamli_glmerfd Jta'~a" 91. ll).. I Og ~" m,b,1 .i fra 61,11". Sfog og Itl, 7 fatt, 140 ~fierb,ler fiB .,b til Stranb d lIlluUib of aorlft lII"m, SVuetla; ~orat Illgg' ljaanb pa. !B1l,ld. breo rt. ..I..-h", .... _ aDf-.t. ... !8i uil Dllrr fllmfi i \I)"A,nl po .. Strib, oehmo og !IIIII' fljlerwlt!.. .nb"t.I" ~ !Bi .i1I,fl, 01 r O,ib, m,b Dor tibj m,b ubm ..let 3.ftr..... lal lI1!afIl. !!Ii ~ar lIllob i !B,," til,. Ibonb,fi ~. lIll'anbl.S'rt,II, 0« !DIII.~, I, G5lort.o,n op."rleb< m,b o"fIing ..bi Our.. 1 O!I ...b f6a1lthnglmcrlfll. lSang. !R,o. It,: "gg.n taU, m'g.1 inlmlfant o.,r .~fierb'hrn" .lh,.I: The Fergus Falls Ugeblad 22 June 1910 ler', lS,n'alor 6aqong IfHbllb'lZlfi'" b,l"n" \1),1 i Imltifanlf' !\Ioliti! m,t Stevne in Minneapolis, Minnesota 21 - 22 June 1911 iOllnhlrrnl, tnl 'olbl IU f_rflr IIt,Oe tn flIle :.Juni ,uh "' IIn~.1 etnn! I 'lRlnntopDll. Olt ~ bllg oil '{Ol" blllll.~t II '(tcfrll1lngl!nc am beUt eten, I ~I !to.e cngdl!l ;{)~lIblol.~l, IJaller .1, al ~'!ffb'lrrnc DUr lid fum , .~ 011 'lI111bn ct tloTlu tnlrullanl Shlk I On'h~ f!lfflnl~bo!l t'u~rrlill ~or. rdninglm'be. 'II imbcbrm<lnbrml IIh"trtn InmlllT btl, 01 iDhb[cmUn. 100ci ~lIr bd,~rli .~ fo , .~r! 011 ~ I nancrr. IU i I,b l!rbcLL. Xonjhtu.!Dn oS til. t• ., ~I(II Dnll~tl 011 ,,[genbe blED olllgi ·U h'cbl.«nb IOf rODlIltCnbc !he: Ifou:~;).nb. !R It. !morn, Orfsul !laD.; !lletlannull, ~hll. '{~. \lgsen, lRlnlllllpoli~; .oon fi. tl. fIb If, 'iller< IlIb,lo; !RIll, O. Ii. !lh-jon, ~mlOdn, ~i"; etl'rthn og .IhJr,m, O. (i.I. lIuS. IAI~19n, !n. i). 5111lmt I:UIn ,ol~t' l6anhl i .~l( 'ilubiIOtiUIII" '.of oarrtng soo ~iIefb.[tf Ip ille IflJttllr,~ Oil ~nlmdoft, lira! XjlllR(' cdf V9 ,2gffr Oil hJUlb~ Iii II od arbne! 't illtmljanl $rcQ~am. .eDhmo Ira Dld/igan oat bl[ lII!b lin • tah·, II 1 9R'UI~lfoT gilD U[b!~~ fluc III 9lorbcn' lfi'nnc~1 6 ;njl og ett ~:lttbJ(fjc nlt ~'P~k e il. Ib' mtb 1\1 l$i4nOjpH. $1111. I'(t· ~11B!n DDl .'tOlljttnll!ttt · og ~Dlbl ticlhmjl;llllln, I~m bleD fDllnt paa al faBel' Wormanb. 'ilerttilit !Oll\ (ion. i. i. e.llce!, 10111 ~O(tll btn tStntllgt 5t~lmlc. !meb eitnbouI.IlIel[s inl,ul\' 11111.
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