Arthropoda Selecta 22(3): 259263 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2013 Tarentula Sundevall, 1833 and Alopecosa Simon, 1885: a historical account (Aranei: Lycosidae) Tarentula Sundevall, 1833 è Alopecosa Simon, 1885: èñòîðè÷åñêèé îáçîð (Aranei: Lycosidae) K.G. Mikhailov Ê.Ã. Ìèõàéëîâ Zoological Museum MGU, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str. 6, Moscow 125009 Russia. Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé ìóçåé ÌÃÓ, óë. Áîëüøàÿ Íèêèòñêàÿ, 6, Ìîñêâà 125009 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: Tarentula, Alopecosa, nomenclature, synonymy, spiders, Lycosidae. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Tarentula, Alopecosa, íîìåíêëàòóðà, ñèíîíèìèÿ, ïàóêè, Lycosidae. ABSTRACT. History of Tarentula Sundevall, 1833 genus Lycosa to include the following 11 species (the and Alopecosa Simon, 1885 is reviewed. Validity of current species assignments follow the catalogues by Alopecosa Simon, 1885 is supported. Reimoser [1919], Roewer [1954a], and, especially, Bonnet [1955, 1957, 1959]): ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Äàí îáçîð èñòîðèè ðîäîâûõ íàçâà- Lycosa Fabrilis [= Alopecosa fabrilis (Clerck, 1758)], íèé Tarentula Sundevall, 1833 è Alopecosa Simon, L. trabalis [= Alopecosa inquilina (Clerck, 1758), male, 1885. Îáîñíîâàíà âàëèäíîñòü íàçâàíèÿ Alopecosa and A. trabalis (Clerck, 1758), female], Simon, 1885. L. vorax?, male [= either Alopecosa trabalis or A. trabalis and A. pulverulenta (Clerck, 1758), according Introduction to different sources], L. nivalis male [= Alopecosa aculeata (Clerck, 1758)], The nomenclatorial problems concerning the ge- L. barbipes [sp.n.] [= Alopecosa barbipes Sundevall, neric names Tarantula Fabricius, 1793, Tarentula Sun- 1833, = A. accentuata (Latreille, 1817)], devall, 1833 and Alopecosa Simon, 1885 have been L. cruciata female [sp.n.] [= Alopecosa barbipes Sun- discussed in the arachnological literature at least twice devall, 1833, = A. accentuata (Latreille, 1817)], [Charitonov, 1931; Bonnet, 1951]. However, the arach- L. pulverulenta [= Alopecosa pulverulenta], nological community seems to have overlooked or ne- L. cuneata [= Alopecosa cuneata (Clerck, 1758)], L. aculeata? [= Xerolycosa nemoralis (Westring, glected both these papers, apparently because neither 1861)], of them was published in English. L. cinerea [= Arctosa cinerea (Fabricius, 1777)], and The aims of the present paper are (1) to again stress L. ruricola [= Trochosa terricola Thorell, 1856]. the invalidity of the generic name Tarentula Sundevall, According to Article 67.2.1 [ICZN], the type spe- 1833; and (2) to briefly outline the history of Tarentula cies of the genus must be chosen only amongst the Sundevall, 1833 and Alopecosa Simon, 1885 in the aforementioned species. 19th century in the context of the widely accepted In a footnote, Sundevall [1833b: 181] wrote: Fab- lycosid generic classification established by Dahl ricius nomen Tarentulae male adhibuit, illis Arachnid- [1908]. The latter was based solely on somatic charac- ibus designandis, quae hodie nomine Phryno et The- ters and is here considered the recent system. The lyphono salutantur. Rectius ideo huic sectioni, cujus modern system of genera by Lehtinen [1967], based speciei maxime celebri ab antiquitate nomen fuit im- on characters of the copulatory organs, is omitted here positum, reddendum est. (translated by the author: as irrelevant to the earlier confusions in nomenclature. Fabricius lamely applied the name Tarentula (sic!) to define those arachnids that are now usually called Phry- Taxonomic part nus and Thelyphonus. Therefore, for this section it is more correct to use the name which was given to its The genus Tarantula was described by Fabricius best-known species from the time of Antiquity.). In [1793: vii, 432] in Amblypygi, but now this name is no other words, Sundevall regarded the slightly misspelled longer used [Harvey, 2003]. name Tarantula Fabricius as invalid, not to be applied, The spider genus Tarentula (sic!) was originally instead suggesting its use for another arachnid group. It proposed for several Swedish spiders by Sundevall may seem that Sundevall did use that name for a differ- [1833b: 181] as a Sectio Tarentulae within the large ent arachnid group, but this was not so. In a subsequent 260 K.G. Mikhailov paper, Sundevall [1833a: 24] provided a diagnosis of T. vulpina [Hogna vulpina (C.L. Koch, 1847)], Brazil. the subgenus under the name Tarentula nob[is, = ours, T. xylina [?= Hogna radiata], Algeria. Latin], with reference to the previous paper [Sunde- T. rubiginosa [= Lycosa tarantula], Italy. vall, 1833b; see also Blick & Kronestedt [2000], for T. grisea [T. grisea C.L. Koch, 1847, praeocc.; now the discussion on the date of publication of the latter Hogna graeca (Roewer, 1951)], Greece: Nauplia. work]. Therefore, Sundevalls work [1833a] can be T. famelica [= Hogna radiata], Greece. treated at a stretch not just as a subsequent misspelled T. fabrilis [Alopecosa fabrilis (Clerck, 1758)], Swe- Tarantula of Fabricius [in the sense of Article 33, den, Germany, France. ICZN], but as an original name. Yet, the correct inter- T. inquilina [Alopecosa accentuata (Latreille, 1817)], pretation of Sundevall reference [1833b] is to be treat- Germany, Sweden. ed as misspelling. Therefore, according to ICZN Arti- T. vorax [= Alopecosa trabalis (Clerck, 1758)], Eu- cle 33.3, the name Tarentula Sundevall, 1833 is to be rope north of the Alps. considered as an unavailable name. T. sagittata [= Alopecosa albofasciata (Brullé, 1832)], N.I. Platnick (pers. comm.) interpreted Sundevalls Greece: Nauplia. footnote (i.e., the best-known species from the time of T. taeniata [Alopecosa taeniata C.L. Koch, 1835], Ger- Antiquity) as a clear indication that Lycosa tarantula many, France. (Linnaeus, 1758) was the central member of the sec- T. fuscipes [Alopecosa fuscipes (C.L. Koch, 1847), tion. However, the paper by Sundevall [1833b] includ- nomen dubium], Greece: Nauplia. ed only Swedish species, whereas L. tarantula is only T. cuneata [Alopecosa cuneata (Clerck, 1758), or = A. known from the Mediterranean region. Perhaps this pulverulenta (Clerck, 1758)], Sweden, Germany, was the reason for the absence of L. tarantula from the France. original list of Tarentula species. In any event, accord- T. Gasteinensis [= Alopecosa pulverulenta (Clerck, ing to ICZN Article 67.2.1, since the name L. tarantula 1758)], Austria. was absent from the initial list, it cannot be the type T. clavipes [= Alopecosa cuneata (Clerck, 1758)], species of Tarentula. France, Germany, Sweden. C.L. Koch [1847: 9697] used the name Tarantula T. alpica [= Alopecosa cuneata (Clerck, 1758)], Ger- (sic!, cited either as Tarentula by numerous subsequent many. students or as Tarantula by Ohlert [1867]) as a subge- T. miniata [= Xerolycosa miniata (C.L. Koch, 1834)], nus of Lycosa. Compared to the Sundevall list, C.L. Germany. Koch included a different set of 30 species distributed T. nivalis [= Xerolycosa nemoralis (Westring, 1861)], worldwide. The name Tarantula was used in a short Germany, Sweden. species list on p. 97, whereas Lycosa (Tarantula) was Of the 30 aforementioned species names, ten be- used in extended species descriptions elsewhere in the long to Alopecosa in its modern scope (cf. Tarentula book, as well as both in the index and figure captions. sensu Dahl [1908]). The modern names are given after Bonnet [1959] and Walckenaer [1837] presented a complicated artifi- Platnick [2013], the distribution data follow C.L. Koch cial system of lycosids, with families given within gen- [1847]: era, and races within families. His fifth lycosid genus, Tarantula praegrandis [Lycosa praegrandis C.L. Koch, Lycosa, included the family Terrenides with five races; 1836], Greece. the first four being important for the current discussion. T. Narbonnensis [L. narbonensis Walckenaer in La- 1st Race. Tarentulae. treille, 1806], France. 1. Lycosa tarentula Apuliae [L. tarantula (Linnaeus, T. Apuliae [= Lycosa tarantula (Linnaeus, 1758)], Ita- 1758)]. Italy, Spain. ly, Spain, Portugal. 2. Lycosa tarentula Narbonensis (L. narbonensis Wal- T. Helleniae [Lycosa hellenica C.L. Koch, 1836, now ckenaer in Latreille, 1806). France, Italy, Greece, Ger- = Hogna radiata (Latreille, 1817)], Greece: Nauplia. many. T. erythrostoma [= Lycosa raptoria Walckenaer, 1837, (without number) Lycosa tarentula hellenica [= Ho- now L. erythrognatha Lucas, 1836], Brazil. gna radiata (Latreille, 1817)]. Greece. T. poliostoma [Lycosa poliostoma C.L. Koch, 1847], 3. Lycosa tarentula Hispanica [Hogna hispanica (Wal- Uruguay. ckenaer, 1837)]. Spain. T. isabellina [= Hogna radiata], France. 4. Lycosa tarentula Carolinensis [Hogna carolinensis T. rufimana [= Lycosa raptoria, now L. erythrognatha], (Walckenaer, 1805)]. USA. Uruguay. 5. Lycosa tarentula Georgiana (= Hogna carolinen- T. funesta [Venatrix funesta (C.L. Koch, 1847)], Aus- sis). USA. tralia. 5bis. Lycosa tarentula suspecta (nomen oblitum; = T. obsoleta [Alopecosa obsoleta (C.L. Koch, 1847)], Dolomedes albineus Hentz, 1845). USA. Uzbekistan: Bukhara. 2nd Race. Tarentuloides. T. helvola [Agalenocosa helvola (C.L. Koch, 1847)], 6. Lycosa tarentuloides singoriensis [Allohogna sin- Colombia: St. Cruz. goriensis (Laxmann, 1770)]. Russia, Cyprus. T. ornata [Hogna ornata (Perty, 1833)], Brazil. 7. Lycosa tarentuloides Liguriensis (= Hogna radia- T. Pertyi [= Lycosa tarantuloides Perty, 1833], Brazil. ta). Italy. Tarentula and Alopecosa: a historical account (Aranei: Lycosidae) 261 8. Lycosa tarentuloides Georgicola [Tigrosa georgicola 33. Lycosa vehemens (= Hogna carolinensis). USA. (Walckenaer, 1837)]. USA. 34. Lycosa impavida (missing in basic catalogues and 9. Lycosa tarentuloides Philadelphiana (L. philadel-
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