Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1983-84 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 4-26-1984 The thI acan, 1984-04-26 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1983-84 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1984-04-26" (1984). The Ithacan, 1983-84. 23. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1983-84/23 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1983-84 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. --~, .... - THE ITHACAN 'Y',,<)' The Student Newspaper for Ithaca College I, , . .,_,. "i" ,;. (;' . April 1984'<~ (',,, Volume 15 Issue 12 26, , ,, .... ·'0u Increased filfait£ial aid is available for independent colleges :\lbany-Sludt'lllS /\('Id boo<,! Ill IIH' I llrrl'lll ',,!,,!()() l('\'l'I JO a\'<1ilable fmannal <1111! "2.700 lwg111nmg tl11s <,UlllllH'r \lso p.in ot 1111' rule <11,m_lles 1.., 11 wc1s olfic1ally ,HH10t111< t·d ,lll i·xp,ui..,ion ol t'ligilllht\ lor by (;on·rnor \t,rno Cl1omo ,II(!. grnng trorn !hi' rnm·nt Thursday 1ha1 tlw s1a1c·.., I u1- .., 2s.ooo mc1xurnnn mcomc 10 lion :\ss1st,1111·t' l'roJ,lr<1lil would .,,,rn,ooo IH'I t.ix,il>lc ,Hinu.il Joe Eps1emillh<1ran re< t'l\'I' .J.8 m1ll1on dollars 111 UH OllH'. Spinning records is on/ one o the man duties o summertime Disc Jockey Kevin Stag . ll('\\' fun<ling, ,IIHI 11lc11 HO pn· ~ll'l't' l·ulln. Ch,mpcrson ol 1·1·111 ol the 111·\,· lin,mnal ,11d 1lw s1,111·w1dt· ~111<h·n1 orgarnlil· would go 10 stuclt·nts al Ill· Students find summertime 11011 ,ind lth,H',1 College scrnor. tlt'pcndcn1 colleges and WilS "happ\·" w11t1 this vt·,u·s Ufll\'('rSitll'S. ·1 .\I' l',iritv l'lforl "\\'t· saw ,m employment in Ithaca ,\crnrding 10 1ndt·pc·r1<lt·n1 8'.1 p!'rccn1 p.irliC'1palion from SIU<i('lll Codlillon (ISC) EX· our nwmtwr 1·ampuses. with by Dian Dulberger mus11·. but .ilso for sports in tlw fall is orn· such stud1'n1 t·cuti\·<· D1rertor Jeffr<'Y students wnting thousands ol Summertime rapillly ap­ casts. nt·ws ,m<I wt'dlll('r el!'. who 1s a dub <·mployce. An­ Serafini. "The new Tllltion lt·ller!> ancl \'is1ting a majority of proarhes. Everything is park- Kevin had lwen an air per­ drea plans 10 liw in Ithaca also. Ass1starnT Program. or TAP. the S1a1t· :\sssemhly represen­ 1·d. boxed. stacked and padll­ sonality lluring various breaks as sht' is a long distance from rules were part of the com­ tatives during :\lbany lobby e<l. The car awaits. Onn· load­ for a long time. Last summer her hometo\vn of Pcabocty, promise rrached in the days" reported Fuller. "We'w ed. its off to ... an apartnlt'nt 111 as well c1s Christmas ancl Pennsylvania. Andrea has legislature at 1he end of happy that so many students Ithaca? That's the tale tor Sprmg Break were all spent spent earh summer working, March." Tht· ongmal proposal cternle<I 10 g<'I in\'Ol\'l'd 1h1s several Ithaca College students within the hospices of th<' !CB and kept her job as a club for increased aid known as the year-but Wt' will h,11·t· lo 110 who will sp,•nd their summer Studio. wanress again this y1-ar. The T.W Parity hill will gel nm­ more next year" he raus1one<I working and living in Ithaca. As for the finillicial aspect, distance from hornt· has us linue<I support next year. the The decision to rnntinue lh<' Th1·y have foresakrn a few gralires and money from the good and bad points. mainly lol>by1s1 for students added. TAP Parity effort will he made brit'f months at home with college itsdf have allowed for the missing of her family. But Said Mr. Serafini. "\Vhat we got at the ISC's first meeting of th<' frwnds and family to wside an a staff of 7 full-lime and thwe after last summer's experience this year was wally !ht· first 1984-1985 academic year. entiw year in their colleg1· area. pan-linw workers. Summer liv­ she "lovt'd it. It's convwm'nt, year's worth ol the four yt·ar "We're already planmng out Kevin Stagg. a disl' JOCk<·y lor ing will lw fun reported Stagg. sinn· I'm planning on gra<lualt· T,\l' Parity hill. c1nd if we want how we ('iln improve our l'I. • 92- ICB. th1· campt6 fm station. as lw will lw living off rnmpus school I'm looking for rnorwy 10 al'complish our original fort". said the outgoing says "it's .i good opporturnty in a sublet. 10 move with." goals we'll havc 10 work very Chairperson. ":\1 slake next for radio people." ,\s a junior. The ·1 owt·r club is another The Ithaca Coll<'gc l>ooli...stor<· hard ow·r the· rn·xl thrt'<' ycars­ yt·ar 1s S.J.2 c1ncl a half million 111 Ke\'in looks at this job as a way faciltiy that rt·mains open will [)(' the place of t·mploy­ rnming back 10 makt' our case· a1d-tht· Phas<' Two funds for to not only gam th<' 1·xp(·ri1·nn· 1hroughou1 1tw summer an<l men1 for two students. Sherry 1·ach }Tar until the T.\P l'arny TAI' l'arny". he cxplanH'<I. lw wconunends. but ,h a also olkrs t·rnploynwn1 10 Kraft. and Deanne O'Neil. c,11npaign is finally won." ",UHi .i total ol nearly s:wo l'h,HH't' lo make re~umc ta1ws. students tor !ht· surnnH'r. Sht'rry. a sophomon· worked This Y<'ar's rn·w law pro­ million of finannal aid by the As a sununcr jock. 1101 only i~ St·nior .. \nclrca Garnwk. who in 1hr ma1lroom last sumnwr. \'i<les for an mcreasc ITl max­ encl of tile I .ip Parity lw m charge of sp111111ng the plans 10 ,lltend graduatt· school see Summer page 5 imum TAP awards. ~oing from campaign.·· I.C. Health Center Gains Recognition The J. David Hammond According to Ian Shulman. Center for Student Health Ser­ manc1ger of external programs vices at Ithaca College has at .JCAH. less than so college received c1 three-year am­ and university health rare bulatory heillth care accredita­ facilities in the U.S. haw earn­ tion from the Joint Commission ed acrredilation from JCAH. on Accreditation of Hospitals ".JCMI accreditation pro­ (JCAH). vides a benchmark of quality Based in Chicago, IL, .JCAH IS for consumers seeking an a na1ional. voluntmy accredita­ organization committed to tion organization dedicated to quality care," said Shulman. "It improving the quality of rare also demonstrates the high provide<! in health care quality of rare Ithaca College facilities. provides its patients." "This i~ the highest ac­ .JC:\11 accredits ambulatory Recently, the J. David Hammond Health Center received a three-year accreditation from the creditation a health care f,1rili­ health care systems in Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAC). ty can obtain." said Dr. .John hospital-based practices. Macauley, director of the Col­ sc1tellitc facilities. hospital and lege's health center. "Students non-hospital based ambulatory THIS WEEK IN THE ITHACAN and their ·parents can be surgiCcJI centers. health assured that Ithaca COiiege has maintenance organizations. This is the final issue of THE ITHACAN for one of the finest health care community health centers. col­ I facilities in the country." lege or university health pro­ this semester. THE ITHACAN would like to Added Macauley, "The en­ grams. emergency care tire health center staff should centers and armed services wish everyone good luck on their finals, suc­ be commended for earning the centers. One-third of the am­ same accreditation as that of bulatory health care organiza­ cess to the class of 1984, and a safe and hap­ the major hospitals in the tions accredited by JCAH are py summer vacation. See you in August. country." affiliated with hospitals. I .! THE ITIIAC,\N Apnl 26. 1984 THE ITHACAN Taking the final approach Founded 1932 lncorporotod 1969 by Caryn Bowers snap paper. dictionary etc Ar­ values of each section. mdke which will yield the mosl -EDITORS- Many rnll<·ge students lack a riving at exams on time. or <'Xlimations. and dividP up points in a given amount of proper approach to taking ex­ even a few minutes early is availal>le time accordingly. time. and to omit or guess at OdV<' Fl~dwr EIJlfOH 1:,; CIIIEI· ams. The ability to use always hcneficial. On<''s Wearing a wa1ch 10 exams is items they are stumped by. oavict Klt'm ~1,\N:\GINli EDI WR lateness could cause them to ronvenient, for it facilitates Remember. never leave an Bnan P. Walsh NEWS characteristics of tests. and Mona Knegt"r SOUlH 1111.1. test-taking situations arc miss specific instruclions, or to ability to periodically check exam early. Don't give up: per­ Lloyd Samo SPORTS necessary in 1)rder to reach full feel rushed. However. being progf-ss on maintaining proper sistence pays off. Time re­ Marl F1tl.Sirrnnons Pl 101 OGRAPIIY potential of one·~ knowledge too early runs the risk of speed. Test takers should maining after completion of the and aptitudes. becoming confused or nervous begin work as rapidly as possi­ test can best be used to recon­ -ASSIST ANT EDITORS- The most primitive factor by listening to others panic.
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