SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper USPS 136 800 Second Class Vol. 97 NO. 45 Published Every Thursday Thursday, November 8,1990 Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. > In brief Vbllero only ipemocrat to overcome GOP sweep years under the Republican ma-, By Cheryl Moulton jority, and the reinstitution of Honoring vets Democratic incumbent Carolyn. cleanup week. The guest speaker at Cran- Vollerp scored a surprising victory Deomcratic campaign manager ford VFW Post's annual Veter- in retaining her seat on the Town- Norm Albert said the.victory "says ship Committee despite statewide something for the work we did in ans pay breakfast Sunday is a voter fury over Gov. Jim Florio's former prisoner of war in getting the vote out" He congratu- tax package. Former mayor Ed lated Robinson, and said both he Japan during World War H. Robinson was the top vote-getter PageA-15. and his running mate, Bob Hoe- with Cranford residents, keeping ffler, "ran. a fair campaign, and I the 12-year Republican stronghold hope it will be a non-partisan on the Township Committee in- Township Committee." Holiday tact ••'.•; In the Committee race Robins- Democratic municipal chairman Banks and the Post Office on, back in the political arena Fred Kessler said, "It was a tough will be closed Monday in ob- after a seven-year hiatus, was the year to be a Democrat, but we are servance of Veterans Day. All top vote letter with 4^229 votes, glad the residents of Cranford motor vehicle agencies also while Vollero followed closely on looked beyond the state issue and his heels a scant 67 votes behind saw all that Carolyn has done for will dose. Cranford municipal the town during the last three offices, including the library with 4,162 votes in, a close race and recreation department, that saw. 62 percent of Cran-. •' years."' •.••'• . ' .•".•' will be open. Public and paro* ford'registered voters turn out at Although the Republicans re- chial schools are open. the polls.. Robinson took 14 out of tained the majority on the govern- 32 districts, including his own Dis^ ing body the GOP broke election trict 12, tying with opponents in night tradition by scattering after two districts. Vollero took 11 dis- the results came in, Mayor Force Health tests. tricts put of 32, tied .with Robinson said yesterday, "What can I say, in orie, and did not take her own we lost" •.,••".'• ':;: ';;.., '.. '•' • Free health screenings /will V District 17" '•' .::'V ';•'.••••;•.••;;•' v' ". Republican municipal chairman b<e^$erfbrmed for Cranford Early tallies indicated Robinson Doug Nordstipm said, "Itris al- residents tomorrow from 9 and Vollero as top vote, getters,' ways bittersweet when one candi- am. to 1 p.m. at the Commu- although the final spread put 454 date wins and one loses: We are nity Center. Included are votes between the first and last happy Robinson led the ticket, but blood pressure, lung, - eye, candidates. Vollero will join fel- we need a guy like Hoeffler to hearing, dental, . and spinal low Democrat Dan Aschenbach on •,.'•' Photo by Cheryl Moutton deal with the complicated finan- exams for free. Cholesterol the governing body, while Robins-.: cial issues ahead." Asked how LONE VICTOR: Incumbent Carolyn Vollero celebrates victory as lone Democrat elected in Hoeffler was taking the loss will be checked for a $5 fee. on joins fellow GOP members, Ed Cranford, Kenilworth and Qarwood municipal elections, swept by the GOP. Force and Barbara Bilger. Vince Nordstrom said,. "He is a very gra- Brinkerhoff, serving Ins second proposal to limit spending within be a little humble, and believe candidacy, as well as Vollero, say- cious man in defeat He worked Garwood consecutive term, declined run- the township, which they prr> me, I am." Vollero went on to ex- ing they "could be very proud of as hard as he could to make it ning for another term. posed will save the township $1.6 press her disappointment over thejir efforts. He said they "ran an happen." He stressed the future The borough will have Robinson and Hoeffler were un- million dollars and a heavy em- fellow running mate John Jor- honest' and hard fought cam- saying, "You only heard about the new mayor Jan. 1 as Republir available for comment on election phasis on the impact of Democrat dan's loss, saving, "John was an paign," and congratulated Vollero Florio tax buijact, now you are can candidates swept the bal- night or the following morning Florio's tax program on Cranford. outstanding running mate, and we on her re-election. going to pay for it" lot from top to bot- prior to press time, which is baf- At a post election parly at the ran as team." Vollero's campaign focused on The question of who will be tom.'Halloween costume pa- fling considering the tradition of Rustic Mill Diner, Vollero was ec- Jordan, fourth with 3,775 votes, her three-year record as a govern- maybr in 1991. was avoided by rades winner were an- prioryears. static over her victory. IThe peo- trailed his running mate by 387 ing body member, highlighting her Nordstrom who said, "We will nounced. Pages A-8 and A-9. Hoeffler placed third with 3,930 ple of Cranford believed in me in votes, taking two districts, includ- sensitivity to resident complaints meet, reorganize and pick the best -Votes, - carrying two districts in- ayear it was tough to be a Demo- -ing-his own District-20, ancLtying :and ^concerfla. andLher.:implement candidate._ for jCrarfprjd." Force cluding his own District 2L Rob- crat They came out and showed one other. After the election re- tation of recycling in the town- has indicated his desire to be inson and HoeffleiV campaign their support and I appreciate all sults he thanked all the people of ship. Jordan stressed the increase (Please turn to page A-12) Close call platform was based on an 11-point their support I think you have to Cranford who supported him for in resident taxes over the last 10 A burglary suspect put a gun to the head of a Cranford p lice officer. Page A-13. Downtown Miiralists state of econonif for Pupils at St Michael's 3chool are creating a mural of A coalition of town leaders has Union Avenue. Charlene Van- sell, the business for the past year, Snow White in conjunction so the shop could remain open in with the Cranford Dramatic formed a downtown, task force in Hecke, owner of Can Can, has op- response to the state of the econ- erated the 26-year-old business Cranford. Shirley said, "I have Club's upcoming productioa Wed to sell, but it just isn't eco- PageB-7- omy of New Jersey and, in partic- for the past three years. However, ular, Cranford. recent economic conditions are nomically feasible today.". Members include representa- forcing her to close the shop down Winners tives from the four major groups •••'• It is the hope of the committee, at the end of this month. "I don't According to Mack, that residents active in pranford's downtown. want to. leave. I love this town. A Winners of the Halloween Representing the retailers are will take an interest in the fate of window painting contest, are combination of conditions is; forc- their business arid .downtown Sandy Hamaydi of Geiger's, Sam ingme ovL" listed on Page A-3. - -- Kutner of Cranford -Bootery and community by shopping down- Right next door,. Connie's of town. 'Teople need to start getting Bob O'Sullivan of Gentlemen's Cranford, a linen and bath shop, Corner. The Chamber of Com- involved. Time has to be made. Added hours also will be closing soon. Owner An effort needs to be put forth merce representative is president Connie Haynes Shirley will be re- Paul LaCbrte. Edward Murphy, now, in time to stop any more va- Starting Nov. 11, the Conser- tiring in the near future, due to cancies," he said. For more infor- vation Center will be open for township administrator, and her recent marriage and move out AWARD NOMINEES: 1990 Cranford High School graduates Mayor Edwin Force are serving mation contact the DMC office at I three. Sundays in November of the area She has been trying to 709-7208. Kara Kiebler, left, and Regina Sobori are nominees for a I from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the municipality while An- thony Mack and Brian Leddy rep- national award from the Caring Institute. resent the Downtown Manage- Tall orders ment Corp. Along with downtown manager Marta Person, task force Youth Employment Service members have met several times Two CHS grads nominated for Caring Award expects-to-log-its-17,000th-job -to -discuss-plans- to _impEove.jecfti_ -By Donna Hendel______ ,._ order this month. Page A-5. nomic conditions for 1991, pg^^j^ to help Kara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Kiebler The central concern of the Chronicle associate freshmen adjust to high ^p - of^-PrinTOton-JElir-saidLQfjGeorgetown: "I group addresses the general wel- Two June graduates of Cranford: High gram meets for one period weekly with two love It and I'm really happy here?* ShlTislstiir Head over heels fare of all businesses in the cen- School have been nominated for a national facilitators and between six and 14 freshmen. undecided, about her major and is enrolled in tral business district It is aiming award through the Kids Caring for Kids pro- They discuss sex, drugs! alcohol, relationships, the CoUege of, Arts and Sciences until she Cranford High School gym- to promote Cranford's downtown gram of the Caring Institute, Washington, D.C.
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