AAP (Apollo Applications Program)

AAP (Apollo Applications Program)

Index AAP (Apollo Applications Program), 118, 255; exposure, 323, 418n.21; relative, 134, 163-65,173-77,239,266, 17,47,86,90-93,99-IOO,334·See 403nn·34,35 also Crater ages; Crater counts; Abbey, George, 279 Geochronology; Maria; Stratigraphic Abelson, Philip, 379n.60, 381-82n.19 sequences Abulfeda chain, 286 Agglutinates, 342 ACIC (Air Force Chart and Information Agnew, Spiro, 240, 4I4n.14 Center), 37, 42, 43, 52, 56, J09, 156, Air force, 31,32,33. See also ACIC; AFCRL 167, 374-75n.16, 428-29n.24. Seealso Albedo, 2, 70-71, 342-43, 402-3n.32; as LAC age indicator, 88, 91-93, 285, 334, Adams,]ohn, 178, 405n.7, 426n.49 342; of blocks, 147; of craters, 147, Ad Hoc Apollo Site Evaluation 342; mare-terra contrast in, 2, 36, 342; Committee, 284, 3 I I of maria and plains, 87-88, 334-35; of Adler, Isidore, 261, 393n.I6 Moon, 206; of rays, 91, 92-93,342; of Aeon, defined, 5, 369-70n.7 slopes, 91, 92-93,147,342 Aeronutronic Division (cameras and Albritton, Claude, 13,39 capsules), 82, 96, 387n.9 Aldrin, Buzz, 78,122-23, 188; as Apollo AES (Apollo Extension System), I 16-18 II LMP, 182, 188, 199-206,208,222; AFCRL (Air Force Cambridge Research other assignments, 130, 182, 184 Laboratories), 26, 33, 68, 88 Allen, Harvey Julian, 48 Agena (rocket), 150-51 AlIen,]oseph, 264, 268, 271, 273, 274, Ages, 5, 345; absolute, 47-48, 208-21 I, 275,277,278 255-56,280-82,329,334-35, AlIenby, Richard, 114, 405n.13 41 In.28, 4I7n.17; absolute versus Alpha-particle spectrometer (orbital), relative, 5, 28, 100,3°7,334; bedrock 261 versus soil, 2 I I, 245, 345; Alpha scatterer (Surveyor), 142-45, 147­ crystallization versus emplacement, 48, 287 Index Alphonsus (telescopic crater), 17,30, Apollos 2-6, 179-80, 397n.35 105-8, 116, 143, 168,224,34°; as Apollo 7,181-82,189,337 landing site, 175,285-86,312,313­ Apollo 8,140,181-88,189,1 91, 192, 14 199,336 ALSE P (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Apollo 9, 189, 191, 407n·42 Package), lIS, 213, 218-20, 308, 309, Apollo 10, 189, 191-92, 199,215,310 313,364-65, 393n.17; for Apollos 14­ Apollo II, 198-212,213,217,218,220, 17,241,250,274,294-95,319-20; 221,222,336,338, 345; landing site, networks, 229, 247, 267, 283, 286, 93, I4~ 189- 92, 198,200-2°5, 214, 419n.I2; shutdown of, 346 308 (see alsoTranquillity base) Alter, Dinsmore, 30, l0S, 168 Apollo 12,195,2°9,213-29,234,241, Altimeter, laser, 261,341 268; influence of, 236, 245, 25I, 286, Alvarez, Luis and Walter, 347, 428n.20 311,338; landing site, 93,140, 213­ Ames Research Center, 3 I, 68, 190, 219- 17,227-29, 231, 342,344-45, 412n.8 20,257,3°5,316,349; cratering Apollo 13, 23°-36, 238-41,274,293, experiments, 48, 158, 168, 39rn.50 336; landing site (intended), 224, 230­ MvlS (Army Map Service), 33,156,167, 31,236; repercussions of, 241, 243, 428-29n.24 246,262,285,311 Analogues, terrestrial, 4, 66, 1°3-4, 169, Apollo 14, 116,246-59,263,311,346, 284, 3°3 417nn.7, II; landing site, 160,246-49, Anders, Edward, 408n.62 285 Anders, William, 182, 184-88, 331 Apollo IS, 1I7 ,24 3 ,265-83,333,34~ Anderson,Charles, 43, 122 347; as H mission, 242, 262, 265; Anderson, Kinsey, 343 influence of, 54, 313, 338, 340; landing Andersson, Leif, 3nn·46 site, 165, 265- 67, 27° - 71, 285 Anorthosite, 211,267-68, 329, 415n.30; Apollo 16, 117, 169,243,284-3°8,333; orbital detection of, 262, 282; samples influence of, 305, 341; landing site, of, 211, 244, 276, 282, 293, 307 284-88,310-11 Anorthositic gabbro, 147, 21 I Apollo 17, 117,243, 3°9-35,338,342, ANT (anorthosite-norite-troctolite) suite, 425n.26; landing site, 165, 175,263, 243- 44, 293, 426n·38 286, 310- 15 Antipodes, 343, 427-28n.I3 Apollo 18, 239, 243, 285, 310, 327, 337 Apennine Bench (feature and formation), Apollo 19,239,242, 285, 337 74-75,91,281,341 Apollo 20, 239, 265,337 Apennine-Hadley landing site, 265-67, Apollo landing sites, early: ALS I, 157, 270-80,285,313,419n.I2 189-92, 214, 407n.43; ALS 2, 19°-92, Apennine Mountains (Montes 198, 214, 407n.46, 408-9n.2 (see also Apenninus), 18, 19,54,66, 176,266­ Tranquill ity Base); ALS 3, 157, 190, 69, 271, 281 191, 214, 402n.29, 408-9n.2; ALS 4, Apenninian Series, 64, 89, 385-86n·74 19°, 214-15; ALS 5,190, 214-15, Apogee, defined, 29 408-9n.2; ALS 6, 214- 15, 41 In.5 ; ALS Apollo I fire, 135-36, 179,232,239, 7, 215-17; A-3, 154-55, 157, 165, 397nn·35,36 190, 40rn.I5; ellipses, 156, 166; Index 449 redesignated and relocated, 2I4, 249, Ashflow tuff, 65, 66, 98, 102-4, 112, 129, 41rn.a; selection process, 69-72, 92­ 190, 289 93, II2, II8-20, 164, 166, 189-92, ASPO (Apollo Spacecraft Program Office), 213-17, 393-94n.24, 408-9n.2; set A, 239,287,3I6,3I8,414n.I2 161; set B, 166 ASSB (Apollo Site Selection Board), I 12, Apollo Lunar Exploration Office, 178, 179,215-17; decisions by, 231, 247, 237 267,288,312,314; membership of, Apollo program, 49-50, 380n.75; cost of, 392n·7,408-9n.2 345-46; directors, 217, 4I4n.I2; early Astroblemes, 39, 52, 175, 376n·36 Apollo, defined, II6; field centers, 152; Astrogeologic Studies (USGS group, mission types (alphabetical series), 180, branch, and branch subdivision), 46­ 181, 182, 189,41 r n.z; objectives of, 48,5I-52,8I,I74,349,387n.8 49-5°,116,133-34,172-73,182, Astrogeology (USGS branch) , 46-48, 52, 366; termination of, xii, 335-38, 355; 76,122,131-32,174,349-5°,414• and unmanned programs, 50, 72, 94­ I5n.I7; chiefs of, 350; in Flagstaff, 96, 101, 105, 134, 152-53,344-46. 57-58,71,73,81-85,194,227; in See also AAP; AES; ASPO; ASSB Houston, 76-8I; in Menlo Park, 5I, Apollo-Soyuz, 232, 239, 315, 386-87n.5, 57-60,81,84-85,126,194,241-42, 424n.I8 35 I; in Washington, 44, 46. See also Apollo zone, 101, 118-20, 153-55, 157, SPE 158,247, 393-94n.24; for AAP, 163 Astronautical-astronomical conventions, Apolune (apoapsis, apocynthian), defined, 51 396n.22. See alsoOrbits Astronauts: backup crews, 188-89, 2I5, Archimedes (telescopic crater), 17,53­ 232; character of, 122-23; as 54,73-74,9°-91,281, 38In.I3, 385­ geologists, 76, 223, 225, 238-39, 254, 86n·74 262-63,3°2,325,346; Mercury­ Archimedian Series, 385-86n.74 Gemini-Apollo grouping, 76, 78, 114, Aristarchus (telescopic crater), 73, 143, 232, 386n.4, 406-7n.38; selection as 164, 175 astronauts, 78, 81,113-14,134; Aristarchus Plateau, 90, 98, 130, 143, selection for crews, 188-89,215,231­ 165, 388n.29 32,246,3°9-10; support crews, 188­ Aristillus (telescopic crater), 41, 275, 280 89,215, 407n.39. SeealsoCapcom; Aristoteles (telescopic crater), 121 Geology training; Mission scientists ; Armalcolite, 2I° Scientist-astronauts Armstrong, Neil, 79, 121, 188; as Apollo Astronomy, x, 3, 22-23, 57, 67, 119, 128, I I commander, 199-2°4,206-8,222, 185, 373n·55; amateur, 25, 105, 185; 409n.5 ; other assignments, 184, 262 conference groups, I 15, 39 rn·49 Army, 29, 31, 32, 36; Corps of Engineers, Atlas (rocket), I I I, 137, 145, 150 34,38,92. See also AI\'lS Atlases: Air Force, 25-26,32-33, 43, Arnold ,]ames, 35, 94-96, 115,261, 108-9, 377nn.44, 45, 38 In.6, 403n·42; 40Sn. I 3 Apollo, 407n .54; Lunar Orbiter, Arthur, David (Dai), 25-26, 33, 43, 52, 403n.42; Ranger, 106, 389n.I5; 347, 373n.60 Surveyor, 398n.12 45° Index Atmosphere, lunar, 205, 220, 222; Basaltic achondrites, 148 experiment groups, 114-15, 405n.I3 Base surge, 184 Autolycus (telescopic crater), 36,275,280 Basin-mare distinction, 2-3,9, 14, 28, 39,52-54,I95,338,394n.29 Baby Ray (Apollo 16 crater), 299 Basins (multiringed, ringed), 2, 53-54, "Back rooms." SeeScience operations 131,387n.I3; ejecta of, 9, 15,62-64, (support) rooms 85,87,169-7°,291-92; importance Backup crews, 188-89,215,232 of, 87,169-7°,195-96,3°8,339; Backup sites, 159, 189-9°,214,216-17, radial structures of, 9-10, 19,41,53­ 229,408-9n.2 54,62-63,120-21, 383n.35; rings of, Bailey, Norman (Red), 27I 2,52-53,85, 195,344, 38 rn.6, Baldwin, Ralph, xii, 12, 14-I9, 22, 27, 383n.4I; secondary craters of, 62-63. 28, 39, l0S, I I 2, 168, 338, 346; basin I2I,I69-70,I95,343,408n.68.See studies, 53-54, 63, 85, 344; cataclysm also individualbasins: Crisium; concept, 334; cratering concepts, 15­ Humorum; Imbrium; Nectaris; 17,45,61,347,349, 37 In. I9, 376n·39, Orientale; Procellarum; Serenitatis; 380n.74, 391n-48; influence of, 16, 19, South Pole-Aitken; Southeast 2I,55,6I,98,I5I,I6I,26I,372n·40, Bassett, Charles, 123, 386n '4 39rn.44; and lunar grid, 90; mare Batson, Raymond, 81, 141,238,321,348, concepts, 17-18,99,210; mascon 428-29n.24 concept, 171,324,339; and Moon's Bean,AJan,2I5,2I7-I8,22I-26,4I2n·9 composition, 128; and sculpture, IS, Beattie, Donald, II5, 164, 178, 269, 295, 41,85,121; and surficial material, 67­ 405n·7 68 Bedrock: burial of, 67-68, 97-98, 106-7, Bales, Stephen, 199-200 I09, 146-47, 158,225; outcrops of, Ballistic Missile Agency, 36 278,347 Barrell,joseph, 12-13, 129, 168 Bell, P.

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