Drama of the Ages by William Branson DRAMA OF THE AGES BY WILLIAM HENRY BRANSON CONTENTS AUTHOR'S FOREWORD 1. A REBEL VISITS EDEN 2. PARADISE LOST 3. THE RESULTS OF SIN 4. UNTO YOU IS BORN A SAVIOUR 5. JESUS - THE SON OF GOD 6. THE MAN: CHRIST JESUS 7. HIS BLOOD FOR OUR SINS 8. WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? 9. TWICE BORN MEN 10. JUSTIFIED BY FAITH 11. LIVING BY FAITH 12. ARISE AND BE BAPTISED 13. AT THE LORD'S TABLE 14. OUR HEAVENLY ALLIES 15. ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH CHRIST 16. THE GREAT DECEPTION 17. HOW TO GET ANSWERS TO PRAYER 18. THE GOSPEL ILLUSTRATED 19. SHADOWS OF THE CROSS ABOLISHED 20. GOD'S TWO LAWS 21. GOD'S WAY IN THE SANCTUARY 22. FULL PARDON THROUGH THE ATONEMENT 23. THE EARTHLY SANCTUARY CLEANSED WITH BLOOD 24. THE CLEANSING OF THE HEAVENLY SANCTUARY 25. THE JUDGMENT DAY FIXED 26. GOD WARNS THE NATIONS 27. SALVATION THROUGH THE NEW COVENANT 28. HEAVENLY CITIZENSHIP 29. THE TRUE ISRAEL OF GOD 30. THE SIGN OF THE TRUE GOD 31. THE SIGN OF CHRIST'S POWER TO SAVE 32. GOD'S SIGN ALTERED BY MAN 33. MAN IS AKIN TO GOD 34. JESUS IS COMING AGAIN 35. SIGNS THAT HIS COMING IS NEAR 36. THERE SHALL BE WARS 37. ARMAGEDDON AND THE END 38. DELIVERANCE AT LAST 39. CHRIST'S FINAL VICTORY OVER SIN 40. PARADISE RESTORED Scanned and Edited by Paul Nethercott © 2002 Maranatha Media 1 AUTHOR'S FOREWORD WE LIVE in a wonderful world, surrounded by a more wonderful universe, of which our world is only a small part. The blazing sun, the twinkling stars, the birds, the beasts, the flowers, and a thousand other things in nature all are marvels that stagger the imagination. Whence came all these things? Did they appear by blind chance, or did someone make them and set them in order? And man-whence did he come? What was his origin? and what may he know of his destiny? These questions have puzzled the minds of the great and learned for millenniums, and still many inquirers have not found a satisfactory answer. The most wonderful things about the universe are its perfect order and symmetry. There are untold millions of planets like our world, all spinning through space at terrific speeds and yet with the exactness and precision of clockwork. There is never any lost motion, never the slightest deviation from the usual path, never a collision between two of these heavenly bodies; everywhere and always is perfect organization, harmony, and beauty. Many men have believed that the earth and the universe came into being through some process of evolution, behind which was no plan and no intelligence; that the universe just happened; that man came from some lower order of life perhaps from the ape or monkey family-and that this family in turn sprang from still lower orders of life. The great difficulty about the various evolutionary theories is the fact that not one of them has ever been proved. The most preposterous teaching on earth is that which asks man to believe that an orderly universe such as ours, with all its symmetry and beauty, could come into being without someone's first planning it and then executing that plan. Such teaching staggers faith and leaves man entirely void of any certain knowledge as to his origin or the beginning of things about him. In f act, the evolutionist knows of no beginning. If he thinks back to a time when there was nothing, then he has gone back too far, since he then has nothing to begin with and no one to plan a beginning. He is always groping in the dark. Created by God Several thousand years ago the Biblical prophet Moses, under inspiration, wrote of these things, and said: 9n the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Gen. 1: 1. These are the first words of the Bible, and they are the most logical and satisfactory explanation ever given of the origin of the universe. The Bible begins with a living, all-powerful all-wise God, who has power to create-to make things from nothing. He is presented as the great Architect and Builder of all things. “By Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him: and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.” Col. 1: 16, 17. “And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of Thine hands.” Heb. 1: 10. The Bible story of creation as found in the first three chapters of Genesis declares that this earth, with all that pertains to it, was made in six literal days, perfect and good. “And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.” Gen. 1: 31; 2: 1. Everything started in its creation at its highest state of perfection. The first lily that bloomed in the earth was not evolved from some wild plant, but, on the very day that it was created, shone forth in glory greater than Solom6n's. The grapes hung in full, luscious clusters on the vine. The, giants of the forest were perfect in form and size on the day ,that they were created. “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew.” Gen. 2: 4, 5. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” Gen. 1: 29. These things did not, therefore, grow up by slow development from atoms or germs. Everything in the world and the universe, whether man, animal, or plant, started with a full grown and perfect life. 'That is God's creation. Drama of the Ages by William Branson The idea that the first man was a half -developed, savage brute and that his home was among the caves is a fable concocted by Satan, who is God's enemy. It has no foundation in either fact or reason. The most perfect human being, aside from Christ, ever to live upon the earth was the first man. He was like God. The record says: “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” Gen. 1: 27. Even after sin deprived the first pair of access to Eden and placed them under the shadow of death, the physical strength of the early 'generations of men was such that many lived to be almost one thousand years old. Man was God's masterpiece in the creation of the earth. He was to have been God's personal representative and to govern in His new creation. Alas, that man should ever have fallen from that high estate and forfeited his right even to his home in Eden! Alas, for man, that Paradise should be so hard to regain! Said David, the king of Israel, of the Creator: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.” Ps. 19: 1. Everything in the natural realm speaks of God and testifies to His creative power. The Earth Take the earth. There was a time when almost everyone believed it to be flat. Then came the knowledge that the earth is a round ball some 25,000 miles in circumference. Three fourths of this globe is covered with water, and yet none of it spills out and is wasted. Men and women travel around the earth, north and south, east and west; and yet they have never succeeded in finding its moorings or foundations. In fact, it has none. Job, God's ancient prophet, declared concerning the Creator: “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” job 26: 7. When God created this world, He placed it out in space and started it spinning like a top. There it has remained, in obedience to His command. Nor is this all. The earth sweeps around the sun many times faster than the swiftest modern aeroplane flies. It is constantly on the move through space. The slightest deviation off course or any sudden false motion would result in the instantaneous destruction of its inhabitants. The same is true of other planets. But these calamities never happen. Why? There can be only one satisfactory answer. The God who formed them and started them in motion guides them by His own powerful hand as they fly through space and as each performs its own peculiar functions. The Stars One day God asked His servant Abraham, “Canst thou tell the stars by number?”. No, he could not, nor can anyone today, after thousands of years of effort aided by all the marvellous instruments of modern invention. Scholars today, of course, know more of the heavenly host than did Abraham, but this increased knowledge does not bring the desired answer.
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