November 28, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 158, Pt. 11 15575 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, November 28, 2012 The House met at noon and was Mrs. SCHMIDT. I am honored today to 15 further requests for 1-minute called to order by the Speaker. to have Reverend Ken Johnson as our speeches on each side of the aisle. f guest chaplain. f Too often, we don’t recognize true PRAYER heroes among us. But I want to tell you REMEMBERING SERGEANT Reverend Kenneth Johnson, Seaman the story of Ken Johnson and Phil Ful- CHANNING ‘‘BO’’ HICKS United Methodist Church, Seaman, ton, two pastors in Adams County. You (Mr. GOWDY asked and was given Ohio, offered the following prayer: see, they believed that our students permission to address the House for 1 Most gracious Heavenly Father, we and our Nation need to understand the minute.) thank You for blessing the United morals of our country. And the best ex- Mr. GOWDY. Mr. Speaker, the politi- States, and we humbly ask You, Lord, ample of that is the Ten Command- cians set the policies, and others carry for your continued blessings. ments. those policies out. At least that’s the Thank You, Lord, for the honorable So they went out and they gathered way it happens in this country. It Members of the House of Representa- money together—not public money, hasn’t always been like that. Political tives. Help each Member and their fam- but donations—to put the Ten Com- leaders of yesterday also led the armies ilies with their daily struggles in life. mandments monuments on the steps of and navies. But in this country, for Provide each Member with daily each of the four high schools in Adams now, we work in this ornate building health, providential care, and pros- County, one of the poorest counties in and make policy while men like Chan- perity. Guide and direct the Represent- Ohio. ning ‘‘Bo’’ Hicks from South Carolina atives to make legislative decisions The courts didn’t like it. So they salute smartly and carry out the or- that will help our country to prosper gathered more money and put up four ders. economically and that the United more monuments. The Magna Carta, Mr. Speaker, Bo Hicks’ body was re- States will continue to be a guiding the Declaration of Independence, the turned to his beloved South Carolina light throughout the world. preamble to the Constitution, and the Monday, to his family and to his Lord, we ask You to protect our Na- Justinian Code. But again, the courts friends. He is in the presence of the tion and help us to remember, ‘‘With didn’t like it. And they lost the fight Lord. He died fighting for this country, God, all things are possible.’’ Help us nearly 10 years ago at the U.S. Su- doing what his country asked him to to be one Nation under God. Forgive us preme Court. do. And he fought, lived, and died with of our sins and for the times we have But the neighborhood rallied behind honor. He died, Mr. Speaker, before his not trusted in You. these two men and their efforts by tak- 25th birthday. As George Washington closed his ing those Ten Commandments when The decisions we make in this assem- prayer in April of 1789, ‘‘Grant our sup- they were removed from public prop- bly have real life eternal consequences. plication, we beseech thee, through erty and putting them directly across May we strive to make the service and Jesus Christ, our Lord, amen.’’ the street on private property. But the sacrifice of Bo Hicks meaningful. May f momentum swelled because throughout he look down and say, ‘‘It was worth THE JOURNAL the Nation, people understood the it.’’ courage of these two men. And so hun- Thank you, Bo Hicks. God bless you The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- dreds of thousands of yard signs were and your family. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- in each and every State in the Union, f ceedings and announces to the House proclaiming that we should acknowl- his approval thereof. edge the Ten Commandments and that CEOS INSTRUCT WASHINGTON Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- they have a right to be placed on public HOW TO AVOID THE FISCAL CLIFF nal stands approved. property. (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given f Phil Fulton and Reverend Ken John- permission to address the House for 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE son didn’t realize where their journey minute.) The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman would lead. But I am proud to know Mr. KUCINICH. Highly paid CEOs are both gentlemen, and I am proud today in town to tell America how to avoid from New York (Mr. HIGGINS) come for- ward and lead the House in the Pledge to have Ken Johnson here with his the fiscal cliff. The top priority of the of Allegiance. wife, Doris, whom he met on a mission ‘‘fix the debt’’ CEOs is to cut the essen- Mr. HIGGINS led the Pledge of Alle- trip to the Philippines, and their son tial commitments of Medicare, Med- giance as follows: Joshua. They also have two other chil- icaid, and Social Security. No skin off dren, Matthew and Mary. their noses. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- Ken Johnson was born in southern Sorry, you 50 million Americans who lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Ohio, right in Adams County, and he are in poverty. Too bad, you millions of indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. has lived there his entire life. He be- children, elderly, and poor who rely on f came a pastor in 1978, and he has been Social Security, Medicare, and Med- pastoring ever since. icaid. Unemployed? You’re out of luck WELCOMING REVEREND KENNETH Thank you for your courage, Rev- if you lose unemployment benefits. JOHNSON erend Johnson, and God bless you and These 71 CEOs who come to Wash- The SPEAKER. Without objection, the United States of America. ington to preach fiscal austerity have the gentlewoman from Ohio (Mrs. f average retirement assets of $9.1 mil- SCHMIDT) is recognized for 1 minute. lion. That’s about a $65,000 check each There was no objection. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER month for the rest of their lives. Mean- (Mrs. SCHMIDT asked and was given PRO TEMPORE while, in contrast, the average Social permission to revise and extend her re- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. POE Security check for retired workers is marks.) of Texas). The Chair will entertain up $1,237 a month. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:29 Jun 21, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\H28NO2.000 H28NO2 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with BOUND RECORD 15576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 158, Pt. 11 November 28, 2012 Of all these debt-cutting CEOs, only We often speak of children, but we the looming budget cuts are allowed to two have sufficient assets in their com- often as well fail to recognize children. occur, my home State of New York panies’ pension funds to meet their ob- Malala is a little girl in Pakistan who could lose more than $131 million in ligations to their own workers. The was willing to stand up to the Taliban funding from the National Institutes of rest who pay any pension at all have to say that we too deserve an edu- Health to conduct lifesaving research. underfunded their workers’ pension cation. She is being promoted as the Mr. Speaker, western New York is funds by $103 billion. Those who have person of the year. I hope Congress will the home to Roswell Park Cancer Insti- already shoved their own retiring celebrate her, as well. tute, the Nation’s first cancer center, workers off the fiscal cliff want to do it I mentioned Thanksgiving, and I be- home to promising advances in cancer to the rest of the middle class and the lieve it is important to focus on that research. It lies along the Buffalo-Ni- poor in America. No way. because I call upon my colleagues to agara Medical campus, an economic en- f gather their wits about them as we re- gine for our community. However, in flect on what will approach us in Janu- order to achieve medical or economic b 1210 ary of 2013. It will not be the decline success, funding must be sustained PRAIRIE STATE ENERGY CAMPUS that everyone is being frightened over the long term. about, because in essence they do not We should be increasing, not cutting, (Mr. SHIMKUS asked and was given start those cuts right at the beginning. funding for medical research. And I permission to address the House for 1 Why don’t we be deliberative? Why urge this House to reject sequestration minute.) don’t we lay down on the table that we for this critical investment. Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise will protect Medicare, Social Security, f today to recognize the tremendous con- and Medicaid, what people have BALANCED SOLUTIONS tributions of the Prairie State Energy earned? Why don’t we explain to people Campus in Washington County, Illi- that everyone at $250,00 and below will (Mr.
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