'! ts d ;fS; +1' tr.r $: '.-t 1 f,",e Xfla' ;f i:YH11{i1^ H 'i'i, ' #1" t} :'*i;'{rityi, i I ,,r# t: tr I Sichuan village Puinting in traditional style 6t, Li Htnsheng FOUNDER: SOONG CHING tlNG (MME. SUN YAT-SENI (18e3-te8lr. PUBLISHED MONTHTY BY THE CHTNA WEIFARE INSTITUTE IN ENGLISH, SPANISH, FRENCH, ARABIC, GERMAN, PORTUGUESE AND CHINESE vot. xxxt MARCH 1982 Articles o the Montlf Chino's Economy in CONTENTS 1981 P. 29 Women Bosed on Premier Zhoo Equal Opportunities Ior Women Garns and Problems 22 Ziyong's report on goyern- Three Women Lawyers - 26 ment work, this orticle brielly reyiews Chino's Economy economic situotion ond Creative Thinking at Motor City t8 principles for luture China's Economy in 198'l and Princrples lor lls Future 29 development. How Shandong's Cotton Output- Grew Jb lncome Tax on Foreign Enterprises 4tJ Meeting People's Consumer Needs 50 Long Road Upword - the Wo Notionolity Society P. 10 The Wo people ol Yunnon Where They Stay ln Beijing Hotels and lnns 4 province, once mired in Growing and Changing with- the New Chrna +b poverty ond bockwordness, Army and People Helping One Another 55 hove experienced greot - progress ond serious Notionolities setbocks - 5i66s 1949, A Long Foad Upward Ior the Wa Nationality Policy chonges- ond o re. surgent economy hove Educotion ond Culiure mode the post three yeors A Brigade's Fishery School )t o 'second liberotion.' Cultural Notes. Operas on New Thenres; Chrnese Acrobats; Chinese Tradilional Painting I n strlute Fou nded btr Archoeology Digging Up an Ancient Copper [,4ine 38 Medicine Tibetan Traditional Medicine 1a look hotels Exercises to Prevent Colds A vivid ot the copitol's 64 ond other occommodotions which Across the Lond serve visitors, ond some new Bridging the Yellow River 34 focilities under construction, G i nseng 45 Yongho Gong, Lama Temple in Beijing 58 Columns ond Speciols To Our Readers: About Our Reporting ) Yonghe Gong, Beiiing's Lomo Tenrple P' 58 Our Postbag a Humor I ntury Yonghe Gong, st lomo Do You Know: About Radio and Television in Chrrru 17 once the scene of P Socked Dance Sketches roops ond suflering ring the 41 ctioning Children: A Postwoman's Day 49 volution," it is now ogoin. Legends and Tales from History: A Kingdom Lost lor a Concubine's Smile 72 Equol Opportunities Language Corner: Lesson 15 for Women P.22 " Seeing a Peking Opera 70 ls there ony discrimino' Cover Pictures tion in iobs or educo' Front: Statue of Tsongkhapa, founder ol the Yellow Sect tion? Whot's "women's ol Tibetan Buddhism, at Yonghe Gong, Lama work"? A look ot temple in Beijing. Huo Jianying Chinese women's con' Back: Scene along the Keshi Fliver on the western tinuing struggle, with slopes of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. qovernment suppott, for He Chongyun equol opportunities' Ediioriol Officer Woi Wen Building, Beiiing (37), Chtno Annuol subscri'ption in U,S,A. US38.0O Applicotion to mbil ot 3econd Coble: "CHIRECON" Beijing, closs postoge rote is pending in Son Froncisco. ln North Americq, Genarol Distributo;: GUOJI SHUDIAN, P,O, Box 399, Beijing, Chlno. send oddress chonge to Chino Books ond Per?odicols, lnc,, 2929 24 street, Son Froncisco, cA 94100. .TO OUR READERS. About Our Reporting a few of our editorial staff, translators OUR magazine has nearly forty staff reporters, half NTOT v of them grouped in three general sections l\ inctuaea, have traveled internationally during -eco- the same period to Thailand, the Philippines, West nomic, social-politi.cal and cultural and the rest at- - - Germany, Britain, the U.S.A., to Arab and African tached to particular language editions. Every one of countries including Egypt and Madagascar. and to these men and women, besides working in Beijing, Latin American nations inciuding Argentina. Peru, travels to other parts of the country to write or ar- Colombia and Venezuela. Some went on writing as- range for articles on the spot. During 1981 and the signments or as members. of press and, publishing first quarter of this year, they and our seven staff tours, others on temporary loan to other organiza- photographers ranged over 24 of China's 30 admini- tions, a few as family visitor$. strative divisions. Where they worked is shown on In addition, we have sent several young people the accompanying map. to study abroad for periods ranging from several To keep you abreast of new developments in Chi- months to two years, in France, the U S.A.. Mexictl nese agriculture, we sent teams to the provinces of and Portugal. Sichuan in the west, and Anhui and Shandong in the 'lan- acquaintance with our readers, their re- f)ETTER east. Their in-depth investigations focussed on IJ guages and the countries in which they Iive will cent key shifts in rural pblicies and on their eflect. certainly result from all this. To cover the construction of capital projects, re- We, trust that it will show in constantly improved porters with pen and camera went twice (at two stages pertormance by our magazine of its task of promoting in its building) to the giant Gezhouba Dam and its friendship and understanding between the people of attendant hydro-electric and navigation projects in the China and those of other larids. tl middle reaches of China's mightiest river, the Chang- jiang (Yangtze) and once to the remote Qinghai pla- teau where a new railway is edging toward Tibet' Reporting on other iilelustries, they traveled, among other places, to the shipyard of Dalian, now building modern vessels not only for China but for export, and to Liaoyang's new petrochemical complex. Both are in northeast China. RITERS' and photographers' journeys to China's national minority regions ranged from Xinjiang' in the far northwest rimmed by snowy mountairis, to the semi-tropical areas of Yunnan, Guangxi and Hainan Island. They also criss-crossed the provinces of Guang- dong and Fujian, home areas of most of the millions of people of Chinese ancestry living in foreign . countries. PIaces Visited Many places were also visited to' get stories on by Our Staff Beporters the youth, education, employment, culture, sports, in 1981 scenic spots and religious life. In short, the panorama of China we present to our readers is a wide-ranging, up-to-date and first- hand one. CIIINA RECONSTRUCTS We must rvork energetically and con- the 1930s my father bought a book tinuously from 1982 and beyond until describing the expedition of a Swiss this objective is realized. geological team into the Mount Gongga FRANCIS SHIEH area, exploring in 1930-31 a region that Upper Marlboro, Marglanil, U.S.A. few had heard about or seen. Besides detailed descriptions oI the geography, Congratulations Only One China people and plants of the area, and some On the 30th anniversary of the found- Pleasb give me more inlolmation bf the hardships that faced the expedition, many ing of China extend about Communist the book contained Reconslructs, we and Nationalist photographs. to all of you our sincere eongratula- China. I have just re-read the Swiss ac- tions and best wishes. Your efforts are JOSEPH KWAO DE-SOUZA count, and in comparing it with the well appreciated on the small island of Kumasi, Ghano article in China Reconstrucls, I, have the Republic of Malta. There is only one China-the Peo- the impression that the area is still a World friendship better: under- and p\els Republic of China, Taituan is an wonderland of nature. I hope you will standing through correspondence one is inseparable part ol our country and, be able to keep it that way, for Mount of the aims of our organization and we the gooernment oJ the People's Re- Gongga undoubtedly must be one of would like to extend an invitation to pub\ic oJ China is its sole legitimate your the world's most majestic mountains. readers who would like to have goaernment anil its sole representatiue HANS WAELTI friends from Malta, to write: Albert in the United Nations. This is re- Victoria, Canada V. Rutter, Direetor, International Cor- cognized bg most countries anil peoples respondence Club, 5 Duke of York of the usorld,, and is A precondition ol Articles Too Detailed Street, Harniun, Malta. re\ations usith China. ALBERT V. RUTTER With the uictorA oJ the Chinese peo- It seems to me that your topics are more Hamrun. Malta ple's reoolution in 1949, the reactionarA wildly dilated upon and take rule of the Kuornintang utas ouerthrou:n. time to read before one goes on to In Memory of Soong Ching Ling The island proDince ol Taiwan is the another topic. Therefore to save time, onlg place remaining under try to summarize and illustrate with I was deeply touched to read of the still Kuo- mintang control, and is thus tem- pictur'es to make the reading more passing of Soong Ching Ling, who par- lively. publishing porarilg separated tr.om the mainland, ticipated fully in the maga- prouince BABA ZUMAH zine. My family, myself the many It is d of China and, not a and reunitieil, Kuahu Prasu, Ghano readers to whom I have passed the "countrg". Wlten Chind is the TaiTDan adm,inistrati,on be one July 1981 special memorial supplement uill oJ its local gooernments. On Advertising and Theory send our deep condolences. - For this reason, the ternls "Com- say advertising is a good China Reconstrzcrs interests me as a You that munist Chind" anil China,' long as the advertis- reader to understand not only China's "Nationalist thing. I agree as are inappropri,ate and do not tally uith ing presents facts and information achievements over Bast years, present and future plans but also its great the tacts.
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