MerryMerry ChristmasChristmas Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, December 25, 2003 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 114th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 16-114 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] FIFTY CENTS Bill Sheppard for The Westfield Leader Lauren S. Pass for The Westfield Leader Ben Corbin for The Westfield Leader NO APRIL FOOL…Jason Carle of MINDOWASKIN ON ICE…Westfielders took their ice skates and ice hockey equipment to Mindowaskin Pond in CALL TO DUTY…In February, fire departments from around Union County Outragehiss Animals gives Westfield in January. Pictured, above, ice hockey players wait for the missing puck. This was the first time the pond was responded to a fire on Rivervale Court in Scotch Plains. The fire was started by workmen Mountainside residents a close look at opened for skating since 1984. in the apartment complex. Pictured above are Westfield firemen venting the roof. his Burmese python. WF Chooses Redevelopment Agency; SP Begins SID Process; Board of Ed. Budgets Pass in All Towns in First Half of 2003 By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL, Saying that 2003 “will be the most The Scotch Plains council ap- year contract. Details of the jitney bus shuttle watch for 25 years of service to the ELIZABETH CORRELL, LAUREN S. difficult budget year facing Scotch proved a resolution authorizing the Westfield Republican Chairman service were discussed at a Fanwood borough at Mountainside’s monthly PASS and FRED ROSSI Specially Written for The Times Plains” in his 23 years on the job, signing of an agreement with Jon Bramnick won his bid for the council meeting, including person- meeting. Township Manager Thomas Atkins Fanwood to formalize the operation Assembly seat vacated by Tom Kean nel and advertising. An ordinance was passed banning Editor’s note: The following is a warned the council that, in order to of the long-awaited shuttle bus ser- Jr. Raymond Manfra, Fanwood Di- recap of the top news of the first half advertising on municipal vehicles in avoid significant property tax in- vice between the Fanwood train sta- The Scotch Plains Public Library rector of Public Works, celebrated Fanwood. of 2003 for Westfield, Scotch Plains, creases to finance this year’s munici- tion and various points in Scotch was slightly damaged by a February 40 years of employment with the Mountainside and Fanwood. The The Fanwood mayor and council pal budget, it might have to consider Plains and Fanwood. It was expected 26 fire that led to its closing for two borough. held a meeting with Comcast to dis- second half of 2003 will be featured possible reductions in services and that the service would be operational weeks and affected the building’s in next week’s edition. March cuss rate increases and programming potentially mandatory workforce re- within a few months, but at year’s heating system. changes. January In advance of the introduction of ductions. end, matters were still in limbo and The Fanwood council announced April Mayor Gregory McDermott dis- The Westfield Town Council de- further decisions will be carried over plans to lease borough property for the 2003 municipal budget, Scotch cussed the need for parking, pedes- cided to postpone a vote on the trans- into 2004. $27,000 per year to a communica- Plains Mayor Marks warned resi- The Westfield Leader and The trian safety and field improvements fer of a liquor license, which was The Scotch Plains council also tions company that would construct dents they were facing “one of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times re- during his annual State of the Town previously held by Sinclair’s Restau- gave brief consideration to a pro- and use a communications tower. largest, if not the largest, tax in- leased last edition from the Elm Street Address. He announced that eight rant, and was being sought for pur- posal that would charge local non- Mountainside Board of Education creases in Scotch Plains history,” office. firms had answered the Town’s RFQs, chase by Fujiama Mama. profit organizations a user fee for members Frank Geiger and Mary saying that the rise in the municipal The Scotch Plains council intro- and they would be interviewed this Town Attorney Robert Cockren their sewer use. But the initiative Beth Schaumberg announced their portion of local property taxes was duced its 2003 municipal budget, year. stated that there were issues with the stalled four months later, after fig- candidacy for reelection against likely to be a double-digit hike. which called for a 3.2 percent in- “I anticipate that there will be a license and Town Code. He said that ures provided to the township coun- Linda Esemplare, Patricia Knodel The Westfield Town Council ap- crease in spending and an 18-point shovel in the ground this year but it the code prohibits alcohol to be served cil showed that the costs to the town- and Pauline Genakos. Two open seats proved a tentative 2003 budget of hike in the municipal portion of local will not be for a parking deck – it will at a counter, and because the restau- ship and more specifically, the tax- were available. $27,990,304, which included a tax property taxes. Township officials be for a structure that incorporates rant has a sushi bar and service bar, payers were less than anticipated. Twenty inches of snow that fell on increase of 3.86 cents per $100 of said the steep tax rise was necessi- the varied economic and aesthetic this would not comply with the code. Robert Fairchild, a resident of the Presidents Day shut down the state. assessed home value. On the average tated by a state aid freeze, rising elements that best serve the needs of Mountainside resident and Presi- Borough of Mountainside, donated a The Fanwood Land Use Ordinance assessed home of $180,000, this in- fixed costs, declining revenue, low this community now and in the years dent of the Mountainside Board of defibrillator to the borough in was amended to restrict use of deco- crease came out to $69.50. returns on investments and the gen- to come,” the mayor said. Education, Richard Kress, had been memory of his wife, Josephine. rative lights by retailers. A resolution was passed allowing erally weak economy. At the annual Reorganization notified that he would be called to Fanwood’s Mayor Jung stated that Eight Westfield candidates com- Mountainside Borough employees Former Union County Prosecutor Meeting held on New Year’s Day at appear before the Supreme Court the downtown revitalization project peted for a chance at one of four seats to receive financial incentives by CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Fanwood Borough Hall, Joel Disciplinary Review Board (DRB). would remain the administration’s on the Board of Education. waiving their employee health cov- Whitaker was reelected as Council The Westfield Board of Education top priority for the year. Also listed The three-year terms up for grabs erage. Panera Bread President, and Mayor Louis Jung heard from several residents, who as a priority were the borough’s two had belonged to Dr. Carol Molnar, John Morgan was hired as administered the Oath of Office for staunchly supported the reinstate- parks, with planned renovation and Kimberly Rhodes and Anne Riegel. Westfield’s second Parking Director. three members of the Fire Depart- ment of middle school sports. Others expansion of the Forest Road Park Vying for those three seats were: CBS MarketWatch, in a survey Is Robbed ment, including Fire Chief Richard spoke about finding room in the bud- building for senior and general pub- incumbents Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Riegel based on an analysis of census, hous- Regenthal, First Lieutenant Mark get for funding of the ice hockey and lic use, and possible realignment of and Beth Cassie, who was filling in ing, education and other data, named Ettore and Second Lieutenant Steve girls’ lacrosse teams. the ball field and improvement of for the un-expired term of Lisa Alter. Scotch Plains as the nation’s most At Gunpoint Szanto. After winning reelection in At this time, the board drew some operations of the skate park at Dr. Molnar decided not to run for undervalued town. November, Councilman Stuart Kline heat, as a few members of the public LaGrande Park. reelection, having served the com- Westfield Town Administrator By LAUREN S. PASS James Gildea announced that he re- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader began his seventh year on the council voiced concern that the board was February munity for 15 years as a member of while Councilman David Trumpp not paying attention to them. One the school board. ceived a letter from Westfield Me- Three men robbed Panera Bread continued in his position, after serv- Westfield resident pointed out that Former Scotch Plains Treasurer However, joining the incumbents morial Library Director Barbara on East Broad Street Monday night, ing six months after filling the posi- the board president and vice-presi- William Polidore, who embezzled for a chance at a three-year term Thiele announcing her retirement, after confronting an employee at tion made vacant by the passing of dent were talking during a resident’s $332,000 in township funds, was re- were candidates Kenneth Sumner and effective June 1. Mrs. Thiele had approximately 10:10 p.m. as he was Councilwoman Carol Wood, and time at the microphone. leased from a state prison on Febru- Bruce Regenstreich. been at the Westfield Library for 19 taking out the garbage. The employee Councilman Andrew Calamaras be- With the resignation of Third Ward ary 21 after serving a sentence of Candidates running to fill the one- years.
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