Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 311.12 shall apply for actinomycosis and acti- (6) Azoturia. nobacillosis, and carcasses of livestock (7) Infectious equine encephalomye- with generalized lesions of either such litis. disease shall be condemned. (8) Toxic encephalomyelitis (forage (b) Carcasses of livestock in a well- poisoning). nourished condition showing uncompli- (9) Infectious anemia (swamp fever). cated localized lesions of actinomy- (10) Dourine. cosis or actinobacillosis may be passed (11) Acute influenza. for human food after the infected or- (12) Generalized osteoporosis. gans or other infected parts have been (13) Glanders (farcy). removed and condemned, except as pro- (14) Acute inflammatory lameness. vided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this (15) Extensive fistula. section. (b) Carcasses of livestock affected (c) Heads affected with actinomy- with or showing lesions of any of the cosis or actinobacillosis, including the following named diseases or conditions tongue, shall be condemned, except shall be condemned, except when re- that when the disease of the jaw is covery has occurred to the extent that slight, strictly localized, and without only localized lesions persist, in which suppuration, fistulous tracts, or lymph case the carcass may be passed for node involvement, the tongue, if free human food after removal and con- from disease, may be passed, or, when demnation of the affected organs or the disease is slight and confined to the other parts: lymph nodes, the head including the (1) Anaplasmosis. tongue, may be passed for human food (2) Bacillary hemoglobinuria in cat- after the affected nodes have been re- tle. moved and condemned. (3) Babesiosis (piroplasmosis). (d) When the disease is slight and (4) Bluetongue. confined to the tongue, with or without (5) Hemorrhagic septicemia. involvement of the corresponding (6) Icterohematuria in sheep. lymph nodes, the head may be passed (7) Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. for human food after removal and con- (8) Leptospirosis. demnation of the tongue and cor- (9) Malignant epizootic catarrh. responding lymph nodes. [35 FR 15569, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 36 FR 12004, June 24, 1971] § 311.10 Anaplasmosis, anthrax, babesiosis, bacillary hemo- § 311.11 Neoplasms. globinuria in cattle, blackleg, bluetongue, hemorrhagic septi- (a) An individual organ or other part cemia, icterohematuria in sheep, in- of a carcass affected with a neoplasm fectious bovine rhinotracheitis, lep- shall be condemned. If there is evi- tospirosis, malignant epizootic ca- dence of metastasis or that the general tarrh, strangles, purpura condition of the animal has been ad- hemorrhagica, azoturia, infectious versely affected by the size, position, equine encephalomyelitis, toxic or nature of the neoplasm, the entire encephalomyelitis (forage poi- carcass shall be condemned. soning), infectious anemia (swamp fever), dourine, acute influenza, (b) Carcasses affected with malignant generalized osteoporosis, glanders lymphoma shall be condemned. (farcy), acute inflammatory lame- ness, extensive fistula, and § 311.12 Epithelioma of the eye. unhealed vaccine lesions. (a) Carcasses of animals affected with (a) Carcasses of livestock affected epithelioma of the eye, or the orbital with or showing lesions of any of the region shall be condemned in their en- following named diseases or conditions tirety if one of the following three con- shall be condemned: ditions exists: (1) Anthrax. (1) The affection has involved the os- (2) Blackleg. seous structures of the head with ex- (3) Unhealed vaccine lesions tensive infection, suppuration, and ne- (vaccinia). crosis; (4) Strangles. (2) There is metastasis from the eye, (5) Purpura hemorrhagica. or the orbital region, to any lymph 143 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:13 Mar 29, 2019 Jkt 247029 PO 00000 Frm 00153 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\09\9V2.TXT PC31 § 311.13 9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–19 Edition) node including the parotid lymph node, ucts thereof may give rise to food poi- internal organs, muscles, skeleton, or soning shall be condemned. This in- other structures, regardless of the ex- cludes all carcasses showing signs of: tent of the primary tumor; or (1) Acute inflammation of the lungs, (3) The affection, regardless of ex- pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, or tent, is associated with cachexia or evi- meninges. dence of absorption or secondary (2) Septicemia or pyemia, whether changes. puerperal, traumatic, or without any (b) Carcasses of animals affected with evident cause. epithelioma of the eye, or the orbital (3) Gangrenous or severe hemorrhagic region, to a lesser extent than as de- enteritis or gastritis. scribed in paragraph (a) of this section (4) Acute diffuse metritis or may be passed for human food after re- mammitis. moval and condemnation of the head, (5) Phlebitis of the umbilical veins. including the tongue, provided the car- (6) Septic or purulent traumatic peri- cass is otherwise normal. carditis. (7) Any acute inflammation, abscess, § 311.13 Pigmentary conditions; mela- or suppurating sore, if associated with nosis, xanthosis, ochronosis, etc. acute nephritis, fatty and degenerated (a) Except as provided in § 311.19, car- liver, swollen soft spleen, marked pul- casses of livestock showing generalized monary hyperemia, general swelling of pigmentary deposits shall be con- lymph nodes, diffuse redness of the demned. skin, cachexia, icteric discoloration of (b) The affected parts of carcasses the carcass or similar condition, either showing localized pigmentary deposits singly or in combination. of such character as to be unwholesome (8) Salmonellosis. or otherwise adulterated shall be re- (b) Implements contaminated by con- moved and condemned. tact with carcasses affected with any of the disease conditions mentioned in § 311.14 Abrasions, bruises, abscesses, this section shall be thoroughly pus, etc. cleaned and sanitized as prescribed in All slight, well-limited abrasions on part 308 of this subchapter. The equip- the tongue and inner surface of the lips ment used in the dressing of such car- and mouth, when without lymph node casses, such as viscera trucks or in- involvement, shall be carefully excised, spection tables, shall be sanitized with leaving only sound, normal tissue, hot water having a minimum tempera- which may be passed for human food. ture of 180 °F. Carcasses or parts of car- Any organ or other part of a carcass casses contaminated by contact with which is badly bruised or which is af- such diseased carcasses shall be con- fected by an abscess, or a suppurating demned unless all contaminated tissues sore shall be condemned; and when the are removed within 2 hours. lesions are of such character or extent as to affect the whole carcass, the § 311.17 Necrobacillosis, pyemia, and whole carcass shall be condemned. Por- septicemia. tions of carcasses which are contami- From the standpoint of meat inspec- nated by pus or other diseased material tion, necrobacillosis may be regarded shall be condemned. as a local infection at the beginning, and carcasses in which the lesions are § 311.15 Brucellosis. localized may be passed for human food Carcasses affected with localized le- if in a good state of nutrition, after sions of brucellosis may be passed for those portions affected with necrotic human food after the affected parts are lesions are removed and condemned. removed and condemned. However, when emaciation, cloudy swelling of the parenchymatous tissue § 311.16 Carcasses so infected that con- of organs or enlargement of the lymph sumption of the meat may cause nodes is associated with the infection, food poisoning. it is evident that the disease has pro- (a) All carcasses of animals so in- gressed beyond the condition of local- fected that consumption of the prod- ization to a state of toxemia, and the 144 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:13 Mar 29, 2019 Jkt 247029 PO 00000 Frm 00154 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\09\9V2.TXT PC31.
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