JANUARY 17, 1949' The Newswee, .-_ -f ' cï io and Television Today's the day... Washington's Eye On The World GOES ON THE AIR CHANNEL 9 CBS -MBS Television Networks WOIC WASHINGTON, D.C. ... and another great MUTUAL TV Station... WOR-TV will be on the air as soon as the television antenna tower is completed. NEW YORK...CHANNEL 9... IN THIS ISSUE: BALTIMORE MARKET STORY i$j.rADAAS -FORT WORTH MARK,` Tough luck, Junior... just shows how impor- tant both size and coverage can be. But down Texas way two frequencies permit you to select the market which best fits your budget ... 570 for local penetration ... 820 for broader area coverage. Both are coupled with top talent in programming and the most modern engineering and transcription facilities on WFAA. Represented Nationally by TEXAS QUALITY NETWORK E D W A R D P E T R Y A N D C O M P A N Y Radio Service of the Dallas Morning News \ F M í/ By Ordr of FCC, WFAA Shor.s Tim on Both Fire quc e Day ls«mnight, a 600% increase in the number of people in our area of consistent, perfect reception. 710 KC THROUGHOUT all OF GREATER MI *50,000 doy, Represented by KATZ COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM MIAMI j FLORIDA FLORIDA'S FIRST AND ONLY 50 KW STATION! Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Year Book Number) published in February by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS, Inc.. 870 National Press Building, Washington 4, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. /J\ Upcoming' Business Briefly Closed Circuit I BREWERY TV Edelbrew Brewery, Brook - Jan. 17: Multiple Ownership, oral argument, FCC Iyn, to sponsor 10:30 -10:45 portion Hdqrs., Washington. p.m. of scheduled to move its ABC's Bowling Headliners on McCANN -ERICKSON 18 RMA Industrial Relations Committee four stations of television department, headed Jan. -19: eastern TV entire Chicago conference, Hotel Stotler, New York. network Sunday nights. Sponsor- Bill Vance, to New York. Radio Director ship to be on WJZ-TV New York, WFIL -TV by Jan. 20 -22: CBC board meeting, Montreal. Ken remains in Chicago to handle tele- Philadelphia, WMAL -TV Washington, WAAM Craig Jan. 21 -23: CBS Television Clinic, Waldorf -Asto- (TV) Baltimore, on 52 -week vision aspects. ria Hotel, New York. contract. Show carried on full eastern network 10 -11 p.m. sus- SIGNS of belt-tightening becoming more evi- (Other Upcomings on page 36) taining until Edelbrew signed. Agency, Gor- dent among networks. In addition to ABC ac- don & Mattern, New York. cent on economy premised upon television cost, MBS is functioning on basis of minimum per- BAKERY CAMPAIGN Langendorf United sonnel replacements, with remaining staff to Bakeries, San Francisco, appoints Biow Co., absorb additional load. In recent weeks two Bulletins that city, to handle annual $800,000 advertis- ing campaign. Les Hannah, agency's San station relations field men have left, without CHICAGO CUBS will levy $5,000 service replacements. Francisco manager, will supervise. Use of charge against Chicago TV stations carrying radio undetermined at present. BARE BONES operation of BMB (see story 1949 home games. This doesn't mean owner page 23, editorial page 40) expected to mean P. K. Wrigley's enthusiasm for television has stripping of staff down to that which actually been dampened, it was stated. Understanding RATNER WILL TAKE LEAVE reached with officials of all TV stations that will conduct second survey in March. Pre- TO WRITE INDUSTRY SCRIPT sumed also that substantial portion of head- cost of erecting camera platforms etc. and quarters suite in New York will be relin- loss of seats behind structures worth $5,000 VICTOR RATNER, CBS vice president, will quished. to ball club. take leave of absence to write script for All- WNBT (TV) New York moving daily sign -on Radio Promotion movie, he told industry com- in new BMB crisis was NAB Pres- FIREMAN from p.m. to 3 p.m., Feb. 1. mittee meeting in New York Friday. Inability Miller, whose to save tri- time 6:30 starting ident Justin plan New afternoon programs to include half-hour of five writers who have worked on project so ratified. Bare - partite research project was daily physical culture program, woman's far to produce acceptable script prompted Mr. bones operation, he felt, would guard present club participation show and story -teller for Ratner to undertake job personally. investment of stations in second survey and Maurice Mitchell, will into children. NAB director of broadcast BMB hopes new setup bring back advertising, pointed out need for organized fold many subscribers. accounting system to handle funds contributed INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Co. will CBS TO NAME HAUSMAN to All -Radio promotion and said he would set move Harvest of Stars, now heard on CBS LOUIS HAUSMAN, CBS associate director un such system. Gordon Gray, WIP Philadel- Wednesdays 9:30 -10 p.m., to NBC in Sunday of advertising and sales promotion, slated to phia, chairman of committee; Lewis H. Avery afternoon time unspecified. Contract to be be promoted to director soon. of Avery -Knodel, and Mr. Ratner will appear signed this week. before - February meeting of NAB board to plump for industry support of promotion WHETHER by happenstance or good timing, CBS BUYING BENNY FIRM campaign. there's significance in practically simultaneous ON INSTALMENT BASIS NBC reported it had completed research on actions involving clear channels. Last week original contents analysis, which will be turned Chairman -designate Edwin C. Johnson of Sen- CBS acquired Jack Benny's Amusement En- over to Mr. Ratner for incorporation in script. ate Interstate Commerce Committee reintro- terprises Inc. on instalment payment plan, net- Committee also laid plans for aggressive cam- duced bill (S-491) putting 50 kw lid on clear work reported to Securities & Exchange Com- paign within next four weeks to increase pres- channels with provision which would not pre- mission. Summary of transaction showed ent total of 400 subscribers. clude duplication. Word also went out last CBS bought 3,500 shares of Benny corporation, week for Jan. 20 meeting of non-clear channel and Columbia Records Inc., wholly owned CBS Members present included besides Mr. Rat- broadcasters to be held in Chicago at call of subsidiary, bought remainder -1,500 shares. ner, and Mr. Gray, WIP Philadelphia (chair- Ed Craney, Montana station owner who has led Payments are in cash, approximately 22.12% man), W. B. McGill, Westinghouse Radio Sta- tions Inc.; Will Baltin. TBA; Ivor Kenway, fight against clears (see page 46). Dec. 30, 1948, % of balance Jan. 3, 1949, re- ABC; Roy Porteous, NBC; William Ensign, mainder in two equal installments, Jan. 2, DIVISION of Lever Radio; WOV New PEPSODENT Brothers 1950 and Jan. 2, 1951. CBS reported to have Transit Ralph Weil, York; Co. (Rayve Home Permanent Kit), through its all voting power of Amusement Enterprises Mr. Mitchell; Lewis H. Avery, Avery -Knodel. agency, J. Walter Thompson, Chicago, cur- by owning 70% and by having 100% voting rently looking for daytime network program power of stock of Columbia Records. to introduce kit (see story, page 22). B &B AUDITIONS FOR NAM BENTON & BOWLES, New York, preparing WHOLE QUESTION of AFM relationship to and auditioning musical program featuring television expected to get full attention looking 'i01i9JlB Thü9~ Alice Andre Kostelanetz today (Jan. 17) for pos- toward settling most issues as soon as Presi- sible sponsorship by National Assn. of Manu- dent Petrillo is free of Presidential Inaugural (Departmental Index page 6; TV Index page 80) facturers. Program will be submitted to board ceremony planning and can again concentrate of NAM. Decision expected by Feb. 1. on other matters. ABC Stock Sale 21 AM or FM Video? 21 RATHER widespread reports last week that BMB Solution 23 JOINS COLGATE- PALMOLIVE sale of ABC to Twentieth Century-Fox had Clear Channel Breakdown 23 JOHN R. GILMAN will join Colgate -Palm- been revived were promptly dismissed at ABC NRDGA Makes Awards 25 olive -Peet Co. as vice president Feb. 15. He headquarters with comment that. Edward J. ABC, MBS Billings for 1948 26 resigned recently as Lever Bros. vice president - Noble, board chairman and principal stock - Representation Probe Continues 28 director. Appointment announced by E. H. (Continued on page 78) East- Midwest Coaxial Cable Opened 32 Little, C -P -P president.- Page 4 January 17, 1949 BROADCASTING Telecasting You want programs that make sales? Fine! That's local programming. Healthy sales-increase prompted just what we have for you at WOWO. the sponsor to write, in part: "We all like the friendly, Take the ABE ANDREWS SHOW. At 1:15 way Abe sells our merchandise with his human manner." Sundays, Abe talks about sports, hunting, fishing, the outdoors in general. Since 1945, this show has been Just one testimonial, Mr. Advertiser, but there are making sales aplenty for the Schlatter Hardware plenty more where this came from. Shoot at your Company. Moreover, it has won an Ohio State Award product -sales target in WOWO's 59- county BMB for educational programs, and a Billboard Award for area by checking Free & Peters for availabilities. FORT WAYNE A B C A F F I L I A T E WESTINGHOUSE RADIO STATIONS Inc KIN KBKA KEX NBZ MA WOWO NBZ -TV National Representatives, Free & Peters, except for WBZ -TV; for WBZ-TV, NBC Spot Sales BROADCASTING Telecasting January0 17, 1949 Page 5 WE HATE TO BRAG Publobed Weekly by Broadcasting Publications, Inc. Executive, Editorial, Advertising and Circulation Offices: 870 National Press Bldg. Washington 4, D. C. Telephone:
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