Annals of Language and Literature Volume 4, Issue 3, 2020, PP 09-17 ISSN 2637-5869 Multilingualism and Interculturalism in Fairy Tales - Dorothea Viehmann, Laura Gonzenbach and Tina Vajt – ATU 402 Milena Mileva Blažić* University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Kardeljeva ploscad 16 SI 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia *Corresponding Author: Milena Mileva Blažić, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Kardeljeva ploscad 16 SI 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia ABSTRACT Dorothea Viehmann was a storyteller (narrator), who told about 36 fairy tales to J. and W. Grimm. Socio- culturally she was of peasant origin, and her German fairy tales also included French elements. Laura Gonzenbah was a Swiss-German storyteller who wrote down fairy tales. She originated from high middle class, was educated, multilingual, and her Sicilian fairy tales written in German reflect interculturality (Sicilian orientalism). Resian storyteller Tina Wajtava narrated in Resian, i.e. in microlanguage (Slovene dialect), and her fairy tales also reflect multilingualism (Italian, German, Slovene, Resian) and interculturalism, with the influence of German, Romance and Slavic culture. Based on a comparative analysis of the ATU fairytale types, it was found that they have common ATU 402 (animal groom/bride motif) and ATU 425 (searching for a lost husband/wife) motifs. The article includes a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences of the ATU 402 (The Animal Bride). Interesting is the comparative analysis of fairy-tale types of the Grimm Brothers’ storytellers, such as Laura Gonzenbach, and Resian and Slovene storytellers who have different socio-cultural backgrounds, as they all share common multilingualism and interculturalism as well as the basic motif of love and looking for a groom/bridesmaid.. Keywords: women fairy tale writers, women storytellers, women writers, Dorothea Viehmann, Laura Gonzenbach, Tina Wajtava, ATU 402, language, literature, culture INTRODUCTION the framework story can be found inthe collection of Indian fairy tales entitled Panchatantra (300 The woman storytelling originates in antique BC). In the collection by Don Juan Manuel literature, in Ovid's myth of Philomela (or entitled El Conte Lucanor, the narrators are the Philomene), who after the trauma (she was raped King and faithful Petronio (1335). and her language was cut off - so that she could not talk about it) redefines her story in texture or In the collection of Arabic fairy tales entitled visual text. In Metamorphoses of Apuleius,in the One Thousand and One Nights, which came to famous myth about Eros and Psyche, next to the Europe by way of a translation into French golden donkey Luciusas the main narrator, also a (1702-17), the central narrator is Scheherazade storyteller appears - an old woman (old wives who became the fairytale type in Uther's index, tale).(Ziolkowski 2002: 92) under ATU 875B*. Thus,a wackyand tipsy old woman told stories to 875B* Storytelling Saves a Wife from Death the kidnapped girl (Psyche) and I Lucius, who (Scheherazade). A king who discovers that his stood beside her, was truly sorry for not having a wife is unfaithful has her executed. Then, each table or a pen with me and could not write down night, he takes a new wife and has her killed the such a fascinating fairy tale. (Apulej 1981: 178). following day (after she gives birth) (cf. Type 1426). After three years (one year) the vizier is The beginnings of woman authorship are found unable to find a suitable woman, so the king in the songs of medieval women troubadours condemns him to death. (12th-13th century) and in the theme of the fin amor1 in Occitan. The model of narration within The vizier's daughter volunteers to marry the king (although her father objects). She tells 1Bedenk, Kasilda, Blaţić, Milena Mileva, Slovenske stories to the king (with the help of her sister, or pravljiĉarke in evropski prostor. Ljubljana: Pedagoška a courtier tells the stories) (J1185.1]. The king fakulteta, 2018. (In print) postpones the execution. After a year of Annals of Language and Literature V4 ● I3 ● 2020 9 Multilingualism and Interculturalism in Fairy Tales - Dorothea Viehmann, Laura Gonzenbach and Tina Vajt – ATU 402 storytelling (after the wife gives birth), the king 2006). Socio-culturally, preciosaswere of noble, realizes that it would be wrong to kill this woman. aristocratic descent and told stories inmansions. (Uther 2004: 499) Nevertheless, the fairy tales of the French preciosas influenced the development of the Women storytellers are also found in Boccacci's fairy tale writing around the world, precisely Decameron, where among ten narrators there are because they redefined the troubadour theme of seven women storytellers (Elissa, Emilia, Fiamme- the fin amore into fairytale themes (e.g.Beauty tta, Filomena, Lauretta, Neifile and Pampinea). and the Beast), as their storytelling in the In The Canterbury Talesby G. Chaucer (1483), palaces was a "salon game" (Seifert xx: ). two women storytellers (a housewife from Bath The first collection of fairy tales for children and a mother superior) can be found amongst 16 was Charles Perrault's Les Contes de ma mere narrators (beggar, priest, gentleman, miller, l'oie(Tales of My Mother Goose) (1697). The seller of indulgences, keeper, sailor, landowner, cover page also depicts a woman narrator who lawyer, merchant, scholar, caretaker, knight, tells children fairy tales. doctor). The Wife of Bath’s Tale is motivated and thematically related to the motive of an The most famous children's collection of fairy animal groom/bride, i.e. Cupid and Psyche. tales is the Kinder- und Hausmärchenby the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grim, which was The first collection of fairy tales by Giovanni first published in 1812 (Volume 1) and in 1815 Francesco Straparola, Le piacevoli notti (The (Volume 2) and then sawfurther supplemented Facetious Nights, 1550-1553), was intended for editions. adult readers. The story is situated in a high socio-cultural background on the island of Murano The model of oral creation or narration of fairy near Venice. Women are also addressed in the tales includes another form of "women's fairytale dedication. The main person or the Venetian creation", represented by the storytellers, i.e. 1) Madonna is the noble Signora Lucretia, who narrators and recorders of fairy tales, since they represents the narrative frame of the ten narrators2 were engaged in telling and writing fairy tales, (Arianna, Cateruzza, Brunetta, Eritrea, Fiordiana, and 2) women fairy tale writers. Isabella, Lauretta, Lionora, Lodovica, Vicenza), WRITERS AND NARRATORS OR PHILOMELA two ladies (Mrs. Chiara and Mrs. Veronica) and AND SCHEHEREZADE narrators. The most famous fairy tale is the Puss in Boots. In the 1999 monograph The Classic Fairy Tales (edited by Maria Tatar), Karen E. Rowe in the In the second collection of fairy tales for adults chapter "To Spin a Yarn: The Female Voice in enitled Il pentamerone (The Pleasant Nights, Folklore and Fairy Tales" lists two metaphors for 1634, 1636), by Giambattista Basile, now women storytellers, namely, as the first model - known as the first collection of fairy tales for women writers - she cites the antique example of adults and "young people" (The Tale of Tales, or Philomela (Ovid: Metamorphoses), who was Entertainment for Little Ones), all narrators are victimized on the basis of a myth and was literally 3 women, with the central one beingZoza (beside and metaphorically without language, therefore her also Antonia, Diana, Domenica, Francesca, she metaphorically weaved her story into a tapestry Giacoma, Girolama, Giulia, Lucrezia, Vittoria, and sent it to her sister to read. The motive of the Pozia, and Paola). female weaver is also found in the Bible.4 A characteristic of French women fairytale Dorothea Viehmann (1755-1815) writers, called precios as, is that in literary salons, they narrated "text intended for children, Dorothea Viehman (née Katharina Dorothea and the context intended for adults" (Seifert Pierson) (1755-1815) is one of the most important storyteller of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. She 2The noble Signora Lucretia who presents narrators by contributed about 36 (out of 210) fairy tales which name and attributes that are superlatives: beautiful, were published in the second volume of Kinder- graceful, noble, honest, beautiful, dark-haired, respected, und Hausmarchen (KHM, 1815). Her father, Isaac fair-haired, high-born, etc. Pierson, was an innkeeper, his ancestors moved 3In the collection of fairy tales, Basile replaced the noble to Hessen-Kassel due to the prosecution of names with comic ones, such as Antonella, Cecca, Ciulla, Ciommetella, Iacova, Meneca, Paola, Popa, 4http://www.biblija.net/biblija.cgi?m=Prg+31&id13= Tolla, Zeza (the main narrator). 1&pos=0&set=2&l=sl3ef 10 Annals of Language and Literature V4 ● I3 ● 2020 Multilingualism and Interculturalism in Fairy Tales - Dorothea Viehmann, Laura Gonzenbach and Tina Vajt – ATU 402 Huguenots in France. In 1777, Dorothea married Zipes, did the collection gain an important place the tailor Nicholas Viehmann, and in 1787 she in literary history. moved to Niederzwerhren (now part of Kassel), Laura Gonzebach was born in 1842 in a wealthy where she lived until 1815. After her husband's Protestant Swiss-German family in Messina in death, she supported herself and her seven children Sicily. Like her four siblings, she received good with farm work (and as a costermonger). In 1813, education at a private school. When she was five she met Brothers Grimm and told them fairy years old, her mother died, therefore, she was tales every week. Due to her socio-cultural taken care of by her sister Magdalen, who was an environment - peasant life and work in the inn - extraordinary young woman - a cosmopolitan, her fairy tales include French elements. Brothers educated and with advanced views on the position Grimm were glad that they met the Niederzwehrn’s of women. Already as a child, Laura had spoken storyteller who told them fairy tales in almost the four languages (German, French, Italian and same words even when she had to repeat them.
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