AIP MYANMAR AMDT 01/2016-1 Contact AIS Publications AMDT 01/2016 Post: Effective date AERONAUTICAL 08 JUL 2016 INFORMATION SERVICES Publication date Department of Civil Aviation 24 JUN 2016 ATC Operations Building Yangon International airport YANGON 11021, MYANMAR Tel: 95 1 533085 Fax: 95 1 533085/533016 AFTN: VYYYYOYX URL: www.ais.gov.mm mailto: [email protected] AIP 4TH EDITION IMPROVEMENTS AND CORRECTIONS Updated VYYY layout chart; R207 upper/lower limit changed; Prohibited area P31, P33coordinates and Restricted area R32 coordinates changed; VOR/DME PTN and TCL relocated; corrected VYNT OBST TOWER coordinates; Airports with PAPI FAC are: VYYY, VYAN, VYBM, VYHH, VYKG, VYKL, VYME, VYMM, VYNT and VYTD; Changed ground movement control frequency 121.850MHz of VYMD AD 2.18 and VYMD AD 2.20. Several other changes brought to Myanmar AIP 4th Edition consequently to the implementation of a new AIP publication system. Operational changes in AMDT 01/16 of Myanmar AIP 4th Edition: 1. Updated VYYY layout chart 2. R207 upper/lower limit changed 3. Prohibited area P31, P33 coordinates and Restricted area R32 coordinates changed 4. VOR/DME PTN and TCL relocated 5. Airports with PAPI FAC are: VYYY, VYAN, VYBM, VYHH, VYKG, VYKL, VYME, VYMM, VYNT and VYTD 6. Changed ground movement control frequency 121.850MHz of VYMD AD 2.18 and VYMD AD 2.20 Furthermore, the introduction of a new AIP publication system in Department of Civil Aviation Myanmar AIS Office led a number of improvements in layout and in information consistency throughout the AIP. These changes have no operational consequence. Please note that the following changes were introduced without change bar, for readability reasons: 1. Records of new AIP Supplements: times are not displayed any more due to a temporary limitation of the new AIP publication system. 2. Tables and Diagrams are not shown any more in GEN 0.6, ENR 0.6 and AD 0.6. 3. Revision of the location indicators marked with an asterisk (*) in GEN 2.4-1. 4. ENR 3.3: Changed the layout of all route tables and added Navaids elevation. 5. AD 2.8 and AD 2.12 in all airports: apron surface type "Bitumin" is corrected to as "Bitumen". 6. AD 2.3, AD 2.5, AD 2.10 and AD 2.13 in all airports have new layouts. 7. Changed the name of Service Designation in AD 2.18 of all airports for consistency throughout the AIP. 8. Corrected VYNT OBST TOWER coordinates Pecord entry of Amendment on GEN 0.2-1 Record entry of Supplement on page GEN 0.3-1 This amendment incorporates information contained in the following AIC, AIP Supplements and NOTAMs which are hereby cancelled: AIRAC AIP SUPs: Nil AIP SUPs: 11/13 (1-AUG-2013), 12/13 (1-AUG-13) AIC: 01/16 (1-JUL-16) NOTAMs C 0248/13, C0068/14, A0013/14, B0015/14, C0105/14, C0243/14, C0112/15, A0049/16, B0049/16, C0099/16 Department of Civil Aviation AMDT 01/2016 AMDT 01/2016-2 AIP MYANMAR Amended Pages GEN 0.1-3: : replaced. GEN 0.2-1: : replaced. GEN 0.3-1/2: : replaced. GEN 0.4-1/2: : replaced. GEN 0.4-3: : replaced. GEN 1.4-1/2: : replaced. GEN 1.6-1/2: : replaced. GEN 1.7-1/2: : replaced. GEN 1.7-3/4: : replaced. GEN 1.7-5/6: : replaced. GEN 2.3-1/2: : replaced. GEN 2.5-1/2: : replaced. GEN 3.4-1/2: : replaced. GEN 3.4-3/4: : replaced. GEN 3.5-1/2: : replaced. GEN 4.1-1/2: : replaced. ENR 1.1-1/2: : replaced. ENR 1.4-1: : replaced. ENR 2.1-1/2: : replaced. ENR 2.1-3/4: : replaced. ENR 3.1-3/4: : replaced. ENR 3.1-7/8: : replaced. ENR 3.1-9/10: : replaced. ENR 3.1-13/14: : replaced. ENR 3.1-27/28: : replaced. ENR 3.1-37/38: : replaced. ENR 3.1-47/48: : replaced. ENR 3.1-49/50: : replaced. ENR 3.1-51/52: : replaced. ENR 3.3-7/8: : replaced. ENR 3.3-9/10: : replaced. ENR 4.1-1/2: : replaced. ENR 5.1-1/2: : replaced. ENR 5.1-3/4: : replaced. ENR 5.1-5/6: : replaced. AD 0.6-3/4: : replaced. AD 0.6-9/10: : replaced. AD 1.3-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYYY-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYYY-5/6: : replaced. AD 2.VYYY-7/8: : replaced. AD 2.VYYY-LAYOUT: : inserted. AD : inserted. 2.VYYY-LAYOUT.BACKPAGE: VYYY AD 2-15A : : remove. AD 2.VYAN-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYAN-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYAS-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYBG-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYBG-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYBM-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYBM-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYBP-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYBP-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYDW-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYDW-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYDW-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYHH-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYHH-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYHL-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYKG-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYKG-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYKG-5: : replaced. AMDT 01/2016 Department of Civil Aviation AIP MYANMAR AMDT 01/2016-3 AD 2.VYKI-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYKL-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYKL-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYKL-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYKP-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYKT-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYKU-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYKU-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYLK-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYLS-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYLS-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYMD-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYMD-5/6: : replaced. AD 2.VYMD-7: : replaced. AD 2.VYME-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYME-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYMK-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYMK-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYMM-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYMM-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYMM-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYMS-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYMS-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYMW-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYMY-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYMY-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYNT-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYNT-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYNT-5/6: : replaced. AD 2.VYPA-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYPN-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYPN-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYPT-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYPT-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYPU-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYPU-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYPU-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYSW-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYSW-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYSW-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYTD-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYTD-3/4: : replaced. AD 2.VYTD-5: : replaced. AD 2.VYTL-1/2: : replaced. AD 2.VYTL-5: : replaced. Department of Civil Aviation AMDT 01/2016 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP GEN 0.1-3 MYANMAR 1 JAN 15 THE INTEGRATED AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION PACKAGES AIP including Amendments AIC, Checklists and NOTAM and PIB and Supplements Summaries PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 GENERAL (GEN) EN-ROUTE (ENR) AERODROMES (AD) GEN 0 ENR 0 AD 0 GEN 1 ENR 1 AD 1 National Regulations General Rules and Aerodromes/Heliports- and Requirements Procedures Introduction GEN 2 ENR 2 AD 2 Tables and Codes ATS Airspace Aerodromes GEN 3 ENR 3 AD 3 Services ATS Routes Heliports GEN 4 ENR 4 Charges for Radio Navigation Aerodromes/Heliports Aids/Systems and Air Navigation Services ENR 5 Navigation Warnings ENR 6 En-route Charts Department of Civil Aviation AIP AMDT 1/15 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MYANMAR GEN 0.2-1 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~ver-date-2016-06-16T05-54-48-84308 JUL 2016 GEN 0.2 RECORD OF AIP AMENDMENTS AIP AMENDMENT NR/Year Publication date Date inserted Inserted by 01/2016 24 JUN 2016 08 JUL 2016 Department of Civil Aviation AMDT 01/2016 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MYANMAR GEN 0.3-1 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~ver-date-2016-06-16T05-54-48-84308 JUL 2016 GEN 0.3 RECORD OF CURRENT AIP SUPPLEMENTS NR/Year Subject AIP section(s) Period of validity Cancellation record affected 01/2003 RVSM Policy and Procedures in Yangon FIR ENR From 27 NOV 2003 UFN 05/2004 Implementation of RNP10 Airspace in Yangon ENR From 01 SEP 2004 FIR UFN 06/2004 Implementation of Lateral Offset Procedure ENR From 14 OCT 2004 UFN 03/2005 Airspace Structure within Yangon FIR ENR From 01 SEP 2005 UFN 02/2007 Implementation of ATFM Procedures ENR From 24 JUL 2006 UFN 31/2009 Bypass procedure to alleviate bunching of ENR From 07 DEC 2009 flights on L759 over the Bay of Bengal during UFN the ATFM period. 02/2011 Yangon FIR - Landing Clearance GEN From 30 MAY 2011 UFN 03/2011 Yangon FIR - Ground Handling Service GEN From 30 MAY 2011 UFN 04/2011 Yangon FIR - Arrival Visa Counter GEN From 30 MAY 2011 UFN 01/2013 Yangon Airport - Vacating Runway AD From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 02/2013 Yangon Airport - Departure Procedure AD From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 03/2013 Yangon Airport - ACFT Taxi AD From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 04/2013 Yangon Airport - ATC Procedure ENR From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 05/2013 Yangon Airport - Helicopter Taxi Procedure AD From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 06/2013 Yangon Airport - Push back/ Start/ Taxi AD From 01 AUG 2013 Procedure UFN 07/2013 Yangon FIR - AFTN Address ENR From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 08/2013 Yangon FIR - Mach Capability ENR From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 09/2013 Yangon FIR - Contingency Routes ENR From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 10/2013 Yangon FIR - Over Flight Clearance GEN From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 13/2013 Yangon FIR - New Flight plan Format GEN From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 14/2013 Bagan Airport - ACFT Stand AD From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 15/2013 Mandalay Airport - ATC Procedure ENR From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 16/2013 Mandalay Airport - PSR AD From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 17/2013 Mandalay Airport - High Tension AD From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 18/2013 Naypyitaw Airport - New Terminal/Apron AD From 01 AUG 2013 UFN 02/2015 Implementation of RNP10 Operations (50 NM AD From 12 NOV 2015 Longitudinal Separation) on RNAV Routes UFN L759, M770, L301, N895, P646, L507, M626, M502, P762, L515 03/2015 Establishment of Performance Based AD From 10 DEC 2015 Navigation (PBN) Procedures At UFN Yangon/Mandalay International Airport Department of Civil Aviation AMDT 01/2016 GEN 0.3-2 AIP MYANMAR 08 JUL 2016~~~eaip-amdt~~~ver-date-2016-06-16T05-54-48-843 NR/Year Subject AIP section(s) Period of validity Cancellation record affected 04/2015 Establishment of Performance Based AD From 10 DEC 2015 Navigation (PBN) Procedures At UFN Yangon/Mandalay International Airport 01/2016 Yangon International Airport, RNAV-1 AD From 10 DEC 2015 (GNSS) SIDs and STARs UFN 02/2016 Mandalay International Airport, RNAV-1 AD From 10 DEC 2015 (GNSS) SIDs and STARs UFN 03/2016 Re-Sectorization of
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