RED19 PROJECT GROUP [email protected] SWEDISH HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS The University of Gothenburg is one of around 40 higher education institutions in Sweden. These HEIs can be divided into the following four categories: BROAD RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES University of Gothenburg Linköping University LULEÅ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Lund University Stockholm University Umeå University Uppsala University SPECIALISED RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES Chalmers University of Technology Karolinska Institute UMEÅ UNIVERSITY Luleå Technical University Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm Buisness School (SBS) MID SWEDEN UNIVERSITY* Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) NEW UNIVERSITIES MID SWEDEN UNIVERSITY* Karlstad University *Mid Sweden University Linnæus University has campuses in Östersund Malmö University and Sundsvall Mid Sweden University Örebro University SMALLER REGIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGES Blekinge Institute of Technology Dalarna University College Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College UPPSALA UNIVERSITY Gävle University College SLU Halmstad University KARLSTAD UNIVERSITY ÖREBRO UNIVERSITY KAROLINSKA INSTITUTE, KTH, SBS Jönköping University STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY Kristianstad University College Mälardalen University College Red Cross University College of Nursing LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY Royal College of Music, Stockholm Royal Institute of Art Sophiahemmet University College UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG Stockholm School of Theology CHALMERS Stockholm University of the Arts Swedish Defence University LINNÆUS UNIVERSITY Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences Södertörn University University College of Arts, Crafts and Design University College West University of Borås LUND UNIVERSITY University of Skövde MALMÖ UNIVERSITY 2 Almost all HEIs in Sweden are part of the state-governed higher education system and regulated as public authorities (myndigheter). The boards and Vice-Chancellors are appointed by the government. Decision-making within universities is seen as an exercise of public authority and must follow the principle of public access. Each year, the Minister or State Secretary of Higher Education and Research meets with University Management, and each year the University receives directives from the government in terms of student production and special assignments. Direct government funding to universities is divided into separate strands – education, research & doctoral education, and special assignments. Universities may not redirect money between the different strands. Aside from government fund- ing, external funding also contributes to research and doctoral education. Each year, the Swedish Government allocates funds for research in the national budget. Approximately half of those funds go directly to HEIs. The rest is allocated to researchers via government research funding bodies and other public authorities. A few Swedish HEIs are foundations, for example Chalmers University of Technology. Unlike state-governed HEIs, Chalmers can own its own buildings, student homes and companies. The procedures for employment are also different, and in some cases simpler, compared to those for state-governed HEIs. Click here to read a summary of Sweden’s research policy bill “Collaborating for knowledge – for society’s challenges and strengthened competitiveness” RESEARCH STANDING The overall quality of Swedish research is considered to be high. The broad research universities, including the University of Gothenburg, are ranked among the top by many ranking institutes, as are many of the specialised research universities (Karolinska Institute, Chalmers and KTH). A more detailed description of the standing of Swed- ish research can be found in the ‘Swedish Research Barometer’, published by the Swedish Research Council every other year. The most recent report is from 2017. Click the image to the right to visit the website and download the PDF. Read the report 3 RESEARCH FUNDING SYSTEM In Sweden, 3.3% of BNP is spent on research and development, which is quite high by international standards. Research conducted at HEIs accounts for approximately 25% of national R&D. RESOURCES FOR R&D IN SWEDEN The figure above shows the financial volume and cash flows, in billion SEK, of the Swedish R&D system in 2015. Financing of R&D can be viewed from two perspectives: allocation by funding body (upper section of the figure), andwhere/by whom the research is conducted (low- er section). As shown, most research funding for HEIs comes from the government, either directly as block grants, or via funding agencies. Discrepencies in total amounts are due to various factors, such as funds being paid to a researcher in a certain year, while only a portion of those funds be- ing used in that same year. Source: Swedish Research Barometer 2017. During the period 2005–2017, government funding for research increased from approximately SEK 24 billion per year to approximately SEK 37 billion per year. About half of government funding is allocated to researchers via state funding bodies, or to public agencies that either distribute research funding or use the funds to conduct their own re- search (e.g. the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute). The proportion of funds that are allocated to funding bodies compared to block funding directly to universities has increased over the years. 4 EXTERNAL RESEARCH FUNDING The figures below illustrate the research in- comes obtained by Swedish HEIs from public and other external sources in 2017. Many Swedish ministries have their own fund- ing body, as described below. Research councils Public foundations All amounts in million SEK 6,421 All amounts in million SEK 1,310 Swedish Research Council 4,966 Strategic Research Foundation 631 Funding body for the Ministry of Knowledge Foundation 338 Education and Research Mistra 132 Foundation for Baltic and East 168 Formas 950 European Studies Funding body for the Ministry of Others 41 Energy and Environment Private foundations Forte 506 All amounts in million SEK 4,715 Funding body for the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Wallenberg foundations (combined) 1,128 Swedish Cancer Society 384 Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation 156 State funding bodies All amounts in million SEK 3,091 Swedish Foundation for Humanities 298 and Social Sciences (RJ) Vinnova 901 Others 2,394 Funding body for the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation EU funding SEK 1,804 million Swedish Energy Agency 716 Other international SEK 776 million State universities and colleges 520 Swedish companies SEK 771 million Sida/SAREC 187 Swedish local authorities SEK 650 million and regions Swedish National Space Agency 82 Others 685 Source: UKÄ Universitet och högskolar årsrapport 2018 (Swedish Higher Education Authority) 5 2017The University of Gothenburg is advancing its position, according to ranking company Times Higher Education, which put us in ninth place on an international top-30 list of effective 2017publishers.The University We ofare Gothenburg also thrilled is about advancing large increasesits position, in accordinggrants. to ranking company TimesJust Higher having Education, passed the which first puthalf-year us in ninthmark placeas a new on anVice-Chancellor, international top-30 I too feel list ofwe effectiveare makingpublishers. great We progress. are also Lastthrilled year’s about advances large increases are a result in grants. of some high-quality contributions, andJust we havingare continuing passed theto strengthen first half-year our strategicmark as abilitya new furtherVice-Chancellor, in the areas I too of feeleducation we are and research.making great progress. Last year’s advances are a result of some high-quality contributions, THEandIn weorderUNIVERSITY are to continuing develop the to strengthenUniversity asour an strategic employer, OF ability we GOTHENBURGcreatedfurther in a thenew areas structure of education for our and systematicresearch. work environment management. It should be easy to make positive changes when problemsIn order arise. to develop Student the influence University received as an employer, high priority we increated 2017, aand new will structure continue for to our do so. The UniversitysystematicNow let of uswork Gothenburg close environment the books has management.for 38,000 2017 and students look It should ahead. across be We easy 39are to departmentsof make course positive anticipating in changes eight both faculties when that cover Business,challengesproblems Humanities,arise. and reasonsStudent toinfluenceIT, be Fine-, proud received Applied-,and happy. high and Personally,priority Performing in 2017,I look and forwardArts, will Science, continueto an in-depth toMedicine, do so. Social Sciencesdiscussion andNow Educational let usof closethe role the Sciences.of books universities for 2017 in society.and look ahead. We are of course anticipating both challenges and reasons to be proud and happy. Personally, I look forward to an in-depth In 2017,discussion the total of income the role wasof universities SEK 6.5 in billion, society. of which around SEK 4 billion was for research and research education, and SEK 2.5 billion for basic education. External grants for research amounted to around SEK 1.9 billion. There were 6.2 thousand employees, including 1,800 PhD Eva Wiberg students.Vice-Chancellor 271 students received their doctoral degree and a further 327 doctoral students were newly admitted.Eva Wiberg The University offered 1,400 courses and 180 programmes,
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