1 1 ISSN 0252–9742 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS E A T C S Number 98 June 2009 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 C E A T C S P:G A I V P:B M G D S U K P S G T:D J B B E:M S S L A I M M I K A T N M N D P-L C F C P F J D´ S D P I Z´ É H V S U K F F N Jˇ´ S C R G F. I I A T P J K¨ F W T G R E. L USA I W G J L T N E W S E M I G W¨ T N P P: M N (1972–1977)M P (1977–1979) A S (1979–1985)G R (1985–1994) W B (1994–1997)J D´ (1997–2002) M N (2002–2006) 3 3 4 4 EATCS C M Luca Aceto . [email protected] Giorgio Ausiello . [email protected] Krzysztof Apt . [email protected] Pierre-Louis Curien . [email protected] Josep Díaz . [email protected] Zoltán Ésik . [email protected] Fedor Fomin . [email protected] Giuseppe F. Italiano . [email protected] Dirk Janssens . [email protected] Juhani Karhumäki . [email protected] Richard E. Ladner . [email protected] Jan van Leeuwen . [email protected] Eugenio Moggi . [email protected] Burkhard Monien . [email protected] Madhavan Mukund . [email protected] Mogens Nielsen . [email protected] Catuscia Palamidessi . [email protected] David Peleg . [email protected] Don Sannella . [email protected] Vladimiro Sassone . [email protected] Jiríˇ Sgall . [email protected] Maria Serna . [email protected] Paul Spirakis . [email protected] Andrzej Tarlecki . [email protected] Wolfgang Thomas . [email protected] Ingo Wegener . [email protected] Emo Welzl . [email protected] Gerhard Wöeginger . [email protected] 4 4 5 5 Bulletin Editor: Maria Serna, Barcelona, Spain Cartoons: DADARA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands The bulletin is entirely typeset by TEX and CTEX in TX. The Ed- itor is grateful to Uffe H. Engberg, Hans Hagen, Marloes van der Nat, and Grzegorz Rozenberg for their support. All contributions are to be sent electronically to [email protected] and must be prepared in LATEX 2ε using the class beatcs.cls (a version of the standard LATEX 2ε article class). All sources, including figures, and a reference PDF version must be bundled in a ZIP file. Pictures are accepted in EPS, JPG, PNG, TIFF, MOV or, preferably, in PDF. Photographic reports from conferences must be arranged in ZIP files layed out according to the format described at the Bulletin’s web site. Please, consult http://www.eatcs.org/bulletin/howToSubmit.html. We regret we are unfortunately not able to accept submissions in other for- mats, or indeed submission not strictly adhering to the page and font layout set out in beatcs.cls. We shall also not be able to include contributions not typeset at camera-ready quality. The details can be found at http://www.eatcs.org/bulletin, including class files, their documentation, and guidelines to deal with things such as pictures and overfull boxes. When in doubt, email [email protected]. Deadlines for submissions of reports are January, May and September 15th, respectively for the February, June and October issues. Editorial decisions about submitted technical contributions will normally be made in 6/8 weeks. Accepted papers will appear in print as soon as possible thereafter. The Editor welcomes proposals for surveys, tutorials, and thematic issues of the Bulletin dedicated to currently hot topics, as well as suggestions for new regular sections. The EATCS home page is http://www.eatcs.org 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 Table of Contents EATCS MATTERS Letter from the President ...................................... 3 Letter from the Editor ........................................ 6 INSTITUTIONAL SPONSORS EATCS NEWS The Japanese Chapter, by K. Makino ............................. 11 News from India, by M. Mukund ................................ 14 News from New Zealand, by C.S. Calude ......................... 16 THE EATCS COLUMNS The Algorithmics Column, by G. Woeginger Algorithms Aspects of the Consecutive-Ones Property, by M. Dom .. 27 The Algorithmic Game Theory Column, by M. Mavronikolas Recents Advances in Approximability of Bimatrix Nash, by S. Kontogiannis, P. Spirakis, and H. Tsaknakis ................... 60 The Complexity Column, by J. Torán Integer Multiplication and the Complexity of Binary Decision Diagrams, by B. Bollig ...................................... 78 The Concurrency Column, by L. Aceto Deriving Labelled Transition Systems A Structural Approach, by J. Rathke and P. Soboci´nski ...................... 107 The Distributed Computing Column, by P. Fatourou Transactional Memory:APrimer for Theorists, by M. Herlihy .... 123 The Formal Specification Column, by H. Ehrig Cospan DPO Approach:An Alternative for DPO Graph Transformations, by H. Ehrig, F. Hermann, and U. Prange ........ 139 The Logics in Computer Science Column, by Y. Gurevich The Logics of Infons, by Y. Gurevich and I. Neeman .............. 150 REPORTS FROM CONFERENCES The British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science (BCTCS 2009), by A. Czumaj, S. Kalvala, and S. Matthews .......... 181 i 7 7 8 8 REPORTS FROM PROJECTS Automata:From Mathematics to Applications, by J.E. Pin and O. Serre .................................................. 214 EATCS LEAFLET . 225 ii 8 8 9 9 EATCS Matters E A T C S 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 Letter from the President Dear EATCS members, First of all let me make an important announcement. The Goedel Prize that is co-sponsored by EATCS and SIGACT, has been assigned this year to the papers "Entropy waves, the zig-zag graph product and new constant degree expanders", by Omer Reingold, Salil Vadhan and Avi Wigderson, Annals of Mathematics, Vol 155, (2002), 157-187, and "Undirected connectivity in Log-Space, by Omer Reingold, Journal of ACM, Vol 55 (4) (2007). These papers have opened the way to new important applications of graph expanders and to the solution of various long standing open problems. This year the Prize will be presented at STOC. The program of ICALP 2009 is now ready. It is an excellent program, both for the high quality of the contributed papers and for the large number of scientific events, like the presentation of the EATCS Award to Gerard Huet, the special event for Christos Papdimitriou, and the invited talks by Georg Gottlob, Thomas Henzinger, Kurt Mehlhorn, Noam Nisan. The conference, chaired by Susan Albers (Track A), Wolfgang Thomas (Track B) and Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela and Yossi Matias (co-Chairs of Track C), will be again a great success. The Conference will also host four satellite workshops: ALGOSENSORS 2009 (5th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks), DCM 2009 (5th International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models), FOCLASA 2009 (8th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination 3 11 11 12 12 BEATCS no 98 EATCS MATTERS Languages and Software Architectures), QUANTLOG 2009 (Workshop on Quantitative Logics). The General Chairs Paul Spirakis, Elias Koutsoupias, Christos Kaklamanis together with their teams, are doing and excellent job. For more information please look at ICALP 2009 web site: http://icalp09.cti.gr/. Hurry up to register! We hope to see most of you in Rhodes. It is worth noting that the ICALP Prooceedings this year will appear in a new 'subline' of LNCS that has been initiated by Springer upon stimulus from EATCS and ETAPS. The name of the series is Advanced Research in Computing and Software Science. The new series will host proceedings of a few high profile conferences in the domain of theoretical computer science and software science, primarily, but not exclusively, proceedings of conferences promoted by EATCS and ETAPS. Also the organization of ICALP 2010 is progressing. In Rhodes you will have the chance to see the first Call for Papers with the indication of program committees and invited speakers. At ICALP also bids for ICALP 2011 and (exceptionally) for ICALP 2012 will be presented. Come to the General Assembly if you want to know more. Before concluding let me also inform you about a very important project that EATCS will launch this year in Rhodes. Based on the preliminary discussion we had last year the EATCS Council has finally approved the creation of a new prize for young researchers. The award is named after Mojzesz Presburger who accomplished his work on decidability of the theory of addition (which today is called Presburger arithmetic) as a student in 1930. 4 12 12 13 13 The Bulletin of the EATCS Nominations for the Presburger Award can be submitted by any member of the scientific community except the nominee and his/her advisors for the master thesis and the doctoral dissertation. Nominated scientists should be at most 35 years at the time of the deadline of nomination. The Call for the 2010 Presburger Award will be issued in the Fall 2009. Sincere greetings to all of you. Giorgio Ausiello, Rome June 2009 5 13 13 14 14 Letter from the Bulletin Editor Dear Reader, Welcome to the June 2009 issue of the Bulletin of the EATCS. Our columns deliver the usual richness and variety of interesting contents. We start with a survey on algorithmics aspects of the consecutive-ones property for binary matrices (“Algorithmics Column”), and proceed through an analysis of the state-of-the-art in approximability of bimatrix Nash equilibria (“Algorithmic Game Theory Column”), followed by a survey of results on the complexity of restricted binary decision diagrams for integer multiplication (“Computational Complexity Column”). An introduction to the recent directions in deriving labelled transition systems (“Concurrency Column”), an overview on Transactional Memory (“Distributed Computing Column”), an excursion on the cospan DPO approach for graph transformations (“Formal Specification Column”), and an overview on the logic of Infons (“Logic in Computer Science Column”).
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