NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER REPORT NUMBER San Franciscans for Real Housing Solutions, No on I 1374554 G15-NOI-02 4. Payments of $100 or More Received Number of continuation sheets attached ____________. IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF DONOR CUMULATIVE AMOUNT DATE RECEIVED EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) RECEIVED (ANNUAL) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) 09/22/15 California Association of Realtors - Issues N/A $200,000 $237,000 Mobilization Political Action Committee Created: 07/2015 S:\ALL FORMS\Campaign Finance\Current Campaign Finance Forms\SFEC Form 162.docx SFEC Form 162 Revised: 07/2015 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER REPORT NUMBER San Franciscans for Real Housing Solutions, No on I 1374554 G15-NOI-02 2. Electioneering Communications Made (CONTINUED) Continuation sheet ____________ of ____________. DATE DESCRIPTION OF ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATION NAME OF CANDIDATE & OFFICE POSITION AMOUNT TOTAL/CANDIDATE (ANNUAL) 10/14/15 Mailer Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $345.80 $71,890.64 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL 10/16/15 Mailer Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $278.85 $72,169.49 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL 10/18/15 E-mail Blast Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $58.01 $72,227.50 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL 10/19/15 Mailer Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $345.80 $72,573.30 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL 10/19/15 Mailer Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $278.85 $72,852.15 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL 10/21/15 Door Hanger Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $16.12 $72,868.27 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL 10/21/15 Mailer Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $229.91 $73,098.18 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL 10/22/15 Mailer Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $691.60 $73,789.78 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL 10/22/15 Newspaper Ad Edwin Lee, Mayor տ SUPPORT $91.73 $73,881.51 տ OPPOSE ✔ տ NEUTRAL տ SUPPORT տ OPPOSE տ NEUTRAL Created: 07/2015 S:\ALL FORMS\Campaign Finance\Current Campaign Finance Forms\SFEC Form 162.docx SFEC Form 162 Revised: 07/2015 on 425 Market Street, 26th Floor PRSRT STD NO US POSTAGE San Francisco, CA 94105 PAID PROP Pacific Print NO HOUSING MORATORIUMI Resources Paid for by San Franciscans for Real Housing Solutions, No on I, sponsored by San Francisco Housing Action Coalition, the San Francisco Alliance for Jobs and Sustainable Growth, the San Francisco Association of Realtors, and housing builders FPPC ID# 1374554. Major funding by California Association of Realtors – Issues Mobilization Political Action Committee and Robert Rosania. Financial disclosures available at sfethics.org The PROP IHOUSING MORATORIUM PROP JUNK SCIENCE behind the The Dangerous Economics the Behind Join the thousands of San Franciscans Housing Moratorium The proponents of Proposition I claim that stopping new housing will somehow result in more who are lining up affordable housing. against Prop I v But the facts are clear: fewer homes will make housing more expensive, not less expensive. Senator Dianne Feinstein Denying that is like denying climate change—it is ignoring basic science—in this case the v SPUR v Mayor Ed Lee science of economics. Less supply, along with the same or increased demand, means prices go v San Francisco v Assemblymember Bay Area Renters up. It is called the law of supply and demand. It isn’t politics; it is economic science. David Chiu Federation v Board of Equalization v San Francisco Member Fiona Ma Chamber of What would Prop I do? Let’s do the math: v Assessor-Recorder Commerce Carmen Chu v San Francisco Police v Supervisor Katy Tang Officers Association v the number of new affordable housing units required to v Supervisor Plumbers and Scott Wiener Pipefitters Local 38 O be built under Prop I v 1 v Supervisor Raoul Wallenberg Mark Farrell Jewish Democratic (minus) the total number of homes that would fail to be built under Club 1,495 v San Francisco Prop I (including hundreds of new affordable homes) Democratic Party v Laborers v International Union Asian Pacific of North America, Democratic Club Less affordable housing and more 2 Local Union 261 v Mission v San Francisco displacement for existing residents (equals) Democratic Club Housing Action v Alice B. Toklas LGBT Coalition 1 Read the full legislation here: sfgov2.org/ftp/uploadedfiles/elections/candidates/Nov2015/MissionBuildingMoratorium_Text.pdf Democratic Club 2 Memo RE: Mission District Housing Moratorium, San Francisco Planning Department, July 2015. v City Democratic Club v SanSa Francisco n Franci YYoYoung Democratssco And many others! It just doesn’t add up. ung DDemocrats Vote SEPTEMEMBERR 111, 2015151 NO on Prop I Ecconnomomisist bllasa ts buiuildinng pausu e '4>4?BBB $#0,7:@>492$:7@?4:9> .:81:=8:=0491:=8,?4:9 City’s top economist finds that Prop I :9:A W will make San Francisco’s housing problem worse. Read it for yourself at www.sfrealhousingsolutions.com/report San Francisco for Real Housing Solutions, No on I PRSRT STD US POSTAGE 反對 提案 425 Market Street, 26th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 PAID 反對暫緩房屋興建 PRECISE Paid for by San Franciscans for Real Housing Solutions, No on I, sponsored by San Francisco Housing Action Coalition, the San Francisco Alliance for Jobs and Sustainable Growth, the San Francisco Association of Realtors, and housing builders FPPC ID# 1374554. Major funding by Robert Rosania and California Association of Realtors Issues Mobilization Political Action Committee. Financial disclosures available at sfethics.org PRINTING AND MAILING ኯ͙؛Ձܛν ޘંܦā֬ގئΝፈޘᎷ 反對 提案 反對暫緩房屋興建 Paid for by San Franciscans for Real Housing Solutions, No on I, sponsored by San Francisco Housing Action Coalition, the San Francisco Alliance for Jobs and Sustainable Growth, the San Francisco Associationciation ofof Realtors, and housing builders FPPC ID# 1374554. Major funding by Robert Rosania and California Association of Realtors Issues Mobilization Political Action Committee. Financial disclosures available at sfethics.orgsfethics.org Όܛኯν؛Ձ ྼ̜ގృԿйΝፈٖޘܦI ೨८ඖ खèյˁ݄ϡݶͅ࠸ደ̅څʶྸʅɿࡵ፟݀ࡵфܶశуۃͥ׃ө êͥܘڅశуèЪ̫љЃʉʴʇé૦ࣗéᙲषʇ࢝é֝ᚼʧ̤ͅфϛӎ ๙ܶèັˁ̹ݨᆛСͅ࠸ደܶêᗊ፟݀ϡསۈI ಐख ࡍ݀֝ࡹϖ̋ۈಐखè͠ߋгڅʉ୯؟ઘؓρЪ̺ϺێI ಐखݶɿᆋᅞધ ˾ཧቶèܶ֝φᆨêˀєͶ়ᏹѫʩࣂèӧᅎ̷ϡгڅԔጜᐵ̒ ࠴ê·څላè๒ࣁʅ୦ϡఢʴࣂࣙ؟ণനʇචཬʐᄭ˕èዘࠔᐢڬՔ়ͅ ᑸՊᙰ࢝ࠗʧ˃è̤˫Ͽ֝ۃˬ I ಐखêቂї֝ࣂʇႪͥ׃өۃͥ ֍ˀ৺ͮᐄêʓᗟͥͻɿᄬˬ I ಐखýӎڅʣʖ໘ ኚгȇ˗͠˫͞Էே̈́၅ I ೨८ ӧϡཋ৯ቂᔘᚺႏғî:-9LHS/V\ZPUN:VS\[PVUZJVT ֝ᑸՊ׃өۃቂႪͥ ᙰ࢝ࠗʧ˃è̤˫Ͽʣ ʓᗟͥͻɿᄬڅʖ໘ ၅ ೨८ οԉїࣵ ˫ᘷνңࣂੂᐁؠ̈́ I ՙ˰༨ͻ̠ᚏք ʹา ѥရ͚ ఖӅᎩêڅ̈αЊᘖУੈᆝਪ݀ܶϷʓᗟͥྸұ ቂኍ̤ʔಐखθ̂!ZMNV]VYNM[W\WSVHKLKMPSLZLSLJ[PVUZJHUKPKH[LZ5V]4PZZPVU)\PSKPUN4VYH[VYP\TF;L_[WKM ࠸ደܶ˄శуϿ͵êĔͅ࠸ደܶբᏼဈ࠲è৸ݭϷܿ֝ͅנͥڅϿ݀ڼɿࡵజء੫ èʆྒྷɿˊϷ˘̈ʐ˘̆ê 反對 提案ܯ˚ӟཋ֝੫ᔩݰ᎘ੈڋèĕ θϐశîO[[W!^^^ZMYLHSOV\ZPUNZVS\[PVUZJVTLUKVYZLTLU[Zڅᄚ˫̠࠲࿌ᝃੈڋቂኍ̤ʔˬ0ಐख ॳ༲Ԁʓᗟͥфܶᖆè֝ˬ0ಐख̥́êʓᗟͥܶнᑸຽéʓᗟͥౝ 反對暫緩房屋興建 ᑸຽéʓᗟͥϚୖʇքè֝ܶ݀௫ੌ-77*0+ۃ֝ͅݡᚯᅎ Paid for by San Franciscans for Real Housing Solutions, No on I, sponsored by San Francisco Housing Action Coalition, the San Francisco Alliance for Jobs and Sustainable Growth, the San Francisco Association of ኍê Realtors, and housing builders FPPC ID# 1374554. Major funding by Robert Rosania and California Association of Realtors Issues Mobilization Political Action Committee. Financial disclosures available at sfethics.orgދդв9VILY[9VZHUPH֝:L[O4HSSLUê˚ෆ৸ੁཋअͅϛZML[OPJZVYNۂᗹѫê̠࠲ཋ on 425 Market Street, 26th Floor PRSRT STD NO San Francisco, CA 94105 US POSTAGE PAID PROP Pacific Print NO HOUSING MORATORIUMI Resources Paid for by San Franciscans for Real Housing Solutions, No on I, sponsored by San Francisco Housing Action Coalition, the San Francisco Alliance for Jobs and Sustainable Growth, the San Francisco Association of Realtors, and housing builders FPPC ID# 1374554. Major funding by California Association of Realtors – Issues Mobilization Political Action Committee and Robert Rosania. Financial disclosures available at sfethics.org HOLE Chief Economistsays: Chief in their argument in their THERE’S A A THERE’S The City’s The City’s FEWER HOMES MEAN HIGHER RENTS. an Francisco’s Francisco’s Chief Chief Economist took a close look at What does S Prop I—the Housing Moratorium. He found that the Chief Prop I would not protect the renters it’s intended to help. Economist say It’s a double hit. Rents go up and available apartments are harder to get, adding to financial stress. And Prop I won’t do anything to about Prop I? prevent displacements or discourage gentrification. “ The report finds no In fact, Prop I stops the building of 1,500 new homes including evidence that a temporary hundreds of affordable homes—and it doesn’t require building moratorium would New report shows Prop I one single new affordable home. will raise rents and increase evictions. prevent the demolition of existing housing and direct Prop I will make it harder to live—and rent—in San Francisco. displacement of current Join the San Francisco Bay Area Renters’ Federation, Senator Dianne Feinstein, residents, discourage upper-income households Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Ed Lee, the Mission Democratic Club and dozens from moving into the of local leaders and community organizations in saying “No” to Prop I. Mission, or ease rising rents Visit www.SFRealHousingSolutions.com for more information. and housing prices in the neighborhood.” Read the report for yourself “ I rent in the Mission. I oppose Prop I because we need to make it easier, not at: SFRealHousingSolutions. harder, to build new homes. Fewer homes mean higher prices.” com/report — RAFAEL SOLARI, MEMBER OF THE SF BAY AREA RENTERS’ FEDERATION ࢴमགᑺጮच ࠓ ೨८! I City’s Chief Economist Blasts Propositionpositiono I :ࣖᐢዖࣂైѿݤ̴ǹಐख! City’s Chief Economist Report Says Proposition I Wouldנͥ ìಐ˦ܶᄱथ 5DLVHKRXVLQJSULFHV DLOVWRSUHYHQWWKHGLVSODFHPHQWRIFXUUHQWUHVLGHQWV( ᕺ͜ޠìˀ়Տ̋Њͻ 'HFUHDVHWKHDYDLODELOLW\RIUHVRXUFHVIRUDIIRUGDEOH
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