SAINT GEORGENovember 2014 Chaldean Catholic Church Mass Schedule SATURDAY VIGIL: 6:00pm Ramsha, Evening Prayer 6:30pm Mass in English SUNDAY MASS: 8:00am Sapra, Morning Prayer 8:30am Holy Mass in Chaldean 10:00am Holy Mass in Arabic 11:30am Holy Mass in English 1:15pm Holy Mass in Chaldean 7:30pm Holy Mass in English DAILY MASS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10:00am Holy Mass in Chaldean WEDNESDAY 10:00am Holy Mass in Chaldean 7:00pm Holy Mass in English (Visitation with the Holy Eucharist and Confession from 7:30pm to 10:00pm) Announcements Weekly Programs at St. George Church t There are no longer confessions TUESDAYS during the celebration of Mass. 7:00 - 9:00pm Disciples of Christ (DOC) (High School Only) The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Wednesdays WEDNESDAYS @ 7:30pm, Saturdays @ 7:30pm, 7:00 - 7:45pm Holy Mass in English and Sundays @ 8:30pm. 8:00 - 9:00pm College Bible Study (Ages 18 and older) t See the next page to " nd the THURSDAYS Christmas Mass schedule, 6:00 - 8:00pm Circle of Friends (Girls only - Ages 13-17) New Years Mass schedule, and FRIDAYS Epiphany (Baptism of Jesus) Mass 8:00 - 9:30pm Arabic Bible Study and baptism schedule. SATURDAYS "SEPT # MAY$ t Saint George Church would like 10:00 - 1:00pm Communion Group A - Catechism: Kindergarten thru Grade 4 to o# er thanks and gratitude for 3:30 - 6:30pm Communion Group B - Catechism: Grades 5 thru 8 those who have help generously in donating to the Church. All 6:30pm Mass for Communion and Catechism Students your " nancial help was greatly appreciated and needed. Thank St. George Chaldean Catholic Church you. %FRVJOESF3PBEr4IFMCZ5PXOTIJQ .JDIJHBO r'BY TUHFPSHFDIVSDI!DPNDBTUOFU 0GàDF)PVST .POEBZBNQNr5VF'SJBNQNr4BUBNQN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 97*TTZ"97*SE[Wb"T?HT?"]b"E V [ X[ $a &\X\[$. W)W $) _$0 (W !! ! Saint George Chaldean Catholic Church 45700 Dequindre Road, Shelby Township, MI 48317. (586) 254-7221 !=>?@ $% `[ $& G$. % &T[ $ S N% `[ $& G$. % &S$ZW$ O $3 )(H[ $` c*$% `\[ $@ 0 $ \ ` A $=>?@ $*`0 % =@$ !53 0_$3 H ) $% `[ $& G$\ [ $cS>> $]N c &\X[ A$- &T[ $ *8G $$ bS>> $] 2_*[ $7 $$ *8G $@S>> N$] , \Xc A$^ '$Y P? $- &S $$$ RS>> ]N$ c &\X[ $5 [$A ??S>> $] N , \Xc A - &T[ $5 [ $dS>> $]N *H[ A - &T[ $53 0_ $=>? @$*`0 % !=b $$. `$[ $0$ % `[ $& G$) c N$ , \Xc A$53 0_ $cSR> N$] c &\X[ A$*D[ $&H $SSSW $N , \Xc A$5 7 $$ SSSUR $]N *H[ A$5 7 $SRSRR (=>? @$*`0 % $$ TX $$ % `[ !& G $] $ c $H`[ $ c &\W$ *G 5 *C$ $$ STSRR $=>?b $ c [ $ac W >?$ $. `$[ $] $] & &[ $(0[ $- )$b_ $Y $] [ N$ , \Xc A$53 0_ $$ cS>> $] *G$ c % W$- &S $$ WSUR $] 2_*[ $7 $$ WSRR $] c &\W 5 *C$ $$ STSRR $=>?b $ c [ $ac W n$ $3 [ $] c&[ $& G $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$] , \Xc $0 *G$0 c &\W$- &T[ $5 *8G $WSRR $] 2_*[ $7 $5 *8G $$ VSSW $] c &\W $ 7 $$ SRSRR ]N$ \[$-&T`[ $3 `[ $(#$Z@ $ \ $0 \8[ $Z T$3 `[ $V * $=>?b $ c [ $ac W $n$ ' `H[ ! N' `H[ $] $ZS$$] $SR $ZS $\G (0 (X[ $ X_$ O$^\ 0$Y P? $3 [ $\G $A 53 0_ $XSUR $S *D[ $&H $TSRR &KULVWPDV0DVV6FKHGXOH (A Simple Christmas play & Virgin Mary’s Hymn will be presented at all our Christmas Masses) Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24, 201 ! 3pm Kids Mass (English); 4pm Vespers (Ramsha); 5pm Mass in Chaldean; 7pm Mass in Arabic; 9pm Mass in English; 11pm Mass in Chaldean. Christmas "Day, Thursday, December 25, "201 ! 10am Mass in Arabic; 11:30am English; 1:15pm Chaldean; 7:30pm Mass "in English Friday, Dec. 26, 2014, 2 nd day of Christmas, 12:00 Noon Mass in Chaldean & Arabic !"#$%"&'R)$*&+,$-./')0&+,$1&2/&'+$3,$4536 12 Noon Mass in Chaldean; 5pm Ramsha; 5:30pm Mass Chaldean Arabic; 7pm Mass in English Denha d-Maran, Baptism of Jesus, Tuesday, January 6, 2015 10am Mass in Chaldean; 4:15pm Ramsha Vespers; 5pm Mass in Chaldean, Arabic & English (Water blessing and kissing of the cross , bring along your holy water bottles) Baptisms, January 6, 2015 2pm & 6:30pm (Parents must register their children for baptism at least 10 days before the day of their baptism). 2015 ! HWHZHXZ"90HUU\&K#XS<"EJ"*ULVWPDV +DSSa(\1b" ]b":E[Sb";b87HZ<HDU WRDOO $* $ $^c $] G$ZW$& _$% _$& G (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Church Administrators Pastor Msgr. Emanuel Shaleta Vicar Fr. Anthony Kathawa -JMJBO.BOTPS$IVSDI4FDSFUBSZ 3BN[J2BUV)FBEPG4IBNBTIF 3FFN"CSP/BHIBN,PKB%JSFDUPSTPG3FMJHJPVT&EVDBUJPO 'BSPVR(BNVSB4BDSJTUBO 4BN(BTTP1BSJTI$PVODJM1SFTJEFOU 4JTUFS5SFJ[B:BLP$IPJS%JSFDUPS 3JZBEI.BOTPVS1BSJTI$PVODJM7JDF1SFTJEFOU 8JTBN#FIOBN.VTJD%JSFDUPS 3BOB"UUP1BSJTI$PVODJM4FDSFUBSZ5SFBTVSFS 6EBZ+JSKJT.VTJD%JSFDUPS "OHFMT$IPJS /PSSJBI:BTTP$IVSDI5SJQT$PPSEJOBUPS 4UFQIBOJF,FTUP"OHFMT$IPJS%JSFDUPS Pope Benedict said, “O%en we are led to believe that sainthood is Striving for Sainthood reserved to a few chosen ones… saintliness, the fullness of Christian By: Meiada Elias life, does not consist in the achievement of extraordinary feats, but in uniting oneself with Christ… in making His disposition … “Sainthood lies in the habit of referring the smallest actions to God” His behavior … our own. … "e Second Vatican Council, in the (C. S. Lewis). Our invitation to sainthood began at baptism, the way Constitution of the Church, speaks clearly of the universal call to we live our life is the RSVP. We have been put on this earth to out of sainthood, a$rming that no-one is excluded.” Sainthood on earth is God’s love for us, to live a holy life. If you want to be a saint you have our constant “yes” to God’s will. It is receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, to start with the small things. Small things such as praying every day, and sitting in His presence in Adoration. Sainthood goes way beyond going to mass, reading the bible. "ese are just the simple things we the simple things to achieve holiness. It is putting God &rst and can do to be holy. recognizing his presence in our life in every moment in our life. A Saint is someone who has been publically recognized by the Catholics do not pray to saints, we pray through and with them. We Catholic Church that they have entered through heaven. We call use the saints as examples of how to live our life, and intercessors for this canonization, which is the act of being declared a saint. "is our prayers. Use the saints as tools for your journey to sainthood. process can take up to several years, as there are many di#erent things Striving to be a saint can be a rocky road full of temptations, anger, that need to happen for someone to be a canonized saint. However, stumbles, falls, frustration, happiness, joys, smiles, and peace. It is a anyone who enters heaven is a saint. We are all called to be saints, journey that requires Jesus by your side every step of the way. because we are all called for holiness and eternal happiness with God in heaven. It’s just a matter of the way we live our life. Here are some examples of saints: Mother Mary, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. "erese of the Little Flower, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. John, St. "e hard part about the call to holiness is doing holy things when Augustine, St. Paul, St. Anastasia, St. Faustina, among thousands of we do not feel like it. "ere are times in life when we have di$culty others. prioritizing our spirituality over earthly things, such as our job, school exams, etc. But, we receive great graces when we strive holiness Learn about the saints. Read about the saints. Pray with the saints. in times of di$culty or laziness. Choosing purity in temptations, Be a saint. modesty over immodesty, gratitude over jealousy, love instead of hate – that’s what makes you a saint. Patron Saints “If He asks much of you, it is because He knows you can give much.” - Saint John Paul II Patron Saints “I shall do everything for Heaven, my true home.” - Saint Bernadette Remember that " anksgiving Day is a day to give thanks to God for his blessings upon us. Please recite this prayer as a family before you enjoy your " anksgiving meal: eavenly Father, we thank you for all the Hblessings you have given us throughout this year. We thank you for this abundant food that we are about to eat, but most importantly, we are grateful for bringing us together as a family to celebrate this wonderful day. We thank you, Lord Jesus, for making us your children and blessing us abundantly. May the Holy Spirit send forth many more graces in our lives. Please God, remember all those who are alone and hungry. We ask this through the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen. Weddings Baptisms 10/2/14 10/19/14 9/27/14 Jude Daniel Sorisho 10/12/14 Landon Ameel Alhakim Maher Kiryakoos & Vanessa Bajwa Matthew Matti & Karen Samona 9/28/14 Noah Levi Kada 10/12/14 Izzak Hadeer Babbie 10/3/14 10/19/14 9/28/14 Alexander Ryan Qasawa 10/12/14 Eli Luke Yousif Nicholas Hesse & Rita Mansour Jeffrey Bahri & Jod Selou 9/28/14 Jacob Noah Bazi 10/12/14 Joseph Thamir Faraj 10/3/14 10/22/14 9/28/14 Madison Grace Babbie 10/12/14 Jaden Joseph Jajo Ammar Noah & Verna Issa Bahaa Najem & Nasma Jarbooa 9/28/14 Adriana Rana Asker 10/12/14 Gabriella Ann Jajo 10/5/14 10/23/14 10/4/14 Grace Rose Kizy 10/12/14 Isabella Rose Allisha Dustin Bassi & Olivia Bahri Revan Alsafar & Sara Essa 10/5/14 Francis Feras Abro 10/12/14 Selina Salwan Noah 10/5/14 10/24/14 10/5/14 Preston John Aboona 10/19/14 Roydon Randy Arkan Lovin Tika & Rivian Marougi Saad Matti & Tara Yousif 10/5/14 Pierre Nazeer Shamasha 10/19/14 Zoe Rose Pellerito 10/5/14 10/26/14 10/5/14 Aidan Isaac Allawerdi 10/19/14 Khloe Korkis Duriad Sawasa & Sura Albanna Adday Sitto & Crystal Salem 10/5/14 Scarlett Rose Tebeau 10/19/14 Adrianna Evan Ibrahim 10/8/14 10/26/14 10/5/14 Harper Helen Moshe 10/19/14 Lourdes Sarab Korkis Christian Olvera & Siobhan Shounia Christopher Dalal & Raghda Konja 10/5/14 Faith Trinity Hermiz 10/9/14 10/26/14 10/5/14 Angelina A.
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