CNI PUBLICATIONS 46 THE CARLSBERG PAPYRI 16 THE LAMENTATIONS OF ISIS AND NEPHTHYS INDICES ANDREA KUCHAREK MARC COENEN MUSEUM TUSCULANUM PRESS CNI Publications 46 The Carlsberg Papyri 16 The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys. Indices © 2021 Museum Tusculanum Press and the authors Layout and cover design: Janus Bahs Jacquet Printed in Denmark by Frederiksberg Bogtrykkeri A/S ISBN 978 87 635 4683 6 (text volume and indices sold together) ISSN 0902 5499 (CNI Publications) ISSN 0907 8118 (The Carlsberg Papyri) CNI Publications is a peer-reviewed series These indices were originally intended to appear in the text volume The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys. Fragmentary Osirian Papyri, Part I, but were left out through a pre-printing error. They appear instead in this separate booklet, which is included with the main volume and is also available in digital form at www.mtp.dk/cni/46/indices. Published and distributed by Museum Tusculanum Press Rådhusvej 19 2920 Charlottenlund Denmark www.mtp.dk The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys Fragmentary Osirian Papyri, Part I VIII Indices Deities and epithets 370 Persons 371 Royal 371 Private 371 Modern (Sellers, collectors) 373 Titles 373 Toponyms, including Temples and Tombs 373 Objects 375 Papyri, Ostraca and Mummy Bandages 378 Texts 383 Words and Phrases 388 Keywords 388 Museum Tusculanum Press · 2021 370 Indices Deities and epithets Amset : 125, 128, 130 Osiris-Iah-Thoth : 77 Amun(-Re) : 60, 77, 79, 80, 105, 106, Osiris Khontamenti : 9, 14, 24, 48, 49, 107, 108, 114, 117, 118, 119, 130, 138, 106, 135, 149, 183, 184, 195, 196, 220, 201, 245, 246, 254, 256, 261, 265, 266 229, 230, 237, 239, 254, 271 Atum : 11, 21, 39, 173, 230, 237-238, Osiris-Sokar : 24, 37, 107, 264 244, 246 Ptah : 24, 107, 185, 216, 220, 224, 267 Apis : 112, 114 Ptah-Sokar : 107 Bastet : 238 Ptah-Sokar-Osiris : 34, 44, 49, 51, 53, 54, Duamutef : 125, 128, 130, 237 55, 112, 124, 133 Hapi (son of Horus) : 125, 128 Qebehsenuef : 125, 128 Hapi (inundation) : 220 Re-Harakhte : 107, 130 Harsiese : 24, 38, 185, 201, 268 Satet : 21, 175, 246 Hathor : 111, 112, 208, 228, 238, 240, Sekhmet : 18, 24, 29, 37, 138, 164, 185, 242, 248, 260 219, 220, 266-267 Horus : passim Sepa : 17, 39, 162, 215 Isis : passim Seshat : 143, 204 Khentekhtai : 17, 29, 163, 215, 216, 217 Seth : passim Khnum : 138-139, 200, 238 Shentait : 210, 295 Khonsu : 107, 116, 129, 142, 221, 237 Shu : 20, 170, 237-238, 240, 250 Khonsu-in-Thebes Neferhotep : 107 Sokar : 18, 28, 29, 56-57, 107, 143, 163, Khonsu-Shu : 107 204, 220, 239 Khontamenti : 17, 20, 169, 230 Sokar-Osiris : 57, 59, 107, 123, 200, 239 Maat : 242 Soknebtynis : 41, 96 Mehit : 255 Sons of Horus : 57, 105, 123, 124-125, Mehit-Tefnut : 255 128, 135, 136, 137, 138, 271 Min : 125, 128, 129, 135, 136, 142, 203, Sothis : 12, 175, 241, 246 260 Tefnut : 237, 241, 242, 250, 255 Montu : 116, 139 Thoth : 11, 13, 21, 23, 25, 29, 36, 58, Nefertem : 18, 29, 164, 219, 220 61, 172, 180, 188, 230, 240, 250, 251, Neith : 12, 22, 28, 178, 224, 225, 248, 253, 254, 266 298 Wennefer : 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, Nekhbet : 23, 182, 248 154, 161, 165, 168, 170, 176, 180, 184, Nephthys : passim 213-214, 232, 235, 236, 238 Nut : 19, 24, 30, 122, 123, 124, 128, 130, 135, 137, 139, 166, 183, 184, 225, 239, Jwnj : 31, 32, 36, 37, 140, 141, 151, 154, 250, 276, 298 172, 181, 185, 203, 243, 253, 268, 287 Osiris : passim jḥjj (nfr) : 37, 152, 158, 160, 171, 179, Persons 371 186, 203, 204, 206, 211, 216, 220, 228, nfr-ḥr : 220 242, 247, 249, 257, 269, 293 nswt n rḫjt : 165, 224 jtjj (nfr) : 31, 32, 97, 100, 143, 152, 154, Ḥr-nḏ-jt=f : 256 156, 157, 158, 161, 165, 167, 169, Ḥr-nḏ-ḥr-jt=f-sꜢ-Ꜣst Ꜥpr <m> st wrt ḥrj jb 171, 173, 176, 179, 182, 186, 187, Jpw : 125 190, 203, 204, 206, 208, 211, 212, 214, Ḥr-sꜢ-Ꜣst (see Harsiese) 216, 220-221, 223, 227, 233, 242, 247, Ḫwjt : 29, 216 249, 265, 267, 269, 270, 272-273, 289, Ḫntj-ẖtjj (see Khentekhtai) 293-294 sꜢ Nwt : 183, 184, 258, 263 jtjj m WꜢḏ-wr : 220 sꜢ<t> nṯr : 49, 195, 297 jtjj (n) smdt : 244 Skr ḥrj-jb Jpw : 123, 124, 135 Wsjr NꜢrf : 238 St : passim Wsjr Ns-mdw : 138 kꜢ wr : 29, 215, 217 Wsjr ḫntj-jꜢbt : 297 Km(-wr) : 29, 162, 215 nb jꜢbtt : 49, 195, 255, 297 Persons Royal Jrt-rw I (mother of owner of TT Alexander IV : 50, 131, 145 414/664) : 132 Amenirdis I : 275 Jrt-Ḥr-jr=w : 125 Augustus : 50 WꜢḥ-jb-RꜤ I (brother of owner of TT Cleopatra VII : 116 414/664) : 133 Hadrian : 42, 275 Wsjr-wr : 118 Ptolemaios III : 51, 116 Wsjr-wr (brother of owner of Munich Ptolemaios IV : 116 1624?) : 125 Ptolemaios VI : 251 PꜢ-wrm sꜢ Qjqj : 76-80, 119, 189 Ptolemaios VIII : 116 PꜢ-ḫꜢꜤ-s : 63 Ramesses III : 115 PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw (father of owner of pBM Tutankhamun : 107 9916) : 105, 106, 107, 114, 117, 119 PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw II (G 56/57; owner of TT Private 414/664) : 130, 132, 133 Ꜣst-wrt (owner of pLeiden T 31) : 83-84, PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw V (G 61) : 131-132, 133 150 PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw (G 62) : 133 Ꜣst-wrt (mother of owner of BM 29776) : PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw VI : 133 124 PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw (father of owner of pOxford Ꜣst-m-Ꜣḫ-bjt (TT 414?) : 116 Ashmolean Museum 1878.237a) : 116 Jrt-rw : 119 PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw (G 6) : 116 372 Indices PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw (owner of pBM 10319) : 119 Ns-Mnw (father of owner of BM 29779) : PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw (father of owner of oLeiden 136 336) : 120 Ns-Ḥr : 125 PꜢ-ḫr-Ḫnsw (son of Jmn-nb-nswt-tꜢwj Ns-Ḫnsw : 116, 119 III) : 133 Ns-Tfnt : 119 PꜢ-snḏm-jb-nꜤš : 128, 129-130 Hr=s-n=s : 139 PꜢ-šrj-tꜢ-jḥt : 118 Ḥr-sꜢ-Ꜣst : 118 PꜢ-qꜤs : 63 Ḥr-rsnt (owner of Munich 1624) : 125 PꜢ-dj … (original owner of pBM 9916) : H̱ rd-Ꜥnḫ (mother of owner of pBM 9916) : 117-118 106, 117, 119 PꜢ-dj-Jmn-nb-nswt-tꜢwj I (father of owner SṯꜢ-Jmn-gꜢw (father of owner of Bergé Lot of TT 414/664) : 132, 133 99) : 138 PꜢ-dj-Jmn-nb-nswt-tꜢwj III (son of owner Qjqj : 76, 79-80, 119 of TT 414/664) : 132, 133 TꜢ-p<Ꜣ>-mdw (mother of owner of Bergé PꜢ-dj-ꜤšꜢ-ḫt : 117 Lot 99) : 138 PꜢ-dj-Ꜥs (G 79) : 114 TꜢ-nt-rwd/TꜢ-rwḏ : 49, 60-64, 195 PꜢ-dj-Mḥjt : 116, 117-119 TꜢ-ḫꜢꜤ-ꜤꜢ : 60, 64, 150 Prss : 48, 49, 51, 53, 60, 61-64, 150, 178, TꜢ-ḫꜢꜤ-s : 63 195 TꜢ-ḫj-bjꜢ : 80 Psmṯk (father of owner of BM 29776) : TꜢ-šrjt-<n->Mḥjt (mother of owner of 124 Munich 1624) : 125 Mr-Tfnt : 119 TꜢ-šrjt-<n->tꜢ-jḥt : 83-84, 150, 202 Mḥjt-m-wsḫt (mother of owner of BM TꜢ-qꜤs : 63 29779) : 136 TꜢ-dj-PꜢ-wrm : 77 NꜢj-nꜢj : 60-64, 204 TꜢ-dj-Ḥr-pꜢ-ẖrd : 62 Nbt-wḏꜢt (owner of BM 29779) : 136 TꜢ-dj-Ḫnsw-jj (mother of owner of Nbt-ḥwt-jj.tj : 118, 119 RISD 38.206.2) : 129 Nḥm-sj-RꜤt-tꜢwj : 119 ṮꜢ-Ḥp-jm=w : 115 Nḥm-s-RꜤt-tꜢwj (wife of owner of TT Ḏd-Ḥr : 51, 130, 134 414/664) : 132, 133 Ḏd-Ḥr (possibly father of PꜢ-wrm) : 80 Ns-pꜢ-mdw : 118 Ḏd-Ḥr (owner of BM 29776) : 124 Ns-pꜢ-mdw (owner of Bergé Lot 99) : 138 Ns-pꜢwtj-tꜢwj : 117-119 Ἰθορωυς : 119 Ns-Mnw : 120, 125 Περσαϊς : 63 Ns-Mnw (owner of pBM 9916) : 105-107 Περσίς : 63 Ns-Mnw (father of owner of Munich Πχορχωνσις : 119 1624) : 125 Ταμητ : 138 Ns-Mnw (owner of RISD 38.206.2) : Ταρατις : 63 129-130 Τικας : 63 Titles 373 Modern (Sellers, collectors) Meux (Lady), Valerie Susan : 112, 126- Anastasi, Giovanni : 81, 101, 108 127 von Bissing, Friedrich Wilhelm : 124 Moss, Robert Johnston : 123, 133 Boone, H. : 65, 71 Murray, Charles Augustus : 69 Boone, Thomas and William : 65 d’Orbiney, Elizabeth : 69 Boyd, Robert : 136 Passalacqua, Giuseppe : 43, 44, 45, 49, Bremner, David : 144 50, 53, 63 Chester, Greville John : 65 Purnell, B. : 66 Hearst, William Randolph : 126 Rhind, Alexander Henry : 144 Ingram, Walter Herbert : 126-127 Salt, Henry : 66, 114 Libri, Guglielmo : 65 Sams, Joseph : 66 Malcolm, T.J. : 66 Simonides, Constantin : 66, 69 Mayer, Joseph : 66 Stobart, Henry : 66 Titles jḥjt n Jmn-RꜤ : 116, 132 smꜢtj Mnw : 136 jḥjt n Mnw : 125, 129 smꜢtj hm-nṯr Mnw Ḥr Ꜣst : 125, 142 jt-nṯr ḥm-nṯr n Jmn n Jpt-swt : 116 smꜢtj ḥm-nṯr 2nw Mnw : 129, 130 wṯs-RꜤ jmj-rꜢ wꜤb Sḫmt : 138-139 smꜢtj ḥm-nṯr 2nw Mnw ḥm-nṯr Ḫnsw : ḥm-nṯr tpj Jmn : 117, 118 129, 130, 142 ḥrj <jmjw> wnwt n Jmn (nswt nṯrw) : smꜢtj ḥrj šsr n Mnw Ḥr Ꜣst n Jpw : 125 105, 106, 107, 117, 119, 132 sš bjꜢt : 132, 133 ẖrjt Qbt : 60 gmḥt ꜤꜢt m Gbtjw-tꜢwj : 60 smꜢtj : 125, 134, 142 Toponyms, including Temples and Tombs Abusir el-Meleq : 50 Behbeit el-Hagar : 223 Abydos : passim Bubastis : 223 Akhmim : passim Busiris : passim Aswan : 6, 122, 138 Coptos : 60, 61, 223 Athribis : 28, 29, 33, 63, 215, 216 Dendera : 107, 200, 204, 209, 210, 214, Bahariya : 252 215, 217, 222, 223, 225, 228, 232, 237, Bahr Yussuf : 235 239, 241, 244, 245, 246, 252, 259, 267 Bakhu mountain : 254 374 Indices Osiris Chapel Est 1 Lamentations : 6, Tebtynis : passim 143 Thebes : 6, 23, 34, 37, 41-42, 49-50, 52, Dep : 23, 36, 181 57, 58, 59-60, 61, 66, 76, 79, 80, 83, Elephantine : 9, 91, 138-139, 221, 260, 101, 104, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 269, 280 117, 119, 120, 122, 128, 131, 136, 138, Elkab : 240 144, 182, 232, 245, 252 Esna : 52, 200, 238 Deir el-Bahari : 127, 139 Fayum : 18, 28, 164, 220, 235 Deir el-Medina : 42, 58-59, 60, 76, Hawara : 109 107, 115 Heliopolis : 23, 29, 36, 39, 77, 92, 181, Djeme : 52, 131 239, 240, 252, 285 Karnak : 25, 76-80, 114, 116, 119, Heracleopolis magna : 235, 238, 252 130, 139, 189, 217, 278, 285 Hermopolis magna : 143 temple of Montu : 116 Khemmis : 23, 36, 181 temple of Khonsu : 116, 221 Medamud : 275 Khokha : 41 Meir : 41, 109, 112 Medinet Habu : 111, 115, 131, 275 Memphis : 13, 24, 25, 29, 37, 41, 49, 50, Upper Busiris : 20, 170, 235 51, 52, 92, 138, 183, 184, 191, 220, 252, 257, 263, 264, 267, 285 Ꜣḫ-bjt : 181, 255 Naref : 23, 37, 182, 238, 252, 257 jꜢt nṯrj : 223 Nedit : 20, 170, 235, 236 jꜢt nṯrjt : 239 Oxyrhynchos : 23, 37, 51, 183, 257, 258- jꜢt-kk : 171, 235, 237-240 259, 260, 264 Jpt-swt
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