June 2021 A FOCAL POINT Issue No. 248 PORT VINCENT — South Australia PVPA REPORT JUNE 2021 As we put on the extra layer of clothes, and turn up the heater, the reality that winter is here starts to set in A lot of con- versaon is revolving around #u $abs, and the queson of &have you had a Covid Vaccinaon( or are you going to( )* Covid connues to rear its head As lucky as we are to live in Australia; ,t appears the virus is here to stay, and the new way of going out, and checking in everywhere, is a regular daily -xture in all our lives ,t was good to see so .any a/end the public .eengs regarding the C012 Proposal for Port Vincent , hope that everyone a3ected returned their surveys to the 4P Council, and were able to access the 5 6 A docu.ents on the 4P Council website, or a hard copy fro. the Port Vincent Newsagency 0e expect to hear .ore regarding this proposal a7er the 8 th 9une Council 1eeng :please refer Page 3 for .ore details) Big congratulaons to the 0ater Tower 1ural Co..i/ee who should be very proud of their achieve.ent last .onth, with the co.pleon of the painng of the 0ater Tower The bright colours can be seen fro. quiet a distance – and will de-nitely encourage passing traffic to detour through our fabulous town The Port Vincent Progress Associaon is hosng a &9ingle in 9uly* event at the ,nstute This will be a three course dinner and live entertain.ent by &2quirrel Grip* on 2aturday 24 th 9uly Keep a look out for further informa5on and 5c4et sales 6limited 5c4ets are available7. 0e are doing a shout out(( 0E NEEC 4ODEEEE Gala Cay 2022 planning is in full swing( with an altered for.at planned 0e are looking for volunteers to assist in the planning along the way ,f you can o3er your assistance, no .a/er what skills you have, we can -nd a $ob for youE 1any hands .ake light work- so if you can help out please contact pvpaeventsGg.ail co. or contact a co..i/ee .e.ber 8ichelle 1wel9ree P/PA PRES,DEN1 1han4 you to AdBe Photography for the above photo of our town . 1his is one of the many photos ta4en by Adam during the pain5ng of the tower. Port /incent Progress Associa5on Web Address: www.portvincent.org.au 2ecretary : portvincentprogressGg.ail co. President I Vice: pvpapresidentGg.ail co. Treasurer: pvpatownofficeGg.ail co. Co..unity Events: pvpaeventsGg.ail co. A FREE publicaon kindly printed by the Narungga Electoral Office for the Port Vincent Progress Associaon Editor: Sue Hall - Email: [email protected]— Ph 0413 057 992 - Web Address: www.portvincent.org.au Editor’s Comments ,n 1ay , a/ended the funeral of a very dear 85 year old friend, a3econately known as 1rs T , have known 1rs T since .y teenage years 2he was the .other of one of .y school friends, and also a great friend to .y .other Listening to the stories being related by her fa.ily and friends the underlying thread throughout was that 1rs T was a perpetual learner Ler philosophy was not to $udge others, or even have an expectaon that she could change their opinions 2he did not cricise, she was always willing to listen and learn fro. those she ca.e into contact with 2he learnt a lot fro. life*s experiences, both as a rural far.er*s daughter, and then as the wife and business partner of an Adelaide based real estate agent 2he had an open heart and an open .ind 2he was a truly inspiraonal person , o7en speak of Mlearning so.ething new every dayN, and like to ask .y teenage grandchildren MCan you teach .e so.ething , don*t already know)N , have found that the Mhow did your day go at school)N usually gets an inaudible grunt as a response, but challenging the. to teach .e so.ething gets the. to interact, and , have to say , have learnt quite a lot fro. these young peopleE Reading through this .onth*s A Pocal Point, it is evident that the acvies o3ered by our local groups certainly not only o3er the opportunity to socialise, but also to gain knowledge and understanding Thank you to Trish for her arcle on the Ventnor Lotel 2ocial Club on Page 15 This social club has been working for our co..unity for .any years, and raises .uch needed funds for 4orke Peninsula charies Page 14 has infor.aon on the Biggest 1orning Tea, and Page 18 has details on how you can assist at the Visitor ,nfor.aon Office This is an opportunity to .eet travellers fro. around Australia, and perhaps even fro. overseas :once COV,C restricons are eased) This is a really interesng volunteering experience, and one which , a. sure all the volunteers -nd very rewarding ,f you are not per.anently based in Port Vincent there are .any avenues available for you to volunteer 1aybe you have so.e special talents to share) , know fro. .y experience that you will de-nitely be enriched with new knowledge and experiences These roles don*t necessarily have to be per.anent roles As an exa.ple, several townspeople have been assisng Alan 9ones :our historian) with infor.aon for the updated &Port VincentSPort to Pleasure Resort* book A big thank you to anyone who has been involved in this pro$ect Alan has done an a.aTing $ob to date The Progress Associaon hope to have the book ready for release on 1st 9anuary 2022 Another a.aTing group of volunteers are in the inial stages of wring tours of our town, with the hope that these tours will be available to the general pubic in the .onths ahead There will be further infor.aon on how to volunteer as a tour guide in the co.ing edions of the A Pocal Point Page 14 has a s.all arcle on one of the town*s incredible MunsungN volunteers Cani has been involved with the Port Vincent Library Cepot for over 10 years, taking over fro. 1argaret Braithwaite This is a vital service to our co..unity A big thank you to Cani for her co..it.ent to providing this i.portant service The Port Vincent Progress Associaon, and so.e concerned residents, are sll working with the relevant authories to establish a deceleraon lane at the northern entrance to our township, to enhance safety for road users There has been a lot of correspondence between the relevant bodies, which sll has not resolved the issue There will be a peon that will be placed at a nu.ber of businesses in town, inving not only local residents to sign, but also vising .e.bers of the public Purther infor.aon of the businesses that will be parcipang will be in the next couple of edions of the A Pocal Point One Port Vincent resident has been acvely advocang for this to happen Lis le/er to the Adverser is on Page 17 Sue Hall– Editor—[email protected] D,ARY DA1ES AR1,CLES 10 L003 F0R ,N 1H,S ED,1,0N: Please refer to the Calendar on Page 22 for regular mee5ngs and church services Page 3 S Conald celebrates his birthday 2nd 9une - 2AC0ASC4P .eeng at Curra.ulka Page 3 S C012 ,nfor.aon 2 6 6 9une -0inter BowlsSrefer Page 18 Page 4 S The new artwork that tells our story 8th 9une - Council 1eeng to discuss C012Srefer Page 3 for details Page 7 S Co..unity Garden news 8613 9une - 0inter BowlsSrefer Page 18 11-12 9une - E.broidery Guild ExhibionSrefer Page 6 Page 8 S Dning Church news 12-13 9une - Barley 2tacks 0ineryS0ine CownSrefer Page 5 Page 11 S Road upgrades for 4orke Peninsula 14th 9une - Veterans’ Day Aolf Challenge— Ph Barry ToTer 0400 534 305 Page 12 S 2.all 2chool, 2trong Tea. 16th 9une - 0inter BowlsSrefer Page 18 Page 16 S Re.iniscence was in the air 20th 9une - Welly Brouhaha DnpluggedSrefer Page 18 Page 17 S 1onday*s Pellowship news 24th 9une - Biggest 1orning TeaSrefer Page 14 Page 20 S Pishing is -nally i.proving 23-27 9une - 0inter BowlsSrefer Page 18 Page 20 S Lealthy lifestyle 30th 9une - 0inter BowlsSrefer Page 18 Page 22 S Port Vincent 2ailing Club 2eason Results 2 A very eCcited Donald celebra5ng his 4th birthday—what an amaDing ca4eE Donald was also one of the winners of our AnDac Day Colouring Compe55on. FFFFPR0P0SED CW8S F0R P0R1 /,NCEN1FFFF Thank you to Andre Kompler, Director Assets & Infrastructure Services , Yorke Peninsula Council for providing the responses below. • Councillors will vote on the proposal on 0ednesday 8th 9une at the Council Cha.bers, 57 1ain 2treet, 1inlaton • The .eeng begins at 5:30p., and is open to the public • A report on the sub.issions received, and the co..ents .ade at the public .eengs will be available to councillors and residents on Friday 4th June on council*s website hGps://yor4e.sa.gov.au/about-us/mee5ngs/agendas-and-minutes/council/ • ,f any clari-caon is required on the points raised at this .eeng Andre will o3er this infor.aon to the .ayor, and the councillors • 1e.bers of the public will not be given a chance to ask quesons at this .eeng MAs reasonable opportunity has already been provided The opportunity for co..unity to queson, voice opinions and .ake reco..endaons has already been provided at 2 co..unity .eengs and as part of the co..unity survey 2uch will be su..arised in the Council report which will contain a su..ary of 56A and co..unity feedback the.es N However, if you would li4e to discuss the maGer further prior to this mee5ng you can contact your local council members: Cr 1ichael 1urdock - .ichael .urdockGyorke sa gov au 1obile: 0418 851 131 Cr Nao.i Bi/ner - nao.i bi/nerGyorke sa gov au 1obile: 0438 058 240 Cr Leanne O*Brien - leanne obrienGyorke sa gov au 1obile: 0408 634 701 3 WA1ER 10WER 82RAL 2nfortunately due to the water tower being on an easement on private property, the public are unable to enter past the gate without having an authorised person with them.
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